Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 950 Defeat and hidden dangers

In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly. Rahul stood on a high platform, and the complicated military formation had already been completely lined up. Standing in the morning sun, General Guishuang, surrounded by a group of generals who broke the boundary with internal energy and separated bodies, guarded Rahul. Like a dragon, the air rushes to the sky.

Rahul rode his horse and stood proudly in the center of the army. All the generals had long been hidden in the army. Even if Wei Yan hadn't had excellent eyesight, he would not have been able to see Rahul standing under the banner.

As Wei Yan, who has fought against many famous military gods and generals, Wei Yan knows that he and Rahul are courting death if they fight for command, and they are courting death if they fight for conspiracy. Han Xin has educated him in more than one way.

Facing an opponent who is far stronger than him, Surprise cannot win at all, and even that conspiracy is a means of manipulating you to gamble, which directly defeats you.

"God Galan! I'm right here, and only one of us can leave here today!" Rahul greeted Wei Yan.

Rahul's vision of gods and Buddhas was fully underestimated by him to Peacock, and now the strength of the internal qi separation is the strength of the Beigui system, which is also a surprise he prepared for Guan Yu.

He has his own army talent and commander talent, which is far stronger than the power brought by the visualization of gods and Buddhas, which is why he believes that people are higher than gods.

Because he who is people-centered is better than him who is God-centered.

But after Rahul lost his Celestial Eye, he couldn't see Wei Yan's problem from a long distance away.

"Report!" Just when Rahul was about to say a few words, a stream of light flew from the sky, and a boundary-breaking general shouted loudly in the sky while clutching his wound.

"Galan God is in Wang's City..."

Before the words were settled, a bright blue light had already extended from a distance, and then the whole body of the Boundary Breaker was chopped off.

"Damn it!" Rahul's expression changed instantly, but he soon stabilized.

"It's a good plan! It's really a good plan! But, you can keep it!"

Rahul said loudly, it's just that we have lost our advantage. Now that everyone is back on the same starting line, let's eat your bait first!
"The whole army strikes!" Rahul ordered loudly.

As Rahul said, all the pressure is now on Wei Yan, how will he and Meng Huo face the furious Guishuang army.


Wei Yan announced his retreat without saying a word, and he didn't have the slightest desire to resist.

He can't fight to command, Rahul still has a peacock on the opposite side, he fights Rahul with his head, but he is not in a hurry, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei are not far behind him, otherwise he would have seen the attack of the Guishuang army It slipped away immediately.

"Chase, never let the Han army go!"

Rahul's eyes were cold. He knew that this was the only chance to weaken the Han army. After this time, the two armies would face each other completely.

"Peacock shoots!"

Arrows like gun shafts covered them one by one, and more importantly, gun shafts of the same size appeared in the sky at this time.

Wei Yan knew that this wave of arrows would definitely cause heavy casualties, so he directly turned on the desperate mode, with multiple talents added to his body, the dazzling legion with a total of light blades bombarded the spears and spears in the sky in perfect condition.

The terrifying roar, accompanied by great luck, flicked half of the spears, but the remaining spears still roared towards the Han army.

"35 miles to the north, 31 degrees off, fight back with all your strength!"

Meng Huo's head was about to explode at this moment, and he caught the peacock's position in an instant without considering the loss.

But the bad thing is that they don't have any way to counter the peacock.

They can only rely on Changshui to counterattack forcefully, but compared to other elites who can only suffer blows now, at least they can kill more than a dozen or twenty peacock soldiers.

Three waves of root arrows shot out, but even if it was the same beyond visual range, the spear that flew 35 miles away still had a deadly lethality, but if it was replaced by a heavy arrow, even if it contained special power inside, When it landed on the ground and exploded to scatter, it was already impossible to break through the elephant soldiers protected by heavy armor.

The Peacock Legion is not what it used to be. Not only has it returned to the level of six-shot bursts, but its defense has risen in a straight line. If you have to say, they are now more like three talents, not some guards.

In fact, if it weren't for the combined talent transfer and the loss, the superposition of the power of the two top guards might achieve a miracle.

Except for the fact that more than a dozen people were killed due to negligence in the first wave of Arrow Rain's counterattack, the losses in the next two waves dropped in a straight line, and they were basically unable to cause any damage.

Looking at the howling Han army, Rahul commanded the Lancers and heavy infantry to attack directly. As for the rangers, they went around directly from the east side, and it seemed that they were going to cut the back of the Han army.

Rahul wants to completely annihilate these 10 people in this place.

"To make great achievements is now!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Nilanjan rushed out of the city with the Paduojia soldiers, and then all the defenders left the city.

They forcibly trapped the enemy army, and were attacked by the violent army cut by Wei Yan's mobilization of Yun Qi. Nilanjan suffered huge losses almost instantly, but they didn't care at all that as long as they bit the Han army, all their sacrifices would be worthless. worth it.

At the same time, another wave of spears fell from the sky, even though one of Xu Shu's backhands left to Wei Yan, the eight golden locks to defend against arrows, had already opened.

The light curtain has completely covered this range, but it doesn't make any sense. More than [-] Han troops can't run away if they want to. The peacock only needs to attack continuously.

The third wave of spears had already fallen towards the position of the eight golden locks, and the eight golden locks were instantly forced.

At this time, Changshuiying had ceased fire, and the three-shot counterattack was their limit. However, what was more important was that when this wave landed, the fourth wave had already appeared in the sky.

If they fight back again, the eight golden locks will be broken, and the next spear will completely destroy Changshui.

Meng Huo took the rattan armor and fought desperately, but facing the army commanded by Rahul, he was really powerless.

Facing Guishuang's army with high morale at this time, Meng Huo's counterattack was at best a delay.

"Kapil, don't hold anything back, give the power of the imperial scepter to the front line, they will all die today!" Rahul didn't have any reservations, not only the peacock, but also the imperial scepter.

The power of the imperial scepter was added to the spear and shield soldiers on the front line, and they instantly rose to the level of pseudo-three talents. The elite rattan armor soldiers led by Meng Huo immediately began to retreat steadily.

When the fifth wave of spears landed, Meng Huo was directly pierced by a crossbow bolt from the Peacock Legion, and then Rahul stabbed the cavalry up almost instantly. The troops were directly beaten to collapse by Rahul.

"Hehehe, it really makes me feel polite to the Han army to send the [-] troops for nothing." Rahul sneered as he watched Meng Huo and Wei Yan flee desperately.

Xu Shu's calculation was very good, but Xu Shu only missed one point, and that was the speed of Rahul Tuyou.

According to Xu Shu's calculations, it would take at least one to two days for Rahul to defeat Wei Yan and the others. This time was enough for Zhuge Liang and others to break through the encirclement net to meet Wei Yan and others.

Rahul revealed almost all of his hole cards. Although this is not conducive to the battle of the large army behind, the actual number of enemies wiped out is obviously worth it.

Xu Shu's calculation was very good, but Rahul's mentality change was completely unexpected to him.

In his calculations, Rahul must be careful at every step, and the momentum of slack and big victory threatens Zhuge Liang.

But Rahul did not do this. He chose to use the talent that had not been accumulated to the highest level, and directly took away this wave of Han troops.

One hundred thousand is an addition to the two armies as a whole, but the problem is that after Rahul has a clear idea, he understands Baiqi's combat method, which is to wipe out the enemy's vital forces as much as possible.

Even if he won the Han Dynasty in the later battle, it would be difficult for them to counterattack the Han Dynasty.

So he chose to kill the enemy, which is the only way he can get along with the Han Dynasty,
Relying on the peacock to kill the enemy, day after day, there is always a chance to kill the Han Dynasty.

I have to say that Rahul's thinking is very weird, but the problem is that Wei Yan and Meng Huo can't stand it at all.

A rout, an unimaginable rout.

"The pupils are almost dilated? Hurry up, medicine!"

Wei Yan frantically clutched the big hole in Meng Huo's chest. Different from the penetrating wound of ordinary arrows, the penetrating power of a peacock is directly a hole. Fortunately, Meng Huo is not an ordinary person, otherwise a big hole would be opened near the heart It was already cold.

Meng Huo's dying caused unspeakable panic in Wei Yan's heart. A large army commanded an unreserved and murderous attack, which made him breathless.

Simulation and reality are different after all, Wei Yanyi can't command so many people, and Er Rahul still has the advantage in strength.

This is a situation that has never occurred in the teaching of Han Xin and others.

Their teaching, the most basic situation is the balance of power between the two sides, or it is directly the disadvantage of Han Xin and the others.

There has never been a time when Han Xin, Bai Qi and others took the overall advantage to deal with them, because everyone knew that it was meaningless, and now Wei Yan is facing such a situation.

He can't see a shred of hope, an opponent who is stronger than him, and the quantity and quality of troops in his hands are better than his, and at this moment, he has the intention to kill you.

He couldn't think of any way to win, so he could only run away.


In the first major defeat since the war between the Han Dynasty and Guishuang, although Xu Shu buried a sharp knife in Guishuang's back, he paid a relatively heavy price.

After Wei Yan and others were taken over by Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and Zhao Yun, they finally got a chance to breathe.

Rahul stopped at this point, and they had no cards but would be at a disadvantage if they continued to fight. They had to withdraw one after another and wait for Peacock to recover before fighting the Han Dynasty.

"Compared with the Han Dynasty, our battle loss ratio is more than five?"

After Rahul withdrew, Brah, who joined him, immediately looked at Rahul as if he had seen a ghost.

"Well, it's about one to seven." Rahul didn't answer, but Durga still helped to give an explanation. After all, Brahe is also the commander of the first army, so he is a direct descendant of the royal family.

"One of us, seven of the Han Dynasty?" Brahe looked at Durga in shock and asked.

"Yes." Durga said with a sigh.

"It's really powerful." Brahe looked at Rahul with a complicated expression. It was about 300 years ago when the Da Yuezhi first faced the Han Dynasty and achieved a decent record.

In contrast, he, Brahe, is like a complete idiot. He also fights with a superior force, and his loss is almost ten times that of the Han Dynasty.

"The main reason is that Nilanjan lost too much in order to retain the Han army!" Oswin sighed, the frontal battlefield was almost devastated, and the battle damage was basically the loss of Nilanjan rushing out of the city.

"Having captured nearly [-] people, why is the general depressed?"

Brahe didn't understand, and asked Oswin quietly, he dare not talk to Rahul now, he felt that he was not very good match.

"God Galan gathered a lot of believers in the rear!" Oswin sighed again.

"Isn't this expected?" Brahe didn't understand, wasn't this what was expected, why was he still depressed.

"This time, the God of Galan didn't use the name of God. The believers who came close to him in the past are all because the Han Dynasty treated the people better than us..." Oswin glanced at Rahul secretly, and then whispered to Brahe.

Brahe instantly understood that things like people's hearts and Brahmans are really embarrassing.

They are obviously fighting in the local area, but the Han army is more popular with the people. How can this not make a commander confused.

Of course, this is just confusion. What's worse is that the original Guan Yu only had 2 or [-] people. Although it is worthy of attention, he still has a way to deal with it.

But it's different now, Guan Yu's conscription in their homeland is like being in his own home. Rahul can't even imagine how much harm it will cause if he simply arms at that time.

He seems to have won the battlefield, but lost the overall situation in a mess.

Guan Yu is really like a Daxmos sword hanging above Guishuang's head, ready to go, which makes people shudder.

At least Brahe was terrified just by imagining it.

But he is very fortunate that it is not he who needs to face the pressure, but Rahul, and he only needs to obey Rahul's orders.

Wang's City on the other side.

Thanks to the blessings brought by the title of Tianfu Zhenjun, their recruitment was easier than expected, and they easily recruited more than 5 people, and even some elite soldiers among them.

They all admire the blessings that Tianfu Zhenjun brought them, but Guishuang deprived them of these blessings, and they spontaneously hated Guishuang.

And there are also some diehard fans of Brahma who joined Guan Yu's command.

Guan Yu is a god, so they can ignore the battle with Brahma, but Rahul Arvind and the others are humans, and they dare to kill gods, which is disrespectful.

When Xu Shu received the news, he was silent for a long time, and then silently bowed in the direction of the battlefield.

"Yuan Zhi!" Guan Yu hesitated to speak.

"Yun Chang don't need to comfort me, this is Yuan Zhi's crime!" Xu Shu stood up, although Ci didn't take charge of the army, but the loss was too great, this was a mistake in his plan, and he should be responsible for it.

"Let's talk about it after defeating Guishuang, I'm still falling down!"

Xu Shu straightened his body like an indestructible sword.

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