Chapter 227 Kunlun Jade Photo
"Cack, croak, croak."

Among the boundless ghosts, the black monster stands out from the crowd, its huge body is like a huge mountain, and its whole body is shrouded in black magic smoke.

Shouting excitedly while the wind swept through the clouds.

It is like an ancient monster crawling out of a dark cave, surrounded by gray hills, which are demon king-level ghosts attacking and killing it.

The monster's terrifying aura is earth-shattering, and it has become the center of the storm on the battlefield. Countless ghosts are attracted by its thick aura, and they rush towards it without fear of death.

But the huge body was rough and thick, and it was filled with demonic energy. Many ghosts were submerged by the thick and thick demonic smoke before they got close.

Even the gray hill where the demon king-level ghost lives is like a small mound in front of it.

It was completely black, like a huge toad, filled with demonic energy, and the huge tumors were like black armor on its body.

With a twist of the long tongue, the entire Gray Hill and the monster inside were swallowed into the mouth.

The loud cry was as deafening as thunder.

Indescribably mighty and domineering, brave and invincible.

Any ghosts that surround it are not its enemies.

Seeing that black monster unleash its power among the ghosts, no matter it was the cultivator of the Nine Great Immortal Sects or the secret demon cultivator, they couldn't help being slightly shocked.

Every time they saw the frightening monster flicking its tongue, they avoided the cultivators among the ghosts. The huge tongue went in and out so many times, but it didn't hurt anyone a single bit.

A thought involuntarily popped up in the hearts of all the cultivators.

"Is this person here to save them?"

Above the sky, Bai Lu couldn't help shaking her head as she watched the black toad show off its majesty and sweep away the ghosts.

At this time, the disaster of demons and ghosts spread throughout the sea of ​​gray mist.

Countless monks were besieged, and the black toads were fighting so hard that the far water could not save the near fire.

There are endless demons and ghosts, even if they open their stomachs to eat, it is just a drop in the bucket.


Bai Lu looked up at the depths of the sea of ​​gray mist. Standing here, she could almost see the silver waves behind the gray mist.

The roar between heaven and earth is getting closer.

The tide of gray mist is coming.

Bai Lu withdrew her gaze, looking at the endless demons below and the many monks who were trapped.

Sighing slightly, he pointed out.

The ultimate Mahayana move of Kunyumen in ancient times——Kunlun Yuzhao.

The battlefield in front of him immediately turned into a blue world.

The navy blue light spread rapidly as if alive, covering the entire gray fog battlefield in an instant.

The jade-colored blue light is like endless sword energy, like heavy rain, but this heavy rain not only falls from the sky, but also comes from bottom to top, from left to right, from front to back, and from all directions.

Infinite blue light penetrates one ghost after another, no matter if it is an ordinary ghost, a dangerous ghost, or a demon king ghost, they can't stand under such blue light for a moment, like dewdrops exposed to the sun, suddenly evaporation.

The gray hill disintegrated, as if disappearing out of thin air.

But when the cyan light falls on the human body, it passes through like sunlight without any effect.

In the space, the gray mist lingered all over the sky. It seemed that too many ghosts died at the same time, and the gray mist after death turned into a rich gray tide and echoed in the blue space.

The jade-colored light spread, strangling any life in the gray mist, preventing them from turning over.

In an instant, the pale gray mist lost all its luster, drifting freely like dust.

(End of this chapter)

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