Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 847 Mirror Image Without Taste

Chapter 847 Mirror Image Without Taste

After dawn, Uesugi Kenshinko got what she wanted, and Hattori Hanzo also found out the attitude of the Han Dynasty on behalf of the ninja family.

Only Honda Zhongsheng and his group were beaten in a daze. Not only did the secret technique prepared in advance not come in handy, they were almost trapped in the camp and burned to ashes.

But their task has also come to an end, and someone with weight has finally arrived, so they don't have to endure this suffering anymore.

Compared with commanding the overall situation, they prefer to obey orders and use their limits.

Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who managed to deal with Gan Ning, finally arrived here with their troops. They couldn't wait any longer and could only make a last-ditch effort.

When the coastal defense line fell, they knew that it was difficult for Dongpu to turn back, but when Gao Tianyuan was also captured, they really felt the weight of the country's subjugation.

In fact, the Han Dynasty can completely jump the target, enter the defensive stage in an all-round way, and send two navy groups to directly destroy the bases of Japan from the rear, directly forcing Japan to surrender.

However, Guo Hao did not intend to do so.

Without a hearty crushing game, how could Dongpu completely give up.

He mobilized so many people, not just to make Dongpu surrender, what he wanted was a complete conquest.

And this first step starts with killing all those who dare to resist.

"At a time when so many grasses are vacillating, Oda Nobunaga was able to organize an army of nearly 50 people. No wonder Cao Cao, who is known as the Japanese version, is indeed quite capable!"

Seeing the information sent to the desk by the ninja family, Guo Hao was a little surprised.

Only then did Guo Hao know that the ninjas had always been employed under the employment system, and there was no loyalty at all. This was also the reason why these ninjas turned and surrendered without hesitation when they saw that the situation was over.

In the case of two or five young people everywhere, Oda Nobunaga was able to organize an army to fight desperately. There is indeed something to say about the charm of this person.

However, this amount only ends there.

"Hanzo, I have received your sincerity, but tell them that the Han Dynasty doesn't need those petty tricks. Since they don't intend to make the Han Dynasty their enemy, then just get the hell out of there and see how the Han Dynasty wins!"

Guo Hao's words were very soft, but they sounded like thunder when they fell into Hattori Hanzo's ears.

"You're not bad, but it's a pity that you were born in the wrong place. Do you think Oda Nobunaga's army is strong, even stronger than the Han Dynasty currently stationed on the island?" Guo Hao asked with a smile.

He laughed at Hattori Hanzo although he broke the world, but he has hardly seen the world. He is only confined to this small island, lingering in all kinds of conspiracies and tricks all day long, but he has not really seen the world. so big.

The 50 army organized by Oda Nobunaga, aside from those low-level miscellaneous soldiers, single talent two 10,000+, double talent 10,000+, tens of thousands of imperial guards, and only one three-talent army. The number is huge, and it is actually vulnerable.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is vulnerable. On the Eurasian continent, there is no problem in fighting small-scale battles.

When Anxi was being rubbed against, the troops led by Ganassis were not of this scale.

In addition, nearly one-third of the doves in Japan are now defending themselves wisely, and the remaining one-third have long since died in naval battles.

If you really want to talk about it, these troops led by Oda Nobunaga can completely compare with Yuan Gai Suwen's living Koryo.

But how Yuan Gai Su Wen died at that time, and how Oda Nobunaga will die now, not to mention that the current Han Dynasty is completely different from the Han Dynasty at that time.

"Report, General, Dongpu sent someone to challenge him alone, demanding a general!" At this moment, the messenger broke in and said.

"Let's go, let me go and have a look!" Guo Hao flicked the cloak behind him, and walked out of the camp first. After a moment of hesitation, Hattori Hanzo turned into an ordinary general and followed behind Guo Hao.

He understands that the Han Dynasty is very strong, but he doesn't understand why Guo Hao is so confident. Oda Nobunaga's army is definitely not weak, and Oda Nobunaga himself is not a mediocre person. Why is Guo Hao so confident? .

After boarding the viewing platform, relying on his super eyesight, Guo Hao saw the challenging figure, dressed in red armor, he looked quite heroic.

"Whose general is this, it looks so good?" Guo Hao was a little surprised, it was incredible that Dongpu had such an outstanding talent.

"My lord, this is Sanada Yukimura, who is very powerful!" Hattori Hanzo, incarnate on Baidu Encyclopedia, explained to Guo Hao.

"Sanada Yukimura? The number one soldier in the Warring States Period? Interesting!" Guo Hao smiled, and it was rare to hear a familiar Japanese name.

"Generals, who is going to capture this dog for our army?" Guo Hao said lightly, but the words in his mouth instantly chilled the hearts of most of the generals who were eager to try.

There is no way, what Guo Hao said was to capture, but the opponent is a general who breaks the boundary. He has the confidence to win many people, but it is not an ordinary difficulty to capture alive.

Ma Chao and others, who were originally enthusiastic, looked at their noses, noses, noses, noses, and hearts. It wasn't that they didn't work hard, but it was too difficult for others.

Lu Bu shrugged and said that he was not interested. It would be easy to kill, but it would be too troublesome to capture alive.

"The end will fight!"

Just when Dian Wei was about to ask for a fight, Zhao Yun, who has always been gentle and elegant, rarely asked for a fight.

Guo Hao raised his eyes and glanced at Zhao Yun. As far as he knew, the general Sanada Yukimura was not bad, so he was moved by his love for talent.

He planned to let Dianwei make another contribution, so that Dianwei would have enough achievements for promotion when he went back, and he would be able to go further. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun would directly invite the battle.

"Then let Zilong fight!" Guo Hao thought about it and gave up. Since Zhao Yun is capable enough to fight, it is the best policy for Zhao Yun to fight.

"Han General Zhao Zilong is here to capture you!" Zhao Yun jumped up riding a jade lion, and descended from the sky to take Sanada Yukimura.

"Good come!"

Sanada Yukimura was very excited. Strictly speaking, he was not an orthodox general. He really didn't understand how to lead troops in battle. At most, he could be regarded as a good general.

However, he is still very confident in himself in singles. As long as he is undefeated, it will be a huge morale boost for the current Japanese army.

Sanada Yukimura directly attacked with the signboard of exhaling energy and breaking the boundary, and slashed towards the young general in the white horse and silver robe in the sky.

An internal energy attack of tens of feet was cut from Sanada Yukimura's hand, and after Zhao Yun waved his gun to break it up, he returned an internal energy attack twice as big as Sanada Yukimura.

"Sure enough, it's like looking in a tasteless mirror!" Zhao Yun, who fell on the ground, frowned and expressed his true thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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