Chapter 37
In "The Strongest Fairy", Momen has a magic treasure that surpasses Kunshan Zhong Taibai Zong Taibai Sword, known as the Pillar of Demon God.

The breath of the ancestral demon above is the root of all the demon energy in the world of cultivating immortals, and it can even help the demon cultivator break through the primordial spirit and be promoted to the primordial ancestor of returning to the void.

It can be called the number one treasure of the Demon Sect.

It's just that as soon as the book begins, this treasure has already fallen into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Sect. With this treasure, the Heavenly Demon Sect faintly fights against the Nine Great Immortal Sects.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Demon God's Pillar has not yet been born.

It's just buried under the black wasteland near the Kunshan sect, and was used as a nest by a toad.

No wonder the two ways of righteousness and evil in the book are like fire and water. It turns out that there was such a lawsuit before the game started.

Such a secret is actually hidden behind a simple setting by myself.

This also explains why the Thirteen Paths of the Demon Sect are so united this time.

To deal with the Kunshan sect together, I'm afraid they are bound to win against the Demon God's Pillar.

However, the Mo Dao Yuanshen led away many Yuanshen Taishang in the sect, and launched a large army to besiege Kunshan Fudi without attacking it. It seems that they did not want to drink, and they were doing secret tricks.

The war between righteousness and evil has not ended for three years.

It seems that the Demon God's Pillar is not so easy to get.

However, there are a lot of talents in the Demon Sect, and there is no shortage of talented and brilliant people, and they have the same root and origin as the Demon God Pillar. It is only a matter of time before the Demon God Pillar is cracked.

It's just that Bai Lu looked at the battlefield outside the Kunshan sect, and a huge meat grinding field had formed around the blessed land of Kunshan.

The breath of the avenue emanating from the death of countless high-ranking monks is intertwined with the bloody smell containing a strong aura. Ten thousand dao are dead, and the heaven and earth mourn, like a huge Shura field.

Seeing the faint gray mist slowly covering the corpses on the battlefield, worry flashed deep in the girl's eyes.

Magic camp.

Headed by the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Blood Demon Sect, the Ten Thousand Saints Sect, the Burning Lamp Sect, the Burning Fire Palace, the White Bone Sect...the Nascent Soul Daxiu of the thirteen paths of the Demon Sect gathered together.

There are thirteen real speakers present, and the one with the lowest cultivation level is also the Great Empress Yuan Cultivator.

It can be said that the elites under the primordial spirit of the Momen gathered here.

Sitting in the middle, the Nascent Soul Consummation Great Cultivator from the Tianmo Sect enveloped the audience with a majestic and surging aura.

At this moment, he suddenly looked at the middle-aged Taoist sitting next to him, and said.

"Junior Brother Baizhen, what's going on with Uncle Yun Yuan?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Nascent Soul Daxiu present looked over.

Although the middle-aged Taoist cultivation base is only the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, the great monks present at the Twelfth Level of the Nascent Soul did not dare to underestimate him.

In this great battle between righteousness and evil, the most dazzling performance is undoubtedly the Taoist Baizhen.

Since his debut, he has never failed, and even made the feat of a great monk after losing 73 consecutive positions in one day.

Even the head of the Kunshan Zong Yuanying Dzogchen himself had nothing to do with him.

He is the real Tianjiao evildoer of Tianmozong.

His master, Master Yuan Yuan, is also a giant of the demonic way at the peak of the primordial spirit, one of the three peak gods of the Tianmo sect, and the group of people who stand at the pinnacle of the world of cultivating immortals.

And his apprentice Guo Xiao is also a ruthless person. Although it is only the golden elixir consummation, it seems to be the reincarnation of a killing god. Killing the golden elixir is like slaughtering a dog.

Not long ago, a Nascent Soul seed of the Kunshan Sect was killed.

It can be described as one of the three masters.

Hearing the inquiry of Yuan Ying's complete overhaul, the middle-aged Taoist nodded slightly, his eyes were calm, and he spoke lightly.

"Master has sent news that there is about to be successful, and we can launch a general attack."

After the voice fell, the entire camp fell into excitement.

Countless magic cultivators are beaming with joy.

"Great, we finally waited for this day."

(End of this chapter)

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