Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 991 Parthian - Roman Battlefield

If Ardashir was worried that Rome would set up an ambush in front of him when he stepped out of the Zagros Mountains, but after a day of double exploration by scouts and war eagles, Ardashir was basically sure that Rome had no idea of ​​ambush him at all.

The opponent just wants to push the front line as much as possible, and wait until next year to directly attack Parthia from the nearest distance.

That's why only two vanguard troops came to this side by bypassing the defense line, and the defense line they arranged near the Mesopotamia River Basin had not been completely defeated.

So Rome's current focus can't be placed on Ardashir and Temujin.

"What the hell is going on here?" Aldashir frowned and pondered.

After all, Rome was the great enemy of Parthia. Of course, Ardashir would not take Rome as an idiot, but Rome's aggressive behavior seemed to be giving away people's heads.

But if nothing else happens, both his side and Temujin's side have made gains. Although the Eagle Banner Legion doesn't have the absolute dominance it used to be, it shouldn't be such a waste, right?

"Wait, consume..." Aldashir thought of something, and his expression became cloudy for a few points.

In fact, Parthia was aware of Rome's policy of consuming barbarians, but the previous strength was too weak and could only be endured silently.

It's different now. After they noticed it, they began to think about how to break the game.

And now Ardashir can't help but think of those thoughts he once had. After all, if Rome used the life of the barbarians to consume them, in fact, they would not lose.

A low-intensity war can maximize the rise of Parthia, but when Ardrasil saw the First Angel Legion, he didn't think so.

To be honest, Ardahir doesn't like this kind of thing very much, but since politics is such a thing, since sitting in this position, it is impossible to say that not to participate.

Even Chen Xi, who has been working hard to get out of the system, represents a national political inclination, not to mention a new star like Ardashir who holds military power in the Parthian Empire.

And as the light of the third century in history, he also has his own unique insights into politics.

"The Church of Rome... is it possible to use it..."

Originally, if there were only the church's troops, he would not think so, but the combination of the Sixth Triumph and the Seventeenth Angel Legion gave him a little hope.

Strong fortresses tend to crumble from within.

Thinking of this, Ardashir directly sent people to Rome.

When Cyprian saw the messenger of Ardashir, he reacted quickly and immediately blocked the news.

After a long conversation, Cyprien looked uncertain.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and Cyprian finally found his chance to free the Church from its fate as cannon fodder.

Selling the Eagle Legion in exchange for the growth of the Roman Church will neither leave a handle nor cause any trouble. The only thing needed is to send the Eagle Legion to the right place at the right time.

"Hehehe, a good abacus!" Cyprien sneered, Ardashir's plan was very good, it was a win for both the Church and Parthia, and only the Roman Empire would lose.

But this is not enough. Unless a few eagle flags are completely destroyed, the Roman Empire will not be hurt at all, and their church will become the target of public criticism.

Correspondingly, Cyprian has a better doctrine, which is to let the Parthians and the Eagles die together, so that they not only complete the task, but also expand themselves.

At that time, even if he turned against Rome, he would still have a three-point confidence.

"Let me think, what should I do?" Cyprien rubbed his temples. He knew that Ardashir had bad intentions, but he was just as bad.

The rest is up to you to see, whose means is more sophisticated.

War itself is the continuation of politics, and the ultimate goal of politics is interests, only interests are eternal, and everything else is nonsense.

"Brother, what are we going to do next?" Zamuhe looked at his brother Temujin, who had started, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Those winged birdmen are a bit tough, and the Erlangs have suffered a lot!"

Zhamuhe was worried about Zhongzhong. In order to defeat the No.18 Eagle Banner Second Angel Corps and No.19 Eagle Banner Third Angel Corps, many people died in their headquarters.

The headquarter mentioned refers to the descendants of the Xiongnu, who themselves are not many in number, and it is very distressing to die.

"What is the current system of the Mongolian Iron Cavalry?" Temujin's face darkened when he heard the words. He didn't expect that his opponent would be so tough. The recruited Parthian auxiliaries couldn't open the situation at all, so he could only let the headquarters stand up.

"It's been replenished, but it's not a solution to continue like this. I heard that a miracle has been revealed in Ardahir..." Zamuhe was very irritable.

Miracle, miracle, these two words are the most annoying thing in their life.

The three words that annoyed them even more were Yu Lin Jun, an almost indelible nightmare.

"Aldashir was only a temporary outbreak, but it's actually a long way off!" Temujin shook his head. They also noticed the movement of the Holy Meteor Rider before Aldashir, which was far from Yulin's army.

"Continue to fight! If the Mongolian Iron Cavalry can be promoted from military soul to miracle, everything will be worth it!" Temujin gritted his teeth and finally decided to fight.

It is really a situation that cannot be controlled by others. After they join Parthia now, facing Rome, there is a sense of oppression that the Huns once faced the Han family.

Not on them, but Rome's sense of oppression against the entire empire, and they were implicated in it.

If it hadn't been a big victory before, maybe Parthia would be rotten now.

Temujin didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. Can he make a comeback in the future? Anyway, he is either Han or Hu, and he will die in Rome first and find a way out for Parthia.

As long as Parthia is alive, they have the possibility of going back to seek revenge for the Han family.

No one knows better than the Xiongnu, what will happen in the future without a basic plate.

Finally, there is such a basic plate as Parthia, and they have to give it a try.

"Yes!" Zamuhe's expression changed several times, but he finally chose to obey Temujin's orders.

"Where are Jin Wushu and Murong Ke?"

"We have already left the mountain range, and it is estimated that we will arrive soon!"

"Get ready. After they arrive, we will continue to attack. This time, we will not attack. We will only stand up and let the recruited auxiliary soldiers hone." Decide.

"I understand, I'm going to make arrangements now!" Zamuhe was also relieved, as long as he didn't let the headquarters fight, he could accept no matter how many people died in Parthia.

"Tiefutu, I hope you won't disappoint Jin Wushu. The stage is ready for you. If you still can't succeed, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Temujin tapped on the armrest of the seat, thinking incessantly.

The various tribes of Hun descendants who were scattered at the beginning actually maintained a certain connection, but except for Temujin’s shortcut, which occupied one of the Parthian army soul quotas, after the formation of a military soul army Mongolian iron cavalry, the other tribal legions, the most It's just a replica of the Guards.

And Jin Wushu took the initiative to find Temujin, saying that the trained Tiefutu had a chance to jump, hoping that Temujin could pull him for the sake of everyone's same roots.

Temujin has now fulfilled his promise, paving the stage for Jin Wushu, a battlefield where the super legion does not end and the ordinary legions fight each other.

If Jin Wushu cannot succeed, he will use the backbone of Jin Wushu to fill the vacancy of Mongolian iron cavalry.

That is, the complete annexation of the head tribe of Jin Wushu.

On the battlefield, everyone has their own calculations, which also led to the Battle of Parthia and Rome opening the curtain of a low-intensity war in the Mesopotamia.

To fight, to participate in the war, anyway, the world does not have to understand to become stronger.

Reckless, the last one who survived is the elite.

Under various reasons, both sides have tacitly invested a large number of recruits, ordinary legions, and a few elite legions with insufficient training.

Although it is already winter, everyone is still fighting. As long as the weather does not reach the most severe level in one day, everyone will not stop.


Jin Wushu vomited a mouthful of inverse blood, and finally vomited out the mouth of inverse blood after the heavy injury yesterday.

He was unlucky, and Tiefutu was trained. In the First World War, nearly 15 auxiliary soldiers in Rome and a quarter of the No. [-] Eagle Banner fanatics were raised.

But it has also become a thorn in the side of the church, and the three angelic legions are looking for him everywhere.

This kind of legion that can float for a short time is simply the nemesis of their Tiefu Tu.

Especially Gabriel, who led the team, bit him like a mad dog.

Never knew that he could fight like this, Gabriel, a world-shattering master, he not only resisted, but even made the opponent see blood.

In fact, Gabriel is not to blame. The No.18 Eagle Banner Legion suffered a lot of losses and stayed behind to make up for it. He brought the No.15 Eagle Banner out for training.

As a result, Jin Wushu stepped on him to ascend to the third talent.

More than 3 people were destroyed in one round of charge, and with the momentum of reaching the peak, they kicked the No.15 fanatic army, and then boarded the three talents.

Angrily, Gabriel vomited blood, and after filling up the Eighteen Eagle Flags, he wandered around the battlefield looking for trouble with Jin Wushu.

As long as Jin Wushu appears, then Gabriel will definitely follow.

Jin Wushu has nothing to do with Gabriel, and is chased everywhere.

Everyone is practicing restraint, and he can't directly shake people to kill this group of dog skin plaster, so he can only run away.

But it's not that he didn't gain anything, anyway, just fighting and running like this, the progress of his Tiefutu is actually very fast.

After all, it is a high-quality confrontation. Even if they keep running, they will grow more or less.

Just when Jin Wushu sighed, a scout riding on a good horse came to kill him.

"General, more than 30 miles to the northwest, the Roman Eagle Banner Corps has been discovered." After seeing Jin Wushu, the scout rushed to report.

"Which legion?" Jin Wushu asked with a dark face, "No.17? No.18? Or No.19?"

After a long time, Jin Wushu also felt it. Not only was he training with the opponent, but [-]% of the opponents were also training with him.

Especially these three angel legions, they still have hidden restraint in the face of him.
Therefore, when Jin Wushu heard that there were legions, he directly asked which of the three legions was it, because other legions could not come, and Rome was not stupid.

Most of them are short-legged heavy infantry.

Facing the iron cavalry that has always been shaped head-on is simply killing it.

The second and seventh legions with high mobility were stared at by the Holy Meteor Cavalry and Mongolian Iron Cavalry on the opposite side, and they had no chance to find Tiefutu at all.

The remaining Eagle Banner Legion, even if it is the Sixth Triumph, has no confidence to resist, let the three angel legions drive away Jin Wushu, and incidentally train and train angel warriors.

"General, it's the Eighth Eagle Banner Legion." The scout said with a grin.

"Eighth Eagle Flag?" Jin Wushu recalled and found that this was actually a new legion.

But the eighth sequence, ranking so high, is obviously not a good thing.

"There is a stubborn stubble, notify everyone else to prepare for battle!" Jin Wushu calmly ordered, "Every centurion takes care of the centurion, and once a soldier is in a critical situation, try to retreat to this formation to reduce losses! "

"Yes!" All the soldiers replied with high morale.

Although they said that they had been running, it was facing the three restrained legions, and the pleasure brought by the previous level push had already convinced them of Jin Wushu.

Even some of the Parthian soldiers who subsequently added to the Tiefutu were completely convinced by Jin Wushu.

The strong have always been respected, and now that everyone is fighting for Parthia, they naturally absolutely obey the orders of Jin Wushu.

On the other side was the commander of the Eighth Legion, Afrikanas, the son of Pelenis.

After Severus sacked the original Eighth Corps commander because of political struggles, he easily promoted Penilence's son.

No way, at this time, Rome is a pit of carrots and a pit, and the commander of the Eagle Flag Legion is better.

Like Glaze of the seventh eagle, the Augustus of the iron, originally this is nothing.

But now for Severus, it is a hidden danger of instability. In order to take the throne, he must first grasp the military power.

And the commander of the Eighth Corps was removed so neatly, and then replaced by the son of Penilens, who is now a hardcore emperor.

In fact, Penilence hates political struggles, but he also knows that Severus is eight streets better than Commodus.

And he is now the deputy emperor, even if Caesar or something comes, can it still make him go further?
Rather than watching the empire fall apart, it is better to bet on Severus Stud, so that his son, who was disliked in the past, had to be promoted.

At such a critical juncture, it is more reassuring to have relatives.

The Eighth Legion itself is not weak, but because its positioning overlaps with the First Auxiliary, it is regarded as the reserve army of the First Auxiliary Legion to a certain extent.

Some people were very dissatisfied with this positioning, so after Severus started, he pushed the boat directly.

Who doesn't want to make a name for themselves, even if the first support was the second eagle flag, now that the eagle flag is in Trajan's hands, their eighth eagle flag is really shameless?

So they cooperated with Severus to set up a new Eighth Legion, and then quickly threw it on the Parthian battlefield.

One is to accumulate merit, and the other is to cook raw rice to mature rice.

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