Chapter 412 Loading Horan Xun


While one person and one frog were talking, a huge roar suddenly came from beside them.

The power of the fire element in the flesh wall space suddenly began to boil and agitate.

It turned out that it was only a short while later, a few more figures around them fell into the flesh wall space.

They are all creatures from various worlds, and many of them are the top powerhouses in their worlds. They are rebellious by nature, but they just don't believe in evil.

Among them was a flame giant in red armor, who didn't even bother to dissuade the middle-aged giant and others.

"You group of flesh and blood beings are so fragile, what kind of power of flesh and blood is useless to our elemental life."

As he said that, groups of dazzling fireballs fell from the sky like meteors, bombarding the flesh wall like annihilation.

In an instant, the fire element in the entire meat room was boiling, and the scorching high temperature almost evaporated the energy in everyone's body.

"It's such a terrifying ability to manipulate flames. I feel like the energy and blood in my body will be evaporated."

The pupil of the giant ax wielding shrank.

"This must be the top flame life in the flame world."

A sackclothed warlock wearing a hood who was as thin as a bamboo pole said fearfully.

The golden magic wand in his hand was left by the ninth-level great magister.

"Hahaha," the giant burning with flames became even more proud when he saw everyone's fearful expressions, and said in a loud voice, "I am the elemental monarch of the Red Flame Clan in the Fire Spirit World, what kind of barrier of flesh and blood, break it for me."

Amidst the loud bang, the entire meat room was flooded with fiery flames.

White shock waves swept past one after another, scorching air waves filled every corner of the space.

The middle-aged giant man splits through the sweeping heat wave with a huge axe in his hand, and the mysterious girl spins the crystal ball in her hand, emitting bursts of starlight, forming a barrier to wrap herself in it.

The sackclothed warlock rolled his eyes, revealing a pair of eyeballs with only the whites left under the hood. The sunken eye sockets looked shocking.

Combined with that skinny figure, it is even more like a ghost.

I saw that the sleeves of his wide linen robe were bulging, and invisible waves radiated from him.

Those flames actually swayed gently under the ripples visible to the naked eye like water waves.

Several other people are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and escaped the flames and heat waves.

"This guy... is crazy."

The little toad was a little speechless.

In this world, there are always a few hard-headed people who are not afraid of death.

The little devil snorted coldly, flapped his wings lightly on his back, and the black fire feathers fell down.

Those scorching air waves and flames fearfully moved away from the black flames around him as if they were alive.

Everyone looked at the spreading fire in amazement.

The hot and powerful aftermath reverberated in the meat room for tens of breaths.

Before the light of the flames in front of them disappeared, everyone saw a layer of water-blue light curtain appearing in front of the fleshy walls amidst the layers of flames, blocking all the flames, and a cool and refreshing breeze hit their faces.

"Water Elemental Sovereign Spell Ice Crystal Wall!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Before his voice fell, eyeballs rolled around behind the water-blue light curtain, and a shrill scream came from the firelight.

"It's the Flame Monarch!" Everyone's expressions froze, their eyelids twitching wildly.

The voice was extremely miserable, making them extremely uneasy.

The flames dissipated, and the towering flame giant had disappeared, leaving only a fiery red flame armor in place.

And on one wall of flesh, a pair of huge eyes burning with flames jumped and wriggled a few times, and were soon submerged in pieces of granulation.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, they were all shocked.

Everyone looked around. At this moment, those squirming crimson flesh walls seemed to echo with heart-pounding fluctuations in their eyes.

Strong and long, like the pulse of some kind of peerless beast.

Everyone couldn't help retreating in unison, and kept away from the meat wall one after another.

Even the middle-aged giant couldn't help but wiped off his cold sweat, and looked at Bai Lu gratefully.

If it wasn't for the girl's reminder, he wouldn't know how he died.

At first he was a little dubious about her words.

But seeing an elemental monarch being swallowed by a wall of flesh with his own eyes, the remaining doubts in his heart disappeared immediately.

Especially for the other strong people present, watching the same level or even stronger masters being swallowed by the wall of flesh, the shock brought by that kind of shock is more effective than any persuasion.

In particular, they found that the devouring power on the flesh wall seemed to be inescapable no matter what race or form.

This made them feel even more chilled.

At this time, the warlock in sackcloth rolled his eyes, his dry and sunken eye sockets looked at the flame armor, and his eyes were filled with light.

With a light wave of the magic stick in his hand, he was about to take the armor into his hand.

"Hahaha, I want the Red Flame Sacred Armor of the Fire Spirit World."

But seeing a black shadow flash in front of him, the huge armor disappeared from midair.

The black shadow landed, and there appeared a humanoid creature with six wings on its back, a mouth like a pointed bird's beak, and a long tail behind it. It was a huge five-meter-high figure with a strong oppressive force.

"It's actually the most precious red flame heart in the world of fire spirits, yes, yes."

The humanoid creature held the huge armor and looked left and right, even rejoicing.

Especially seeing the red spar inlaid on the chest of the armor, the flame pattern on it is looming, and the surging scorching breath faintly exudes, which makes his eyes brighter.

Seeing this, the sackclothed warlock had an ugly expression and said gloomyly.

"My friend, there is always a first come, first served in everything, you have crossed the line."

The humanoid sneered disdainfully upon hearing this.

"Everyone can get the treasure without an owner. What kind of thing are you to let me let you?"

As he said that, he opened his sharp beak, and said that the giant armor was sucked into the crop under his jaw.

The linen warlock's face darkened, and the pupils shrank to the size of pinpoints in the whites of his pale and dry eyes.

"So, this friend is toasting and not eating or drinking fine wine."

He stared at him coldly, his hoarse voice seemed to come out of a broken bellows, with a sense of coldness.

The sackcloth on his body was windless and automatic, and a strange fluctuation shook his body.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost, others are afraid of you bone warlocks, but I, Master Bird, are things that rule you, neither human nor ghost."

The humanoid sneered, unafraid.

"You're courting death!" Two black lines of fire shot out from the pale eyeballs of the linen warlock.

"Who is afraid of whom!" The eyes of that human monster also shot out two golden lights.

The black line of fire collided with the electric glow, and the collision produced a dazzling flame. The two human figures faced each other from a distance, facing each other from a distance, not giving an inch.

Two huge qi mechanisms continued to rise on both sides.

At the moment when the two sides were on the verge of crossing swords, a burst of blood force suddenly inserted into the middle, blocking the confrontation between the two sides.

The middle-aged giant said.

"Calm down, both of you. The current situation is unclear, and this is not the time for infighting."

At this time, there are also strong men from other worlds to persuade.

But many more are still watching.

"Oh," Bai Lu didn't ignore the cold light in the eyes of the linen warlock and the humanoid bird.

Can't help but feel helpless.

"Master host, why are you sighing?" said the little devil.

Bai Lu said, "I originally thought that the strength of a large number of people is strong, and if everyone is united, maybe they can come up with a solution. But looking at the posture, these people can't be counted on. Thank God if everyone doesn't fight to the death first."

Although everyone is a stranger from different worlds.

But at this time, there is no one to fight among themselves.

The little devil gave them a disgusted look and said.

"These people haven't even heard of the karma world insects, so they can't be regarded as real masters."

At this time, the space was rippling again, and people kept appearing.

Many people's eyes flickered, each with their own thoughts.

In order to study the meat wall, some people induced newcomers to attack the meat wall, but they were stopped, and then the two parties had a dispute.

Even in the end, in order to study the mechanism of the meat wall, the linen warlock directly caught a martial artist who came from the martial arts world and threw him at the meat wall.

Everyone watched helplessly as the martial artist with low strength was wrapped and swallowed by the granulation sprouts growing from the flesh wall.

Not moving.


In the end, only the sword on the martial artist fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lu completely extinguished her plan to unite with this group of people.

"Boss, have you noticed that this flesh-walled space seems to be getting smaller and smaller?"

At this time, Little Toad suddenly whispered.

Bai Lu looked up, and found that the space seemed to be getting tighter and tighter.

Although there are more and more people, the meat room in front of me is indeed getting smaller.

"It's not that the meat room is getting smaller, it's that the meat wall is getting thicker."

The little devil explained.

"This meat chamber is equivalent to a phagocytic cell in the causal world worm. Every time a creature is swallowed, the flesh wall will become a little thicker, and the space will naturally become smaller and smaller. Finally, the flesh and blood will fill the entire meat chamber and turn into its body. Part of the causal world worms multiply rapidly in this way."

"It has been growing, so this kind of cells are spread all over its body, and the number is countless."

"We must find a way to get out of here before this meat chamber is full, and the sooner the better, because the more energy this meat chamber absorbs in the end, the more useless the subsequent attacks will be."

At this time, the space was rippling, and more and more figures entered this space.

In the beginning, every once in a while, a figure would come in.

It didn't take long before it became, coming in one by one.

In the end, even several figures came in together.

And when the number of strong people is large, conflicts will inevitably occur.

Either tentatively, or unintentionally.

When their attacks fell on the wall of flesh, those strong men were devoured by the wall of flesh without exception.

Even if the strong are shocked for a while, there will always be newcomers who don't know what to do, and they won't cry when they see the coffin.

Seeing that there are more and more people in the meat room, the meat wall is getting thicker and thicker.

If this continues, even if everyone calms down, they will inevitably encounter those walls of flesh and be devoured.

"The eating speed of the causal insects is accelerating."

The little devil looked ugly.

"Boss, what should we do?" Little Toad asked in a daze.

"The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. If we want to escape from here, I'm afraid we need Huo Nanxun's help."

Bai Lu pondered.

Little Toad blinked.

If it hadn't been heard twice, it would have thought it had heard it wrong.

"Boss, that man is full of tricks, as long as he doesn't fall into trouble, will he help us?"

"Also, didn't he run away?"

"If you run away, you run away, but after all, if you can run away, a monk can't run away from the temple."

Bai Lu smiled coldly, looked at the little devil in the form of a dark angel in the black flames and said.

"Xiao Geng, if you meet a host like Huo Nanxun, will you let him go?"

"How is it possible?" The little devil said in disbelief, "That's the Youhe Ming clan, a high-level life born in the void, even if the blood is thin now, it is also a race that has been favored by Huangquan and Mother River, and is born with an extremely affinity for life and death and time , has unique abilities and endless potential, and has not yet grown up."

"This is the perfect host that our Void Sequences are after. If I encounter it, I will definitely not give up easily."

Bai Lu nodded slightly, and smiled lightly.

"Yes, I thought so too."

"Even you can't give up Huo Nanxun. The evil sequence has been dealing with Huo Nanxun for so long, how can you not understand his value? How can you exchange his son for us?"

The little devil's eyes suddenly lit up, "Master Host, what do you mean..."

"His son is not only the best weight to restrain him, but also the blood of the Nether River Hades. If the evil sequence really cares about it so much, how can it be possible to just give up?"

"So, I don't think there is any deal between Huo Nanxun and the evil sequence at all, or it is a self-righteous transaction by Huo Nanxun. In essence, it is a play made by the evil sequence in front of Huo Nanxun in order to deceive Huo Nanxun's trust."

"That's why we're still alive."

Bai Lu pondered, and slowly analyzed, the black fire light was reflected on her face, and the flames in the deep black eyes flickered.

"Compared to the precious blood of the Youhe Ming clan, we are insignificant in the eyes of the evil sequence. If the karma insects really want to deal with us, they must have targeted us long ago, and they will not swallow us like everyone else. Swallow it, and then ignore it."

Bai Lu's clear and slow voice was full of certainty, which gradually made the restless heart feel peaceful.

When the little devil heard this, his eyes shone like stars in the flames, and he said excitedly.

"Not only that, that Huo Nanxun must have been locked by the evil sequence... Hehe..."

The figure in the black flame gloated.

"He said that he has three states of life and death. He used the life state to load the dark order, and used the death state to deceive the evil sequence. However, if the evil sequence really targeted him, how could he be so easily deceived?"

Inspired, the little devil suddenly opened his mind and felt enlightened. The more he talked, the more active his thinking became.

"I don't think he deceived the evil sequence, and the evil sequence took the opportunity to load on him, but he didn't know that his state of life and death was just a natural barrier between the sequences. The dark order and the evil sequence could fall on him at the same time. Even the sequence All battles are avoided.”

"So, we can go out?" Little Toad said happily.

"You can't say that," Bai Lu shook her head and chuckled, without any relaxation on her face, and said solemnly, "In this case, at best, we will not be deliberately targeted by the karma insects. That's because we are insignificant at best in the eyes of the evil sequence." Little Xiami. We can only say that we are safe for the time being."

Her eyes were slightly lowered, and she hesitated, "Unless, the evil sequence has discovered our real clone and secret."

"Impossible," the little devil shook his head without thinking, "The Void Sequence is one of the most secretive and least causal methods in the Void, otherwise, those Void powerhouses would not graze sentient beings in this way."

"My sequence center is here. Unless the evil sequence ontology consciousness or the void powerhouse behind it comes to me in person, let alone the system in his body, even the causal world insects will not be able to discover our identity."

"Okay there, this shows that we are not the real target of the evil sequence and the causal world worm."

"But, we are trapped here, how can we ask him to help us." The little devil was a little confused.

"It depends on you." Bai Lu looked at it.

"Me?" The black figure in the flames was startled.

"Yes, let me ask you, is your Chang Geng sequence functioning normally?"

"Yes, my body is distributed in all the planes of the heavens and myriad worlds. It's just that my consciousness is trapped. The void sequence involves the most basic rules of the sequence, and it is not blocked by cause and effect."

"That's good, you can load the Chang Geng sequence in Huo Nanxun."

"Load Horan Xun?"

"That's right," Bai Lu's mouth curled up. "Didn't he have three life forms? The life state was given to the dark order, and the death state was taken advantage of by the evil sequence. There is still a state of being neither alive nor dead. I just give you this opportunity."

The little devil's eyes sparkled when he heard the flames.

Immediately there was some embarrassment, "But I didn't load the Void Sequence randomly. The Dark Sequence must have darkness in its heart, and the Evil Sequence must also have evil thoughts in its heart. If Huo Nanxun can't meet the will requirements of the Chang Geng Sequence, it is impossible to load it."

"What is the will of the Chang Geng sequence?"


 On the last day of this month, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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