A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 289 Old friend, please help me

Chapter 289 Old friend, please help me
A gigantic orb monster.

It's like a huge gray sun, suspended in the pale gray world.

As the world-killing monsters in the Canghui Mountains were devoured.

The aura on that incomparably huge ball suddenly surged a lot, and the whole body seemed to suddenly grow in size.

Immediately afterwards, brand new tentacles protruded from the huge body like viscous liquid.

Condensed into strips, and then extended thousands of sick colors, lingering metallic luster waving in the void.

In front of this sickly arm-like tentacles, that one is only comparable to half a Void Returning Primordial Ancestor in the outside world, and it can easily suppress the lifeless ghosts of the Nine Great Immortal Sects.

It's like pieces of flimsy lumps of soil, completely vulnerable to a single blow.

Thick tentacles whipped down, and the ashen mountains were directly decomposed into powder-like gray mist.

The huge ghosts inside turned into wisps of pure mist, which were absorbed by the huge sphere and turned into a part of its huge body.

At the same time, its aura also increased little by little.

And the young man in gray is in the deepest part of these gray mountains.


Amidst the roar, countless gray mountains were swept away by the sickly tentacles composed of spiral mist, and any ghosts who dared to stop the monster would be wiped out in an instant.

Bai Lu saw it.

Almost a face to face.

Wrapped around the transparent light sphere, the gray mountain that firmly protected the little blind man in the center like a sky cloud blockade collapsed one after another, turning into wisps of pure mist that drifted away.

Wisps of pure mist gathered on the body of the huge monster, and every time a wisp of mist was added, the aura on its body would increase by one point.

At this time, the cracks on the transparent light sphere had covered the whole body, as if it would shatter in the next second.

The young man in gray was already drenched in blood, traces of blood flowed from his mouth, ears, and nostrils, and traces of blood were split open on his face like deep scars.

Streams of blood ran across his cheeks, gradually soaking into the golden runes along the lines.

The crystal blood drops gave the already weird golden lines a hint of red, and even the golden light that shrouded him gave off a bloody halo.


The surrounding ghosts became even more frenzied, and the bottom of their ferocious eyes seemed to glow red one after another. One by one, they rushed towards him fearlessly, blocking him like a tide.

It seems that they are scrambling to die.

But the big demon became more and more courageous as it fought, and became stronger and stronger, and there were more and more terrifying tentacles.

And the speed at which the other ghosts came was not even as fast as one of its tentacles could sweep.


The huge monster's body suddenly shook.

The incomparably huge surface is like a continent where a magnitude [-] earthquake has occurred, and those ghosts fighting on it are directly shaken away like dust.

With a bang, it was like a huge fireball, and a prominence-like gray mist rose all over its body, and the overwhelming gray mist swallowed all those demons like flames.

It turned out that it deliberately caused those ghosts to rush to its body in order to catch them all.

At this moment, the aura of the big demon reached its peak.

And Bai Lu's figure didn't stop from the beginning to the end.

The swift and windy figure was like a ray of light, drawing an arc far away from the monster, and flashing past directly.

But the size of the big demon is too huge, like a huge planet, her turning still slowed down her forward speed.

At this moment, she could almost feel the vast and terrifying aura behind her pulling in again.

Just around the corner of the huge monster, about to turn to its back.

Suddenly, a gentle male voice sounded in her mind.

"This old friend, please help me."

Bai Lu saw the little blind man behind her.

The face dripping with blood turned in his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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