Chapter 392 A Magical Demon? (A 4500-word chapter asks for a monthly ticket)
Bai Lu looked at the three lines that had been crossed out, and fell into deep thought.

Jin Lianyou.

Isn't that the maid who worshiped under the seat of the female partner together with Lin Taxue?
After she passed, they were given to Senior Sister Qingmei.

After that, Senior Sister Qingmei died, and the two were scattered on Cuiping Peak.

Lin Taxue is the second female supporting role in the book.

Jin Lianyou is an undecided character.

Even by the end of "The Strongest Fairy", she hadn't figured out how to arrange her.

When she was sorting out the outline, in order to make the plot fuller and the plot more ups and downs, she did arrange this foreshadowing for her.

But later she was not satisfied with this setting and was crossed out by herself.

In the end, the role of Jin Lianyou was unresolved, and did not appear again until the end of "The Strongest Fairy".

What is that man looking at this for?
The girl's lacquer-like ink eyes flickered slightly.

the next day.

The little toad returned to Bai Lu listlessly.

He climbed onto her shoulder with drooping head, his mung bean-sized eyeballs were half-closed, and his little black head was full of exhaustion.

Seeing its tongue lolling, she poked its upturned belly, "What did you do in bed yesterday, as if you haven't slept for a few days?"

last night?

The little toad gasped weakly, and weakly recalled what happened last night, but couldn't remember anything.

It only vaguely remembered a slender white hand pinching its forehead.

It seems that something has been pulled out.

I don't remember anything else.

It is exhausted now, and it doesn't want to move, as if all the energy and energy in its body have been taken away by the hand last night, and it doesn't even have the strength to think.

At this time, there was a gentle and low voice from outside the door.

"Lulu, breakfast is ready."

Hearing that voice, the little toad seemed to be frightened, and jumped on top of the girl's head.

The black body is hidden in the thick black hair.

Body trembling.

Yuanyuan's eyes blinked, and she was a little confused.

What is it afraid of?
Bai Lu walked out of the room, and what she saw was the tall and straight figure of a man, busy in the kitchen.

A steaming hot breakfast was placed on the table, followed by a man's voice.

"Hurry up and wash up, I bought you steamed buns and fried dough sticks, and made millet porridge."

Bai Lu scratched her head, her messy hair fell loose, and there was still sleepiness in her eyes.

For some reason, she slept very soundly last night.

Maybe it's because this body is still a mortal.

Even if she has a powerful soul, she cannot resist the physical needs of her body itself.

She picked up her toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the washstand, brushing past him in the narrow aisle.

The kitchen and the sink were connected together, and the man's tall physique immediately occupied most of the space.

Bai Lu stood in front of the sink.

In the mirror is the man's busy background, at this moment he is lowering his head and concentrating on cutting something.

The broad back blocked most of the mirror, and the tall body was smooth and smooth, which was extremely pleasing to the eye, exuding an indescribable elegance.

However, due to his tall and tall figure, he had to hang his head under the exhaust hood if he wanted to cut things.

This caused his back to arch slightly, leaning against her back, hitting her waist from time to time because of the movements of his hands.

Accompanied by the sound of Dodo Dodo's blade touching the chopping board.

It came from behind again and again, colliding regularly like a cradle.

Their bodies are tightly pressed together.

The morning sun shines through the windows.

Bai Lu could smell the pleasant smell coming from the other party's body, with a faint smell of oily smoke, like soap bubbles after washing, with a fresh smell.

It was quiet in the rental house.

Occasionally, you can hear the continuous knocking on the chopping board and the intermittent washing.

For a moment, she felt as if she was back in the past, every hurried and busy morning.

However, the exhaustion of getting up early and working late at night and the sense of urgency to make a living are gone.

After all, although her body was tired, her soul was exceptionally strong.

As long as the body can hold it.

Her mind is always so clear.

And the man behind it is no longer the model with extremely unstable working hours.

Thinking of this, she had to sigh.

The two of them are different after all.

At this time, she suddenly remembered and asked, "How long will you stay with me?"

The movement of the man's hands did not stop.

It took it for granted, "Of course I will continue to live."

As he said that, he turned around and stared at her with a smile, "Didn't you promise me to try to be together? I will naturally try to show it during this time."

His smile is gentle, his eyes are bright, and his clear eyes are full of curiosity.

She was really curious, "Aren't you an heir? Are you so free every day?"

"The group has a professional professional manager, and the family also has a dedicated person to take care of it. For so long, they have already established a complete system. It doesn't matter if anyone else is the same. Some people even want me to idle around all day."

As he spoke, he tied a piece of diced apple with a stick and handed it to her mouth.

At this time, Bai Lu just finished washing, and bit the apple near her mouth.

He muttered at the corner of his mouth, "What an evil capitalist."

With a fruit plate in his hand, the man drew back the long stick with a smile.

Unconvinced, "I'm still evil? Compared to those dandy young masters who make trouble and mess around all day long, I can save you a lot of worry."

"Besides, haven't you always liked my cooking?"

"That's because we worked hard together before," the girl rolled her eyes, "Now you are a rich man, you don't do anything all day long, you stay at home and cook for me, I... I am very old How about the pressure?"

In particular, the multicolored mist in her body is slowly gathering, and it is unknown when the ancient bronze mirror will condense again.

After this period of time, she observed those colorful fogs.

She deduced that the teleportation function of the ancient bronze mirror should be one-way.

Its front side appears in the world of cultivating immortals, and it is unimpeded from the world of cultivating immortals to the present world.

In this world, what appears should be its reverse side.

When it condenses and takes shape, she will probably return to the world of cultivating immortals.

And this process is probably out of your control.

She didn't know when she would leave.

And there is still much to do in this world.

This man stayed at home, washing clothes and cooking, serving her like a hard-working little daughter-in-law.

It made her look like a scumbag who didn't come home at night if she didn't go home to report for duty.

She thought, if suddenly one day she disappeared, she would not know how to face him when she came back.

Seemingly seeing her thoughts, the man smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't pester you every day. Although I don't have a job, it's not that I don't have things to do."

He raised his eyes and looked out of the window, the morning sun shone on his straight brows, and his crystal-clear eyes suddenly became dark.

At this time, the two had already arrived at the dining table.

He put down the fruit plate in his hand and handed her a bun, which she took naturally.

He served another bowl of millet porridge for her and placed it in front of her.

She took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun first, and then took a sip of the millet porridge. The smooth soup was mixed with the warm and sticky millet, and after chewing in her mouth, they went down her throat and entered her stomach.

In the morning, my empty stomach was ironed for a while, and my whole body felt warm.

Take another bite of half of the fritters that the man handed over. The inside is soft and the outside is crispy, with a faint oily aroma.

Then a paper towel was handed over, and she wiped the grease off her hands.

The man seems to have pinpointed the timing, every movement is just right.

From the beginning to the end, he just sat across from her, quietly watching her eat breakfast, with a slight smile on his thin lips.

The man just looked at her like this, and suddenly suggested, "Lulu, why don't you stop working and go to the imperial capital with me to become a wealthy young mistress."

Bai Lu almost spat out a mouthful of porridge.

"What are you kidding?"

She took the tissue handed over by the man and wiped her mouth.

Even if she went to the imperial capital, she would not be able to stay on Earth.

The man smiled, "I knew you wouldn't agree."

His eyes deepened, "Look, you have your own persistence, and I also have my own pleasure. My pleasure is to be with you every day, just cook for you, wash your clothes, watch I think it is a kind of enjoyment for you to eat the food I cook and wear my laundry to go to work."

He looked at her with dark eyes, and the bottom of his deep eyes was like the undercurrent of the deep sea.

"You feel very hard, but I enjoy it. So, don't feel any pressure. Because the happiness you bring me is a million times more than what I give for you."

"As long as you don't drive me away, even if you suddenly leave one day, I will wait here obediently for you to come back."

Maybe the man's gaze was too hot, but the girl's gaze flickered slightly.

No one spoke.

At this moment, it seems that even the temperature in the room has risen a lot unconsciously.

A faint warmth rose in the small rental house.


Suddenly, a sudden clatter of toads above the girl's head broke the charming atmosphere in the room

Bai Lu hurriedly took the little black toad out of her hair.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"Boss, I feel bad." The little toad said through voice transmission with a sleepy expression.

The small eyes with big green heads open and close, and the upper and lower eyelids are constantly fighting.

She sent a bun in front of it.

The little toad slumped on the table like a pancake, lazily glanced at the big white and fat bun in front of him, his eyelids were closed again, and he seemed listless.

He seemed to notice the man's gaze.

She explained lightly, "My pet seems to be sick and a little listless."

Then she broke off a small piece of the bun and handed it to its mouth.

It opened its mouth reluctantly, chewed a few times and swallowed it.

Seeing the girl taking care of the little toad carefully, the man's eyes sank.

But for some unknown reason, the little toad suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing from behind.

It trembled and glanced at the man inadvertently.


Who is this person?
It's so uncomfortable, my head is a mess.

Memory is a bit muddled.

Looking at the little toad who was obviously abnormal in front of him.

Bai Lu's brows also became more and more wrinkled.

Her consciousness has already swept back and forth on it several times.

Didn't find anything wrong at all.

But what happened to its reaction?

At this time, the man stretched out his slender and broad hand and said to the girl.

"Give it to me, I may have a way."

Bai Lu hesitated for a while, but when she saw those clear and deep black eyes, she still put the little toad on the big hand.

Feeling the breath from the man's hand, the little toad's body trembled violently.

Although there was no such man in its memory, it was instinctively terrified.


It opened its mouth wide and wanted to speak, but suddenly found that it couldn't make a sound.

The little black toad opened its eyes wide in horror.

Want to escape the clutches of men.

But I have no strength at all.

It had no choice but to open a pair of teary eyes, looking at its boss pitifully.

I want her to see through this man's true face and rescue him.

However, it only saw that the boss was eating the man's peeled orange without worrying about it, and didn't even look at it.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as his eyes were darkened, he was put into the apron around his waist by the man.

When Bai Lu was full, the man took two exquisite lunch boxes from the kitchen before leaving.

While packing the bag, he introduced it to her.

"This is a fruit box. There are apples, papayas, kiwis, and mangoes. I've cut them up for you. The sticks are inside. Remember to eat."

"This is a box of small biscuits, you can eat some when you are hungry at work."

With that said, he took out another thermos.

"Try my homemade milk tea."

He unscrewed the lid, and a faint milky fragrance wafted out along with the heat.

Bai Lu took a sip, and the soft and smooth milk tea entered her throat, mixed with the fresh tea aroma and a slight caramel flavor.

"How about it, it tastes better than your instant coffee."

The girl didn't speak.

Amidst the man's ten thousand orders, she finally walked out of the house.

"Remember to come back early at night, I will make drunk crabs for you."

Bai Lu thought for a while, "Tonight? I might not be able to do anything."

The man didn't care, "It's okay, I'll keep it for you, you can rest assured to do your thing."

At this time, she suddenly remembered something, and said, "Ji Lingchen, are you free on the weekend? Let's go to Shanghai to see Shenshen together."

The man was slightly stunned, then smiled and said, "Okay."

At this time, the two had already walked downstairs.

Bai Lu looked outside, it seemed that due to the rush hour, there were gradually more people in the desolate family courtyard?

She said to him, "Just send it here, I will walk the rest of the way by myself."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to drive.


The man suddenly stopped her.

Stepping forward, leaning slightly, the tall shadow fell.

The man kissed her forehead lightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth in the morning sun.

The voice is hoarse and gentle.

"Safe journey."

Bai Lu glanced at him, turned and left without saying a word.

It wasn't until the girl's figure completely disappeared at the intersection that he gradually retracted his gaze.

Set your eyes on the pockets at your waist

The dark eyes were slightly dark.

He slowly took out the little toad and smiled at it.

"What's that ugly monster called in your world? Monster? Devil saint? Lord of all demons?"

"You little thing, are you a pawn he landed beside Lulu?"

The little toad opened its eyes wide in a daze, its small body trembling.

What is this man talking about?
He is terrible.

It has never seen such a terrible person.

"You don't know? That's right, you're just a random game he arranged."

While the little toad was trembling with fear, a man's voice came slowly.

A bit distressed.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have such a deep connection with him. What should I do? If you come back to life, Lulu will always be under the watchful eye of that ugly monster. If you die, Lulu may never please forgive me."

The little toad was a little dazed, and vaguely saw a dark hole appearing behind the man.

Burning black flames.

"However, that ugly monster doesn't seem to be in a good state. He was hit by a growing and powerful spell, and he was entangled by three guys of the same level."

"Maybe give it a try."

At the last moment of losing consciousness, it felt something fly out of the black hole and fall into its body.

(End of this chapter)

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