Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 942 Vanguard Battle

Chapter 942 Vanguard Battle

While the Western Regions were still preparing, Liu Bei had already mobilized his army to attack Guishuang.

With the Lu Bu brand teleporter, Zhuge Liang was almost appointed in the morning, and appeared at the forefront in the afternoon.

In fact, there is Huangfusong on Liu Bei's side, and there is actually no shortage of commanders of the large army.

But it's different, Huangfusong is old after all, it's meaningless not to give young people like Zhuge Liang the experience of this kind of extermination campaign.

Huangfusong stayed here only to maintain peace before, but now that Zhuge Liang has arrived, Huangfusong naturally retreated to the second line.

"Pioneer is already on the move? Wen Jia's direction? Good target!"

Zhuge Liang sorted out the information, and the stall left by Huangfusong was very clear, but he needed to sort it out by himself.

After experiencing the beatings of the military god many times, he understood a truth.

Don't trust second-hand judgments, you must have your own thinking.

"Old General Huang, paired with Fa Xiaozhi, it is indeed a good combination!"

Just when Zhuge Liang was studying how the situation on the battlefield should develop, Huang Zhong, as the vanguard, had already started to act.

"Xiaozhi, are you sure we're going to attack here?" Huang Zhong frowned and looked at the city in the distance. Although his troops were elite and mixed troops, they didn't seem capable of attacking the city.

If he had known that he was going to attack the city, he would have brought some siege equipment with him.

"Hehe, it's all about fighting for reinforcements. Guishuang must have made a plan. Once we make a move, the other party will stick to it and wait for the reinforcements to arrive." Fazheng explained with a smile.

When the two sides maintained peace before, they did not dare to do any drastic actions. After all, both sides need a truce. If they do too much with the deployment of troops, it is easy to stimulate the other party's stress response.

Therefore, the troops on the front lines of both sides are not particularly deployed. Maybe this is also a tacit understanding between the two sides.

However, now that they have decided to go to war, this point has become a point that can be used.

"Order all the soldiers to attack the city!" Huang Zhong understood Fazheng's meaning after thinking about it, and led the army to attack the city for a long time.

"The scouts are here to report that there are a large number of Han soldiers charging outside the city, and they are about to attack the city!" The scouts urgently informed Ban Duoji, who was leading the troops.

"Quickly send out the signal for help, order all the troops to go up the city wall and prepare for battle, and at the same time send someone to invite those two adults!" Ban Duoji immediately gave orders when he heard the news.

"Why so suddenly!" Although Ban Duoji knew that Guishuang and the Han Dynasty were about to go to war, he didn't expect that his place would be attacked now.

Ban Duoji mobilized the army to deploy defenses again and again, thinking about the intention of the Han Dynasty.

"Ban Duoji, is the Han army attacking?" The two gods and Buddhas asked after falling down.

They are all hermits. As a result, Brahma in the Himalayas disappeared, and hermitage also lost its meaning. They followed Maudggallana and took refuge in Vesudeva I, and then they were sent to this place.

They are not dissatisfied, anyway, they are on shifts, and even life here is much better than theirs in the mountains.

"That's right, let's go to the city wall to have a look first!"

After Ban Duoji boarded the city wall, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this scale cannot be attacked by force, as long as we wait for reinforcements!"

Defending the city is easier than attacking it, and the strength of the two sides is not much different, so there is no danger.

He also understood why he hadn't received the news in advance. If the opponent's army scale marched in batches, it would be really difficult to be discovered.

Just when Ban Duoji was estimating the Han army, he suddenly felt a piercing killing intent.


The two gods and Buddhas reacted one step faster than him, and then pulled him aside.

On the other side, Huang Zhong looked at Ban Duoji who was pulled away, and pulled the big bow in his hand several times, but finally put it down helplessly.

There were actually two boundary-breaking escorts, although it was only normal, but in addition to the fact that the command itself was separated from the body, after the cloud energy was weakened, his arrows had no chance of killing the opponent.

Moreover, the arrow with the best chance has been dodged, and even if the power of the remaining arrows is increased, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve anything, so it is better not to waste energy in vain.

"It's a pity!" Fazheng watched Huang Zhong's actions and shook his head. If he could kill the opponent's commander, he would not only surround the spot for reinforcements, but also eat the spot together.

If you can have a point first, then the pressure for subsequent advances will be smoother.

"Place the Changshui Battalion and the Shesheng Battalion in the center, and put the infantry's swords and shields on the sides, and lure them out of the city!"

Fazheng smiled and lined up his troops. He counted people's hearts. As long as the opponent's commander had doubts, then the Han Dynasty would take the lead in winning this battle.

"Isn't it too risky to do this?" Huang Zhong was a little puzzled. If the other party really left the city, they might not be able to please them.

"No, not at all, the more rampant we are, the less likely the other side will leave the city!"

Fazheng sneered and said that the unknown pressure will force a commander to make mistakes, especially when there is a way out, they will choose the most conservative way.

And speaking of ten thousand steps back, even if the opponent goes out of the city, the two sides will just retreat after a big battle.

At that time, the opponent has actual battle damage, and if they don't retreat, Guishuang will tilt more reinforcements towards this place.

It's nothing more than that, anyway, they are just vanguards along the way, and the bigger the news, the better.

The bigger the movement, the more powerful the Tianfu Zhenjun and Jialan God will be.

Of course, the Han Dynasty would not give up these two golden signboards. This was their greatest advantage.

No matter how many effects there are, as long as there is an effect, use it.

On the other side, Guan Yu led the army slowly towards the city of Sanmo and Zha. Last time he was invincible, but this time it took a lot of effort.

As long as Guishuang is not stupid, after the last round of Jialan God's betrayal, the garrisons in the border cities are definitely tested.

Moreover, according to the planning of Sanma and Zha City, there are at least nearly 20 people who can live in it.

"Report to the general. The spies sent information. There are about [-] troops in the garrison. According to the scouts, the quality is average!"

Xu Shu, who was with the army, sneered. He had experienced the destruction of the city once, and there were only more than [-] people left. There were no ghosts in it. He took off his head and gave it to the opposite side.

"Is it a trap?" Xu Shu thought for a while and then understood, "General Guan, this time we'll attack the city directly, but be quick!"

"Why? This should be a trap. Once our army makes a move, we will definitely come to help from all sides. This time we can't reproduce the overwhelming momentum of the last time."

Guan Yu frowned. He had also learned a lot after being apprenticed to Bai Qi, and now his ability to command troops has greatly improved. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the commander of a large army.

And their opponent this time is not Durga, Oswin and others, but Rahul, a pure Rahul who has overwhelmed all the generals and no one is holding back.

"It's all about leading the snake out of the hole. If the opponent doesn't move, how can we force them to show their weakness!" Xu Shu's eyes lit up.

Guishuang's arrangement was very good, using Samo and Zhacheng as bait, and placed them on their faces. Once they made a move, they would immediately be surrounded by a big bag.

There is almost no difference from before, the only difference is that the bait this time is not as delicious as last time.

And Xu Shu has reason to suspect that Guishuang definitely has something waiting for them in the city of Sanma and Zha.

In the upper reaches of the Ganges, Guishuang prepared a large number of ships and reserves, and once it started, it immediately launched an anti-siege.

Moreover, Sanmo and Zha City are not bad as bait. Anyone who sees it will be moved. As long as this city is taken, the Han Dynasty will once again occupy the strategic initiative.

And Xu Shu also thought of another situation, that is, Guishuang directly gave up Samo and Zhacheng, and planned to come to a reverse encirclement point to help, and lock them in the city with a large army.

This plan was perfect, and Xu Shu couldn't find any faults.

But plans usually cannot keep up with changes, so Xu Shu decided to take this bait.

There are many people in Guishuang, and the number of troops that their Han Dynasty used this time is also quite large.

It took less than five days for the attack on Sanmo and Zha City, Guishuang's reinforcements arrived, but within seven days, their Han reinforcements could also arrive.

At that time, it is not impossible to reverse the encirclement. As long as they hold on for long enough, the battlefield will become more chaotic.

The more chaotic the battlefield, the more room for him to display his spiritual talent.

Moreover, Guan Yu's headquarters is a full-scale army with three talents, but it has the ability to tear the front line apart at any time.

"This bait, we will eat it!"

Guan Yu nodded, Xu Shu's plan was very suitable for him.

In fact, it is a good choice to wait for the army to arrive, but in that case, his vanguard will lose its meaning.

Seeking stability is not his Guan Yu style.

"Yuanzhi, give the order!"

Guan Yu led 6000 people, of which 2 were shield guards, top shield guards with dual talents.

In conjunction with Guan Yu's headquarters, there are both sharp spears and strong shields, so Guan Yu is not afraid of being surrounded at all.

"General Guan, don't be impatient. Although our army is going to attack the city, it's not now. We'll wait until General Xiao Guan and General Xiao Wei arrive!" Xu Shu shook his head.

Hook biting is a technical job, and it would be fatal if you bite it directly, so you need to make some preparations first.

"Don't you want to startle the snake? We should have been discovered by now!" Guan Yu frowned. Guishuang's place is definitely full of scouts, and secret techniques are everywhere.

Not surprisingly, they should have been found.

"Hehehe, Guishuang spent so much effort and arranged the bait so carefully, naturally he hoped to harvest as much as possible!" Xu Shu smiled meaningfully.

Just like fishing, no matter how many fish there are near the hook, after all, the rod cannot be finished until the moment when the fish bite the hook.

"Are you going to let the two of them garrison the south bank of the Heng River?" Guan Yu asked in a deep voice, "The number of enemy troops will not be too small! The headquarters of the two of them can't be defended!"

"General Guan, don't worry, I will send ten thousand shield guards to follow!" Xu Shu said with a light smile, of course he would not watch Guan Ping and Wei Yan go to die.

"Not enough!" Guan Yu shook his head, "In my opinion, this time is not enough, Yuan Zhi, you shouldn't despise Guishuang so much!"

"Since Guishuang has planned it for a long time this time, it will not be miscellaneous fish that go down the Ganges River. There must be a lot of elites mixed in, and Tan Zhi and Wen Chang can't keep it!"

Guan Yu shook his head. He wasn't defending his son, but Guan Yu realized that Guishuang was definitely not an ordinary opponent after he was overthrown by the Jedi last time.

No matter how contemptuous you are in words, you must pay attention to it in action.

"This time, Guishuang's first wave of reinforcements is at least 30. Tan Zhi and Wen Chang plus [-] shield guards, but more than [-] people, can't hold it!"

Guan Yu has a deep understanding of Guishuang, and this place is a tiankeng.

Although it was rubbish, the mobilization ability was terrifying to a certain extent. Fighting for God, he felt terrible when he thought about it.

There is a limit to human imagination. Xu Shu has never seen a fanatical low-caste, so he may not be able to imagine how huge a group of animals in human skins will be.

Generals Guan Ping and Wei Yan will not lose. After experiencing the beating of the military gods, the two young men are now full of resilience and their ability to resist pressure is almost full. There is absolutely no gap with Guishuang's generals, and they can even lead.

But after the difference in strength between the two sides reached one to fifteen, or even one to twenty...

The difficulty is almost the same as Xiang Yu's last stand and Han Xin's last stand.

People who can accomplish such a feat can be counted by Guan Yu with his fingers. Guan Ping and Wei Yan are not bad, but they are too far away from that kind of god-man to be able to look directly at.

"Then deploy Lidas and lead 5000 people to ambush the two young generals on the way back. They don't want to kill the enemy. They just need to ensure the safety of the retreating army and not be chased and killed by Guishuang's army. What does the general think!"

Xu Shu thought about it for a while, and he believed in Guan Yu's judgment, so he directly planned based on the premise of Guan Ping and Wei Yanhui's defeat.

"It's a bit weak, but it should be enough! I believe Ping'er and the others have their own way!"

Guan Yu thought for a while, then nodded. If Guan Ping and the others were defeated from the beginning and just delayed the time, this configuration should be enough.

Moreover, Guishuang's hundreds of thousands of troops are definitely of low caste, which is an easy opponent for the shield guards.

"At that time, when the three generals Zhang, Zhao and Ma arrive, our army will immediately abandon Samo and Zhacheng, and lead the army to counter-encircle and attack!"

Xu Shu said slowly, this time, in order to create the greatest strength for both sides, it is the all-star lineup of Shu.

Guan Yu and Huang Zhong acted as the vanguard, and the others acted as the first wave of reinforcements, while Liu Bei led the army to advance slowly in the middle, and Huang Fusong was in the rear to ensure the logistics supplies.

"It should be so!" Guan Yu nodded, neither he nor Xu Shu cared much about whether Sammo and Zhacheng could be taken down.

Biting the hook and then dragging the fisherman into the water is their primary purpose of this war.

"Guan Suo, Guan Xing, pass the news to the rear. Our army will launch an attack directly in one day!" Guan Yu ordered with incomparable majesty.

"This time, the Northern Expedition, breaking Peshawar!"

Guan Yu's eyes were burning with flames. He was very dissatisfied with the ending of the last time, and he was actually predicted the future.

This time, no one can predict his future.

His future will only be cut open by his Qinglong Yanyue Saber!

 Recently, at night, I always get dizzy and make some mistakes.

  I will adjust the time in the future and send it in the afternoon. I really don’t know my mind at night.

(End of this chapter)

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