Chapter 137 The Ecstatic Lin Taxue
"how is this possible?"

On the Yunxi River, Lin Taxue looked around frantically, looking around, but there was still no sign of the man.

She returned to the water pavilion in a daze, and grabbed the shoulder of the Lin family member, her eyes had a terrifying light.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? The figure of that man..."

There was a hint of hope in her tone, her eyes almost protruded from their sockets, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Her delicate face showed a hint of ferocity, and her eyes were frighteningly bright.

The Lin family was taken aback by her sudden appearance.


he shivered.

The whole person was overwhelmed, almost suffocated by the powerful momentum of the foundation establishment period.


Lin Taxue's eyes froze when she heard the words, she threw it away and yelled frantically outside, "Come here, come here..."

The Lin family who were guarding outside rushed in. Seeing the clansman lying on the ground vomiting blood and the crazy eyes of the eldest lady, they couldn't help feeling their scalps go numb.

Ever since I learned that Qin Wushang might be here.

Lin Taxue fell into a kind of excitement, and there was a kind of crazy paranoia in her heart ready to move.

Seeing many Lin family members walking in, she was a little incoherent with excitement.

"Quick, let me find..."

The name just came to her lips, but she swallowed it back abruptly, her bloodshot eyes sparkled, and she changed the subject.

"Find me a man in black, you don't need to know what that man is like, you just need to see him to understand!"

Lin Taxue spoke vaguely, her tone suddenly became extremely sharp.

Commanded frantically.

"Look for me, search for me, search desperately, search desperately, and find it for me even if you dig three feet, there is no here, go outside, if there is no outside, go further outside, even if you turn Yunxi Town upside down , find it for me too!"

Lin Taxue was almost hysterical, her eyes were staring at them like hungry wolves, greedy and determined.

All the Lin family members have never seen their young lady like this.

While nodding, he staggered out of the water pavilion in fright.

It wasn't until everyone left that Lin Taxue's excited mood gradually calmed down.

The delicate and beautiful face became elegant and refined again, unattainable.

It's just that those eyes became deeper and more terrifying.

A smirk appeared on his face from time to time.

The corners of the mouth curled up uncontrollably.

She knew that this might be the moment she was closest to him.

This is her chance!

On the other side, black figures float aimlessly in the sky with the wind.

He has a beautiful face that astounds all living beings. In the blue sky and white clouds, black clothes flutter in the wind, curling up like a butterfly.

The beautiful lines are looming, and the three thousand blue hairs are flying like a waterfall, like a god who has been demoted to the world.

He just wandered aimlessly like this, the sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, the gray flames were burning, and the lights and shadows of countless starry sky were shattered and reorganized.

Scenes flashed like a horse watching a lantern, and then disappeared in an instant.

Kunshan Sect, Taiwen Peak, the battle outside the Kunshan Paradise, the duel between good and evil in Qiushuiyuan, countless lights and shadows kept appearing and disappearing in the mind.

For a moment, a white cloud descended from the sky, blocking the huge pillar exuding monstrous magic power.

A handsome figure of Zhong Ling flashed in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, all light and shadow shattered.

His memory was frozen on that nervous and curious face in that small room.

 Thank you Yunqi for the monthly pass.

  Also, it's a nice name, can I use it?
(End of this chapter)

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