There are not a few generals and schools transferred to Herat by Arvind, and there are even some Nangui generals and schools.

Everyone gathered together, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

Facing the lightning-like attack of the Han Dynasty, they felt a lot of pressure.

"I can't hold it here." Gumara bluntly broke the silence first.

"There is not a single fish in the Han Dynasty Legion, and there are at least three reorganized army souls among them. That is to say, once the opponent makes a move, we are very likely to be unable to defend." Sahel nodded, agreeing with Gumara.

Flying bears, entrapment, golden armor, and heavy cavalry, each legion should make them feel more pressure, especially the three army soul legions, which put them under unparalleled pressure.

This is a real gap. They only have two army souls in Guishuang, but the Han Dynasty has six, and they are not sure how many there are in the army of the Han Dynasty.

They only saw three military souls and one three-talented, but what didn't they see?
Arvind was not here, Kapil was not there, and they had no advantage except the location.

"But we must defend. We can be regarded as the first gate here. If we can keep the Han army out, it will be extremely valuable to Guishuang."

Barak, who was sitting on the main seat, said with a serious expression.

Barak, Zasali, Sahel, Falgon, and Gumara can be regarded as first-class generals and staff officers even in Rome and the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, after being transferred to Herat by Arvind, this group of people had the idea of ​​retreating.

But they also knew what Arvind meant. Herat could throw it away, but at least he had to hit something.

Even if they gather together, the greatest significance here is to consume the army of the Han Dynasty.

And Barak has some other ideas, he wants to give it a try, in this place, to see if he can bring out more things from the Han Dynasty.

"The problem is that the Han army came too fast. Many barracks of our army are still deep in the mountains, and it is quite difficult to dispatch them. The legions that can be here are relatively close to the river valley."

Beigui's general, Ju Jialuo, spread his hands and said that he has no good solution now.

This is often the case in wars, not because there is no strength to deal with such opponents, but because there is no way to turn around.

After all, is this a video game? Click on the army and it will move quickly. Now Beigui has dozens of barracks stuck in the imperial cemetery, but because the Han army is too fast, there is no way to dispatch them.

They never thought that the Han Dynasty could come from Parthia's territory.

Borrowing from another empire is simply absurd, how good the relationship between the two countries should be.

I heard that the Han army helped Parthia fight a wave of Rome before, but I didn't expect that there was actually an alliance between the two empires, and they could even do such a thing with an excuse.

"Our current strength is unlikely to be able to deal with such a Han army. I am afraid that the opponent has not launched an attack because of the loss of the elite." Barack said calmly.

"But the opponent's regular army should have arrived, and we cannot avoid it!"

"Is there any way to cause mass destruction? If we continue to defend, if our strength is insufficient, once the opponent catches a flaw, it is very likely that there will be a big problem."

Gumara said helplessly, he really didn't want to fight the Han Dynasty here, the three army soul corps, this is the first to fight.

Even if there is a loss, the opponent will make up for the soldiers three or two times, and the end will still be the same. Unless they are wiped out at once, the disadvantage of attrition to their side is almost certain.

This is also the significance of the military soul to an empire, so that at some point, they can directly use the soldiers of the military soul to exchange their sons, directly exchanging huge flaws to the opponent
Annihilating the Army Soul Legion is a bit unrealistic.

All the legions known to Guishuang, they couldn't be sure to annihilate the Army Soul Legion.

Even the peacocks are the same now. They are very good at fighting ordinary elites, but it is very difficult to kill them when facing the soldiers of the army soul.

Six shots in a row, hitting heavy cavalry and flying bears has no good effect at all.

When calling from beyond visual range, the hit rate is a problem. The speed of the Army Soul Legion is not slow, and it is not a problem for most people to avoid it.

"Our current situation is quite bad. Except for the geographical advantage, we are at a disadvantage in almost all other aspects." Another legion commander stood up and said.

"In my opinion, we should form a death squad now, and be prepared to fight to the death at the last moment. Otherwise, when we are careless, the Han Dynasty may rush up and kill us." Ju Jialuo said with a three-point absolute decided to say.

"The problem is that if we do this, who will lead the death squad? It is impossible for us to form a death squad without a leader. The Han Dynasty said, do not do to others what you want, and let the soldiers fear death. The most correct way is to..."

Jugala silently scanned the dozen or so legion commanders and deputies present.

Everyone in the audience who was scanned showed embarrassment on their faces. Although everyone had the courage to fight for the country, the Death Squad... was already doomed.

In fact, everyone knows that this is inevitable in the end, but if possible, they still want to wait for a lottery.

"We smoke..." Barak said slowly, he knew that at this point, anyone might lose the meaning of death squads because of their unconvinced hearts.

The best way is to draw lots. Everyone here is more or less conscious. If the lottery decides their fate, most people will just accept it calmly and fight to the death in the end.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted, and Kugaro directly interrupted Barak's words.

"Form a death squad." Jugala stood up and said.

"We must have a death squad that is strong enough and daring to fight, otherwise, we will be completely vulnerable to the army soul army on the opposite side."

"Even if we built a large number of fortifications here, as long as the other party gnaws away our headquarters, these fortifications are meaningless at all."

"Okay, I know you guys have something to say, but I'll come." Seeing that other people wanted to argue, Jugalo waved his hand directly and said.

"I'm here to form a new legion. Give me a share of any desperate moves you have. When that time comes, I will go first and block the main force on the opposite side. As for the rest, you can attack desperately."

Kugala's courage to face death began to spread to others.

All soldiers are ready to die in battle. This is what they have realized when they become soldiers and face the war.

And those who can become generals have more or less awareness, but this awareness disappears with the grouping.

But when someone really faced death, someone directly stood up, which greatly inspired the courage of this group of people. After all, they were prepared when they came, and courage itself can be contagious.

Guishuang's generals dispelled the shadow in their hearts for a while, they were going to fight the Han Dynasty here.

After confirming this idea, everyone began to brainstorm and discuss any method that could improve the odds of winning.

No, it's not the chance of winning, but the plan to kill the soldiers of the Han Dynasty to the maximum extent. From the beginning, they planned to destroy everyone in exchange for the casualties of the Han Dynasty.

This kind of mourning atmosphere unexpectedly made everyone in Guishuang straighten their backs. At least they can now face the main force of the Han Dynasty, right?

A few days later, the sky was bright, and after the Han Dynasty finished their meal, they led their troops to march.

Hua Xiong led the reorganized flying bears to climb over the mountains, so they didn't appear in the front.

Li Que himself asked to be in the center, while the team was on the side. It seemed that the division of labor was very clear. When the Han Dynasty invaded heavily, Bei Gui, who had been cautiously dealing with the Han Dynasty for the past few days, also dispatched urgently.

"finally coming?"

Jugala took a deep breath, let his brain be as clear as possible, and then gathered his elite death squad at the first time. After making so many preparations, he must let the Han Dynasty understand that Da Yueshi will not tolerate it. Insult.

Because of repeated training, after receiving the news of the advance from the Han Dynasty, the Guishuang Barracks began to operate quickly like a sophisticated machine.

Soon everyone found the position they should be in, followed their corporal leaders, special leaders, team leaders, etc. to form an array one after another, and then stared at the opposite side, waiting for the arrival of the Han army.

"This is……"

Standing in front of the queue, Kugala could not help but let out a long breath, feeling the lingering depression in the air.

However, at this time, Kugala suddenly realized that the sky was slowly darkening. The sky in the distance was swept into darkness like night, and the next cavalry slowly jumped out from the horizon.

"Death Squad?" A hellish call sounded.

It was obviously whispered, but it burst into the hearts of the Beigui soldiers on the opposite side like thunder. The terrifying power made these elite soldiers who were clearly mentally prepared to face death tremble.

But none of them flinched, and they were ready to sacrifice.

No matter which country it is, there is no shortage of people who fight to the death for the country.

What's more, Guishuang is also a rising empire, and it still copied a lot of things from the Han Dynasty, and there is no lack of nationalism.

Li Que looked at Jugala at the front with admiration. Any warrior who is ready to face death will be respected by him, because they also came from that period.

However, it's just respect. If you want to stop them, it's not enough to rely on the awareness of sacrifice.

At this moment, the light suddenly appeared, but in the eyes of all the soldiers in Guishuang, they clearly saw the sky called death slowly covering them. The darkness and silence made people even more desperate, and the silent gap was like this !
But in the midst of extreme depression, Kugala took a step forward.


Kurigara Fudo Myoko leaped out of Kugala, blooming with all his brilliance.

Under extreme pressure, Kugara broke through the limit and took the last step forward, achieving the breakthrough of God.

While breaking the boundary, combine your own legion talent and the vision of gods and Buddhas into one.

Originally a black dragon wrapped around a sharp sword, the image of Kurikara Fudo Myoyo directly transformed into a human form, holding a rope with his left hand on his waist, and a sword with his right elbow bent. superior.


The trembling soldiers suddenly settled down, not only because of Kurigara Fudo Myoko, but also because of Kurigara's courage.

Li Que's cold gaze swept across the opposite camp, and he didn't say anything more. He pulled the rein, and Baoju stood up, and then a dark blue road forced his way directly from Li Que's feet to Guishuang's camp Lay out the past.

The same secret technique as Zhang Fei's, used to avoid terrain traps such as horse traps that may exist.

As for the horse refusal posts and so on, they don't care about heavy cavalry, they can just smash them into pieces.

There is no temptation, and there is no division of troops to encircle. Today's goal is to crush this group of guys blocking the road, and then rush to overpower them.

Relying on the elite to forcibly open a blood path, and then let the elite soldiers behind them press forward, and then fell into a tug-of-war of flesh and blood.

Until Hua Xiong descended from the sky from the rear, and took the Herat area in one fell swoop.

"Unleash talent!" Li Que roared, and four legion talents of different colors fell on the heavy iron cavalry, making their already daunting defense to a higher level.

"Fire arrows!"

The speed at which the heavy iron cavalry soared was not fast, but the moment this terrifying power boiled up, all the Guishuang generals came back to their senses.

It's just that the power of the heavy cavalry is too terrifying. Even if they have already made preparations to face the Han Dynasty, it is inevitable that their hands and feet will be stiff at this moment. Fortunately, the commanders at all levels regained their consciousness and ordered loudly.

At this moment, the rain of arrows burst out, but it was not the dense rain of arrows. Obviously, because of the power of the heavy cavalry, the Guishuang Army showed a little stiff hands and feet, and could not bring out the experience of many years of training, so that the arrows in the sky The rain was obviously messy.

Fortunately, with the continuous explosion of bowstrings, the stiff hands and feet of Guishuang soldiers who were shocked by the heavy iron cavalry finally recovered a little instinct. After all, Beigui used almost the same military system as the pre-Qin and Han. Without water injection, the training is still in place.

Without any intention of dodging, seeing the messy arrow rain covering them, the soldiers of the heavy cavalry didn't even bow their heads, and just rushed to kill them against the arrow rain.

This level of attack can't break through their defense at all.

However, the fortifications that Guishuang had built for many years were not paper after all. Several bed crossbow catapults opened fire, and more than [-] heavy cavalry were shot down and dismounted in an instant.

Although most of them did not die, they completely lost their charging posture.

From the arrangement of General Guishuang, they guessed that the Han Dynasty would send cavalry to charge, so they had already planned a move and waited for the Han Dynasty cavalry to charge.

There has never been a fluke in the battle of the empire, which is why the heavy cavalry lead the way. Even if they fall into battle, they can't compete with them in defense.

They came to eat Guishuang's first wave of sniping.

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