Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 859 The Desperate Oda Nobunaga

Chapter 859 The Desperate Oda Nobunaga
"Have you located the position of the great general of the Han Dynasty?" Oda Nobunaga looked at the relieved Amaterasu and asked.

"Well! In the direction of the north gate!"

Amaterasu was a little dissatisfied with Oda Nobunaga's attitude when he talked to him, but it was not the time to be entangled in this. They are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, and it would be no good for anyone to turn their faces now.

"The whole army, let's go!" Oda Nobunaga flicked his cloak and strode out.

"It's really strong to put it to death and then live again..." Amaterasu's eyes showed killing intent, but he quickly restrained himself, and then walked out.

Relying on the double verification of the power of the sun and the core of Shenxiang, He has locked Guo Hao's position among the ten thousand armies. As Yue Fei said, they will not give up this only chance to come back.

"Amaterasu..." Yue Du wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Amaterasu.

"We have no way out, right!" Amaterasu looked at Yue Du solemnly. "Gao Tianyuan is gone, we can rebuild it, but if we really lose, then we will lose everything!"

Yue Du sighed and nodded, he knew what Amaterasu was talking about was reality.

"Let's go!"

Amaterasu shook his head, then walked out, Yue Du stayed where he was for a while, and then followed.

Izanagi and Izanami followed silently. Even though they used to be the original gods of Shenxiang, but now the supreme god is Amaterasu, they can only obey Amaterasu's orders.


"I feel that the strength of resistance is not as strong as imagined..."

Yue Fei watched the offensive and defensive battle on the city wall solemnly. The resistance from the Japanese side seemed weak and weak. They hadn't dispatched elites yet, and the Japanese rebels had already gradually occupied the city wall.

"Could it be that Kong Ming got what he said?" Yue Fei frowned. According to his speculation, it is indeed possible for Dongpu to do this, but the safety of the general should be safe.

Zhuge Liang, who was in the middle army, also discovered this. Before they started to get serious, the city wall was almost taken down.

"Pass down the order to order the original reserve team Jiang Wei, Wei Yan and other legions to join the battle and attack!"

Thinking briefly for a moment, Zhuge Liang directly ordered a strong attack. No matter what calculations Dongpu has, this city is still the lifeline of the opponent. As long as this city is taken, Dongpu's last line of defense will be broken, and everything will be over.

"Order Nanmen to join the battle and start attacking the city directly!"

"Send an order to the commanders of the other soul legions, and lead the legions to approach the general!"

Zhuge Liang, who was worried, directly issued a support order. It was okay to use the general as a bait, but if the bait really disappeared, none of the people present would be able to escape.

Zhuge Liang's order was quickly conveyed to the heads of the various legions.

"Huh? It's our turn so soon?"

Wei Yan looked at the order in his hand a little bit astonished. He thought that today he could only be a spectator and clean up the battlefield later. He didn't expect that he would be able to join the battle not long after the war started.

"Brothers, let's go!"

However, the order was real. After the verification was correct, Wei Yan didn't think too much, and directly prepared his troops and set off towards the city wall.

Although Jiang Wei, Deng Ai and others had the same doubts, they did not have the slightest doubt, and directly led the army to attack the city.

The pressure on the defenders on the three walls of Dongying doubled instantly, and the elites from the Han Dynasty this time were all real elites, a double-talented army with all members.

"Long live Amaterasu!"

Just when the miscellaneous soldiers and soldiers on the city wall began to be completely defeated, the hidden power of Dongpu was finally forced out.

There is no way, if you don't make a move, the city wall will change hands. At that time, the Han army, which already has the upper hand, can handle them more freely.

The radiance of the sun bloomed from the hands of the priests of the last temple of Amaterasu, and the radiance was attached to the soldiers, so that their basic qualities began to increase dramatically.

Amaterasu directly gave up one-third of the core of Shenxiang, dedicated it, and let the priests of the temple start the blood sacrifice ceremony, in order to greatly strengthen the function of cannon fodder.

At the same time, the believers of Yuedu who had been prepared for a long time on the other side also started the ceremony.

Benefiting from the reason why Izanaki and Izanami returned from the underworld, their secret technique of pressing the bottom of the box also has room to be released.

The sun's brilliance gradually turned blood red, and the wounded Dongying soldiers who were enveloped instantly fell into a frenzied state and began to fight back frantically.

This is also the reason why Dongpu didn't take the lead. At least the Han army had to be put on the city wall, so that the secret technique would be useful. Otherwise, these crazy soldiers would go down the city wall without thinking, and they would just fall to their deaths in vain Well.

"It's this kind of magic again!" Zhuge Liang's face remained unchanged, they were used to it, when they went to strangers, these crazy careerists would always break through the bottom line of life.

When they fought Goryeo, they had some experience, but now it's just a classic re-enactment.

"No wonder we prepared so many cannon fodder. If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid even we will suffer a blow in the future, right? Resuscitating the dead? It really can't be used on the table." Sima Yi said with a sneer.

As Sima Yi expected, the dead bodies on the battlefield began to deform, and a human-shaped shadow stood up.

"It's just a small trick! You can't turn the sky with this kind of trick!"

Zhuge Liang waved his hand. The reason why sorcery is sorcery is that it consumes a lot of energy and has little effect, and it is extremely inhumane. It is a small trick that cannot be put on the table for an empire that follows the dignified and righteous way.

Back then, millions of people were blood sacrificed in Goryeo, but they were still easily crushed. The gap in strength cannot be smoothed out by a little magic.

"Let the troops withdraw first? No..." Sima Yi was speaking when a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred. "Oops, the other party's purpose is to delay time!"

Zhuge Liang nodded, and he also guessed the intention of Dongying's sorcery, which was to delay the Han army from entering the city as much as possible and waste their time.

"Sure enough, the purpose is still the general?"

Sima Yi glanced at Zhuge Liang in horror. At first he thought that Zhuge Liang's previous caution was a big failure, but now he realized that Zhuge Liang had already reached this point.

"The point of Dongying's comeback is only the general. I'm just taking precautions!" Zhuge Liang said lightly when he saw Sima Yi's expression changed.

He is not a real god, how could he be so far away, and he is still a few steps away from a smart person like Sima Yi, that is unrealistic.

He just planned for the worst out of caution, but now it seems that he is indeed a master.

Maybe one army soul plus one miracle army cannot be as stable as Mount Tai, but four army souls plus one miracle army are enough to walk sideways on any battlefield in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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