Chapter 914
Now that the opportunity came, he hesitated. The long-term calm seemed to have worn out his will. Facing such a recruitment, he hesitated.

But in the end, he still drew out his own sword, and the eyes reflected on the sword let him know that the fire in his heart had never been extinguished.

"So exaggerated?" Chen Xi looked at the documents handed in below, and was a little speechless for a while.

Almost all the original urban management brigade and Jinglingwei resigned to find new jobs. Except for a few physically handicapped, basically everyone resigned and went to enlist in the army.

Moreover, the young and strong in Luoyang alone, the applicant team can line up and circle the school field twice.

Even if the conscription standards were raised, there was still an endless stream of recruits, and many veterans who had been kicked out by him had actually taken the opportunity to come back.

The most outrageous one in the document is a 79-year-old veteran. When he was young, he probably had internal energy. Now his strength has declined a lot, but he still has a level of internal energy. According to the standard of conscription, it is definitely enough.

But the age is really too big, which is why the people below deliberately reported it.

"Accept, since it has reached the standard, then accept!" Chen Xi thought for a long time before deciding to accept, at worst, he would be thrown into the recruits and become an instructor.

"Notify the newspaper office, let me publicize this matter vigorously, the people's hearts are so worrying!"

"One more thing... There is a message from Xiliang that Zhang Yu, the former commander of the Habayashi guards, has joined the army. What should I do?"

Chen Xi frowned. Although Zhang Yu didn't understand Zhang Yu, as the former commander of the Habayashi Guards, he must have the ability, but after all, it was a matter of royal face.

"Let him go directly to the Western Regions to report, and Li Ru will make the decision when he arrives!"

Chen Xi thought for a while, and still chose to agree. There were too many problems left over from the history of the Han Dynasty. Although a group of people were washed away by virtue of the Qianbei Xiongnu, there were still many leftover problems.

It just so happens that this time we are still fighting the Northern Huns, so we will continue to wash.

There is nothing that can't be solved by hitting the Northern Huns once, and if there is anything, hit it twice.

But what Chen Xi finds strange is that he used the age card to kill so many soldiers back then?

It is only a strategy to adjust the economic class structure, so now it seems that it feels a bit like hiding soldiers from the people.

"You don't know? Then how did you distribute the supplies over the years?" Cao Cao looked at Chen Xi with a monster expression on his face. The welfare of the soldiers was handled by Chen Xi single-handedly.

The half-way procedure was so strict that he thought it was ridiculous to be cautious, but with such a strict procedure, Chen Xi actually said that he didn't know how many veterans there were, and how they maintained it all these years.

In recent years, there has not been a case of deduction of benefits for veterans. Those who dared to stretch their claws were directly thrown to the Ministry of Punishment for processing as soon as they showed their heads.

This is also because Li Ru is not around. When Li Ru is around, Li Ru is solely responsible for the disposal of this matter. Once the person is in Li Ru's hands, he is basically dead, and it depends on the situation whether the house should be ransacked or not.

It can be said that this area is one of the absolute red lines of the Han Dynasty. Once touched, the only end is death.

"All these years, I have let the veterans collect their supplies by themselves, and then make a unified calculation at the end of the year. Unless everyone fakes together, the difference will be basically the same!" Chen Xi said casually.

"Besides, I'm only in charge of welfare distribution based on the head of a person. Who knows that there are so many elite veterans!" Chen Xi rolled his eyes, expressing that he would not take the blame.

"Hey, what do you think of me going to the Western Regions?" Cao Cao suddenly asked Chen Xi.

Chen Xi looked at Cao Cao in surprise, he really didn't expect Cao Cao to say such a thing.

"It's enough to be a capable minister, do you want to be a hero?"

Cao Cao gave Chen Xi an angry look, and said rather discouragedly.

"It doesn't matter if you are there or not, it's the same if there is me, Sikong. In contrast, the Western Regions may need a person to control the situation. I'm not bragging. Xu Rong, Lu Zhi, and Li Ru are not that material!"

Cao Cao seemed to be talking to himself, but his expression was very serious.

"If you want to go, go! It just happens to be able to vacate the position of Sikong!" Chen Xi said casually.

"I'm serious!" Cao Cao was annoyed by Chen Xi's casual attitude.

"As you said, they really can't hold back the situation, and it's a good choice for you to go!" Chen Xi said seriously with a straight expression.

What Cao Cao said is actually correct. The person who leads a party does not have to be extremely smart, nor does he have to be extremely powerful. The status of a monarch is actually tested by employing people and courage.

People like Li Ru, Xu Rong, and Lu Zhi all have their own shortcomings. Combining them together may have a counterproductive effect, and it takes one person to integrate them.

And there is no doubt that Cao Cao has such an ability.

As the monarch of the Yusan family, he is also the only one who has not been released.

The world Cao Ang described really attracted him, and his blood that had been silent for a long time seemed to start to boil.

However, there may be more, Cao Cao wants to stay away from Chen Xi and Liu Ying, the two fish monsters, and every time he gets angry, his head hurts.

He didn't want to go to the hospital because of fainting again. That guy Hua Tuo was always thinking about opening his cranium, and a fool would believe the nonsense of craniotomy to treat diseases.

"Then I will go to recruit troops. I just wanted to form a cavalry before, but I never had a chance. This time I will give it a try!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao is a little excited. He is also a master of military art, he has learned the serious military inheritance, and he is also recognized by the Marquis of Huaiyin as a commander-in-chief of a large army.

However, he has always been engaged in civilian work, and he really has a vision for the formation of heavy cavalry.

"I have already thought of a name, and I will call it Tiger and Leopard Rider."

Chen Xi scratched his head. Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are also well-known special units. Judging from the current average level, it might be a three-talented seed, guaranteed to be at the level of the Imperial Guard.

Wei Xu, who was in charge of recruiting soldiers in Luoyang, looked at the young man in front of him very painfully. With such aura and demeanor, he almost thought he saw Yue Fei.

As Lu Bu's brother-in-law, he had retired from Bingzhou Wolf Rider a long time ago. Relying on his military exploits and his relationship with Lu Bu, he took up a idle job in Luoyang.

After all, the strength of the inner qi is scattered all over the country to recruit soldiers. Although he is a parallel importer of inner qi, he is also a parallel importer, so he was pulled out to make up for it, mainly responsible for recruiting retired veterans.

Fortunately for the recruits, those retired veterans are all kinds of strange things, and it really doesn't work if there is no reliable town.

"You are so young, shouldn't you be a veteran?" Wei Xu asked cautiously.

"They said that someone with my strength should come here to report directly, and the recruit side is not suitable for me!" The young man said honestly.

"Show both hands!"

Scratching his head, the young man turned his palm into a blade, then flicked his hand, cutting the iron spear beside him into two pieces.

"Inner gas separated from the body?"

Wei Xu gasped, because Li Gui ran into Li Kui, he was a parallel importer.

Veterans are recruited here, but the status is divided according to strength. If you beat the corporal leader, you will be the corporal leader. If you beat the centurion, you will be the centurion. At present, the only one who can fight against the opponent is yourself.

"Come on, do it twice!" Wei Xu couldn't back down at this time, so he could only push up against the scalp.

As soon as the two sides touched hands, the air between the two exploded directly, forming a circle of white mist.

Wei Xu smiled awkwardly, and the young man in front of him kept his hands away, or he would be injured just by touching him.

With just one move, he can roughly understand the strength gap between the two sides, and the opponent is not weak in the field of internal qi separation.

With cloud energy, he can last more than a dozen moves, but without cloud energy, he will die after three moves.

"You won, this position is given to you, now you are in charge of recruiting people, write the requirements here, you can figure it out, I will find someone to do the formalities for you!" Wei Xu sighed helplessly.

"By the way, what's your name!"

"Guo Ziyi!" The young man smiled, and calmly accepted Wei Xu's abdication, and the soldiers around him didn't gossip. The strong always come first in the army.

Wei Xu took a deep look at Guo Ziyi. He knew that this name would be resounded throughout the Han Dynasty. Such a young man would never remain silent in the event of a war.

The situation in Luoyang is special, coupled with the reasons of Jinglingwei and urban management veterans, there are very few retired veterans in the field, which is why Wei Xuneng was recruited.

But the situation is different on other continents.

Especially the three places of Liangzhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou have fought the most fiercely over the years, with the most people coming out, and naturally more people retired in the end.

After hearing about the conscription in Youzhou near the northern border, they went to the recruiting point in Youzhou overnight.

The recruiting centurion looked at the veteran Liao Ping in front of him with a strange expression, not knowing what to say.

Liao Ping was a soldier who first ascended and retired from the army. He had been an instructor for recruits for a while, and the centurion who recruited soldiers back then was trained under Liao Ping.

"Little Lizi, remember, Liao Ping, seven-fold smelting!"

Liao Ping obviously remembered this centurion. After all, he was able to become a centurion, and he was a little bit brilliant when he was a recruit.

"Yo, who is the leader of you?" Liao Ping turned his head to see the notice beside the centurion, amused.

At that time, when he heard that there was no restriction on conscription, he hurried on his way, and he didn't even see it with his own eyes, but now he was delighted to see it.

"Please enlighten me!" The centurion, who thought he had escaped, looked ugly, but he stood up and said bravely.

He knew that Liao Ping was the first to leave the army, so as long as he got close, he still had a chance.

In the end, Liao Ping just waved his hand calmly, and the centurion rolled his eyes and passed out.

"So, I still have to practice. You can't handle my ten-year will attack!" Liao Ping took the position of the centurion with a big horse and a golden sword, and motioned to the soldiers beside him to drag him away.

Looking at the most familiar scene in his memory, and smelling the unique smell of iron and blood between the ranks of the military camp, Liao Ping felt himself alive again.

When Chen Xi forced them to retire, they actually understood that it was a gift to them.

The Han Dynasty is too strong, so strong that they no longer need veterans like them to work hard, but so strong that they can enjoy life.

Although I don't know why the Han Dynasty suddenly started conscription again this time, but this is his chance to return to the army.

Some people are only suitable for horse leather shrouds, not ordinary people, especially people like him who have seen all kinds of big scenes, and they have long been unwilling to live in an ordinary and warm life.

So even after he retires, he still maintains high-intensity training at all times, which is why he can have this strength now.

He was a veteran of Youzhou himself, and he was also one of the first group of centurions. If he hadn't been kicked out of the team forcibly by Chen Xi, he would at least be one of the first centurions.

Seven levels of smelting, one level of physical fitness, six levels of will, and one arrow down to stably take away any enemy. When he had a military spirit, he shot to death five Hun guards in the battle of the northern border with his own hands.

Now that he has the spirit of the army, he is confident that even the soldiers of the Habayashi Army will be shot to death with one arrow.

His physical fitness is not good, but he unexpectedly has some aptitude on the road of spiritual cultivation, so he quit when Qu Yi was in the first place, and then mixed all the way to this level.

Now that he is back in the barracks, he feels very nice.

The situation in Bingzhou is even worse. Apart from Xiandeng, Youzhou has many other types of soldiers, so a hundred flowers bloom.

But Bingzhou is different, Bingzhou is a broken place, and Bingzhou wolf cavalry is enough to cover all arms.

In addition, in the Battle of Northern Xinjiang, nearly 20 people carried the eternal belief. Although they fell a lot when it declined later, they have experienced it after all, and there are more people who have started to smelt.

There is nothing to say, the person in charge of recruiting troops in Bingzhou changes almost every day. Everyone is from wolf riding, and some are from fighting. The most prominent one is the all-round hexagon.

Without a fight, there is no way to know who is strong and who is weak. It took more than ten days of scuffle to finally produce a winner.

Zhang Jiang was born as a wolf rider, not in a battle, but he overthrew everyone and succeeded in becoming the Bingzhou Bingwang.

He is different from others, he did not smelt other talents, he is stuck on adaptive and decathlon, without any special effects, but the basic quality is outrageously hard.

If it is said that the highest level of internal qi in all aspects below the body is 99, then Zhang Jiang's various levels are now hovering around [-].

This item includes a series of abilities such as strength, speed, burst, durability, defense... and so on.

Even the ability of will defense has reached its limit.

It can be said that it is an absolutely perfect whiteboard, and it is still the top-level whiteboard that does not eat any special effects.

Aside from the Golden Armored Warrior of the Yellow Turban Ultimate Legion, basically he is the pinnacle of all soldiers' physical fitness, and he has no shortcomings.

This road is difficult to walk, because special effects usually exert more combat power, and a physical fitness of sixty can exert an effect of ninety.

But once it reaches the end, it is the sublimation of quality, and Zhang Jiang is such a mortal who has reached the end.

His state is also the most ideal state for the Bingzhou wolf cavalry. The most important thing is that he can directly replenish Miracle. With his level, he can directly enter the Habayashi Army and get used to it. Once he masters Miracle, he can replace any commander in an instant.

Speaking of which, the position of the wolf cavalry back then was to replenish soldiers for Miracle.

 Inexplicably, every time you add more, you will encounter various strange things.

  There is still a power outage today, which is outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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