Chapter 13 Missions

Bai Lu and the two female supporting roles are just like the male protagonist's encounter before.

Like the touch of a dragonfly on the water, it passes without a trace.

Everyone is a passer-by in their own lives.

No one took it to heart.

After that, she put her energy back into her cultivation plan.

Time passed slowly.

Like a white horse over a gap.

Soon, it has been three months since I came to Kunshan sect.

For the past three months, Bai Lu has been cultivating in her own cave, rarely going out.

Like a transparent person.

Not to mention the Kunshan sect, even Cuiping Peak was rarely seen by anyone.

Everyone only knows that Fairy Baihua has taken in a peerless genius with Tianlinggen, but no one has seen her true face.

Only Qing Fu, who is in charge of Cuiping Peak's general affairs, came to her cave from time to time to bring her new news about Cuiping Peak and the monthly payment.

Obviously, as a Tianlinggen, she was treated preferentially in Cuiping Peak.

The daily life is all taken care of by the senior sisters in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The monthly payment is also much higher than other disciples.

During the Qi training period, you can receive thousands of spirit stones, as well as many benefits such as Yangyuan Pill and Peiyuan Pill.

And from senior sister Qingfu, she also knew that Lin Taxue and Jin Lingyou stayed in Cuiping Peak in the end, following a senior sister named Qingmei.

After she heard the news, she didn't know whether to lament the power of the plot, or to lament that the two little girls were indeed extraordinary.

Senior Sister Qingmei is the third disciple of Fairy Baihua, and one of the four disciples of her golden elixir. She has a high status in Cuiping Peak, and her strength is even higher than Daoist Yaoxi.

Lin Taxue and Jin Lingyou had a bright future if they followed her, better than following themselves.

After hearing it, she didn't care about it afterwards, and life continued.

Three months passed so unhurriedly.

And her cultivation has finally reached the Dzogchen Foundation Establishment Stage.

On this day, Bai Lu walked out of the cave.

She had to come out.

Because she is already a monk of Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, and she will form alchemy further down.

The monk who formed the alchemy had already entered the avenue for the first time, even in the Kunshan sect, he was a high-level person.

There is only one Jindan stage ancestor in the entire Bai family.

If she stayed at Cuiping Peak, the aura of forming pills would definitely not be able to hide from the induction of the nearby big monks.

Cultivating immortals in March, concluding golden pills?
What is this concept?
If others dare to listen, she dare not speak.

Therefore, you must not stay in Kunshan Zongjie Dan.

She left Cuiping Peak and came to the mission hall alone.

It was also the place where he first met Qin Wushang.

This is where the entire Kunshan sect receives tasks.

She has just started and is still in the protection period of the sect, so she cannot be a sect under normal circumstances.

But there are exceptions.

According to the regulations of the sect, monks who have practiced qi above the sixth level can leave the sect to do tasks.

And monks above the third level of Qi training must form a group if they want to receive tasks outside the sect.

Bai Lu thought about it, and felt that the speed of reaching the seventh level of Qi training in three months was quite scary.

So he stabilized his cultivation at the fourth level of Qi training.

Compared with a genius like Qin Wushang, she wouldn't be too shocking if she practiced the fourth level of Qi for three months.

After all, although it took Qin Wushang six years to build his foundation, he spent a year in Qi training Dzogchen, and it took him a year to build his foundation. In fact, it only took four or five years from introducing Qi into his body to practicing Qi at the twelfth level.

Her speed shouldn't be too scary.

Bai Lu thought to herself.

However, it doesn't matter that much.

Because she had broken through to Foundation Establishment Dzogchen more than ten days ago, in order not to shock the world, she practiced some magical powers to suppress it for more than ten days.

It's just that the "Kunyu Evergreen Classic", as the fundamental mentality of the ancient Kunyumen, has its own magic.

Even if you don't practice it deliberately, the exercises will work on their own.

Infuriating slowly increased.

Up to now, the true energy in her body is full, and if she doesn't form a pill, her dantian will go berserk.

(End of this chapter)

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