A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 41 The Entanglement of Fate

Chapter 41 The Entanglement of Fate

"If you want to bully the small with the big, and destroy my Kunshan sect Miao descendants, pass me first."

Fairy Baihua stood in front of Qin Wushang like a high mountain, interrupting the aura locked on the man by the middle-aged Taoist.

She stared at the middle-aged Taoist in front of her, her breath ready to go.

His expression was extremely serious.

Ever since she was defeated by the opponent, she has been brooding about it.

After all, as a great monk in the Yuan Dynasty and the master of a peak, Fairy Baihua herself is a proud person who stands out from countless geniuses, even in the Yuanying stage, she can be proud of her peers.

But in front of Baizhen Taoist, he suffered a crushing defeat.

Even leapfrog and lose.

The middle-aged Taoist in front of him is simply the nightmare of all the post-Yuan monks of the Kunshan Sect.

But her pride does not allow herself to escape.

As a cultivator, you must face your inner demons.

Therefore, on the battlefield, she always pays attention to the opponent's movements.

He thought he could save some soulmates from the same sect.

I didn't expect that the other party was so shameless that he actually approached the Golden Core cultivator.

Qin Wushang is the most talented disciple of the Kunshan Sect in the past thousand years, and he will never allow any mistakes.

At this time, the battle between Yuanying and Dayuan was in full swing, and the Zongmen's Yingman Daxiu had no time to take care of this side.

The baby-changing cultivator couldn't spare his hand, even if he did, the general baby-changing monk might not be his opponent.

At this time she had to come forward.


Taoist Baizhen glanced at her indifferently, and said calmly.

"Since you want to die, let's send you on this trip together."

As he said that, an invisible wind rolled up and blew his clothes.

Taoist Baizhen stared at the two people in front of him, his whole body was extremely concentrated.

An invisible murderous intent enveloped the two of them.

The surging true energy in the middle-aged Taoist's body was circulating, and his sleeves were windless and automatic.

A terrifying magic light enveloped him, exuding a frightening aura.

Even Qin Wushang's expression became serious, and a trace of surprise flashed in his black eyes.

This is the strongest Yuan empress he has ever seen, and it is also the biggest crisis he has encountered so far.

A matter of life and death.

And Fairy Baihua's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat, silently transmitting the sound.

"Nephew Qin, this Taoist is really too scary. I may not be able to survive a single move. I will blow up my Yuanying later to stop him for a while. You take this opportunity to flee to the sect. As long as you attract the attention of the Supreme Elder, the other party will definitely do nothing." Not you."

Looking at Fairy Baihua's back drenched in sweat, Qin Wushang didn't speak.

It's just that a pair of dark eyes are drooping, and there seems to be an infinite storm shattering and exploding inside.

In the end it was silent.

Under the black robe, a slender and skinny hand was slightly clenched.

And the terrifying magic light on the middle-aged Taoist opposite became more and more intense, almost turning into substance.

The huge coercion exuded a terrible aura, and the real Guo Xiao beside him couldn't bear it, coughing up blood again and again.

But he was extremely relieved, coughing up blood while staring at Qin Wushang, his eyes filled with madness.

Seeing that the aura of the middle-aged Taoist gathered to the extreme, he was about to strike.

Suddenly, a creepy feeling hit him, making his figure stagnate.

"Ah! Master..."

There was a short scream from behind.

When Taoist Baizhen turned his head, he saw his disciple's eyes were wide open, and there was a bloody hole between his brows, exuding a faint power of purification.

The light in the eyes was dim, and the fire of the soul in the pupils had been completely extinguished.

The dead can no longer die.

The icy eyes of Taoist Baizhen instantly looked up at the top of his head.

I don't know when a white cloud floated there.

His divine sense locked onto the white cloud, and it was the person above who took advantage of his distraction to kill his apprentice.

And he felt a strong threat from the opponent.

At this moment, a dull sound suddenly erupted from the depths of the earth, echoing between the heaven and the earth.

A desolate and gloomy atmosphere enveloped the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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