Chapter 931 Complete chaos
Arvinde also wanted to wait, but there was no way to wait. Arjuna and Karna were cut off by Lu Bu. The only thing that could be sure was that they were not dead, but Enough.

Brahma was severely injured, and this moment was simply a god-sent opportunity.

To be honest, Arvind is also aggrieved.

Does Guishuang have strong players?have!

Leaving aside those hermit sects, there are quite a few generals and schools in active service. After all, Guishuang's god-Buddha visualization system is very buggy, and it can mass-produce powerful people.

However, these people cannot face Brahma.

The reason why Brahmins were able to stand at the top of the system back then was that they could act as the mouth of Brahma.

Whenever there is a fight, your god position will be canceled for you, and your strength will collapse on the spot. Whether you can save your life is another matter.

But now, Brahma stepped down in person, if these people ran over, they would give away their heads.

Brahma just needs to open his mouth to suppress all these people.

So there is no way, only Arjuna and Karna are strong enough, and they will not be affected.

The two of them visualized not gods and Buddhas but natural things, which is why they can face Brahma.

However, it was of no use. The two of them were rendered unconscious by the enraged Lu Bu, and then they received another punishment from the sky, and they lay their bodies directly in the Himalayas.

There were no living creatures within a radius of tens of miles, or they would have been snatched away by some passing beast.

Arvind's great secret technique was activated, and a huge bull rushed out of the sky, and then crashed straight into Brahma.

When the group of strong men hadn't recovered, they directly slammed their entire bodies into it.

This is one of the successors of the Guishuang Empire. While offering sacrifices to Brahma, it raised the status of the cow, and to a certain extent also endowed it with a degree of faith.

Although it is too weak compared to Brahma, the attributes of the same origin determine that this shot can cause damage.

"Crack... Kick..."

Brahma's body began to crack, and his consciousness instantly regained consciousness, but it was too late.

Zhao Yun, who was seriously injured by Brahma's sneak attack over there, was already in a hurry. His weapons and armor were all broken into slag. The angry Zhao Yun directly pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from his body, and it was a flying throw. He must chop Brahma up today.

With a flash of Xuanyuan Sword's sword light, it was precisely nailed to Brahma's head.

"Do not……"

Immediately afterwards, Brahma's consciousness dissipated, and his body, which he had worked so hard to maintain, shattered into several pieces.

Arvinde, who was originally unable to smash Brahma, was in despair, but after seeing Zhao Yun kill Brahma with a sword, he almost jumped up.

"Quick, get all the pieces back!"

Several chains shot out from the army formation on the ground, instantly sweeping away most of the Brahma fragments.

And some fragments of Brahma were consciously shot into the Himalayas, and those Guishuang gods and Buddhas with bodies were reborn in this way.

Even Moggallana, who had been naturalized and extinct, was reborn in a certain corner. At that time, Dazizaitian threw the corpse of Supreme Brahman in the Himalayas to awaken Brahma. Naturally, Moggallana's body was also in this place.

"My lords, follow me to meet the enemy!"

Mu Jianlian, who was informed of the cause and effect by fate for a moment, gave a wry smile, and the dark Taoist was as good as the sky, and then roared and flew towards the sky.

"Grab those pieces!"

Although Lu Bu didn't know what happened, his super god made him come to the final correct conclusion even though he was seriously injured.

No matter how you look at it, Brahma's body fragments are very valuable.

"Go grab it, at least stop those people in Rome from grabbing it!" Parthia and Great Britain saw Lu Bu's actions and knew that those fragments should be good things.

The flames of war broke out again in one or two moments. For the two countries, put aside how much benefit the Han Dynasty can gain, and Rome can't take advantage of it anyway.

"Su, I'll stop them, you go and grab them!"

Penelance knows what this fragment is all too well, he knows better than anyone else, this thing is the embryonic form of the will of the empire.

Then a small piece may be the collection of beliefs of the Guishuang Empire for a whole year. This thing is a great supplement to the will of the empire.

Although there is no definite evidence, generally speaking, imperial will and imperial power are complementary.

Before the thirteen roses shattered, one-thirtieth was directly thrown into the hands of Parthia, and it was not only 01:30 that was affected.

Then Parthia began to rise explosively, and to a certain extent, it did prove the role of the will of the empire.

After seeing it, Penirance became anxious on the spot. He and Severus thought of many ways, but so far they have not been able to make up for the loss. Seeing that a great supplement is in front of him, can he not be in a hurry.

Penelance, who was willing to go all out, directly took over Su's two opponents, desperately pushing Su to gain time.

In this kind of melee, only Su is trustworthy, the strength of the others is not enough after all.

"Stop them for me, as long as you stop them, I will grant each of you a wish after you go back!" Penelance shouted impatiently, his face covered in blood.

The opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come again. Who knows if there is such a good opportunity, we must grab it, and it is not human if we don't grab it.

With heavy rewards, there must be brave men, and the Roman guardians who had just tried their best began to risk their lives one after another.

Relying on the desperate momentum, it really temporarily blocked the people of Great Britain and Parthia. After all, although the two sides joined forces, they also kept a guard against each other, and fought timidly.

"Go away!"

Su took a deep breath, and directly gouged out his own eyes. Although he knew that this was drinking doves to quench his thirst, but Penirence, the Vice-Emperor of Rome, was already putting his life on the line. How could he, the most powerful Roman, back down.

Grom, who was trying to fish in troubled waters, was seriously injured by Su's three strokes, and even the ax that contained the spirit of the ancestors in his hand was broken by Su. If Sarr hadn't grabbed him, he might have been beaten to death on the spot.

Thrall gritted his teeth, glanced at a small fragment in his arms, and unwillingly led the orcs to activate the city return scroll.

It is better to have one bird in hand than ten birds in the forest. This trip not only found an ally, but also snatched such a piece of soul, which is not a loss in the end.

Being a beast shouldn't be too greedy, if you don't leave now, you might lose this piece in a while.

Anthony on the other side also grabbed a piece, without even having time to see the size, he directly activated the large teleportation technique and slipped away.

Cenarius, who was entangled with Alsace, was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He agreed to temporarily form an alliance to kill Alsace. This wave of collapse and betrayal is too decisive.

"Got it, let's go too!"

Illidan roared, his body was full of wounds, but he was quickly leaving the battlefield with a large fragment in his hand.

Guan Yu sighed and didn't catch up. He didn't regain his energy. There was no good way to take Illidan, who was so desperate.

Allies of allies, not my allies.

If he was really in good condition, Guan Yu would definitely hack Illidan to death and snatch the fragments.

Sighing, Guan Yu went directly to Su. This guy snatched two pieces, but he wanted to grab the third one. He was really arrogant.

Su also had a hard time and couldn't tell. He cheated to open the Heart Tribulation just now, and forcibly obtained two fragments. As a result, his eyes healed quickly, directly blocking his cheating method.

He had a hunch that even if he pokes his eyes blind again now, there is no way to enter the state of catastrophe again.

However, although there is no way to go on a rampage, relying on the ability to break the boundary, he is still able to handle the suppression of the three of them with ease, and seeing the future is still very helpful in the melee.

Huang Zhong, Yuwen Chengdu, and Xue Rengui teamed up to take Su down, but there was no good way. The opponent could always find a gap in their attack, and then slip away. The three of them itched their teeth in anger.

However, they also cut off Su's way to snatch it, and Yan Liang took the opportunity to pick up the quick fragment.

"Leave this guy to me, you go grab the pieces!" Guan Yu cut off Su's body with ease.

Su looked at Guan Yu, he couldn't see anything.

"Kill him, and I will be able to level up!" This thought flashed through Su's mind.

But before he could take action, Penelance over there had already been beaten so badly that he vomited blood.

One against three, and none of them lost to him.

To be able to stop it for a while with all his might, Penelance's strength is already extraordinary.

Back then, it was a bit difficult for Lu Bu to fight three with one, let alone Penirance, none of the masters at their level was weak.

"Although I don't know how you were resurrected, but die to me!"

Lu Bu slashed Huashan with all his strength, and directly killed the Guishuang God Buddha who rushed towards him. These guys who were not very smart saw Lu Bu holding the biggest piece, so they rushed up and wanted to grab it.

He didn't notice at all that although the field was chaotic, there was no one beside Lu Bu at all.

Facing Lv Bu who aroused Tianwei's power, no one wanted to gamble with his own life whether he could escape from Lv Bu's halberd.

Even Su, who was happy, didn't have this plan, and let Lu Bu occupy the largest piece of Brahma shard.

However, this group of gods and Buddhas who had just been revived had no idea what happened. Seeing Lu Bu alone, they rushed forward with a single brain, planning to pinch Lu Bu, a soft persimmon first.

Well, although Lu Bu slashed vigorously and killed several gods and Buddhas directly, this is not a one-on-one fight, and there are indeed a lot of gods and Buddhas in Guishuang.

Even an expert who has been under siege for a long time like Lu Bu is extremely embarrassed for a while. After all, those who can assimilate in Brahma and still survive are basically good players who break the boundary.

Even if it was Ma Chao's weakest Boundary Breaker, Lu Bu would inevitably be in a bit of a panic when dozens of people went together, not to mention that Lu Bu was also seriously injured now, relying on his divine sense to hold on.

But even if he was beaten very embarrassingly, on the scene, it looked like Lu Bu was unparalleled in the group of gods and Buddhas in Guishuang.

However, Guishuang God Buddha seems to be contaminated with some of the characteristics of Brahma, and has no concept of dignity at all.

After finding that a group of them couldn't move Lu Bu, they dragged Chitu away from Lu Bu's crotch.

When Chitu was dragged away by a group of gods and Buddhas and then thrown away, Lu Bu was completely dumbfounded.

Although the horse is very important under the cloud, but in the air battle without the cloud, it is actually a pendant.

Except for the ones like Zhang Fei Dianwei, other Boundary Breakers are much faster than Ma Ke, and the mount is mostly just a means of transportation.

Generally, no one in the sky specifically targets mounts. If you have that spare time, you might as well think about how to kill your opponent.

But this group of gods and Buddhas is different. After being partially assimilated by Brahma, they have no shame about these things.

No matter how easy it is to use, there are even two gods and Buddhas planning to capture Chitu and threaten Lu Bu.

If it weren't for Chitu who also breaks the boundary, and is also a god who breaks the boundary, kicking the gods and Buddhas away with two feet, maybe what it will develop into.

At this moment Lu Bu was furious, as the so-called BMW deserves a hero.

There is Lu Bu among men, and the red rabbit among horses. Only Lu Bu with the red rabbit is complete.

Guishuang God Buddha's bad behavior is simply slapping him in the face naked.

Lu Bu was furious, and the two feathers tied on top of his head and the scattered hair shot straight into the sky.

The whole body erupted with a golden-red luster, and the golden-red flame pushed away the surrounding area, forming a vacuum directly. The golden-red twin dragons on Fang Tian's painted halberd spread out and bit the halberd blade. No one would think about it today. If you live, you will die for Grandpa.

Lu Bu held the halberd in both hands, and swept out, but the simple trick shook the whole space together. The terrifying momentum made a kind of god and Buddha regain some human emotions.

Fear appeared in their hearts unknowingly, and they kept recalling everything about themselves as human beings.

"How dare you be distracted!"

Lu Bu laughed back angrily. Facing his peerless power, even Guan Yu and Zhao Yun didn't dare to be in a daze, but you bunch of scumbags dare to be in a daze.


Lu Bu stepped on the ground, and ripples appeared in the space that had already been made into a vacuum. He output super powerfully, directly using the space as a springboard, and smashed Huashan Mountain with one blow, and slashed towards the leading monk on the opposite side.

The super-strong divine sense and momentum fixed the opponent, and there was no way to avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and forcibly resist Lu Bu's attack.

The surrounding gods and Buddhas felt that there was no way to stop them, so they simply launched an attack on Lu Bu directly. A dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor man, and trading the death of a fellow Taoist for Lu Bu's death sounded like a good deal.

As for what the beheaded monk thinks, it doesn't matter anymore.

Lu Bu didn't dodge or evade, he directly chopped down the great monk, resisted everyone's attacks, and then swept away thousands of troops, using the simplest moves to show an invincible momentum, directly chopped down the few gods and Buddhas who were running slowly around him. burst.

The gods and Buddhas who were awakened to reason looked at the almost invincible Lu Bu, and started running without saying a word.

Only ghosts are willing to fight this kind of monster. Within 3 minutes of growing up, seven or eight world-breaking gods and Buddhas died. Let's fight whoever likes this kind of monster.

Lu Bu sneered a couple of times, but didn't chase after it, and ran towards the place where the other fragments were fighting.

Although he would die if he was angry, he could still tell which was more serious.

This fragment clearly has something to do with the will of the empire, so of course it must come first.

Anyway, today's battle can be regarded as a torn face with Guishuang, and sooner or later there will be a chance to praise all these gods and Buddhas.

(End of this chapter)

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