Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 910 Conflict and Peace Talk

Chapter 910 Conflict and Peace Talk

"Rome can't help it. Great Britain behind them should have an offensive and defensive agreement with Parthia. Fighting on two fronts always requires some compromise." Sun Quan retorted and pointed out Rome's plight.

"Great Britain in the north!" Li Jiancheng thought for a while, "It's probably because the north is in a hurry, otherwise we can't back down like this."

"It shouldn't be that urgent. Ma Mengqi once said that Great Britain's national strength is not weak, but it is obviously inferior to Rome." Cao Ang shook his head and retorted.

"This statement is very true. Ganassis once said that the 33 Eagle Banner Legion in Rome, counting the thirteen roses that were wiped out, there are only seven appearing here, not even a quarter!"

"Even if the troops are transferred, it is impossible to transfer troops from here. There are probably some cores that we don't know about."

Li Shimin nodded in agreement with Cao Ang's statement. He and Li Jiancheng had met Ganassis before, and they knew a little more about Rome.

"Could it be fraudulent?" Sun Quan pondered for a moment, "Hongmen Banquet?"

Li Shimin, Li Jiancheng and others also fell into silence. It was really hard for them to understand the thinking of the Romans. Unless there was a major problem with this kind of fertile soil in the Han Dynasty, they would never abandon it. It is not impossible to fight for this.

"Be prepared when the time comes, wait for my signal, this time I will go with the three generals, if there is a problem, you will withdraw immediately, just in case!"

Zhuge Liang actually didn't quite understand it, but he still made a decision.

As a commander, sometimes it is more meaningful to make a quick decision than to think more, and Zhuge Liang is now gradually figuring out what to do in his position.

After Zhuge Liang made his decision, the others stopped worrying too much, and began to think along the lines of this thought, and estimated many things that might happen.

Parthia on the other side was also notified by Rome. Vogelgis V was a little hesitant, but imagining the current logistical problems in Parthia and the strength of the Romans, he decided to let it go.

This big victory is completely enough for him to completely integrate Parthia into his own empire. With the record of victory over Rome, any resisting forces will be crushed ruthlessly by him.

Obviously, Voggis V's mind has not been dazzled by the victory. Although he has achieved the most brilliant achievements in the past century, his thoughts are still how to improve the overall strength of the Parthian Empire.

"Rome wants to negotiate peace, and I just need time. The heritage of the Huns and the assistance of the Han Dynasty all need time to carefully balance."

Voggis V took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

All aspects need time, and these things need to be done step by step, but what he lacks most is time.

The volume of Rome is now larger than their Parthia. If they don't take advantage of Rome's reunification and attack Rome, in terms of development alone, even if there is trade between the Han Dynasty and Great Britain, they will definitely not be able to compare with Rome.

This is also the reason why he was anxious to launch a large army war after hearing that the new emperor of Rome had appeared.

In the war between countries, to put it bluntly, the fight is about national power.

We must find ways to weaken the opponent while ensuring our own development, and war is the simplest and most brutal way.

Facts have also proved this, not only regained the Mesopotamia, but also plundered the eastern provinces of Rome.

After going back and forth, they made a lot of money in Parthia, and they didn't lose much in Rome.

The talks proceeded as scheduled.

Ganassis took four boundary-breakers and more than [-] internal qi fragments to wait for the arrival of the Han Dynasty and Parthia at the place of peace talks.

Caracalla wanted to come, but Ganassis didn't dare to bring it. If something happened, it would be troublesome. Caracalla would just help him share the blame.

The peace talks are peace talks, but Ganassis didn't expect to sign an armistice agreement so simply.

"It smells like gunpowder!" Zhuge Liang walked towards the venue confidently, shaking his feather fan.

With the three generals Zhao Yun, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou by his side, he was not afraid of threats at all.

"Very bold!" Ganassis looked at Zhuge Liang and the others who simply walked into the venue without being frightened by their lineup.

This kind of self-confidence is enough to reflect the powerful silhouette of the Han Empire.

"Ganassis, the Duke of the Eastern Frontier County of Rome, has met the Han Dynasty!" Ganassis bowed his hands cautiously.

"Zhuge Liang, Marquis of Ting, the capital of the Han Empire, has met all of you in Rome!" Zhuge Liang responded politely after hearing the words.

Speaking of which, Zhuge Liang's position as a marquis was still obtained in the Battle of the Northern Huns. Although his status is gradually rising, he has not made any progress in his position as a marquis.

"Everyone, please come in!"

Ganassis made a gesture of invitation and sent two demigods to lead the way.

Although both of them are enemies now, the Han army only came with four people, without even extra guards. This kind of heroism is exactly the type that Rome admires the most.

Although Ganassis wanted to mess around in this kind of meeting, but Hanshi's self-confidence and demeanor made Ganassis give up some small thoughts.

If the other party believes in Rome's tolerance so much, then they must not lose face in Rome.

"Hmph, get ready!"

What a coincidence, someone from Parthia also came at this time, and the person who came was Fars Sassan. Naturally, this kind of meeting cannot be personally attended by Vogelgis V, unless Severus came personally, otherwise Fars Sassan's status is exactly the same as Ganassis.

Seeing Parthia coming with thousands of troops from afar, Ganassis couldn't help but sneer.

Look, look, this is the gap, just a few people from the Han Dynasty came, who would scare Parthia with so many people.

Although it is no longer the weak chicken resting in peace, but this kind of shabby settlement in Parthia only has this kind of tolerance.

However, Parthia is not a villain. After all, it is an empire, and it still has a basic tolerance.

He reined in his horse directly in the distance, and then stopped in unison.

Then Fars Sassan left the formation with a dozen riders.

"Fars Sassan!"

A sneer crossed Ganassi's face. Although he knew that the other party was the Parthian commander, he was still very upset when he saw it with his own eyes. Why didn't he kill this guy back then.


Fars Sassan looked at Ganassis, his eyes were a little red, but he was still calm.

Fars Sassan used to be absolutely unbearable, but Fars after the big victory is different, he is now able to maintain a very rational attitude to face Rome.

Uncontrollable anger is often due to powerlessness, but now the situation is different, Fars naturally calmed down a lot.

Compared with the harmony between the Han Dynasty and Rome, Rome and Parthia are obviously full of gunpowder.

Originally, Ganassis wanted to give Fars a blow, but Giorgios sent a voice transmission to Ganassis to stop him.

"A few masters have come to Parthia. Ludovic and the others are not here. We can't hold down Parthia!"

Ganassis frowned, so many masters jumped out of Parthia.

The one who can be called a master by Joel Joss can only be a demigod who breaks the boundary.

Ganassis had no choice but to give up his power. After all, they wanted peace talks, and it would be of no benefit to anyone if they fell out.

"Why, why don't you give it a try?"

Fars Sassan looked at Ganassis with a sneer, everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, what kind of chatting.

In the past, even if Ardashir had broken the boundary, there was only one after all, maybe they would really suffer a loss in Partia, but today is different.

Their Parthia has no shortage of boundary-breaking demigods. Although he has deep doubts about the origin of these masters, the opponent is indeed working for them now.

"Then give it a try!" Ganassis said immediately.

The guardians on the Roman side immediately glared at them, exuding aura and pressing on Parthia, and Parthia was not afraid at all, and also exuded an aura to press back. The two sides added up to more than 30 internal qi separation bodies directly at the entrance of the venue. Make a gesture of fighting.

Ludovic and Gulas rushed out from the venue, and also joined the imposing confrontation.

But suddenly Giorgios' face changed, and he stood in front of Ganassis with a muffled grunt, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Behind Fars Sassan, a person holding a Buddhist bead showed a faint smile.

They didn't even think about doing it. It was just some small tricks, just to make Ganassis look ugly. The Duke of Bianjun kneeled down in front of Parthia with weak legs, which must have made Rome lose face.

If Giorgios hadn't been trying to stand up for others, he wouldn't have bleed, but for Breaking Jie, it doesn't even count as an injury, it's just a bit of embarrassment.

The Parthia side has nothing to fear, and the worst result is a fight. What can they do? Are they afraid of Parthia? They are now the active side.

After finally gaining an advantage once, without humiliating Rome, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Anyway, Vogelgis V made it very clear that no matter what Rome talks about, it is estimated that they will not take out things. When the time comes, Parthia will retreat, so it is better to humiliate Rome and relax.

If Rome has the guts to chase it out, it will fight. Anyway, the hatred is as deep as the sea, and I am not afraid of adding a little more hatred.

"Fals, you are sure to do it!"

Ganassis stared at Fars and said coldly, without the slightest fear, Rome is also not afraid of war.

"Stop everything!"

Fars Sassan still stopped it a bit, thinking that it is still necessary to save some face, if there are only Parthia and Rome, there will be trouble.

But there is still a third-party Han Dynasty, so we must pay attention to face, and more importantly, the peace talks are indeed beneficial to both parties.

The purpose of humiliating Rome has been achieved, so it's time to talk about business.

Ganassis also stopped the people on the Roman side when he heard the words, sneered twice, turned around and strode inside, and the Parthian side also followed in with a sneer.

After both parties went in, they found that Zhuge Liang and the other four were drinking tea like no one else.

"Both sides calm down, after all, being able to come means that they are willing to negotiate peace, and there is no need to make the relationship so tense." Zhuge Liang said in Zaide.

People in Parthia and Rome scoffed. They didn't see the Han Dynasty and the Huns squatting together quietly, so how dare they say this.

However, it was somewhat of a step, and both sides scoffed in their hearts, but they still agreed on the surface.

This is also the meaning of the existence of the Han Dynasty, the third party, the medium of negotiation.

In the subsequent peace talks, it was obvious that the two sides could not reach an agreement, or that the two parties had no intention of talking at all, and they were frantically poking each other's spines, and they were turning over old scores and exposing scars.

But the funny thing is that neither side actually wants to fight.

What Rome meant, Zhuge Liang saw it, but he was not convinced, but this wave of strength is not enough, and Great Britain is also fighting in the north, so there is only a stalemate, but the stalemate is too exhausting, so it is better to stop talking about peace.

After all, war alert and peacetime development are simply two different things.

And Parthia seems to have the same meaning, intending to digest it first, and then readjust the plan.

After all, they could hit so far, they didn't even think of it.

The meaning of both parties seems to be to integrate domestic strength, adjust the strategic layout of the two sides in a planned way, and wait for a period of time to concentrate their forces before fighting back in one breath.

Zhuge Liang didn't have the slightest feeling for the unnutritious peace talks between the two sides. Isn't it the same with them and the Xiongnu, who fought and stopped, and then died.

It wasn't until the Battle of Northern Xinjiang that the Xiongnu were completely beaten to death, and even the soul of the army was eaten by it.

"Hello, Marquis Duting!"

After half a day of completely insincere wrangling between the two sides, Rome began to turn its attention to the Han army.

After all, the Han army caused them a lot of trouble, and they were a little surprised that the Han Dynasty joined the war.

"Hello!" Zhuge Liang responded with a salute, and the other party returned the salute.

"I am Roman Novelli. We in Rome are very strange. Why did the Han Dynasty come to participate in a meaningless war? Such a war will not bring us any benefits."

Novelli's voice was not too loud, but everyone present fell silent.

"Hehehe, it's just to train young people, why don't you guess how old I am this year!" Zhuge Liang said with a faint smile.

The corners of Rome and Parthia’s lips twitched when they heard the truth. The quality of the Han family is not weak. They came out to train young people. Should it be said that they are rich and powerful?

Even the corners of Fars Sassan's mouth twitched when they knew about it a long time ago. They, Parthia, couldn't afford an extra three-talented legion to serve as nanny for a group of young people.

"Empire battlefield experience?" Ganassis was stunned.

"Of course, Your Excellency, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin brothers asked me to say hello to you. They have seen the world you described back then, and you really didn't deceive them back then!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and then said to Ganassis.

"..." Ganassis was silent, recalling the Li family brothers he saw back then, and there were not many young people in Rome who could match them.

The potential of the opponent is terrible, what is lacking is experience, and now the opponent has begun to experience on the battlefield, and has he personally participated in the battlefield of the empire?
But Ganassis withdrew his gaze and focused on Zhuge Liang. He didn't know how far the Li brothers would go. A genius who didn't grow up was just a genius.

And Zhuge Liang in front of him was obviously about the same age, but he couldn't ignore it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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