Chapter 26 The Demon
Gray mist is the greatest threat to the world of cultivating immortals.

There is a consensus in the world of cultivating immortals.

That is, only killing demons can slow down the spread of the pale gray mist.

The gray mist has been coming for many years, and everyone has done in-depth research on this strange gray mist.

Everyone found that the ghost is a part of the gray fog.

It can also be said that ghosts are the essence of gray mist.

They are one in themselves.

The withering of the ghost's life is equivalent to the reduction of the essence in the gray mist.

The expansion of the gray mist will slow down.

Therefore, killing ghosts is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate the gray fog.

This is the discovery made by countless predecessors and sages with their own blood and tears.

And the Nine Great Immortal Gates are the frontiers against demons and ghosts.

The nine blessed places are lined up along the Geshi Mountain.

Behind them is the vast world of cultivating immortals.

This is also the reason why although the means of banning demons and ghosts is rare, it has been slow to develop.

Slaying demons and ghosts is the greatest contribution to the world of cultivating immortals.

The biggest task of the Nine Great Immortal Gates is to kill demons and guard the human race.

This is also the reason why Qin Wushang's slaying of the demon king-level ghost three years ago was such a sensation.

Walking in the sea of ​​gray mist, the four sides are gray in color, making it hard to tell the direction.

Gradually, Bai Lu has been far away from the crowd, walking in a strange field that few people set foot on.

There are also territorial divisions in the sea of ​​gray mist.

Except for those ordinary-level dangerous-level ghosts who live in no fixed place and wander around.

Demon king-level ghosts mostly live in the gray hill, and natural disaster-level ghosts live in the gray mountain.

To put it bluntly, the gray hills and gray mountains are thicker and purer gray mist, undulating heavily in the sea of ​​gray mist, and from a distance they look like hills and peaks in the gray world.

Therefore, these gray hills and gray mountains can actually be moved, but as long as the rules are summed up, they can still be avoided in many cases.

In the world of cultivating immortals, how to avoid these dangers is a great knowledge.

If you want to go deep into the sea of ​​fog, you need to study and understand this knowledge systematically.

But Bai Lu was different. She knew the answer and directly chose the path with the least cost.

But even at the smallest cost, it is difficult.

Before she knew it, a cloud of gray fog had surrounded her.

A faint mist lingered around her like blue smoke, and amidst the surging mist, a huge gray shadow slowly gathered behind her.

Pale gray claws covered with gray scales protruded from the gray mist.

Quick as lightning, he grabbed at her head, and his sharp and thick nails shone coldly.

In the gray world, it is caught silently.

Bai Lu's eyes froze, and a shot of extreme light shot out.

The extremely condensed white light, carrying a strong purifying power, hit the gray shadow with just a slight flash.

The sharp claws and the huge gray shadow immediately shattered like foam.

Something seemed to be frightened inside, and the surrounding gray fog immediately receded like a tide.

The surrounding area was quiet again.

Bai Lu's eyes flashed.

The secret path should be a dangerous ghost.

Probably equivalent to a weaker Human Golden Core stage monk.

The previous blow was just to crush the gray shadow and startle it away. If you want to kill it completely, you must purify the gray mist it is in.

However, after being hit by its own extreme light, the purification power inside is enough for it to drink a pot.

Bai Lu continued to walk forward.

Even the shortcuts are not smooth along the way.

Encountered ghosts many times.

There are normal level and dangerous level, and there are several devil level ones.

Afterwards, they were all saved by her, and they were startled away with the light of the extreme way.

(End of this chapter)

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