Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 989 The ultimate leap of the Holy Fall

"Whoever stands in my way will die!" Ardasil yelled angrily as if a spring had been pressed to its limit the moment he touched the sixth triumph.


The entire Holy Meteor Cavalry chose to explode instead of gaining momentum.

At this moment, the aura of the Holy Meteor Cavalry directly suppressed the Sixth Triumph Legion.

Ardashir took the lead, and his supernatural strength made him extremely strong in the charge.

The heavy scimitar extended with flames and slashed towards the sixth triumphant soldier in front, tearing apart the opponent's armor and flying the opponent's remnant body.

The blood splashed all over Ardashir's body, but it set off it like a demon god.

At this moment, hundreds of elite soldiers collided together.

These elite soldiers of Parthia, the elite of Rome, are almost the elite standing at the apex of this world.

At this moment, nearly a hundred people fell forever, but neither Ardashir nor Yakino was moved.

War is like this, once it starts, there is only winning or losing, there is no right or wrong.

There is only this one way, you can either kill through it or block it, it's that simple, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, you must rush through it at this level!

Although the world is big, it can no longer accommodate the coexistence of Parthia and Rome.

A Centurion of the Parthian Saint Fallen Cavalry, who had been shot several times in his body, roared and sprinted, his brilliant will prevented the sixth triumphant soldier who was facing him from looking directly at him.

And if you can't look directly at it, it doesn't mean you can't kill it.

The weapon in his hand pierced through it again, and the stubborn flames in the centurion's eyes gradually extinguished.

The will is bright, but it is not bright enough to be like a god breaking through the world, and the heart is immortal.

But before that bright will faded, the Centurion of the Holy Meteor Cavalry swung his heavy scimitar as if he had sensed something, and swept towards the front with an indomitable momentum.

Even though he is dead, he still has to pull two backs.

The scimitar was covered with blood, and then the last ray of light in the centurion's eyes disappeared, and he fell from the horse with a sigh, and was crushed into powder.

"Give me everything, for the glory of Parthia!" The centurion recited softly at the moment when he fell from his horse, "General Ardashir, you will surely succeed!"

He died, but his will did not dissipate.

After the fallen horse was turned into powder, that unyielding will and the belief of not regretting until death were directly incorporated into the blessings of the Holy Meteor Cavalry Legion. Even if you fall down, our spirit will be with you!
For the glory of Parthia, she once again bloomed her brilliance.


Ardasil roared angrily and slashed out, even if he had reached the breaking boundary, even if his will was as bright as a god or a demon.

But relying on personal force on this kind of battlefield can't really affect the battle situation, even if Ardashir is inevitably injured.

Shenshajie is not invincible, and the sixth triumphant soldier is not rubbish. They also stand on the top of the human army. Even if they are not the strongest, they are not rubbish either.

Ardashir swept across, killing the opponent in front of him, and there was no time to dodge.

"Bang!" A sharp arrow pierced through the chest. There is no invincible general in this series of wars. Even if Lu Bu is mixed in, it is not impossible to be strangled by elite soldiers. Although Ardasil is strong, but It is not an indestructible body, no matter how strong the talent is, it has its own limit.

Yakino knew that he was not a direct opponent of Ardashir, so he waited for a long time with a bow and arrow, and agreed to wait for Ardashir's opening.

He grabbed Ardashir and exhausted his old strength, but when his new strength was not born, he shot an arrow through his chest.

Seeing the arrow on his chest, Ardashir was in a daze for a moment, then roared and broke the shaft of the arrow, and shot the arrow out from behind, then sealed the wound with will forcefully,
There was a tingling sensation from the chest wound, but this stinging pain not only did not shake Ardashir, but made him more ferocious.

Just being pierced through the chest by a sharp arrow, a mere minor injury is nothing to worry about.

The will shines brightly on Ardashir, and the Holy Meteor Cavalry is even more imposing, wounded and brave. This kind of Ardashir is their guiding light.

Cut off weapons, cut off opponents, cut off all enemies who dare to stand in front of you, whether it is the sixth triumph, or the luminous birdman barbarian, just cut it down with one knife, and kill it, if even a mere eagle flag can't kill it , so what is there to talk about against Rome.

The will of all the soldiers was screwed together by Ardashir, and all the soldiers could clearly feel the strong will to sacrifice. This was for themselves, for their families, and for rest.

The murderer of the destruction of the family and the country is right in front of them, and someone must stand up to stop this disaster. In the past, it was the ancestors who were recorded in the annals of history to worship for future generations, but this time it is themselves!
The Sixth Triumph Legion's desperate resistance did not last long before being pierced by Ardashir.

However, on the overall battlefield, the losses of both sides are basically the same.

The number of soldiers killed in the sixth triumph was higher than that of the holy meteor cavalry, but the soldiers behind the holy meteor cavalry faced the sniper attacks of the sixth triumph and the No.17 first angel, and suffered a lot of casualties.

But the moment Ardashir jumped out of the Sixth Triumph Legion's line of defense, all the elite Roman soldiers, including Yachino, felt discouraged.

There's no way, when Shachuan appears on the battlefield, it means that there is a fundamental gap in strength between the two sides.

Moreover, both sides are legions involving idealism. The strength of the sixth triumphant soldier who was killed instantly began to decline, and his body began to decline visible to the naked eye, and the decline brought self-denial.

The sixth triumph has fallen into a vicious circle. If there is only the sixth triumph here, Ardashir has already won this battle.

It's a pity that there is no if, Michael flapped his wings and stood in front of Ardashir.

The momentum of the Holy Meteor Cavalry's charge was also stopped, and the legion that appeared in front of them was stronger than the sixth triumphant, not weaker.


The broad sword in Michael's hand stopped the heavy scimitar in Ardashir's hand. Ardashir frowned, the opponent was very strong!
"Sinner! This road is blocked!" Michael stopped in front of Ardashir.

"Hmph, I really think of myself as an angel!" Ardashir sneered a few times, he knew about the newly formed legions of the three churches.

No.17 Eagle Banner First Angel Legion, No.18 Eagle Banner Second Angel Legion, No.19 Eagle Banner Third Angel Legion.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he had seen the movement of Michael's blessing before, and he knew that the three legions were probably stubborn.

But after the actual collision, he realized how tough this stubble was.

"All the members have cultivated Qi and become powerful, and they still have talent?" Ardahill was a little surprised.

Taken apart, these two words are innocuous, but when combined together, they do have the qualifications to wrestle with the Holy Meteor Cavalry.

The Kshatriya warrior group that Rahul once wanted to form had this effect, but unfortunately the caste system and the complex system of Brahman gods and Buddhas almost determined that he could not succeed.

But the first legion of angels in front of them possessed such strength, using faith to transform those savages who had no physical fitness into angels, and then assembled the legion.

"However, this alone is not enough to stop me!" Ardashir let out a long roar, and dots of starlight appeared on the holy meteor cavalry.

Michael shook his head, not angry at Ardashir's wild words.

"Whether it's cavalry, infantry, or others, when you can't kill the opponent directly, it means that your weakness has been exposed." Michael calmly narrated.

"The warriors under your command are indeed determined and capable of attacking Wushuang, but their defense is too fragile!"

The half of the angels who hadn't fought put away their weapons, folded their hands together and began to pray with their eyes closed. More and more light from the sky shone on the fighting angels.

Even the angels who had been disembowelled, or whose arms had been cut off, began to recover rapidly.

"Healing ability?" Ardasil frowned even more, this hand made him a little suffocated. What fears most in war is not shopping, but disability.

Disability will greatly affect the battle. To some extent, serious injuries will cause far greater drag on one party than death.

And these birdmen with wings in front of them can actually exert such a terrifying effect when fighting.

This means that when the opponent is not in a combat state, the healing effect will only be better.

"No, this ability is flawed?" Ardashir noticed the effects of these rays of light, which could only be cast on the angel warriors and those auxiliary soldiers, while the sixth triumphant soldier was not healed.

"No, it's not a defect, the Lord is powerful!" Michael saw Ardashir's thoughts, "It's just that the blessing of the Lord will only come on his lamb!"

It was said that the priority target in Ardashir's mind had changed, and this kind of troublesome legion must be killed first.

Cut the milk first, no matter what the situation is, it is extremely applicable.

"Troublesome!" Ardashir frowned. It had to be said that the church's new legion had a great impact on him.

The original war situation began to change, and the three nanny legions would make the war in Parthia extremely difficult.

Although it cannot provide large-scale killing effects on the frontal battlefield, this healing ability is no less than any killing ability.

This means that in the originally planned low-intensity war, it cannot be used in an instant, and they can only give it a go.

Once they are dragged into a low-to-medium-intensity war, the growth speed of the recruits on both sides will not be on the same starting line at all.

At this moment, Ardashir was very grateful that he chose to send troops, otherwise the three angel legions would cause great trouble to Parthia.

This kind of legion whose positioning is about equal to the army soul is really too tricky and must be killed.

Even if the Holy Meteor Cavalry hadn't fully taken the last step, they still had to give it a go today.

Ardashir, who had already made up his mind to kill, stopped holding back, and Michael quickly noticed Ardashir's killing intent.

"Sinner! Extremely arrogant!" Michael's expression was indifferent. Although he was very angry, he always maintained his rationality.

As the deputy prince of the kingdom of heaven, he carries far more things than other angels, whether in mythology or in the present.

His current state is actually very strange, with five parts human nature and five parts divine nature. He often does some behaviors that do not conform to his own settings, but in this behavior, he seems to be adhering to the talent of calmness all the time.

"Go to hell!" Ardasil lifted the restriction.

A ferocious aura bloomed from Ardashir's legion. At this moment, the bright golden light no longer bloomed from Ardashir's body, but from all the holy meteor cavalry, and the gilded brilliance continued to circle and rise , directly tore a piercing beam of light in the sky.

"Divine Guard?" Michael's eyes flashed with disbelief, this time he really felt the horror, the legion in front of him, from difficult to invincible in an instant.

"Retreat!" Michael didn't hesitate at all, the current Angel Legion would definitely not be the opponent of the one in front of him.

At this moment, all the soldiers on the Roman-Parthian battlefield couldn't help but look back, and all the legions who had reached the level of the decisive arm looked at the beam of light with solemn expressions.


Grez, head of the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps, looked at the beam of light intently, as if he saw the Habayashi Army reflected by himself. Although it seemed not as powerful as the reflected Habayashi Army, it was still an invincible existence.

Camillo, the head of the second legion, had an ugly face. As the branch of the second Trajan, he naturally understood what a miracle was.

Even the successive legion commanders have a way to achieve a miracle.

That is to kill the No.30 Eagle Banner Legion and make the second Trajan complete again. Unfortunately, this method is almost impossible.

Not to mention that the strengths of the two sides are almost the same, the political factors involved in the country alone are enough to make the second Trajan feel dizzy.

To be honest, the second Trajan's eagle flag itself was snatched back then. It is impossible for the original Second Eagle Banner Legion and the current First Auxiliary Legion to not care about it at all.

Once it comes to the point of life and death, the Roman Senate may turn the First Auxiliary Legion into the Second Eagle Banner again.

So Camille was very helpless and could only increase the amount of training.

"Miracle Legion?" Yue Fei from Congling frowned and looked in the direction of Parthia.

"It's a trouble! Wait for the information to arrive!" Yue Fei shook his head and kicked the distracting thoughts out of his mind, it was just a Miracle Legion, harmless.

Moreover, they can deploy the divine iron cavalry in the northern part of Guishuang at any time, and a miracle army can't have any impact on the overall situation.

Moreover, it is Rome that should have a headache now, and their Han Dynasty is now Parthia's most loyal ally.

"Lao Li, it's not the miracle of the Huns, is it?" Guo Si looked towards Parthia, cursing.

"It's just rubbish. We are at this level now. When they start to fall back, it's time to beat them to death!" Li Que said with a sneer.

Miracle?Miracle is good!
I originally thought that they would not be able to catch up with the Huns this time, but I didn't expect that the Huns could do miracles here.

That's just right, if there is no order at that time, they will have a reason to slip away from the defense zone and go directly to fight the Huns.

What is the punishment for running around, you ask?
What a joke, no one ever punished you for sneaking off to fight the Huns.

Unless you send the head, but will their god cavalry give the head?

will not!

They will only blow the heads of the Huns.

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