"Now is the time for sublimation!"

Under the order of Brahe, Pasa immediately threw out the two pseudo-inner qi separation bodies entrusted with the thoughts of gods and Buddhas, turned into bright light balls above the sky, and pierced directly towards the sky .

Then the lines of the images of gods and Buddhas cast endless brilliance.

Surging power gushed out from the low-caste soldier's body, and the cloth armor, which seemed a little loose because of the garbage's physical fitness, suddenly became tighter.

The slightly thin individual directly turned into a strong man with a thick back and waist, and continued to attack the shield guard's line frantically.

"Guishuang, these lunatics!" Guan Ping's back molars were almost gnawed.

Although it is said that everyone has learned that one general will be successful, and that they know that kindness does not command soldiers, but they have also learned to take responsibility and carry the trust of soldiers.

As for Guishuang in front of him, he didn't consider the battle damage at all, and he didn't take human life seriously at all.

It took less than an hour for the war to start, and at least a few thousand people died in Guishuang, but Guishuang didn't care at all.

"Wen Chang, how long will it take to finish them off!" Guan Ping asked Wei Yan via voice transmission, looking at the front line that was beginning to collapse.

"The opposite side is already surrounded by the rear, if this continues, we will be in trouble!"

"Don't rush, I'm already working hard!"

Wei Yan hacked to death the fake inner qi in front of him, only feeling irritated. His headquarters did not have the advantage he expected against these Kshatriya teams. .

"Give me another half an hour!" Wei Yanhu roared, and rushed towards another pseudo-inner Qi separation body again, "After half an hour, we retreat!"

"Now send someone to inform General Lidas to prepare, this time it will be a big trouble!"

"Qi!" Guan Ping also knew the troubles of the Kshatriya team, so he had no choice but to face the difficulties bravely.

Relying on the shield guard alone is not enough. If it continues like this, it will really be over if it is surrounded.

"You are in charge of commanding the shield guards, the headquarters will follow me!" Guan Ping handed over the command of the shield guards to his lieutenant general, and then rushed towards the left rear wing with his headquarters.

The defeat is a foregone conclusion, and now they have to leave a way out for themselves in advance, and they must not be successfully encircled by the opponent.

Seeing Guan Ping's actions, Braher frowned, but said nothing. He expected that the Han Dynasty would not be easily encircled, so he might as well encircle three quarters.

The top priority is to drive away the Han army on the river bank and let all the Guishuang soldiers disembark and log in. There are still many low-caste soldiers who have no place to stay. They can stack Arhats on the boat, but there is no way to do it on land.

Guan Ping led his headquarters to intercept the elite troops on the left rear wing.

The tentative volley of arrows, when the two sides approached the assault, each sent a wave of violent arrows towards the other side, all of which came from the shooting of the crossbow machine.

At this distance, the hit rate of the ballista is very high. Unless it has the ability to react at super speed, it will definitely hit the arrow.

However, unlike the miscellaneous soldiers who were directly cold after being hit, the elite soldiers under Guan Ping and Baner Sai used their own weapons and armor to avoid being shot at the vitals and minimize the damage they received.

There was a series of clashing sounds of arrows and weapons and armor, and both sides were almost uninjured to block this tentative and disruptive arrow rain.

After confirming that the opponent is definitely not mediocre, both sides have increased their vigilance, their pace has suddenly become faster, and their attention has been kept concentrated to the maximum extent.

Then the sound of gold and iron clashing kept ringing, and the great sword of Guan Ping's headquarters wiped sparks from the shield in the hands of Guishuang soldiers, leaving deep marks on the shield.

The faces of the veterans in Guan Ping's headquarters darkened, and their hands felt wrong. Their big swords would have an invisible impact to weaken their strength and then bounced to one side. The opponent was very strong.

"Change tactics! The opponent is an elite infantry, and the effect of slashing is not good!" The centurion who fought on the front line immediately reported his experience and reminded the soldiers behind him.

"Oops!" Guan Ping's heart sank. Although he had expected that the infantry that the opponent circled back and outflanked should be infantry that were good at parrying, but the situation of the confrontation was not optimistic.

If you can't quickly defeat this troop and get killed, it will be a rout when the time comes to retreat.

"We must win!" Guan Ping swept his eyes, looking for the legion commander.

At this time, the only way to achieve the fastest victory is to cut the future.

"I found it, die for me!" Guan Ping roared angrily, and threw out the big sword in the shape of the essence of heaven and earth in his hand.

The big sword was counteracted by the opponent's same internal energy attack.

"General of the Han Dynasty, I am Guishuang Ban Ersai, let me take your head!" Guishuang's general Ban Ersai shouted excitedly.

Hundreds of thousands against tens of thousands, the advantage lies in Guishuang, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

The violent momentum exploded, and the phantom of the gods and Buddhas directly injected into the body, Guan Ping was not moved at all.

Banersai is a true inner qi separation body, not weak, but not enough.

Under the pressure of Yun Qi, Guan Ping's hair was still vibrated automatically by the burst of internal energy, which he learned from Zhao Yun's internal energy explosion.

The muscles also swelled suddenly, learning from Zhang Fei's muscle stimulation.

A roar exploded in Banrsai's ears like thunder from tigers and leopards, followed by Guan Ping Lun Wu's heavy sword in his hand, condensing the aura to the peak, and then slashed it down.

Guan Yu personally passed on the tricks, Spring and Autumn!
Greatswords and broadswords are different, but both are good for one-hit kills.

Ban Ersai also had great confidence in himself, so he collided with Guan Ping without hesitation.


Guan Ping spat out a mouthful of blood, which was the price for forcibly using Zhang Fei's moves.

And his opponent, Ban Ersai, flew upside down at the moment of the collision, and his life and death were unknown.

Guan Ping's attack was not so easy to block.

Guan Ping, as the second generation of generals, learned top-level moves, especially Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who did not hold back at all, which also created Guan Ping as an internal qi separated body with terrifying combat effectiveness.

The victory of the fighting general boosted the morale of the headquarters, but Guishuang was not defeated as Guan Ping expected.

"Oops, that wasn't the commander of the opponent's army just now!" Guan Ping's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, but he didn't show it.

"Kill, the enemy general has been defeated, and our army will surely win!" Guan Ping roared angrily.

Although he was not expected to be the head of the legion, hacking to death an internal energy body was also a very morale-boosting thing.

"Slash with all your strength, no matter how the opponent parries and unloads their strength, even the defense and parry will be cut together!"

Guan Ping's commander-in-chief roared angrily. He was born as a school swordsman in Guan Yu's headquarters, and he found the best way to defeat his opponent.

The opponent's defense is not indestructible, as long as the most violent slash is launched, the opponent can be killed directly.

However, the violent slash naturally required the abandonment of defense. Under this choice, the casualties of both sides began to soar rapidly.

"This time, I really took on a very troublesome task!"

Wei Yan noticed the fierce battle in Guan Ping's headquarters, and a look of surprise appeared on his fierce face, and then he stared at the boats on the river, with a hint of ferocity appearing on his face.

No wonder Xu Shu told them to delay their time in order to preserve their vitality.

After all, the battle of empires is still somewhat beyond imagination. There is no possibility for them to win against an opponent of this quality.

"Long water, shoot sound, burst out with full force from the front! Mingjin retreats! Let's withdraw!"

Wei Yan looked at the remaining half of the Kshatriya team, gritted his teeth in dissatisfaction, and then gave the order for Mingjin to withdraw.

There is no way, even if he can really gnaw at this group of people, if Guan Ping can't defeat any legion, if they are stopped by the opponent to complete the encirclement, it will be difficult for them to escape after being chased.

It is better to retreat quickly and preserve the greatest strength.

Wei Yan took a deep breath and once again looked at the boundless sea of ​​people in the distance. Did Xiang Yu overthrow such an opponent head-on back then?

If you don't fight, you don't know. Only when you really fight, you will understand what kind of mighty power it takes.

Moreover, Xiang Yu has accomplished more than one victory with less, no wonder it is unique throughout the ages, and it is hailed as the pinnacle of the soldier form, which is really terrifying.

Only those who have really faced hundreds of thousands of enemies will understand how terrible the turnaround of that kind of battle is.

After an unreserved burst of long water and shooting sound, under the cover of the rain of arrows, Wei Yan's headquarters was in the rear, and the shield guards retreated in unison.

With a bang of retreat, it can be said that they acted vigorously and successfully evacuated at an almost unimaginable level.

Wei Yan's respect for Zhao Yun at this moment has also reached a certain level, second only to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the talent of calmness is really easy to use.

The retreat was methodical, clean and tidy, and the formation was well-organized. Those who didn't know thought that they were not losing, but a purposeful strategic shift.

After all, under the clouds, they are still in the battlefield of cold weapons. As long as they keep calm, no matter how bad the situation is, it will not be so bad.

Of course, there is also a big reason for Brahe's order not to chase.

Brahe knew very well that the Han Dynasty would not be without backup.

Moreover, the opponent's retreat was very methodical, and it was hard to say whether it was a fraudulent defeat in order to lure the enemy into a deep place.

Instead of being attracted by a sniper unit, it is better to rectify the army early and set off towards Samo and Zha City early to complete the siege is the kingly way.

"Let's retreat. We don't need to worry about General Lidas. They are fast, and they have more advantages than us in cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers and retreating."

After Wei Yan and Guan Ping reunited, they were very helpless. They had a bad start and lost a game first. No matter how you look at it, it is not a good thing.

But there is nothing to do, the gap between the strength of the two sides is really too big, so big that even resistance is an extravagant hope.

At the beginning, when Guishuang's soldiers did not fully land, they still had a slight advantage. When the opponent's soldiers landed and could not be estimated, their defeat was set.

"Report! General, Generals Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, and Zhao Guang are leading their troops on the road, and they will arrive in three hours!"

Wei Yan was taken aback, the reinforcements came much faster than he expected this time, so they seem to be able to fight!
"How many people are here?" Wei Yan grabbed the messenger and asked.

"General Guan Xing and Guan Suo led [-] elite soldiers, Zhang Bao and Zhang Shao led [-] elite soldiers, and General Zhao Guang and Zhao Tong led [-] elite soldiers. After three hours, all of them will arrive!" The messenger repeated.

"Hahaha, God help me!" Wei Yan roared, "No retreat! Adjust the formation and prepare to ambush them!"

"Master Wen, even if they all arrive, our army is still at an absolute disadvantage!" Guan Ping exhorted.

"Hmph, most of them are just miscellaneous soldiers. Have you forgotten that I can replicate General Zhang's talent!" Wei Yan grinned.

He was busy fighting against elites before, but he really couldn't draw any shots. With a lot of reinforcements this time, he can use Zhang Fei's talent. The talent of fear is a good hand against the weak.

"Frankly, believe me, I'm just trying to delay their progress!" Wei Yan said with a smile, "The longer we can delay, the better for General Guan!"

Guan Ping was silent, he was moved by Wei Yan's proposal, and he did not lack strategic vision, he was very clear about such obvious things.

"Besides, our army's reinforcements have just arrived, and the other party doesn't know the details, so our army may be able to surprise us!" Wei Yan's eyes lit up. Even though he has been educated many times and became mature and stable, he still has that madness in his bones.

Facing the huge disparity in troop strength, he not only thought of delaying time, but also thought of severely injuring his opponent.

Guan Suo and others on the other side were a little incredulous when they received Wei Yan's order.

"Active attack? Wei Wenchang, is he crazy?" Guan Suo said in disbelief.

"Not necessarily. If it's really what Wei Wenchang said, our army is not completely without chance!" Guan Xing retorted.

Although Wei Yan's plan is very strange and dangerous, it is not without possibility of success, and the probability of their withdrawal is not low, so it is worth trying.

"Father once said that the Marquis of Huaiyin and the Marquis of Champion once praised him as a general, so we might as well listen to his orders and give it a try!" Guan Xing exclaimed.

"Okay! Then listen to you!" Guan Suo saw that his elder brother even Guan Yu and Han Xin had moved out. Although he felt uneasy, he still chose to believe it once.

When Wei Yan was making plans, Xu Shu also received news that he was paying close attention to the troops coming from the Ganges side.

"Sure enough, you want to fight the war of annihilation directly, and then take advantage of the situation to push back?" Xu Shu rubbed his temples and said with a sneer.

If Guishuang has this kind of plan, then the situation Guan Yu will face next is a desperate situation comparable to being surrounded by enemies and ambushing on all sides.

There is no way to withdraw at this time.

Once Guan Yu retreats, the opponent will never give up the pursuit, and the pursuit will be high-intensity and continuous. When Guan Yu's headquarters is defeated and followed up with reinforcements, it will be a disaster for the army.

The soldiers of the Han army are also human beings. Once they fall into that kind of poverty, they might be defeated this time.

But Xu Shu didn't plan to retreat. From the moment he bit the hook, either they were caught, or they dragged Guishuang into the water completely.

"Move the troops, I want to see how you Guishuang can command such a large-scale force!"

Xu Shu sneered and put the information aside, a large number of people is not necessarily a good thing.

I really thought everyone was Han Xin, and then we will see how you Guishuang die.

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