Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 837 Inspiration from the Core of Shenxiang

Chapter 837 Inspiration from the Core of Shenxiang

However, judging from the theoretical status given by Han Xin, this legion is indeed full of bright future.

After all, this cumbersome legion did not come with the army. One of them has not yet reached the level of dual talents, and the other is too cumbersome and too slow. It was directly thrown to the northern battlefield to experience and upgrade.

He plans to transfer back when he goes to the battlefield in the Western Regions. For the time being, he will stay in the northern battlefield and be responsible for guarding the ranch, absorbing meat nutrition to strengthen his own strength.

There are actually many legions like this, and they are all stationed in the northern battlefield to be responsible for garrisoning. On the one hand, they clean up the endless stream of internal beasts, and on the other hand, they also distribute meat nearby to promote the promotion of these soldiers.

After all, the most basic aspect of training soldiers is to eat, to obtain nutrition and internal energy from food, and only when the foundation is laid can there be capital for further development.

When Zhao Yun and others drove back on the Jiaolong, a group of people sat around and studied the Shenxiang core that Li Yuanba had snatched from Amaterasu.

At this time, Suzhan Mingzun also realized that it was not Amaterasu and the others who died, but Amaterasu and the others left him and ran away, and now he surrendered more confidently.

If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Under Suzhan Mingzun's narration, these people probably understood the role of Shenxiang, but when Li Yuanba used the Shenxiang core to charge himself out of thin air, Susano was stunned.

He didn't know this function. He always thought that Shenxiang empowered him because of his status as a god, but now he knew that this thing was manipulated by humans, so Amaterasu has always controlled the root of him and Yuedu.

The two of them made those little moves meaningless, Amaterasu was playing house with them, and the real deadly thing has always been in the hands of Amaterasu.

"This thing doesn't seem to be as simple as being able to control Gao Tianyuan!"

Zhao Yun pondered after getting it, he could sense that this thing seems to be developed as a means to rapidly consume the energy in the core to exert a more powerful effect.

The only reason for meditating is that this thing seems to be a collection of things like the essence of the world and the will.

Zhao Yun felt that he could also make such a thing. There was a lot of internal energy in his body, and he could even liquefy the internal energy. But if the internal energy was further compressed into something solidified, wouldn't it be possible for the internal energy to increase dramatically.

He has never had anything to learn from in this regard. After all, there is no one to learn from him at this stage, and he can only explore by himself.

Now, a stone with the same thinking as his is placed in front of him, and he has gained a lot of inspiration from it.

However, this kind of attempt needs to find a safe place. They may be attacked by the Japanese army at any time on the road, so it is not a good place to try.

Guan Yu felt something different from the core of Shenxiang. He felt that the essence of Shenxiang and the visualization of gods and Buddhas had something in common, and it seemed that these commonalities could be used by him.

It can be said that a core, a group of people have perceived some inspiration from it to improve their own strength.

It was only at this time that Suzhan Mingzun realized the gap between himself and these people. He never thought about studying the growth of Shenxiang for him, so that he was foolishly kept in the dark by Amaterasu.

"Attention, there is a battlefield ahead!" Lu Bu's deep voice reached everyone's ears.

"I saw Zhan Zhan and Xiandeng, ready to fight!" Lu Bu's words were mixed with surprise. Could it be that during the time they left, Dongpu had messed up something else.

"He left it to me, you all go down and help!" Dian Wei said while holding Suzhan Mingzun with one hand and Jiaolong's horn with the other.

Everyone also nodded, Dian Wei is really not suitable for the battlefield, besides Suzhan Mingzun and Jiaolong, two hidden dangers, one big and one small, Dian Wei felt relieved watching them.

"Let's go!"


Gao Shunzhen was beating up a guard in front of him who claimed to be the Kamikaze Legion. It has to be said that the legions in Japan are more fancy.

The legion, which claims to be the Kamikaze Legion, is extremely fast, and can even explode beyond the limit. At the moment when the soldiers in the trapped camp have not reacted, they suddenly sprint to the front of the trapped camp.

But being trapped is, after all, being trapped, and the hard power is quite good.

Facing the attack from the Kamikaze Legion's rapid attack, they showed their due qualities almost instantly. They cooperated in twos and threes to deflect the opponent's attack with the round shield, and then naturally covered the comrades around them to bully them.

Compared with the rapidity of Kamikaze, every move of the trap is extremely solid.

Facing this kind of attack with tyrannical hard power, it is quite simple and effective. On the other hand, when Kamikaze's first surprise attack was unsuccessful, it instantly became powerless.

On the contrary, after preparing for the trap, he began to rely on a more solid foundation to figure out the speed limit of kamikaze.

It's not that he has never seen a fast legion before. The white horse is familiar with the formation, but Gao Shun is very curious about the speed of kamikaze, which is purely displayed by the body.

If people can master this skill, then they must also be able to fight.

Gao Shun was not in a hurry to destroy the opponent, anyway, he seemed to be very comfortable in the battle, and it was a good choice to take the opportunity to spy on the opponent's skills.

"Huh? Fengxian?" Gao Shun raised his head abruptly and looked aside, he sensed Lu Bu's aura.

As the leader of Lu Bu's personal guard, he can always accurately perceive the existence of Lu Bu.

"Open the army soul, destroy them!" Gao Shun gave the order directly. Although he knew that nothing would happen to Lu Bu, he still chose to take the enemy to Lu Bu's side.

After all, the order they received was to support Lu Bu and his party, and it was just out of interest to bully Kamikaze.

Besides, he also has an idea of ​​the haste skill, so he will study it slowly after he returns.

Following Gao Shun's order, the trapping camp erupted with absolute strength in an instant.

The team, which was already superior in quality, was a nightmare for Kamikaze after the military soul was activated.

Their invincible and weird body skills are meaningless in front of the formation. If the head of the kamikaze army did not order the retreat in time, the formation could directly disable the imperial guards.

Gao Shun glanced at Kamikaze who was retreating quickly, but he didn't chase after him. After all, the opponent was a Imperial Guard, and if he really fought hard, he would have to kill some people if he fell into the battle, and the price was a bit heavy.

It's better to leave this kind of high-speed crispy army to Xiandeng.

Xiandeng can clean up this so-called kamikaze army without any damage. Their cloud, gas and arrow rain are these crispy nightmares.

 I can't finish writing today, and I must submit it on time tomorrow.

  Tears of the workers
(End of this chapter)

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