Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 920 Troubleshooting Army

Chapter 920 Troubleshooting Army

No one knows how Sun Ce succeeded, and Sun Ce himself can't tell, but he succeeded.

This incident actually caused a great shock at the Jiangdong level. The soldiers of the Overlord Xiang Yu are the pride of Jiangdong people that cannot be erased.

But under the general environment, their Jiangdong infantry has become synonymous with garbage. Many people say they don't recommend it, but they are actually paying close attention to it.

So when Sun Ce was working on this legion, he gave the green light all the way up and down, and all the good ones were first used by Sun Ce's legion.

And Sun Ce also practiced very metaphysically. This achievement alone, in the eyes of many people, is enough to give Sun Ce the status of a master of military training.

The legion was named Jiefan Army by Sun Ce, implying to relieve some troubles in a physical way.

The effect of the first talent, Muscle Strengthening, is a mixed talent, which focuses on strengthening physical strength, and a series of other things, such as raising defense, are used to improve the basic quality. The effect of this talent is not as comprehensive as adaptive, but it is more effective than adaptive. .

This is also a point emphasized by the gods of the three armies. The battles in the empire are fierce, and physical strength is the first, and it also lays the foundation for the second talent. There is no super long physical strength bar, and the second talent is useless once it is used.

The effect of the second talent is arousal. With the increase of aura, the basic quality of the soldiers is greatly strengthened. This process consumes aura and physical strength. There are no fancy special effects, and the pursuit is simple and rough to the extreme. Power.

The setting of this legion is a weakened version of the military soul, but it is more pure than the military soul, and it is a legion that will never return on the road of intensive cultivation.

Cooperating with Sun Ce's own talent as a monarch, a wonderful chemical reaction has been produced.

Especially when these soldiers began to refine and adapt with two manifestation talents, they became even more perverted.

And this is what Zhou Yu doesn't understand the most, how to let the soldiers start to refine their talents before the dual talents have reached a certain level.

Under normal circumstances, soldiers with dual talents must reach a certain level before they can start smelting their talents, and it is better to first smelt the manifestation talents they are using.

But in the design of the Gods of the Three Armies, this needs to be done at the same time in order to achieve the effect that the dual-talented soldiers have four talents and are inherently ahead of others by two talents.

This kind of design similar to a card bug is theoretically feasible, but in fact, people who have studied military training normally know at a glance that this thing is a sinkhole, and it is definitely used to draw cakes.

In the end, getting an ordinary double talent is the only way out. This is why Zhou Yu is unwilling to help Sun Ce. With four talents and two talents, Sun Ce will annoy him to death.

But Sun Ce didn't know anything about it. The three gods of war and Zhou Yu all said that he could train it, so he could train it.

He may not believe in the three great military gods, but he never even doubted Zhou Yu.

In the end, Sun Ce succeeded, Zhou Yu was autistic, and even the three military gods in Luoyang didn't understand it. To be honest, their design theory is nonsense from the root, and the three of them are not on the road of refining the system. How can I understand the refined legion.

Even Bai Qi has a half-knowledge. Although this half-knowledge is the ceiling for most people, it is still nonsense in the final analysis.

The three of them didn't tell anyone. Quiet Mimi squatted underground in the underground palace for more than half a month, and finally could only research this thing because of Sun Ce's monarch talent, but the three of them really didn't understand why.

Sovereign talent This is one of the few things the trio doesn't understand in military terms.

There is no way, even Han Xin, the highest official, didn't figure it out. Liu Bang, the only owner back then, couldn't cooperate with his research, so he didn't understand it until he died.

Back then, Liu Bang was asked for a king of Qi to understand the talent of the monarch. Who knew that Liu Bang had a small belly, because it killed him, which is bad luck.

Bai Qi had never seen such a thing as a monarch's talent. When Qin Shihuang gave birth to this thing, his body was completely cold.

As for Huo Qubing, he has seen it before, but that is Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, even if he is a champion, there is no way for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to study it for him.

Speaking of which, the three military gods don't understand why this generation of monarchs have so many talents, and in the end it can only be attributed to the loosening of the world's shackles.

Speaking of this, it is one thing that the three of them don't understand even more, that is why Zhang Jiao can shake the shackles of the world with the strength of the Han army and the Yellow Turban army at that time.

However, the attitude of the three of them is to let him go. Anyway, he can't beat me. Although it's a bit fancy, it's that way.

Ever since, Sun Ce's Jiefan Army appeared. Unlike the ten talents of wolf cavalry, Sun Ce actually possessed the quadruple elite talents.

The most important thing is not to take up the quota of smelting talents. In game terms, it means that two skill bar cards are bugged into four active skills.

Fearless, self-adaptive, strengthened, and impassioned, the combat power of the Jie Fan Army with the addition of four talents is beyond the charts. After a few battles, the final combat power of the three talents is undeniable.

At this time, the Australian beast tide rioted, and Australia's local power was insufficient, so it could only ask the Han Dynasty for help.

It is precisely because of this that Sun Ce and Gan Ning came to Australia with their fleet.

Sun Ce led the Jiefan army to kill in the local area, not only won the hearts of the Australian aborigines, but also honed his own Jiefan army.

This time Gan Ning said that he wanted to take revenge, but Sun Ce rushed over with his troops and followed Gan Ning without saying a word.


After receiving the signal from Gan Ning, Sun Ce let out a roar, and took his three thousand younger brothers, and began to rush to land on the beach. The Australian aborigines who followed them looked at Sun Ce with adoring eyes, and then roared and followed.

In terms of personality charm, Sun Ce still has a lot to offer.

As for why there are so few people, there is no way, there are only so many boats.

Moreover, after all the ships were transferred, there was a surge of beasts in Australia, and someone needed to watch the scene. They could only bring 3000 people, and then brought [-] aborigines to act together.

Although Meng Kangbu sent the news to Meng Kangbu by way of beacon fire, Meng Kangbu was dumbfounded at this time.

Quickly mobilize people to the rear to assist in the defense. If someone sneaks up on him from behind, he will not be able to stand it.

Being double-teamed has always been a taboo for military strategists, of course he will not let the opponent realize such a situation.

However, judging from the beacon fire, the total number of enemies in the rear is less than [-]. This number of people is just harassment, just send [-] people to send them away.

Whether his water village is big or small, it is no problem to draw 1 people.

Maybe he can even eat the opponent's surprise soldier directly, which can be regarded as a victory.

For this reason, Meng Kangbu also transferred the two internal qi separation bodies under his hand. The internal qi separation body is not very effective in naval battles, so it is better to transfer them to land battles.

Seeing a crowd of people rushing towards this side, the Australian aborigines were a little scared, and the darkness on the opposite side awakened their shadows, and the beast horde was also so dark, and it was obvious at a glance that there were more people than their own side.

"Hahaha, it's good to come!"

Sun Ce shouted excitedly, and all the Jiefan troops trained by Sun Ce also shouted. Obviously, as the troops trained by Sun Ce, they have been completely assimilated by Sun Ce.

"Come on, defeat them in one fell swoop!"

Sun Ce pointed the spear with his left hand, and the aura surged out like a wave, and the domineering golden flame swept over everyone.

Australian aborigines, you look at me, I look at you, and then charge forward suspiciously.

It is so contagious, Sun Ce's brave and fearless figure seems to awaken the blood in their bodies.

As soon as the two sides played against each other, a group of people on Guishuang's side turned their backs on their backs, and the Australian aborigines also played on their own under the leadership of the Jiefan Army. Torturing food is a talent engraved in the bones of any army.

Obviously, the troops deployed by Meng Kangbu are not the opponents of the Jiefan Army, nor are they the elites of full-time land warfare.

Nangui's land battle is just a picture. It is said to be a land army, but in fact it is a small group gathered under the visualization of gods and Buddhas.

Relying on the Brahma common connection between the gods and Buddhas, the cloud and gas are constructed, which can barely be regarded as a whole, and then rely on the tactics of crowds and pigs to defeat the opponent.

But when they faced a lunatic like Sun Ce, they had nowhere to use it, and they were even vaguely afraid.

Especially when the two internal qi separation bodies as the core were suppressed by Sun Ce with his own strength, the morale of this Guishuang's troops began to decline.

The most important thing for the elite to fight against the crowd is momentum, and Sun Ce has no shortage of this stuff.

The ferocity of the momentum made the two internally separated bodies on the opposite side unable to breathe. They had been serving in the navy all year round, and they usually released the legion to attack. How could they have fought against the courageous faction like Sun Ce.

"Death to me!"

Sun Ce roared passionately, and then tried his best to take an internal energy attack, rushed over and stabbed the tip of the gun into the weaker internal energy, and the internal energy swallowed and exhaled at the tip of the gun directly blew up the opponent's internal organs, Announced the other party's death.

The personal guards swarmed up and forced the opponent's other internal energy to retreat.

"The enemy will die! Surrender quickly!"

Hanging the other party on the tip of the gun and holding it high, Sun Ce roared loudly with internal energy.

Guishuang's morale dropped to freezing point directly. Sun Ce yelled in Guishuang's words, and they understood it.

Coupled with the direct collapse of the visualization originally maintained by this internal qi separation body, this caused Guishuang's troops to directly cross by a small half.

When another inner qi body was forced to escape by Sun Ce, Guishuang completely collapsed.

"Hahaha, keep chasing!"

It took a quarter of an hour to crush Guishuang's troops. Seeing that the opponent started to flee, Sun Ce raised his spear and roared.


All the soldiers, including those Australian aborigines raised their weapons and roared loudly.

There is nothing more inspiring than a real victory. After Sun Ce led these natives to win a big victory with less, Sun Ce was the god in their hearts.

"Come on!"

I don't know who roared excitedly, and then shouted together, after Meng Kangbu learned the news from the escaped internal energy, Sun Ce was almost at the water village.

Meng Kangbu was furious, but the other party made it clear that he was a super elite, so what could he do.

The pressure from Gan Ning in the front is not small, and the two sides have spare power. He is sure that as long as he transfers a group of people to the rear, Gan Ning in the front will definitely press the whole army.

On the other side, Sun Ce was rubbing his chin and thinking about one thing, watching the soldiers under his command fearlessly chasing and killing the scattered Guishuang soldiers all the way, and fell into deep thought.

"How did Mr. Wu An manage to arrest all the running enemies and hack them to death?"

Sun Ce tried hard to get his brain moving.

After a long time, Sun Ce touched his chin.

Huh?What was I thinking just now?

Oh!Yes, how did Mr. Wu An wipe out the enemy every time!
How did you do it...

Huh?What was I thinking just now?

Just when Sun Ce fell into a thinking cycle, Meng Kangbu appeared in front of Sun Ce with a large team and rescued him from the thinking cycle.

In the end, Meng Kangbu chose to deal with Sun Ce first. After all, compared with Gan Ning's large fleet, Sun Ce's manpower was obviously less, so it was natural to concentrate on dealing with the weaker side first.

He let the inner qi separate body continue to command against his own image. He is also a member of the sea battle every day, and he knows a little bit about the most basic defense. Even if he will be suppressed by Gan Ning, he should be able to solve the rear for himself. Trouble to gain time.

Meng Kangbu looked at Sun Ce who was braving the golden light, and finally understood why the troops he had arranged collapsed so quickly. He was a little appalled by the imposing manner on the opposite side, let alone those low-caste people who had no brains .

Meng Kangbu is numb, he is different from others, he is a serious senior general, just seeing that he can be sent at the forefront by Cecilian, he is even trained as one of the successors .

But he is the leader of the navy reserve, not the army. He can be seen from the opposite side as the elite of the elite, and the leader, the shining one, is said to be a demigod who breaks the boundary. This battle will be impossible to fight in an instant.

But everyone was at the door, so he couldn't back down at this time, took a deep breath, and started to form his troops.

Facing this kind of elite, if the venue is too large, it will really be over.

Maybe it will be crushed by a wave of charges, so let's be honest with the needle tip.

Here Meng Kangbu is actually quite confident. Of course, Cecilian has considered land landing warfare, and once taught him a wave formation, which is specifically aimed at the elite.

Through the wave-like formation layer by layer, combined with the core point of the visualization of gods and Buddhas, it is completely possible to drag the opponent down.

Guishuang also understands this truth when he works hard, declines again, and exhausts three times.

It's a pity that Meng Kangbu didn't understand one thing, the same tactic was used by different people, and the effect was different.

Facing the difference of opponents will also lead to the failure of tactics.

It's like Huang Zhong Ding Junshan can rush down from the mountain to open Wushuang, but Ma Su can only be mowed when he rushes down from the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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