Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 902 Attack on the Han Room

Chapter 902 Attack on the Han Room

"If you are willing to go, that is naturally the best, but you should understand what results are needed?" Penelance said with a light smile.

"Hmph, I know!" Virgilia replied disdainfully.

This time, if the Thirteen Roses hadn't been destroyed, he wouldn't have bothered to lead people to the expedition, and he knew his own level, leading the legion was okay, leading the army might lead to some troubles.

At that time, it will be enough to give Ganassis a hand, but he must lead people to kill the legion that killed the thirteen roses, or else he will have no face to meet Caesar when he goes underground.

Penilance nodded, reasonable, if the tenth these guys don't move, he had planned to send the three veteran legions he had previously recruited to Ganassis.

The first thing Severus did when he came to power was to increase the salaries of the soldiers, which directly caused many soldiers to spontaneously support Severus. After all, soldiers are regarded as a noble profession in this era. If the salary increases, everyone Naturally, more enthusiastically signed up to join the army.

But the price is that the head of the financial officer is almost bald by himself. Severus is very happy. There are more soldiers, but pensions, benefits and benefits will all increase. The financial burden should not be too great.

Some veterans responded to Severu's call and were hired back again.

Most of them are in the prime of life, but they have already won honors, and a new batch of newcomers have begun to emerge, so they will leave the army and start to become rich.

As a result, Severus continued to fight with such a combination of punches. These people felt that Severus could deal with him. In addition, Severus began to expand his army. As soon as they summed up, they came back to join the army.

These people are real veterans, and they are also the kind of veterans who are at the peak of their prime. Most of these people join the army with their own weapons.

But after all, Severus was going to train soldiers, and the trainees were still new recruits. There were scheduling in the Fifth Skylark drama, and there were fourteen combinations to exchange talents for training, which was basically enough.

This is also Severus's calculation. It is more reliable to cultivate things like the army by yourself. These formed legions are certainly strong in combat effectiveness, but after experiencing civil strife, Severus has branded these legions worthy of suspicion. imprint.

In contrast, the legion raised by himself is more reliable, and it can also stop the three dukes.

Therefore, most of these veterans were not taken away, but were thrown near the city of Rome for training and training, and his eldest son Caracalla was in charge of statistics and command.

This is also an unavoidable problem, that is, Severus believes most in his own people.

However, the combat effectiveness of these veterans is really too strong. In the beginning, No.15 Eagle Banner was in charge of training to restore these veterans to combat effectiveness.

This is also the difference between being in the army and retiring. Compared with the army, the piecemeal life after retiring will wear down a person's will. In most cases, their combat effectiveness will be much weaker than before.

Therefore, these veterans cannot immediately go into battle, but need to train first.

However, after Caracalla counted, it was discovered that nearly 3 of these veterans were retired from various Eagle Banner Legions, of which 5000 were retired from the strongest Eagle Banner Legion, and more than 500 people even retired from the Parliament Retired from the Guards and the Legion of the Emperor's Guards.

The fighting power of these people was really raised, and the Fifteen Eagle Banners couldn't stand it at all. After a couple of grinds, the veterans directly started to fight back against the Fifteen Eagle Banners who were in charge of training this group of people.

After all, they are all veterans, and there are also veterans who have retired from the Army Soul Corps like the Parliamentary Guards. They should know everything they should know. army.

Although they are not as powerful as they used to be, and their manifest talents are not as fierce as they used to be on the battlefield, and they don't have eagle flags, but they can still beat fifteen eagle flags.

The Fifteen Eagle Flags were so angry that they opened the Eagle Flags, but nothing changed, and they were still pressed and beaten.

In the end, it was Caracalla who asked the First Eagle Banner to participate in the training to suppress this group of veterans, and then the First Eagle Banner was responsible for the training of this group of veterans.

It was originally planned to let these veterans go to the eastern provinces to support Ganassis, but since the Tenth Legion volunteered, then take these veterans directly to the back. These veterans all responded to Severus' call, and they were initially screened loyal army.

"Virgilia, go to the back of the council to find the guardian of the city of Rome. You are allowed to transfer two demigods this time!" Penelance said lightly.

The guardians of the city of Rome are also the strongest generals in Rome. Due to the different national conditions and cultures, the strong men in Rome are generally more like the existence of Tong Yuan and Wang Yue, and they belong to the category of worship.

A real legion leader is generally not good at individual combat, and because he relies on the Eagle Banner instead of relying on the ability of the legion talent, there is no hard requirement for the strength of the legion leader.

They are more like warriors, they can be used as frontrunners, and cooperate with the elite army to achieve the effect of breaking the formation. In Rome, masters of this level are also strategic weapons like the army soul army, and generally they will not take them easily. come out.

Of course, there are a lot of people who break the boundaries in Rome, and they are already regarded as orthodox Roman citizens and aristocrats at this stage. If you insist, the black-haired and black-eyed people belong to the minority, and the more barbarians break the boundaries, and the selection brought by the number of grassroots The effect is amazing.

When Virgilia was on the way with the Tenth Legion and some supplementary citizen legions, he looked at the two demigods beside him in surprise. Put it in your eyes.

But the two great powers that broke the boundary still surprised him, and the earth-shattering power of that individual still shocked him incomparably.

Without the legion, he would definitely be instantly killed by the opponent with a few moves, the gap is too big.

However, if the army is fighting, the two demigods basically have little meaning. They are more like a military soul corps to stabilize the morale of the army. They are strategic weapons. The greatest significance is not to launch them, but to deter them.

Correspondingly, the two demigods also sensed a deadly threat from the Tenth Legion, and ordinary eagle flags could not give them this kind of pressure.

Under the exchange of strength, the two sides maintained a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and then ran all the way in the direction of Ganassis.



In the secret technique reconnaissance arranged by Zhuge Liang, the barbarians all over the mountains and plains were evacuating towards them.

"Sure enough, as I thought, Rome is the queen of a powerful legion. If that's the case, then I will eat these barbarians without hesitation!" Zhuge Liang sneered.

This extreme change in strength and weakness in Rome is simply giving food to people.

Especially for some special legions, barbarians of this quality rubbish simply cannot achieve the possibility of crowd tactics.

But that's fine, this is the most suitable place for Guan Ping and the others to practice.

"General Gao, it's up to you!" Zhuge Liang murmured to Gao Lan who was at the front.

"Meet the enemy!!" Gao Lan slowly blossomed his legion talent, and all the soldiers under his command showed a dark red color as dim as the ashes left after the flame burned.

The Barbarian Legion, who discovered the existence of the Han army, had no way to retreat, so they could only choose to charge forward with their heads covered. The Teutonic axeman touched the small ax at his waist and bowed slightly. The Germanic infantry resisted the huge oak wood and started Forward.

On the two wings, the Gallic cavalry were also wandering, waiting for the Han Dynasty to reveal its flaws.

Before it collapsed, the barbarian army was also a qualified army, not to mention that there was also a citizen army leader among them, and it might be difficult for ordinary kingdoms to stop such an army.

Although the equipment and weapons of these guys are more than one level worse than that of the Han Dynasty, the huge number is still very tricky.

The first group to evacuate is naturally the weakest barbarian army, but the strongest among them is not inferior to human double talents. Of course, this number is very small, and the average strength of most of them is only about the average strength of pawns, or even no talent. Effect.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel that the barbarians all over the mountains and plains are very shocking!"

Zhao Yun looked at the barbarians rushing over and shook his head. The overall level is estimated to be inferior to Meng Huo's Nanman army, which is cannon fodder piled up entirely by numbers.

But war is like this, there is no cannon fodder, and the traps and pits laid out first, should be filled with the lives of elite soldiers, that is unrealistic.

And in the distance where the Han Dynasty was waiting in formation, the pure white legion began to stir.

"Manzi, there are so many!" Gongsun Xu, who was invisible and transparent, became excited. This is a professional counterpart!
No wonder Zhuge Liang sent him so far away, it turned out that he was the protagonist of this battle!

"Speaking of which, the barbarians in Rome seem to understand the cooperation of the large army better than the Roman eagle flag?"

Zhuge Liang thought strangely. It has to be said that although the strength of the Roman barbarians is not very good, the direct cooperation with each other seems to be okay.

In contrast, the Roman Eagle Flag is very strong, but the cooperation seems to be in a mess.

This made Zhuge Liang couldn't help thinking about some problems.

After all, as far as the current strength of Rome is concerned, it is not enough to suppress Parthia for decades. The reason why they were willing to help Parthia before is how many years Parthia has been beaten by Rome.

Now it's time to counterattack. They come here to enrich their tactics and cooperate with each other to produce a little wonderful chemical reaction.

But they didn't do much, and Rome's side retreated one after another, which gave Zhuge Liang some other ideas about Rome.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible for Parthia to be acting. If he was beaten for nearly a hundred years, or even was beaten to the kingdom at one time, if this is still a trick of acting, then Zhuge Liang can only say a word.

Secondly, it is Rome's own internal problems, but these are all things to think about later, it is better to focus on the battle now.

Gao Lan had already started fighting the barbarians.

As a well-coordinated barbarian army, the Gallic knights in charge of the attack directly rushed towards Gao Lan's chaozhongbu.

As the main body of the heavy infantry in Rome, the barbarians were able to mix with the cavalry, and their strength was above the horizontal line, so they directly launched a charge, intending to cooperate with the heavy infantry to dig into the formation.

Then at the moment when the Gaul cavalry charged, the super-heavy soldiers directly pushed up against the large shield.

"This road doesn't work!"

Gao Lan's super-heavy steps directly blocked the front of the Gaul cavalry, and the powerful defense easily parried the force of the charge when the roar of the Gaul cavalry charged towards the shield.

The gun shield rubbed past with amazing force, and the overweight infantry looked at the opposite side coldly and fearlessly, and then relayed and slammed into it in the opposite direction. There was nothing to be afraid of, they were superheavy infantry.

Even if it was this kind of hard collision, the strong defense could not guarantee that they would not be injured, but at most, the internal organs would be severely injured, which was not worth mentioning to them.

The two sides collided fiercely. Even if the quality is higher than that of the Gaul cavalry, hundreds of people on the super-heavy step side were directly knocked into the air.

However, at the moment when the soldiers in the front row of the super-heavy step were knocked into the air, the super-heavy step in the back rushed up fearlessly, and continued to hit them with great force with cold eyes. The momentum and momentum were all beaten down.

In just about ten breaths, the Gaul cavalry completely lost their speed. As a cavalry charging into the battle, they obviously failed completely. After losing their mobility, their threat plummeted directly.

And when those super-heavy steps that were knocked into the air rolled down on the ground, and then their bodies were burning with a glow like flames, they rushed up without fear.

Even in this process, their aura has risen even more. I don't know if it is because of the effect of talent, or because of the increase in morale, or because they have climbed back from the life and death line.

Carrying a large shield and holding a long spear, the super-heavy step completely stopped the entire Gaul cavalry regiment, and then fell into a one-sided fight.

The Gaul cavalry looked at their opponents almost in horror, as if they were monsters that could not be killed. No matter how hard they resisted, no one on the other side fell down. On the contrary, their clansmen continued to lose their lives.

The Angers heavy infantry came late, but their outstanding performance finally gave the Gaul cavalry a shot in the arm.

The strength of the super-heavy infantry is very strong, but it is mainly focused on defense and recovery, and it is very weak in offense. Once it is entangled by units that are also heavy infantry, it can only fall into a stalemate. Even if there are no casualties, the same It is also difficult to tear the opening quickly.

Especially in the case of a large number of Roman heavy infantry, they can only act as the first line of defense, firmly keeping the opponent stuck in this position.

However, their goal has been achieved. This is their biggest goal, first to attract the relatively strong defensive legion on the Roman side.

"Then it's up to you!" Zhuge Liang turned his attention to Cao Ang, or the sharp soldiers led by Cao Ang.

Except for the damn long-range troops such as archers and crossbowmen, other types of soldiers, as long as the sharp fighters are willing to work hard, there is no such thing as a difficult unit to fight.

But really speaking, the heavy infantry has to be the favorite of Ruishi, and this is the category they restrained to death.

(End of this chapter)

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