Chapter 11

After Bai Lu had mastered the Shenyin Jue, she immediately re-entered the cultivation of the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra".

It doesn't matter what sect recruits new students.

She is determined to be a home girl.

Let's practice cultivation first.

Two days passed quickly, and Bai Lu finally broke through to the foundation-building stage, and her realm was stabilized at the early stage of foundation-building.


The Kunshan sect has one more Foundation Establishment True Cultivator.

Even in the Nine Great Immortal Gates, the Foundation Establishment Stage can be alone.

Feeling the surge of zhenqi in her body, Bai Lu felt that this was cultivation.

At this time, Qingfu's voice came from outside the cave, "Junior Sister Qinglu."

She stabilized her cultivation at the peak level of Qi training, opened the restriction, and walked out of the cave.

"Senior Sister Qingfu!"

As soon as Bai Lu came out, she saw Qingfu followed by two girls, about eleven or twelve years old.

At this time, he was standing obediently behind her.

One is pink and jade-carved, cute in ice and snow, and has already begun to take shape as a beauty, while the other is a bit quiet, with her head bowed, and she doesn't move at all.

"Senior sister, these two little guys are..."

Hearing the girl in front of her call the two girls little fellows, Qing Fu couldn't help but laugh.

"The two of them are the handyman disciples recruited by opening the mountain gate this time. Isn't there no one to take care of you here? I picked two clever ones from the inside and sent them over to you."

"Thank you, Senior Sister..."

Bai Lu expressed gratitude.

"One of them is Lin Taxue and the other is Jin Lingyou. Both of them are top-notch dual spiritual roots. If they are cultivated well, they will definitely be a great help in the future."

It's just that I haven't finished my words of gratitude.

When Bai Lu heard Senior Sister Qingfu's introduction, the following words stuck in her throat.

"Treading Snow, Lingyou, don't pay respects to Senior Sister Ninth."

Qingfu beckoned the two of them to come forward.

"Meet Ninth Senior Sister."

The two girls approached obediently and saluted well.

Hearing that the person he was going to serve was the only Tianlinggen disciple of Cuiping Peak, the two of them felt apprehensive, but their eyes were filled with anticipation.

Bai Lu stared at the two girls, and couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

Lin Taxue, Jin Lingyou?
Aren't these the two right-hand men beside Bai Lu in "The Strongest Fairy"?
The power of the plot is really strong, have you already started to plan it now?

In the book, she didn't explain how the three of them met, but the three of them were both master and servant, teacher and apprentice, and they had a good relationship in the early stage.

Especially that Lin Taxue, who can almost be called the second female supporting role in the book, is the little boss that the heroine met in the early days, and brought her a lot of trouble.

However, the supporting characters who provoke the heroine in the book often end up miserable.

Lin Taxue was not surprised either.

In the end, his cultivation was abolished and he was thrown into the pile of beggars.

During this process, Bai Lu had many conflicts with the heroine because of Lin Taxue.

It can be said that she intensified the conflict between the two at the beginning.

But the bloody thing is that when she was abused, she was rescued by the heroine, and then she was overwhelmed by the charm of the other party's personality.

The betrayal at the critical moment allowed Qin Wushang to see Bai Lu's true face.

So far, her image in the other party's heart has been greatly reduced.

It has established a solid position for the heroine in the mind of the hero.

However, she is the author.

But she knew that the reason why Lin Taxue did this was because she also loved Qin Wushang deeply.

For this reason, she also wrote a lot of inner monologues when the other party was dying.

In the beginning, the reason why Lin Taxue targeted the heroine everywhere was because she found out that the hero was saved by the heroine and felt jealous.

It can be said that after the male lead failed to overcome the robbery, she was the first one in the Kunshan sect to find the male lead.

He even deliberately concealed Bai Lu for this.

However, at the same time, she also discovered the existence of the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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