Wei Yan's insolent roar raised the morale of the soldiers in Wei Yan's headquarters infinitely, and further aroused the fear of the low-caste soldiers in Guishuang.

A brave general who is unstoppable on the battlefield really hurts morale.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" Pasa roared, and behind him two internal qi separated bodies disguised as personal soldiers rushed towards Wei Yan.

If Wei Yan is allowed to be arrogant, it will indeed affect morale.

"go to hell"

An internal energy attack in Wei Yan's hand soared into the sky and exploded.

"You can't even see where the enemy is, you idiot!" Pasa approached with infinite mockery on his face.

He knew that the generals of the Han Dynasty were not weak, but Wei Yan had no chance against three against one, so he will make a great contribution this time.

The Sheshengying Battalion is a unit of the Han Dynasty. Even Han Xin and others cannot make too many changes in the positioning of the Sheshengying Battalion. The high success rate of exchange is also very successful for Han Xin and the others.

Its essence is the super-powerful tracking arrow, and it is not a super elite used to deal with miscellaneous soldiers at all.

Except for a small number of top elites who really can't be eaten, they are basically super weapons used to restrain all special arms and cause a devastating blow to the command system.

Bows and arrows are shot flat, with added talent, and they are energetically locked on Wei Yan's frontal land. Even the big shield of the shield guard can directly shoot through it at this distance.

The moment Pasa appeared in front of Wei Yan, the arrows of the Shesheng Battalion flew past.


Pasa protected his vitals with cold hands and feet, his mind went blank, Wei Yan used his body as bait, and they fell for it.

The morale problem of Guishuang's low caste forced him to stand up, but he shouldn't put himself in danger, and just leave it to the guards behind him to stop Wei Yan. The desire for fame has become the most unsolvable fear right now.

"Block me!"

Pasa exploded with all his internal qi, and five hundred arrows were not enough to kill the three of them!
He must not disappoint Rahul's trust in him. At this moment, there is only such an obsession in Pasa's mind, and he will do his best.


Wei Yan's energy and spirit had already climbed to the peak. After calculating for a long time, he was waiting for this moment.

The bulging muscles became more powerful at this moment, the blood in the chest cavity swelled into the heart, and the courage to die and then regenerate rose without limit at this moment.

This knife is unstoppable!
The moment he got close to Pasa, Wei Yan let out a loud roar, like a blast from the sky, Pasa was a step too late after all, and before Pasa's strength reached its peak, the sword had already been cut down.

Wei Yan galloped past, and Pasa's body and the guards behind him had been chopped off by Wei Yan with a single blow.

With a backhand cut, Wei Yan cut off the general flag behind Pasa, and Wei Yan raised his head to the sky and screamed!
"Boundary breaking, so it is such a power?"

Burning all beliefs is indeed enough for a master to burst out with power beyond the limit, but he, Wei Yan, also blocked all beliefs, so he can naturally burst out with more powerful power than Pasa.

Pasa's final blow of burning everything knocked on the door of breaking the boundary, but that's all.

With Wei Yan's blow, he directly passed through the gate of breaking the boundary.

"If you want to win, you need a trick!"

Wei Yan turned back and picked up half of Pasa's body, then threw it vigorously into the sky, roaring loudly.

"All the soldiers attack, if the enemy chief dies, our army will surely win!"

Along with Wei Yan's roar, Changshui, who had been accumulating for a long time, exhausted his last bit of strength and made the last wave. Now they needed the help of the shield guards behind them even to move, and they completely lost their fighting ability.

They were the elites used to slaughter miscellaneous soldiers, and they used special arrows in the last wave, in order to magnify fear in an instant.

In an instant, the land around Pasa suffered a merciless blow from the long water, as if it had been bombed by countless machine gun missiles.

All the low-caste soldiers who were hit were blown to pieces, and their limbs and arms covered hundreds of meters around Wei Yan. Even Wei Yan was splashed with blood.

The low caste soldiers were instantly terrified.

The collapse of the army, fear, extreme fear, all low caste soldiers.

They didn't see what happened at that moment, but they saw the ending.

The main general was beheaded, the flag was broken, and the backbone they relied on to fight disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of arrows rained down from the sky, and the extreme killing speed made the soldiers of the Han army tremble.

At this moment, the low-caste soldiers were aroused fear because of a series of blows, and this fear was magnified infinitely under Wei Yan's halo of fear.

In their eyes, Wei Yan was infinitely elevated and became a demon god capable of destroying the world.

The soldiers in front of Wei Yan collapsed instantly, turned around and ran away.

"Follow me! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

Wei Yan raised his sword and roared, he succeeded in his conspiracy, and today he may be able to repeat Xiang Yu's miracle of breaking the formation.

Wei Yan smiled wildly, disregarding the emptiness in his body, and once again forcibly stretched his mad bone talent to give strength to the headquarters.

All the soldiers of the Han army roared at this moment, chasing and killing the low-caste soldiers like a dragon. Guishuang's flanks that were originally used to block Wei Yan collapsed at this moment.

They forgot Brahmin, they forgot their caste, and for a moment there was nothing but fear in their hearts.

The original huge number has become the biggest disadvantage. A large number of soldiers are crowded together and cannot be dispersed at all. Crowding and trampling have become the cruelest murderous intent.

In the distance, Brahe's heart was cold, and Wei Yan's move was really beyond their expectations.

That idiot Pasa actually put himself in danger, causing the situation to collapse in an instant.

"Supervisor team, push me up!"

Brahe knew that the warlord team couldn't prevent those low castes from fleeing, but they absolutely couldn't let these low castes whose hearts were devoured by fear impact their elite formation.

Once the formation was destroyed, their army along the way became a real joke.

The flank rolls back to the Chinese army, and the central army rolls back to the rear army. At that time, the soldiers don't know the generals, and the generals don't know the soldiers. All the original ambitions will be in vain.

Varna of the central army had cold hands and feet. He had just adjusted the direction of the army formation under Brahe's order and planned to support Pasa, but in an instant the flanks rolled back towards them. The crowd was like a tide. Let him feel a chill.

Whatever happened to Parsa meant danger was coming.

"Shrink the front, press forward with swords and shields, follow up with spearmen, and throw arrows with archers, forcing the defeated army to leave from both sides!" Varner said that his hands and feet were cold, but his years of experience in the battlefield allowed him to make the most appropriate command.

Even if all these low castes are killed, the rewinding must not continue.

The speed of the defeated army was beyond Varnad's imagination, like an unarmed beast chasing an extremely terrifying beast behind him. The speed that was forced by fear was even as fast as Guishuang's pawns charging.

That crazy speed made Varner almost naturally imagine how terrifying the Han army behind him was.

"All the defeated troops evacuate from the left and right sides!" Varner kept shouting as the defeated troops approached.

However, it is almost ineffective. The low castes who have fallen into fear can't listen to people's words at all. Fear fills their hearts. What they have to do now is to stay away from the frightening demon behind them at all costs, even if it is their lives. .

"Kill!" Varner roared without the slightest hesitation, with iron blood that cannot be questioned.

And Blahe of the rear army also issued an order that he wanted to pass, prohibiting the low-caste rollback formation on the flanks.

Swords, rain of arrows, the soldiers who rushed to the front were directly killed, and the death brought about by iron and blood finally made these low-caste soldiers remember something in their minds.

However, when they hesitated, the soldiers behind them had cut them down and stepped on them. Under the fear, anyone who blocked their escape was an enemy.

They didn't have the courage to swing their knives against fear, but they haven't lacked the courage to kill for a long time.

Varna's face was ashen, looking at the low castes who were killing each other, there was no thought in his heart that everyone was together. These low caste stupid pigs in Nangui were not worthy to be with their noble Da Yue clan warriors.

"Kill! Don't hold back!"

The collapsed low caste is full of fear under the merciless beheading of Guishuang elite troops.

The two waves of fear collided with each other, and finally made them remember everything they had done. Attacking the army is tantamount to courting death, and the two sides are the way to escape.

The iron blood displayed by Guishuang's elite finally forcibly forced the defeated army back.

Relying on iron and blood suppression, the low castes finally gave up the attack after dropping thousands of corpses.

Relying on a little rationality brought by the death threat, the collapsed soldiers routed from the left and right sides, and Varner finally saw their real opponent.

Relying on Superman's vision, Varner has already seen Wei Yan covered in blood.

The aura of rushing out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, the black armor on his body and the gradually stained blood complement each other, making people feel inexplicable fear.

Just looking at each other, Varna understood why those low castes were so terrified, and the other party was like the embodiment of fear, which was breathtaking.

Varner bit his tongue, and the severe pain awakened his reason.

"Array, meet the enemy!"

Although the soldiers on the front line were also terrified, under Varner's order, they didn't even think about it, and their muscle memory followed the previous training to help them prepare for the enemy.

The most obvious difference between the elite and the pawns is that they can display their basic combat effectiveness at any time.

Wars are fought with morale and momentum. As long as you can exert your basic combat power under any circumstances, you will eventually return to the original place and become a means of fighting for national strength.

Looking in the direction of Varner and Brahe, Wei Yan hesitated. Although he is as imposing as a dragon now, the power of fear absorbed has been transformed from gas into a solid armor, but now he is really strong.

There are too many low caste people, the other party is waiting for work, and almost everyone in his headquarters is injured, and everyone is exhausted.

If you rush forward in one go, the chance of knocking down the opponent is absolutely slim.

But if you retreat directly, you won't have such a good chance next time.

This kind of opportunity of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands may only happen once in this generation. He really doesn't want to give up this opportunity, but correspondingly, he has more than just his own legion on his shoulders.

The lives of Guan Ping, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and others who cooperated nearby are all in his hands.

If it was just himself, he could gamble his life, but when he shouldered the lives of everyone else, he didn't dare to gamble anymore.

If the bet is lost, the next step will be an abyss of eternal doom.

"call out!"

The moment Wei Yan hesitated, Guan Ping's signal exploded, which was the signal for the arrival of new reinforcements as agreed before.

"The generals may fight again!" Wei Yan raised his sword and asked the sky.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" There were three roars, and Xiao Han was angry. For a while, the momentum of the Han Dynasty almost completely crushed Guishuang. The oncoming iron blood and killing made Varner and Brahe look bitter .

Guan Suo looked at Wei Yan at this moment, with unspeakable admiration in his heart.

As expected of Wei Yan, who was praised by Guan Yu and Han Xin, he really has the style of a general.

Tens of thousands of people hit 10 people, and they actually want to win in one go. They are really outstanding.



On the other side, Guan Ping looked at Zhang Fei in admiration.

It was too terrifying, You Yunqi entered the arena with a wave of charge and destroyed everything in an instant.

Zhang Fei threw Riddle, who was in his hand, to the soldiers to tie him up. He looked in Wei Yan's direction with some doubts.

Strangely, the vicinity along the river bank is actually not suitable for cavalry to charge. It can be said that the Emperor Star near the river bank is really too bad.

He has already done it himself, ready to dismount and transform into infantry entering the field.

As a result, he inexplicably absorbed the immeasurable power of fear from his talent, directly paved the way with the power of fear, and cast the most suitable secret technique for cavalry charge.

The biggest factor that limits the charge of cavalry chariots and other units is terrain, but the proportion of cavalry in the Han Dynasty is too heavy, so a group of wise men also thought of some ways to study.

The cavalry-specific secret technique forcibly replicated the miraculous power of miracles ignoring the terrain, flying bricks with direct force, forcibly paving the road with clouds and air, and creating the most suitable terrain for the cavalry to charge.

But after all, it is a way to make up for it. When used, it will greatly weaken the power of the cavalry's outbreak.

But just now Zhang Fei didn't consume the cloud gas at all, and used the absorbed power of fear to forcibly transform it into a road. Not only did it not weaken the outbreak, but on the contrary, it also strengthened the fighting power because of the power of fear.

Destroyed, a wave of charge directly destroyed the battlefield.

The unimpeded cavalry is really terrifying.

Guishuang's two legions were descended from the flanking gods by You Yunqi, and they were completely unable to resist.

You Yunqi directly pierced through a bloody passage, Zhang Fei rushed into the formation, pierced Wardliss to death with three spears, and then a lion's roar stunned Riddle, completely killing all the victorious futures of Guishuang.

The main general was killed and captured, and the battle was over in an instant.

Although there are still many people in Guishuang's two legions, they have collapsed and become a situation where one person can chase a large group. It is only a matter of time before such opponents are destroyed.

"You clean up the battlefield, I'll go to the front to support!" Zhang Fei threw the messy battlefield to Guan Ping, and then led You Yunqi to the frontal battlefield.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but just from the power of fear, he knew that he must not miss it.

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