Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 907 Plans that have been blocked one after another

Chapter 907 Plans that have been blocked one after another

What the military soul needs is the existence of the blessing of the will of the empire, and the three talents are the transformation and sublimation of the will of the essence.

And the premise of these is that the general or the legion needs to have his own will.

But he, Ardashir, has no will of his own from the beginning to the end. Everything he has comes from Fars Sassan's expectations. He has fought for the rise of Parthia since he was a child, but he doesn't understand at all what it means to fight for the rise of Parthia. struggle.

At the moment of life and death, he finally understood his own heart. What he longed for was not some hypocritical glory and rise, but real power.

What he wants is to become an existence like Fars Sassan and Vogelgis V, who can decide the fate of millions of people in the country with one word.

"Is this what I really want?" Ardahill looked into his heart, and finally came to the complete conclusion that this is what he really wanted.

"Yes, that's right, what I want is not some bullshit army soul, some bullshit inheritance!" Ardashir's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"What I want is real power, the same power as that flash cavalry back then!"

"There is no need to inherit, no need to detour, no need to escape, just kill the enemy in front of you, use everything I have to accomplish the impossible miracle, this is the holy fate!"

The light on Ardashir's body became brighter and brighter, and even the Holy Meteor Cavalry under his command began to shine slightly, but after all, he couldn't cross the boundary, and was firmly stuck on the threshold of the breakthrough.

"Accumulation is not enough, the Holy Meteor Cavalry needs more nourishment!"

Ardashir was not discouraged at all, he already understood what kind of path he was walking on, and he also understood the difficulties and hardships of this path.

But it doesn't matter, he has already walked on this path, and the rest is to accumulate, accumulate, and accumulate.

After accumulating enough nourishment, he will be able to lead the Holy Meteor Rider across the invisible boundary.

Thinking of these things, a cold light flashed in Ardashir's eyes. He had already seen the Seventh Eagle Banner Legion that was flying wildly on the opposite side. It could also be called a threat to the current Holy Meteor Cavalry, but it was only a threat. It's just a threat.

They are no longer rivals on the same level.

"Second Trajan, I will find you when I kill the Seventh Legion, don't die early!"

Ardashir looked at the Seventh Eagle Banner not far away from him, and his heart surged with fighting spirit.

He needs to fight, needs opponents, only in this way can he accumulate more nutrients to allow them to climb to the top.

"Suffer to death!"

Facing the oncoming guardian of the Roman Empire, Ardashir glanced at him. There was no anger in his eyes, nor was there any passion to face the enemy, only indifference.

The two passed by, and the guardian of the Roman Empire clutched his chest dejectedly, and was completely beheaded by the Holy Meteor Knights who rushed past.

Ardasil didn't say a word, and at the same time he recognized himself, he stepped into the realm of breaking the realm of spiritual cultivation, and the ordinary guardian of the Roman Empire was no longer his opponent.

Originally thought that Ardashir was seriously injured and planned to behead the inner qi from the body, but Ardashir had no intention of calculating his intentions.

Gathering up the momentum and bursting out, it is quite normal to be hit hard by a god cultivator with all his strength in an instant, and then fall under the scimitar of the Holy Meteor Knight behind him.

In just a few breaths, the Seventh Eagle Banner and the Holy Meteor Cavalry passed by.

Compared to the panting of the Seventh Legion, Ardashir's legion didn't move at all after passing through. All the soldiers kept their previous expressions, and their aura began to soar infinitely.

A staggered pass, the Seventh Legion left nearly a thousand corpses, while Ardashir's Holy Meteor Cavalry left less than 200 corpses. The two sides are obviously not opponents of the same level.

The moment the commander of the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps steered his horse back, he saw the densely packed corpses of his family, and felt chills in his heart, because there was only one explanation for such a record.

That is, the Holy Meteor Cavalry has reached the level of the three talents, and they are no longer at the same level as their opponents.

Such an opponent should be handed over to the Second Trajan to deal with, rather than letting their Seventh Legion fill this big hole with their lives.

"Retreat!" Without the slightest hesitation, the head of the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps directly gave the order to retreat.

The lives of Roman citizens are very precious, and it is the best choice to let those barbarians consume each other.

"Run away!" A smile appeared on Ardashir's face.

Yes, that's right, what he needs is not military spirit, but strength, the strength that can cut everything.

The embarrassing escape of the Seventh Legion is the greatest affirmation for him to embark on this road.


Just when Ardashir was going to chase, a signal was lit on the other side of the camp, which was a signal of encountering an irresistible and powerful enemy.

"That Grandpa!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ardashir immediately led the Holy Meteor Cavalry towards the middle camp.

Although he broke through the shackles of Fars Sassan's expectations, he is still the most respected person of Ardashir, his relatives, and the commander of their army.

In the direction of the middle camp, Fars Sassan looked extremely ugly.

The opponent's offensive was much more violent than he had imagined. Not only were the two front-runners fierce, but even the barbarians as a whole were as violent as if they had been drugged collectively.

The barbarians, who usually lost almost all of their losses, were about to collapse. This time, they were like a real citizen legion in Rome, rushing in his direction fearlessly.

Moreover, the opponent's command was much smoother than before. His several mistakes were accurately captured by the opponent, and then further tore apart their defense.

"General, please retreat quickly, I will lead the soldiers to resist!" Datis frantically suggested.

"No, I'm here. As the commander-in-chief, if you retreat because of danger, how can the soldiers fight!" Fars Sassan refused politely.

"All the soldiers obey the order. Kill a Roman to reward three gold coins, kill a barbarian to reward one gold coin, behead a Roman general and add three ranks of officials! Capture the Roman eagle flag and make him a marquis!"

The roar of Fars Sassanian began to spread along with his spiritual talent, and for a while, the soldiers of Parthia advanced like crazy and launched a deadly attack on the Romans.

Even the two Boundary Breaker demigods were under this crazy impact, they couldn't save, and they couldn't even retreat one after another.

Under the cloud, no one is invincible, as long as he can afford the price, even a demigod who breaks the boundary is not invincible.

Ganassis' face was gloomy, as if he had met Parthia for the first time. He had never seen this kind of resistance even when he came to Taixifeng.

Today's Parthia seems to be completely different from the rest of the year.

"What the hell is the second Trajan doing, and the Ninth Spanish Legion, why is there no one there!" Ganassis was extremely aggrieved.

Defending the city is easier than attacking the city, and the same is true for defending the camp, and the people in Parthia on the opposite side are all crazy.

However, the originally planned Ninth Spain disappeared without a trace, and the second Trajan also disappeared without a trace. This made the battle continue to drag on, and their general attack today might not be a complete joke.

After retreating at that time, he didn't dare to think about the blow to morale.

On the contrary, Ganassis and other people did not come, but the Parthia people came first.

"General Fars, Your Majesty ordered me to support you one step ahead!" Atratomy roared loudly, leading the scimitar cavalry to cut into the side of the Roman legion.

Ganassis hurriedly commanded the No.12 Legion to go up. Fortunately, he kept the No.12 Legion, otherwise it would be really bad luck.

But now, he can only bite the bullet and wait for the appearance of the Ninth Legion and the Second Trajan's Legion. Retreating at this time is simply a dream.

He was also really fired up, and at this point, commanding has no much meaning, and the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, so at this time, they have to fight hard.

He personally brought the pro-guards into the battle, seeing the bravery of Ganassis, the morale of the Roman side also continued to be high.

On the other side, the Ninth Legion itself was about to cut into the battlefield with the dull sound of horseshoes, and the charge of heavy cavalry in groups would have a devastating blow to the unsuspecting line of defense.

The Ninth Eagle Banner Legion, the first talent is defense, and the second talent is short-range charge without starting. That is to say, this legion is still standing in place one second, and can enter the charging posture the next moment, launching a deadly charge on the enemy.

This is also the reason why this legion was placed in the back hand by Ganassis. It has no ability to start and charge, making the Ninth Legion like a sharp sword in the night, which can omit the long charge distance and launch a charge attack in the shortest time .

Although this legion can only go forward, not backward, it is fine if it has poor mobility, but if it encounters that kind of nimbler cavalry, this legion will not be too easy to be cheated to death.

However, due to the quality standards, the frontal destructive power is close to that of the Army Soul Corps, which is an extremely tough attacking army.

The effect of a heavy hammer that crushes the battle line is obviously exceptional.

Therefore, at the beginning, the Ninth Army's charge was about to kill from the flanks to the center camp almost in one breath, and arrived at the position where Fars Sassan was.

All the Parthians who expected to stop them from the front along the way were all crushed by them, but they stopped after all, because they hit a wall of iron and steel.

After Li Jue confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the camp, he immediately handed over the command of the Xiliang iron cavalry to Zhang Xiu, and then happily ran out with Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji with the heavy iron cavalry.

Then he ran into a head-on with Tachito near this camp.

It is true that the Ninth Legion is very strong, and its frontal destructive power is close to that of the Army Soul Legion. But whoever is the heavy cavalry, they are all strong men who use their faces to catch crossbows.

"Fuck them!"

Tachito didn't recognize it at first, or he didn't care about it at all. He was in a hurry to smash the front line. Since he hit the enemy, he would fight.

Li Jue on the other side was taken aback. He knew the Ninth Army, but did he not recognize them?With such a strong head, he dared to charge directly up.

The encounter between the two sides was very abrupt, but both sides are the elite of the elite, and both have demonstrated their own good qualities.

Charging without a start gave the Ninth Legion an advantage in borrowing power from the charge. The spears stabbed the heavy cavalry, knocking many of them off their horses.

"It's the Han army, it's the heavy cavalry!" Tachito looked at the heavy iron knights who rolled on the ground, patted the dirt and climbed up on the horses, and immediately realized who they were facing.

"Open the eagle emblem!"

Tachito didn't hesitate at all, regretting that it was too late. Fortunately, the opponent was a unit specialized in defense, and their Ninth Legion's defense was not weak, so they could still fight with all their strength.

There is no distance to charge on the opposite side, and their Ninth Army has no starting charge, so they have all the advantages, so it is not impossible to fight.

After Tacito bloomed the eagle emblem, the dark red glow of the eagle emblem of the Spanish Legion directly enveloped the entire legion. Suddenly, the soldiers of the Roman Ninth Army bulged their muscles as if they had taken hormones, and their height was also stretched a bit. .

This is the power of the Ninth Eagle and the pride of the Ninth Spanish Legion.

"Do you think you are the only ones who have it?" Li Jue sneered, and directly pushed the talent of the army to the extreme, and scattered the light blue talent on the whole army.

And Guo Si and others also developed their talents. Although their talents were a little weaker than those of a single person, the superposition of the four talents directly suppressed the light of the eagle emblem.


Feeling the truth coming from the Ninth Legion, Li Jue was very excited. He was a little weaker, but he could be regarded as an opponent based on this momentum alone.

There were no more than [-] people present, but the momentum between the horses charging far exceeded the tens of thousands of troops fighting.

The moment the two torrents collided, a large number of soldiers from the Ninth Legion and the heavy cavalry were knocked off their horses.

Most of them are soldiers of heavy iron cavalry, and they have no way to compare with the convenience of charging without starting. Their charging has no distance, and it is more like standing still.

The effect of force is mutual, but the side that is hit is definitely easier to fly than the side that hits.

A large number of heavy iron knights were knocked off their horses, but they climbed up after turning over. In contrast, fewer people from the Ninth Legion were knocked down, but not many could get up.


Tachito is not an idiot. He thought he could fight before, but after a wave of confrontation, he found that the strength gap between the two sides is not small. If he continues to fight like this, let alone break through, he might have to explain himself here.

It is more realistic to retreat first and go around from other places.

"Send a signal, let the Duke know!"

Tachito calmly chose to retreat, but when he found that Li Jue and others were chasing after him, Tachito had no choice but to send a signal to Ganassis, telling them that their actions were blocked and they might not be able to reach them. Book a place.

(End of this chapter)

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