Chapter 427 The Wheel of Fortune
"How do you want me to help you?" Bai Lu asked.

"Refining the treasure of the Divine Pillar." That voice said.

"The treasure of the divine pillar?" Bai Lu asked with a flash of her eyes, "What does this have to do with your Four Pillar Gods?"

"The Four Pillar Gods are gods who have fused the treasures of the divine pillars."

"Didn't your Pillar God's treasure be destroyed along with the Four Pillar God's fall?" Bai Lu wondered.

The treasure of the divine pillar is the treasure of the four pillar gods.

According to her experience in the world of cultivating immortals, in such a tragic battle, in the end, the first thing to be damaged is the magic weapon of life, isn't it?

"The treasure of the divine pillar represents fire, water, air, and earth. It is one of the most basic laws of the void. How can it be easily damaged?"

That voice raised its voice.

"It was the Tarot God who fused the treasures of the Four Pillars to create the Four Pillars, not the Four Pillars created by the Four Pillars. The Four Pillars just used their power. Before they died, they were not refined. Complete one-thousandth of that treasure, otherwise, even if you lose to that old ruler, you will still be invincible."

"Aren't the four pillars a treasure of your Tarot world?" Bai Lu frowned, "If you can't even refine your four pillar gods, how can I refine them?"

"You don't need to refine it deeply. The Four God Pillars are the treasure of the law of the void. No one can completely refine them. You only need to refine them to the point where you can activate the last resort left by the Four Pillars Gods before their death."

Having said that, he said helplessly.

"The karma world worm has hollowed out this place. Without the guardianship of gods like the four pillar gods, our situation will only become more and more difficult. Besides, the great world has been exposed. The heavens and worlds are different universes, and there will be different strong people coming forward." If you come to break through the level, it’s fine if you’re an ordinary god-level powerhouse, if a monster like that Nightmare Fang comes a few more times, we won’t be able to bear it.”

"So, we have decided to give up here and leave completely."

"In this case, why don't you leave as soon as possible, and I still need to refine the Four Divine Pillars?"

At this time, a black crow landed on a branch, combing its feathers.

Bai Lu glanced in its direction indifferently.

"Things are not that simple?" The voice smiled wryly, "The Four Pillars God froze the whole world before he died. If we develop normally, we can get a new life when we reincarnate in the dirty soil. It's just that this process is overwhelmed by the evil sequence and the causal world." The intrusion of insects interrupted."

"However, the power left by the four pillar gods is too powerful. Although the evil sequence occupies the Tarot world, it cannot penetrate the core of our inheritance."

"But because of this, we are also trapped. Our reincarnation has been halfway through, and we can't leave too far away from the place where we died. Otherwise, we will completely disappear."

That voice was a little sad.

"Then... those gods." Bai Lu asked tentatively.

"They had already made plans to die before they left."

The other party spoke lightly, with a hint of sadness that could not be concealed in his voice.

Bai Lu was silent.

Although she has never met the gods of these Tarot worlds, she herself has no intersection with the Tarot civilization.

But that monster followed the treasured sheep after all.

And the treasured sheep came after her again.

At this point, she felt it was her duty to do something for them.

"How did you leave?" she asked.

"The four gods of the pillars had envisioned this situation before they were alive, and they had prepared a way out for us. We only need to stimulate the power of the four pillars. However, the last god in our world also fell when the evil sequence invaded. , there is no longer a living person in this world, and none of us can activate the Four Divine Pillars."

"That's why the evil sequence attracts the powerhouses from all realms." Bai Lu whispered.

"That's right. The Tarot World was originally our ideal country, a world where the entire civilization selects outstanding successors."

"Even we have to follow this rule."

"Unfortunately, the Four Divine Pillars are the greatest inheritance of our civilization, and they are also within the scope of inheritance rewards."

When Bai Lu heard this, she finally understood what the other party wanted to do.

"That is to say, this is like a game. The treasure of the Four Divine Pillars is not only the biggest reward in the game, but also the source of power for the entire game, and you are the npcs who guard the level. Although people of the evil sequence cannot enter, but according to According to the rules of the Tarot World, you can still obtain the Four Divine Pillars in the end through trials and trials, and your lives will be in his hands at that time. So, you want to help me cheat and refine the Four Divine Pillars in advance, right?"

The voice hesitated for a while, seeming to understand what the girl's "game" and "npc" meant.

However, the Tarot civilization is the top civilization in the world after all, and there are many technological civilizations that it has come into contact with.

After pausing for a few breaths, the voice came quickly.

"That's right, the Evil Sequence has seen through this point, so it will attract the powerhouses from the heavens and the world to participate in the trial. The purpose is to obtain the treasure of the Four Divine Pillars and wipe us out."

"People from the Tarot World should have escaped, but didn't you find a way to refine it?" Bai Lu wondered.

The voice said helplessly, "Now the whole world is under the wrapping and monitoring of the karma world insects. If they come in, I'm afraid they won't even be able to get out of the outermost layer of flesh-walled space."

"If that's the case, why don't people of the evil sequence participate in the trial? Under the soft soil, even the most difficult trial can be passed, and there is no risk of leaking the news."

In any case, outsiders are not as good as our own.

With the number of hundreds of millions of hosts in the hands of the evil sequence, how many strong people can be selected.

"That's because they were backlashed by the curse left by the four pillar gods. Anyone who loads the evil sequence camp will lose their qualifications."

The voice hesitated for a while and said.

"Besides, the treasures of the Four Divine Pillars are of great importance. It is rumored that these four treasures contain one of the most terrifying secrets in the void. Even our Tarot civilization evolved from these four treasures, and later from the card Civilization stands alone."

"The Evil Sequence knew this secret and tried every means to conquer the Tarot World."

"It's just that they lost the qualification to participate in the trial from the very beginning, so they had to attract other strong people to join."

"Aren't they afraid that other strong men will run away with the Four Pillar God's Treasure?"

"Running?" The voice sneered, "Could it be that they can still escape from the body of the Karma Realm?"

"The four divine pillars are the treasures of the void, and our Tarot civilization is the race closest to them. Even with the greatest four pillar gods of our Tarot civilization, we don't know how long it took to refine them. Are we still afraid that others will suddenly use them? Has the power of the Four Divine Pillars left?"

"I'm afraid what the evil sequence said to those people is that the only way out lies in the Time Continent, on that giant golden fish."

Having said that, the voice suddenly laughed.

"Actually, how did they know that the golden giant fish is no longer the original one. The entire Great Thousand World, except for the area covered by the power of the four pillar gods, other places have fallen into the hands of the evil sequence."

"If they are really sent to the Time Continent according to the guidance of the token, that will be the beginning of the disaster, because the Karma World Worm sends many monsters that it cannot digest to the Time Continent. The indescribable monsters formed by fusion, even the evil sequence is a headache."

"Didn't the Evil Sequence let them take the treasures of the Four Divine Pillars? Why did they want to kill them all?" Bai Lu was puzzled.

"Hahaha, the trial has already begun, silly girl."

The voice laughed.

"Our world is called the Tarot World. Outside is the sea of ​​truth full of source matter. The islands scattered in the sea of ​​truth are called islands of knowledge. What is an island of knowledge? It is the place where knowledge is spread and inheritance is given."

"Those giants behind the black mist, and even the gods hidden underground, tested and taught those inheritors during their lifetime. Only after passing these checkpoints can you enter the land of ascension. There is a teleportation array leading to the continent of time in the land of ascension. Time The continent sits on the golden giant fish, a scale is a continent."

"That golden giant fish is a strange creation species. It swims freely in the source quality and shuttles in various seas of source quality. Now that the source quality of the Tarot World has dried up, how can it come?"

"The current one is just an evil sequence pretending to be it. Besides, even if that fish is real, how can the inheritance of our Tarot world be placed in the Time Continent?"

"Whether it is the inheritance of the Tarot world or the treasure of the divine pillar, they are all on the island of knowledge."

"When those people pass the level, they will naturally get rewards, and then the teleportation array will send them into the fake time continent, where they will encounter extremely terrifying causal monsters, even if there are individual superpowers who can go through all kinds of difficulties and dangers Use that fake fish to escape and leave the causal world worm, but after you get out, you will be the headquarters of the evil sequence, where there are terrifying powerhouses waiting for them."

"In this way, not to mention those powerhouses in the universe, even a void powerhouse like Nightmare Fang will have to shed a layer of skin after this round."

"Insects in the causal world come in and out, it's not a joke."

"This trial is a complete scam. It was carefully designed by the evil sequence to forcefully break through with the strong from all realms."

"The reason why you are unimpeded now is because they have a token made by the evil sequence with the heart of the corpse."

Having said that, his voice was sad.

"However, in the central area, where the old gods are buried, he is not afraid of these tokens, and the festival elves, whom they call the gatekeeper ghosts, are the only way to pass through the inheritance. A bloody battle."

"Hitting these multi-god-level powerhouses, aren't they afraid of provoking public anger?"

Bai Lu remembered that Mo Huaigu was a regular scout soldier of the Shenwei Legion, and the Shenwei Legion was under the command of the Lord of Wind and Snow, and belonged to the supreme disciple of Xinghe.

Even Adena could trace her parentage back to the Lord of the Stars.

Ask her own doubts.

In this regard, the voice disdained.

"Don't worry, the evil sequence won't be so intrusive."

Xiao Geng explained in the system.

"Even if the god-level powerhouses who come in are of extraordinary background, they are all marginal figures of various forces. Mo Huaigu like that is inconspicuous among the scouts, let alone the entire Shenwei Legion. As for Adina, I'm afraid their dream The destruction of the Star Crystal Kingdom will not attract the attention of the Star Lord."

"Those existences are great powerhouses who have gone through countless epochs. Which one is not a disciple whose old divisions are all over the universe? In terms of relationship, I am afraid that all the creatures in the universe they are in are more or less related to them."

"It's like when the host is killed, neither the dark order nor the evil sequence will pay attention to it anymore. When a host is killed, they can load ten, hundreds, or thousands of planes in the heavens and myriad worlds at the same time. , the most numerous beings in the void universe are sentient beings, and even those who are strong in the laws above the divine realm are just numbers to them."

Chang Geng Sequence said casually.

For it, this is not cold-blooded, but a natural thing.

Just like the human body has tens of trillions of cells and hundreds of trillions of bacteria, which are metabolized every day, and it will not be painful just because any bacteria in the body disappears.

"Unless the evil sequence directly kills the direct descendants of those strong men, but at the age of those strong men, their direct descendants are either dead, or at least as strong as Lord Fengxue..."

"Girl Bai, that monster is here, if you don't think about it, I'm leaving!"

Suddenly, the golden goat pushed her with its horns.

Violently wagging its short tail, the tone of its voice changed.

"When I leave, all my karma will be passed on to you. At that time, that monster must eat you before it catches me!"

Accidentally told the truth again, that face of bitter gourd, who had nothing to love, was full of helplessness and fear.

There is no way, it has already felt that crazy breath broke through the clouds and is about to descend on its head.

I saw its two golden ears standing straight up, and the golden sheep's hooves under its feet kept digging the ground, as if it saw something wrong and ran away.

"Fellow Daoist Chang Geng, what's going on with this sheep?"

Although Mo Huaigu was vigilant around, his attention never left the group of Dark Angels.

It immediately noticed the abnormality of the golden goat, and stared at it flickeringly.

"I should have been frightened," Chang Geng Sequence wrote lightly, "Friend Mo, the celestial phenomena are different, and there may be some changes. Let's enter that palace as soon as possible."

When Mo Huaigu heard the words, he couldn't help but look away, and looked at the ripples in the sky like ripples, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Nodding slightly, "Alright."

Bai Lu looked into the void calmly.

In the depths of the dim sky, there seemed to be two indescribably crazy auras approaching rapidly, and destruction was about to come.

Immediately, not daring to be negligent, he sacrificed the letter paper in his mind.

On the white letter paper, a big "Hiding" character slowly disappeared.

Hidden words.

——All sentient beings in the void universe will see nothing if they see.

An invisible wave emanated from her body, covering the golden goat.

At this time, she suddenly asked.

"Those who hold tokens, can see through the illusion?"

"No," said the voice, "however, you can see giants within three feet."

Bai Lu looked at the giants who were close at hand, and heard the other's answer in her ears.

On the other side, a huge hole suddenly opened in the sky.

Two balls of black liquid rushed straight out, originally heading in a certain direction, but suddenly lost their direction and stopped in place.

After a long time, it fell lightly.

In mid-air, two balls of liquid exuded black light, wriggled constantly, and began to grow heads and various long hands.

When they fell to the ground, they had turned into black, human-like, multi-handed monsters with ominous light all over their bodies.

At this time, behind the black mist, huge black shadows began to appear and slowly gathered.

The two monsters smiled coldly.


A destructive breath burst out from one of the monsters, and the long black hands carried the turbulent wind and blew in all directions.

The black mist dissipated, and all objects blown by the wind turned into dust.

A big black hand fell down.

The giants and the earth began to fall into complete destruction...

At the same time, beside Bai Lu and the others, a black crow soared into the sky and flew towards the center of the island.

Passing through the thick black fog, he finally came to a dilapidated manor deep in the black fog, and landed in front of a delicate attic window sill.

Be humane to the inside.

"Caitlin, the person predicted by the wheel of fortune is here, and those old guys are touching her."

(End of this chapter)

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