Chapter 928

"Bah, I'll come first!" Zhang Fei spit. He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. He was easily put into another space before. This experience is really heartwarming.

"Third brother, be careful!" Guan Yu instructed, without saying much, he knew very well the strength of his third brother.

He couldn't take down Brahma on the opposite side, but Brahma would definitely not kill Zhang Fei, at most he would suffer a little.

However, if fighting in the sky, Zhang Fei's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!
Zhang Fei picked up the Zhangba Snake Spear, and his energy and spirit were highly condensed. He knew that he had only one chance to hit.

The guy on the opposite side, although he is a very annoying god and Buddha, but his strength is indeed very strong.

With just one blow, the opponent will find his biggest flaw, and then he will be unable to fight at all.

Brahma glanced indifferently at the crowd in Luezhen, and then looked at Zhang Fei with cold eyes. For him now, Zhang Fei is very strong, but not enough.

Zhang Fei noticed Brahma's indifferent gaze, and he didn't take it seriously. He never cared about other people's attitudes, so let him give him a shot first!
The internal energy in Zhang Fei's body began to burn from Zhang Fei's body like a black flame, and then Zhang Fei's muscles suddenly swelled up, and his body was raised by a section.

"Death to me!"

Accompanied by Zhang Fei's furious roar, Zhang Fei's energy was accumulated and he struck out.

The three elements of spirit, energy, and spirit were perfectly fused into Zhangba Snake Lance, and Zhang Ba Snake Lance turned into a black dragon, directly tearing apart the sky, and killed towards Brahma.

Wherever he went, there was an invisible distortion because of this spiritual power, and because of this distortion, there were fine cracks, and that kind of twisted traces accompanied the zhangba snake spear towards the position of Brahma. Extend infinitely and lock it tightly.

After Brahma, who was locked by Zhang Fei, was hit by the twisted head-on, he did not retreat but advanced. Against the force that distorted even the space, he slammed the trident condensed in his hand towards Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei and his mount were blown away like a shooting star and hit the Himalayas, successfully forming a mushroom cloud on the Himalayas.

"What the hell is this?"

Guan Yu knew that Zhang Fei was fine, and he couldn't hurt Zhang Fei to this extent, but Zhang Fei's strongest blow was blocked. Unless Brahma flew to the ground to fight Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei was no longer enough to pose a threat to Brahma.

What surprised him was the Himalayas. An ordinary mountain was smashed like this, not to mention the top of the mountain was flattened, even a big hole had to be smashed.

However, the Himalayas were not affected in the slightest. Zhang Fei, who was thrown, fell on the mountain, just like an ordinary person fell on the ground, and did not cause much impact on the mountain.

"It's similar to a warmed city wall, and it's far more terrifying than a city wall!" Zhao Yun also noticed this scene, with a deep shock on his face.

"Ah, I lost so thoroughly!" Zhang Fei lay on the Himalayas and pretended to be dead. The moment he collided with Brahma, he realized that there seemed to be a big problem with his three-way unity.

Brahma explained the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the three-phase gods in a more intuitive way, and Zhang Fei was greatly inspired by it.

And after hitting a blow, he is now a Tie Hanhan who can't fly into the sky. Unless Brahma flies down, he is indeed defeated, and he simply lies on the ground and begins to think about life.

His previous integration of the three paths only considered mutual integration, but did not consider mutual restraint.

He kept recalling the scene when he collided with Brahma just now, and kept speculating on the new way of the three ways of becoming one.

"I'll be the next one. I'm the same as Zhang Heizi, and I only have the strength to fight!"

Dian Wei, who straddled the tiger, said lightly that he is more thorough than Zhang Fei, and he has no ability to fly at all.

So he only has the power of one blow.


Accompanied by the tiger's scream, Dian Wei directly stepped on the tiger as a springboard and ran towards Brahma.

Facing the menacing Dian Wei, Brahma did not dare to be careless at all. He could feel that the terrifying aura emanating from Dian Wei was not weaker than Zhang Fei at all.

Zhang Fei's attacks can only be integrated, and there is no mutual generation and mutual restraint, which makes him pick up the leak and fight against it.

Dian Wei who came this time only exudes terrifying power, and it will only be more pure than Zhang Fei, and this kind of purity can only be resolved by head-to-head.

A huge Brahma spirit emerged from Brahma, and lotus flowers condensed in front of Dian Wei.

However, these lotus flowers, which are enough to block the design of the bed crossbow, are worthless under Dian Wei's human impact, like paper, and can't even slow down the speed a bit.

Brahma pinched a seal of Fudo Myoko in his hand, and Fudo Myoko suddenly appeared around Brahma. As the God of Creation, using the god's position as a backboard, it is very easy to fabricate a god and Buddha.

It's a pity that the fabricated Fudo Myoko Golden Body still couldn't stop Dian Wei, the two collided, and Fudo Myoko's golden body shattered like a glass mirror dropped on the ground.

But Dian Wei still remained unabated, and rushed straight towards Brahma.

Brahma understood that the other party was the same as the black barbarian before, as long as he avoided it, he could easily draw Dian Wei to the ground.

But his final divinity prevented him from doing so.

As a god, he can lose, but he must not be cowardly.


Dian Wei slammed Brahma's head with a hammer, and then one person and one god flew upside down.

"It's really amazing! Should I say that it is worthy of being a god?"

Dian Wei fell on the mountain, touched his swollen head, and was speechless.

This guy Brahma looks even more nonsense than Lu Bu, he has been cut so badly, but he still has this kind of fighting power.

No wonder it is honored as the main god of Guishuang, this kind of power is really shocking.

"Wait, what is this?" Dian Wei stared blankly at the small black spot on the hillside of the Himalayas.

"This is... Guishuang's legion? A top-level legion?" Dian Wei looked at it for a while before confirming that there was actually a legion on the mountainside, climbing up.

Dian Wei was taken aback, and hurriedly went to Zhang Fei according to his breath, he was not afraid when others flew high, but it would be terrible if the two of them were surrounded.

Ordinary legions naturally couldn't keep the two of them, but a legion that could climb such a high mountain without the blessing of cloud energy would be no ordinary legion.

Even if it's not a three-talented army or army soul army, it must be the top-level imperial guards. If they are blocked on the mountain by this kind of army, maybe he and Zhang Fei will have to jump off the cliff. Whether it is death depends on good luck.

But above the sky, the fierce battle continued, and all parties fought in a chaotic mess.

Su Yi fought against the two masters of Basiba in Artoria and Parthia, while Penirance was tightly restrained by Leodanis.

And Lucifer and Giorgios, who are also top experts, directly confronted Joan of Arc and Charlemagne. Both parties should be members of the Holy See, but because the Holy See in Rome has long been out of shape, in Rome In the eyes of Joan of Arc and Charlemagne, it is completely heresy.

The beating was much more ruthless than the others. The others were at best trying their best, but these four were really desperate.

After all, Rome is at a disadvantage. One empire against the top combat power of two empires, and being able to maintain the disadvantage on the scene is already strong in Rome.

As for the four great empires in America, pinching them is even more crazy. In order to kill Alsace, Anthony even made a blood sacrifice, and Alsace sometimes had to be distracted to save the siege in order not to be beheaded by his own men. .

For a moment, no one knew who was the real villain on the scene.

Just looking at the means and the degree of madness, those who didn't know thought that Alsace and the others were the party of justice.

Compared with these empires, the Han Dynasty seems to be a little unhurried, and they continue to divide their hands to fight against Brahma.

There are not many opportunities for this kind of deadly attack. Naturally, everyone has to experience it and use all the usual tricks that are not easy to use.


A deep scar was cut on Brahma's chest, and Yan Liang was sent flying immediately after.

Compared to Ma Chao and Sun Ce, who are still young and demigods breaking boundaries, Yan Liang, a veteran powerhouse, naturally cannot be underestimated.

And compared to the wounds left by Dianwei and the others, Brahma can quickly repair them. Yan Liang's cuts have his will attached to them. Before Brahma wiped out his will, no matter how Brahma repairs them, it is impossible to recover from the injuries.

However, facing the wheel battle, Brahma simply didn't have that chance.

After defeating Yan Liang, Wen Chou rushed up immediately.

To be honest, if it wasn't for a trial move, he and Yan Liang should have fought together, the two brothers have always advanced and retreated together.

The wheel battle is still going on, Xue Rengui, Yuwen Chengdu, Li Yuanba, Pei Yuanqing... With the continuous fighting, almost everyone can bring him some scars.

His internal energy is still flowing, but the power of faith and spiritual power have begun to decline.

With his faith broken, every time he uses his power, he is infinitely weakened.

This kind of humiliation of being constantly challenged by ants made Brahma feel endless anger in his heart.

Brahma was very angry, and the endless anger was eroding his heart, but because he was still one with the three gods, he was unexpectedly able to restrain his anger, and was not overwhelmed by the anger.

"It's time for you to end!"

Brahma took a deep breath and looked at the few remaining people who hadn't made a move yet.

He is very sure that if he can survive, these people will not stop him again.

He looked at the few remaining people, a gray-haired old man with a rotten body, a kid with an immature appearance, and the weak Jialan God.

He turned his eyes to Lu Bu who had been resting his eyes with his eyes closed. This human being with the power of catastrophe is his arch enemy, and other people are nothing but troublesome ants to him.

Even if he could leave scars on his body, it would be nothing more than a stronger ants.

Only existences like Guan Yu and Lu Bu could kill him.

Guan Yu has already proved with practical actions that he has the ability to kill Brahma, and if he decapitates a head, the remaining Lu Bu, who is even better, will become Brahma's confidant.

In fact, it was also Brahma who was wrong.

Lu Bu is indeed stronger than Guan Yu, but the route he takes is completely different from Guan Yu's.

If you really want to talk about killing masters, Guan Yu is still stronger, even if Lu Bu is stronger, it is the same.

"I'll come first! I've been waiting for a long time!" Huang Zhong took out his bow and arrow, thought for a while, and then put the bow and arrow back.

He actually wanted to see if his strongest sniper attack could make Brahma drink his hatred, but after thinking about it, it was more important to use Brahma to sharpen himself and try to break through his limits.

Compared with archery, knife technique is what hurts the most in his heart.

"bring it on!"

The two-color light of blue and blue on Huang Zhong's body rose, the original old face faded, and a Zhengtai face that was more tender than Zhao Yun's face appeared.

This is also the reason why Huang Zhong doesn't like to use this face. He should be at the age of his grandson, but he has a face as tender as his grandson's. Not everyone is Zhao Yun, and he likes to wear a young face every day .

However, since you want to do it, you still have to return to the peak state.

Brahma had the feeling of being a dog. In his opinion, Huang Zhong's rising aura seemed no weaker than Guan Yu's and the others. The only difference might be that Huang Zhong didn't have the aura of heart disaster.

In the process of Huang Zhong swinging the knife, the Taotao Yangtze River kept flowing towards him, like the Milky Way above the sky, continuously washing away Brahma's defense.

Brahma held the trident, and he didn't need to use any halberd skills. Surrounded by the huge energy of heaven and earth, he only needed to keep waving the trident in his hand, and a huge amount of energy of heaven and earth would turn into the Ganges River, and Huang Zhong The image of the Yangtze River manifested by swinging the knife collides with each other.

The Ganges River and the Yangtze River are constantly colliding, and the higher and higher water waves show the fierceness of the battle between the two.


Huang Zhong spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his aura became sluggish. He looked at Brahma who was slashed on the face by himself, and shook his head helplessly.

His problem is still not completely resolved. Even with the combination of hardness and softness, and the unification of water and ice with the artistic conception of combining movement and stillness, the balance between the two is still broken in the increasingly fierce collision, and finally It can only be a hasty cut at a place that has not yet reached the highest peak.

In terms of power, it was already considered the power of the second echelon, but it was still not enough for Huang Zhong.

As the strongest in the previous era, even if he couldn't compete in this era, he definitely couldn't be left behind by so many people.

Brahma was repairing his body, but the speed was getting slower and slower. Touching the wound on his chest that could not be healed, Brahma took a deep breath.

"bring it on!"

The silver dragon wrapped around Zhao Yun's body, facing Brahma, who was worthy of the name of a god and Buddha, Zhao Yun was extremely calm, and even had endless helplessness.

Brahma is very strong, but there is no way to bring him pressure.

Especially in this kind of fight that is not even considered a death fight, Zhao Yun has no motivation at all.

Brahma is very strong, but to Zhao Yun, he is only at the level of Lu Bu.

Can Lu Bu hack him to death?cannot!

In the same way, the pressure that Brahma put on him was the same, which made him unable to exert his strength at all.

"If you can kill him, I can agree to your marriage with Ling'er, and I will not pursue the matter of that girl from the Ma family!"

Lu Bu opened his eyes and said lightly.

He wanted to see Zhao Zilong's limit, including Guan Yu's strength, he had estimated it, and he probably had a benchmark in his heart.

But only Zhao Yun, he was not sure, a person who can't show his strength can be ranked at the top of the second echelon, one can imagine how strong Zhao Yun's strength is.

But Zhao Yun guessed that he would not be able to kill him. It happened that Brahma was very powerful and could be used to force Zhao Yun.

This time, Lu Bu wanted to see how strong Zhao Yun was with his murderous intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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