Chapter 43
black wasteland.

A huge black pillar, like a huge mountain, was slowly lifted out of the black earth.

The terrifying magic smoke rushed into the sky, and the pure black smoke enveloped the entire earth.

In the transpiration of the magic smoke, a stalwart figure was standing quietly, trying to maintain the birth of the Demon God Pillar.

Sensing the death of the disciple.

Yuan Shenjun was furious, and the divine sense at the peak of Yuanshen leaped across the space, and immediately locked on to that hateful figure.

When the divine thoughts swept across, Bai Lu immediately felt a sense of imminent disaster.

Immediately afterwards, it was locked by a terrifying air machine.

Terrifying and majestic energy surged across many spaces, and the aura emanating from above made the world tremble.

The person opposite is the strongest master that Bailu has encountered so far.

The breath of death came.

At the same time, a huge aura rose from Kunshan Fudi, trying to intercept that aura.

But was severely interrupted by the god of the gods.

Bai Zhen is the most talented disciple under his command.

He is also one of the few evildoers in the history of Tianma.

He is also the heir to whom he has high hopes.

Originally, the Yuanshen was already in sight, but unexpectedly, he was beheaded by a little-known Nascent Soul female cultivator!
How can he not get angry?
Even if the primordial spirit fights, he will not hesitate.

Everyone saw a majestic fire coming from the direction of the Demon God's Pillar in the sky.

The ink flames lit up the sky.

Fierce magic flames spanned the long sky, illuminating the night, the terrifying coercion almost made the world stand still, and the earth-shattering hot breath made the space tremble.

The heavy cover came under pressure.

The whole night was ablaze.

This is the Peak Primordial Spirit making a move!
Under this aura, the black toad was already so frightened that it rolled its belly and passed out.

The fire from heaven came to the world, like a disaster that destroyed the world.

The scorching flames radiate the power of the great emperor at the peak of the primordial spirit.

The cultivators hadn't recovered from the shock of the Demon God Pillar's birth, and immediately saw Yuanshen Shenjun make a move.

Many cultivators were stunned.

His hands were shaking with fright.

"Is this about to break out a battle of gods?"

And Fairy Baihua was even more confused.

From Bai Lu's hand to kill Guo Xiao and then to his sword to kill Bai Zhen, it happened almost at the same time as the birth of Demon God Zhu.

Just now they were still facing life and death crisis, unexpectedly, the world changed drastically in the blink of an eye, and the enemy died.

All this came suddenly.

Especially that stunning sword, the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, directly beheading the Baizhen Taoist.

Until his figure was submerged by the unparalleled sword light, she couldn't believe that the Taoist who was like a god and a demon died.

In just a split second, it seems like a lot has happened.

But everything happens in a blink of an eye.

Even her, a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, was a little overwhelmed.

Immediately afterwards, the magic fire came, accompanied by the mighty divine power, which made her heart tighten again.

Yuanshen made a move.

Terrifying and majestic coercion enveloped the world, and everyone looked up at the sky.

There is a white cloud there.

The infinite magic flame turned into a sea of ​​flames and shrouded it.

Fairy Baihua sensed a familiar aura from the boundless magic flame.

It seems that the magic light on Taoist Baizhen is this kind of breath.


But the magic fire in the sky is even more frightening than the magic light of Taoist Baizhen.

Ten thousand times.

Under the primordial spirit, if it is contaminated with a little bit, it will die and be reduced to ashes.

This is the shot of the peak god.

Even the primordial spirit of the Kunshan sect could not be saved.

Above the white clouds, Bai Lu faced the boundless sea of ​​flames.

The mighty magic power locked her.

He kicked the toad next to him who was pretending to be dead, "Don't pretend to be dead, get ready."

Then he sacrificed the inheritance tower and blocked it above his head.

In the dark night, everyone saw only a nine-story pagoda rising slowly, blocking the sea of ​​flames in the sky.

Fairy Baihua and other Kunshan Zong Yuanying Daxiu couldn't help shrinking their pupils when they saw this, and exclaimed.

"Nine Ling Pagoda!"

(End of this chapter)

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