Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 862 The Snatched Talent - Crazy Bone

Chapter 862 The Snatched Talent - Crazy Bone

Shibata Katsuie is also suffering in his heart. He himself is not a powerful figure, not to mention that Oda Nobunaga has taken away those who can fight. To put it bluntly, he is just delaying time.

It's really embarrassing him to make him and Wei Yan work hard, but there is nothing he can do now.

If Wei Yan continued to fight until he was invincible, the next wave of defenses on the city wall would be completely disintegrated, and he would be the biggest sinner at that time.

He was able to be entrusted with important tasks by Oda Nobunaga, naturally because he has a good army literacy, even though he is far away from the command of the army.

But anyway, I know that if Wei Yan is allowed to kill so much, the morale of the soldiers under his command will drop a thousand miles sooner or later, which will then affect other lines of defense.

At that time, it will be a domino effect, and at that time it will become a defeat.

"Hahaha, there is finally nowhere to escape, the miserable mouse will die!" Wei Yan already had three points of Guan Yu's aura at this time, blooming his strength wantonly.

Even if Shibata Katsuie charged at him with his personal guards, and he hadn't recovered yet, he didn't show the slightest fear.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

But pretending to be pretending is the reality, after all, Wei Yan can only be beaten and defended passively after venting his momentum. Shibata Katsuie's vision is very vicious, and he chose Wei Yan when he was weakest.

Taking advantage of this moment to attack fiercely, Wei Yan couldn't get back his breath at all, so he could only hold on.

"General Han, your arrogance just now, didn't you want me to lead you to death, why didn't you do it!" Katsuie Shibata took the advantage and started spouting trash talk, fully returning to Wei Yan the humiliation he had just suffered. .

"You have no guts, you will pay the price!" Wei Yan's face turned redder when Katsuie Shibata said shamelessly.

Before Shibata Katsuya was chased like a bereaved dog, and he didn't know how many soldiers were sacrificed along the way to delay Wei Yan's peak period, but now he didn't expect to be stunned.

But Wei Yan had to admit that he was disgusted by the other party, and now the other party was talking crazy and disgusting himself, but he couldn't hold it anymore.

It is not an easy thing to bless three kinds of talents at the same time, he is really going to be exhausted now.

"Qi!" Wei Yan contacted the supernatural speed blessing bitterly. Just now, it was for chasing and killing, but now there is no point in chasing and killing, so naturally he took the lead in disabling supernatural speed.

After a while, Wei Yan resentfully removed Guan Yu's sharpness talent, and turned to bless Cheng Yu's adaptability talent. Only by sustaining it first can there be a turnaround. He chased too deeply just now, and he already had a close relationship with the large army. A little out of touch.

"Master Wen, I'll help you!"

Just when Wei Yan began to think about whether to make a U-turn and run, a loud shout sounded, and Jiang Wei led his troops to kill him like a bamboo shoot.

"Reinforcements, brothers, follow me, don't let him escape this time!"

Wei Yan's eyes lit up, and he spared no effort to develop his legion talents. Not only did he use all the previous talents, but he also added Zhang Fei's fear talent.

With an order, the aura on Wei Yan's body began to climb towards the peak again rapidly, even the aura of the soldiers under his command began to rise rapidly.

Momentum is such a thing, when it is at a low point, no one can beat it.

But as long as you can start snowballing, you will eventually create a monster that no one can beat.

"More power!"

The berserk Wei Yan directly ignored the problem of continuity, and added a layer of Chen Dao's talent on top of the five-fold talent.

Use the power of idealism to crazily bless your combat effectiveness.

"Crush them thoroughly!"

An aura like a violent wave was released on Wei Yan's body, and with Wei Yan's appearance resembling Guan Yu's, Jiang Wei even thought in a trance that the one in front of him was Guan Yu himself.

Wei Yan, who liberated himself at all costs, directly broke through the previous upper limit, and his combat power soared to the limit level that he could fight before, even surpassing his own limit.

Wei Yan danced his big sword, and the light of the sword instantly slashed towards Shibata Katsuie across the distance.

If it weren't for Shibata Katsuie's personal guards who sacrificed their lives to save him, this knife would have seriously injured Shibata Katsuie.

"Hahahaha, die!" Wei Yan laughed wildly and slashed several times. This time Shibata Katsuie was not so lucky. Facing Wei Yan whose strength surpassed the limit, he was no match at all.

"You deceive people too much! General Han, since you don't want to live anymore, then I will fulfill you!"

Regardless of the deep wound on his shoulder, Shibata Katsuie roared like crazy.

At the same time, Shibata Katsuie finally fully activated his army talent. The principle of his talent itself is to burn his own life in exchange for enhanced power, but the subsequent damage is difficult to recuperate.

Dongying's supplies were not abundant, let alone nutrition, especially after the Han Dynasty cut off maritime trade, food became a problem.

If there is no follow-up adjustment, his talent is really a one-time talent, and his life is exchanged for strength.

After the legion talents are fully activated, the dual-talented warrior legion under his command is almost completely useless, but now he is almost hacked to death by Wei Yan, so how can he care about the things behind him?
In an instant, the bodies of the dual-talented warriors were on fire, blood, fat, muscles and other biological energy began to output crazily, all of which were converted into combat power. In Wei Yan's serious situation, the dual-talented warriors in front of him were like dots. Around the torch of self, began to burn crazily in exchange for strength.

Even some samurai were seriously injured themselves, and they couldn't hold on to such a large degree of burning, and burned themselves out directly.

"Experience the anger, stupid general, you will regret angering me!" Shibata Katsuie looked at Wei Yan coldly. Even if he could win this battle, all the people under his command would be dead. It's an unknown to adjust.

"Your talent is so strong, but I underestimated you!" Wei Yan stared blankly at Katsue Shibata's talent. The reason why he didn't reflect Katsue Shibata's talent before was that he thought his opponent's talent was rubbish, but he didn't expect it to be so. There is this unfolding.

"Your talent is great, but now it's mine!"

Wei Yan directly canceled all the talents, and then refracted Shibata Katsue's talent with a backhand. After realizing the effect of the talents, Wei Yan directly added Cheng Yu's adaptation talent, and Guan Hai's endurance talent.

"What a powerful force!" Wei Yan was very happy, because Shibata Katsue's talent does not consume internal energy and will, but body functions.

After two waves of pretentiousness, his body was almost hollowed out. If Jiang Wei hadn't supported him, he would have retreated.

After the outbreak just now, it was time for him to withdraw from the battlefield.

As a result, before he left, he discovered such a good talent, which made his combat power once again at the peak level.

"It's decided, this legion talent will be my exclusive talent in the future, I will name him Kuanggu!"

(End of this chapter)

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