Chapter 35 Old Friends

Kunshan sect.

Cuiping Peak.

"Master, it has been three years since Junior Sister Jiu left the sect, and there is still no news."

A cave, Qingfu said to the Baihua Fairy above.

"Have you seen her soul lamp?"

Fairy Baihua closed her eyes and spoke calmly.

"The soul lamp is clear and clear, not like an early death."

"That's fine!"

After Baihua Fairy finished speaking, she coughed violently, her breath was a little disordered.

Nascent Soul Daxiu's cultivation was flawless, and Fairy Baihua's aura was a little unstable at this time, which was really unimaginable.

"Master, how are you? Is your injury better?"

Qing Fu worried.

Three years ago in the great war, the Thirteen Demon Sects attacked, and her master was also invited to fight, but was injured by Taoist Baizhen of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The injury has not improved until now, which made her quite worried.

Fairy Baihua silently practiced kung fu to calm the disordered breath in her body, and it took a long time for her complexion to return to rosy.

"It's nothing, Taoist Baizhen is worthy of being the famous baby-turned monk of the Tianmo Sect. I am indeed not as good as him. It's just a pity that many disciples of Cuiping Peak, especially Yaoxi..."

Baihua Fairy sighed.

Qingfu's expression was also darkened.

In the past three years, the Kunshan sect has fought countless battles with the monks of the Demon Sect, and many fellow sects have been robbed, including their Cuiping Peak.

In particular, Daoist Yaoxi, who was already a great monk with a perfect golden core, died in this catastrophe as the Nascent Soul Seed of Cuiping Peak, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

It's no wonder that Fairy Baihua is so brooding.

Kunshan Zongwai.

Bai Lu stood on top of a white cloud, looking at the sect not far away, her pupils shrank slightly.

I saw the demonic cloud soaring into the sky in the sky, the majestic demonic power, and the boundless black demonic smoke enveloped the entire blessed land of Kunshan.

In the continuous magic power, she can feel that there are more than a dozen auras that are not weaker than hers, and they are all monks of Yuanying Dzogchen.

As for the general Nascent Soul, there are as many as thousands of great monks after the Yuan Dynasty, and this is not counting the innumerable Golden Core monks.

This is definitely a terrifying force that can overwhelm the world of cultivating immortals.

Even if she holds the nine-story pagoda and her true energy is exhausted, she won't be able to kill many.

Yuanshen Shenjun is here, so he must retreat.

If it weren't for the Kunshan sect sitting on the blessed land, and the sect's most precious Kunshan bell to suppress luck, I am afraid that any sect would not have persisted for so long.

And the Kunshan sect can still fight back under such circumstances, and it is not in the name of Qiangu Dazong.

"It seems that the next step is to take a long-term plan."

Looking at the boundless magic power, Bai Lu's eyes froze, and she was about to retreat.

She needs to think about what to do next.

Suddenly her eyebrows frowned, and Bai Lu felt a peek.

"come out!"

She was full of aura, and secretly sacrificed the nine-story pagoda to lock the aura.

"Quack, don't kill me, don't kill me."

Feeling the terrifying and powerful aura emanating from the nine-story pagoda, the owner of that aura suddenly jumped out, his voice full of panic.

That breath was terrifying.

It feels that if the other party's mind moves, its own life will be lost.

Bai Lu took a closer look and found that it was actually a huge black toad, with a body like a hill, with two short and thick forelimbs holding its head, and its huge body was trembling.

It's just that the huge gap in the mouth makes it look a little happy.

"Why is this breath so familiar?"

Bai Lu looked strange.

Looking at the big mouth of the giant black frog that leaked air, Bai Lu felt a strong purifying breath from that gap.

Isn't this the light of his own path?
"Are you that Nascent Soul creature at the bottom of the Black Wasteland?"

Bai Lu stared at it with sharp eyes.

The giant frog's round eyes were bulging, and it suddenly covered its mouth with two thick, short legs.

Obviously also recognized the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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