Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 965 The two countries are repaired, no fight

"I chose Gou so quickly, the other party is more cautious than I thought."

Looking at the situation in the light and shadow, Fazheng squinted his eyes and said, this is very unreasonable.

Didn't the other party receive the order from Meng Kangbu, or did Meng Kangbu just give an extremely general order?

What is the purpose?Hold the Han army?Probing?still is……

"In this case, let's not waste arrows." Ma Dai looked at the big boat in the light and shadow and scratched his head.

"Continue to shoot. We can try to expose part of our information to the other party. For example, how long will it take to shoot the second wave without pressure? Anyway, continue."

Fazheng said plainly, Ma Dai was puzzled, but seeing Fazheng's expression, he silently started shooting.

"The military division's meaning is to lure the enemy to rush over to attack us at night, and then our army will defeat the opponent from top to bottom!"

Ma Di understood the meaning of Fazheng and explained the meaning of this move to Ma Dai.

"Don't use the will to guide at the beginning of the night, just use ordinary long-distance high-power shooting. After you pass there, use the will to guide the arrow."

Fazheng pointed to the location between the port and the mountain they were squatting on and said.

Ma Dai was stunned, "In that case, when the opponent has no way to retreat, it is very likely that he will fight to the death and come straight to us."

Fazheng glanced at Ma Di, and Ma Di immediately answered the question.

"The meaning of the military division is to force the opponent to come. Only in this way can our army defeat the opponent and take them prisoner!"

Ma Dai stopped talking, he felt that his brain was not enough, so he just had to obey the orders honestly.

"Ma Di Ma Liang listens to the order, and you are in charge of this place. The task is to hold or defeat this army, and set up camp on the spot to wait for the next order!"

Fazheng sensed something was wrong from Bangalore's movements, and he planned to leave here and go to Huang Zhong's side.

Ma Di performed really well. Although Liu Bei commented that Ma Di could not lead the army, he didn't need much talent to bully a group of soldiers from the kingdom.

As long as you don't commit any military taboos, when the opposite side goes ashore, Ma Su and Ma Liang will sort out the clouds, and Ma Dai and Ma Tie will charge the opposite side from top to bottom.

Isn't the rest just playing casually?

The strongest legion of the Zhuluo dynasty was disabled by Ma Dai long ago, and Ma Dai also made up the legion. Fazheng didn't know how to lose.

After explaining a few words, Fazheng left in a hurry. He always felt that Meng Kangbu was planning something. This feeling was very bad, and it gave him an urgent sense of crisis.

It was Ye Banjialuo who sent some soldiers to test, but the Han army was still able to shoot, which made him a little shocked.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

The elite level of the Han army's archers exceeded his imagination, and he felt that his shooting at night was only at this level.

But the good news is that compared to daytime shooting accuracy has dropped significantly, but Bangalore did not launch a direct attack, but after a very targeted test, sent a wave of soldiers to investigate around the river.

"How's the situation?" Bangalore asked.

"Although it is difficult to investigate at night, we have invested a lot of manpower to investigate, and finally confirmed that there are no other Han troops nearby except that one place." The scout said with some assurance.

"Is that the only Han army? Is it a sentry? Or?"

Bangalore heard the scout's report, and after thinking about it in combination with reality, he felt more doubts.

What's the point of Meng Kangbu sending him here? Is it to give the Han army a wrong signal, hoping to transfer the tiger away from the mountain?

But this is unrealistic, and the Han army is not a vegetarian. It is impossible for their Zhuluo Dynasty to fight against the Han Dynasty. Meng Kangbu should be very clear about this.

But why did he still send him to this place? Logically speaking, Meng Kangbu should be very clear that he would only work and not work hard.

Thinking about it, Bangalore has a big head.

This is a small country, and there are so many things to consider.

A small country will always live in the cracks, and a big country can be regarded as truly living under the sun.

But Bangalore couldn't let go of his own country, otherwise he would have accepted Guishuang's olive branch long ago. You must know that Guishuang was the well-deserved overlord in the middle and lower reaches of the Ganges River, and every word and deed was enough to determine the life and death of a country.

Facing the olive branch offered to him by such an empire, he finally chose to reject it.

"What was the result of the tentative offensive at night?" Bangalore asked, changing the subject, "I mean what is the exact hit rate?"

"If our army advances in a scattered formation, and the soldiers do not advance in a dense formation, the opponent's hit rate will drop significantly, but the opponent seems to have other methods. No matter what method we use, the opponent's arrows can always roughly cover the position. If it is not for the small number, we may not be able to move forward."

The general who went to test the Han army recounted what he actually encountered. Hearing that the Han army could remotely control their position, Bangalore was much more relieved when he heard that the hit rate would drop at night.

I am not afraid of the immortal means of the Han army, but I am afraid that the Han army does not have the means of immortals.

If the other party didn't have such a way to grasp their positions, he would not believe it.

"Very well, let all the soldiers return to the ship to rest, recharge their batteries tomorrow, and launch an assault at night." Bangalore nodded, and after confirming that the Han army did have a certain vision problem, Bangalore became more confident. For enough.

As long as you log in and go ashore, your mobility will be much better, but whether you are fighting or fleeing, you will take the initiative.

Of course, no matter how confident you are, it can't change Bangalore's inner anxiety.

Bangalore has always been a little worried since the Chula Dynasty intervened in this battle, but considering the current situation, it is impossible not to intervene. good thing.

Even if he can defeat this small Han army, but if they really face the elite of the Han army, what will happen to their Zhuluo Dynasty?

The Zhuluo dynasty is at such an embarrassing level. The whole country has a total of one imperial guard, two double talents, five internal qi separations, and nearly [-] soldiers. At the level of the kingdom, it can be said to be a well-known role, but At the empire level, just two words - cannon fodder!
If it was shifted to a few years ago, it would still have some right to speak, but now the imperial guards are all over the place, and the double talent is not as good as the dog's runaway era. The Zhuluo Dynasty can't even be regarded as cannon fodder.

Huang Zhong himself is a partial army all the way, and Ma Dai is Huang Zhong's partial army all the way. Even so, he can compete with Bangalore.

Bangalore brought more than half of the elite of the Chola Dynasty, and the gap between the two sides was simply suffocating.

"There was no attack."

Ma Liang woke up after a nap, and frowned after hearing Ma Su's handover of information.

Looking at the soldiers under his command again, staying up all night had a great impact on them. After thinking about it, Ma Liang found Ma Dai.

"Let the soldiers take turns to rest, it won't work like this." Ma Liang looked at the soldiers who were obviously sleepy, but don't let the opponent be dragged down by exhaustion, his own side was dragged down first.

"Then what if the Zhuluo Dynasty launches a surprise attack?" Ma Dai frowned and said.

He was a little uneasy, and after being unable to be around, he always felt that there was a ghost in the Chola Dynasty, planning some unknown conspiracy.

"It's okay, the existence of Shesheng means that the opponent will not attack during the day, we just need to recharge our batteries during the day, and be serious at night!" Ma Liang thought for a while and gave his own suggestion.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements now!" Ma Dai thought for a while, and felt that what Ma Liang said was very sensible, and that Ma Di had also said similar things in the early morning.

They were old acquaintances, and they were also classmates in Luoyang. Ma Dai also knew that both of them were excellent scholars. Although they were far behind Pang Tong and Sima Yi, they were much better than reckless men like them.

It's better to listen to such a smart person than to think about it yourself.

Ma Liang had no idea, so he simply mobilized his spiritual power and pulled a rain cloud in the sky. He also has spiritual talent, although it is just a spiritual talent that is better at diplomacy.

But if he changes his mind, he can still do it.

"No matter what you hear from the intelligence, this ability is daunting."

Bangalore looked at the rain clouds in the sky, and suddenly lost his mind to do anything. He knew very well that the other party was doing this just to prevent him from attacking during the day.

Then it means that the other party has prepared for their night login, and they still have to face up to it.

"There is no way to fight this kind of war. The other party is telling me to retreat."

Bangalore is a bit of a liver ache. No matter how hard it is, after it rains, the ground is muddy. Even if they log in to the night attack at night, they will be dragged down by this terrain.

It is impossible to attack the Han army in the dark.

From Bangalore's point of view, the Han Dynasty has demonstrated its power quite gracefully. After the ultra-long-range suppression ended, they used this method of rain to tell Bangalore what kind of power their Han Dynasty controls. .

This relatively gentle method made Bangalore, a general who can understand the situation, clearly know that the Han army does not seem to be fighting against himself, or that the Han army probably does not want to waste its strength in the Zhuluo Dynasty. This kind of opponent, therefore will choose this way of warning.

In fact, Ma Liang didn't have this idea, but Bangalore couldn't help himself to make up his own brain, or this is also the tragedy of a small country, and any action of a powerful empire will be over-interpreted.

I'm afraid that because of a little problem, the powerful empire will be angered, which will lead to the disaster of killing people.

"Compared to Guishuang, I am more inclined to the Han Dynasty, after all, the Han Dynasty is farther away." Bangalore sighed in his heart, and the only rule of military diplomacy is long-distance friendship and short-term attack.

What's more important is that Han's way of showing strength can make them feel more clearly, but it doesn't make people feel so stinging.

Compared with Guishuang, who didn't treat them as human beings at all, and directly snatched half of the soldiers, the two sides judged each other.

"Retract the troops and find someone who understands Chinese to act as an envoy." Bangalore quickly made a decision.

He is very clear about the inner thoughts of his country's lord. Karikala and Mengkangbu are just hypocrisy. In fact, participating in the war is just a forced behavior. Suit.

Bangalore is very aware of the psychology of his country's lord, because he thinks so too.

So looking at the rain curtain, Bangalore had some other thoughts. Anyway, the army along the way was all soldiers and horses of the Chola Dynasty, and they were just for containment. Direct action is an option, and dragging is also an option. There is no need dead beat.

As for the case that Meng Kangbu's performance is very good, and Karikala stands on Guishuang's position, then the big deal is to start after receiving the secret report. Anyway, soldiers are not tired of cheating. It makes sense to win, and it makes sense to lose nothing.

If Meng Kangbu was simply defeated, then they fell directly to the Han Dynasty, using the excuse that the king was kidnapped, and the matter was over. Anyway, the Han Dynasty was busy dealing with Guishuang, and they would definitely not be idle to manage them.

With this in mind, Bangalore found a few young men who seemed to understand Chinese, holding a pole and marching towards the rain screen, so as to talk to the Han room.

As for the rebellion against the wall, there is absolutely no way to do it. Depending on the actual situation, adopting different strategies is in itself the way for a small country to survive.

Surviving in the cracks is not so easy.

The Empire sees it as a shame to admit defeat, because they rarely concede defeat, and most of the time they win.

But small countries are different. Surrendering and admitting defeat is commonplace. If there is a choice, who would be willing to be a fool?
They have no choice.

Ma Liang decided to meet the envoys of the Zhuluo Dynasty, and he had already figured out the intentions of the other party.

The best cannon fodder... is dead, and it is still very useful, just recently there is a shortage of people everywhere.

When you are away from home, save as much as you can.

The envoys from Bangalore came very quickly, and they were not attacked along the way. They knew that the Han Dynasty had discovered them, and that the Han Dynasty was willing to sit down and talk with them. This was a big deal for both of them. good news.

Soon the two sides started low-level exchanges, and then the two sides fully exchanged their opinions. Although they only exchanged opinions and did not reach any consensus, being able to sit down and talk has already shown the sincerity of the Zhuluo Dynasty, so Ma Liang also Don't mind procrastinating or anything.

"The two countries are repairing, and there will be no fighting!" Ma Liang's eight-character Sheng Yan became the core of the talks.

Both sides were very sincere, and when the envoys left later, Ma Liang had already limped the group of people.

After the group of people left, Ma Liang sneered.

"The barbarian elite soldiers should be used by me!"

Ma Dai couldn't understand it anymore, but he understood that their task had been completed.

Ma Liang seemed to recruit the other side, but he didn't seem to, he couldn't understand.

Watching Ma Liang start to write vigorously, Ma Dai wisely didn't bother him, but found Ma Di.

"What did you say?" Ma Di was stunned, there was no movement last night, and he stayed up all night with all his attention. Now you tell me that Ma Liang has recruited the opposite party.

Before I had time to display all my talents, it was completely over.

How could he accept this.

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