Chapter 441 The Bought God

She still has things she can't see clearly?
This is a very new thing for Bailu.

It's also incredible.

Because she found that those insects were not blocked by any supernatural power, it was simply because they were too small to see clearly beyond her physical ability.

You know, she is currently in the fifth level of the body, and she is still in the peak state in the past.

Fit monk.

Although it is not possible to read through the sky at a glance like the Taoist ancestor Tianzun, and penetrate the nine worlds and penetrate the nine seclusions.

But you can look down on the world, and you can see the mystery.

In a small world like Splendid World, sweeping eight hundred states with one thought is not a problem.

The microscopic aspect is even more insightful.

Otherwise, how can you cultivate your soul and control every cell in your body?
But right now, with her body structure and spiritual power, she couldn't recognize their specific appearance.

Just like seeing cells under an optical microscope, she could only vaguely see vague red or black particles.

——At this level, she no longer has the concept of color, and she can't distinguish the specific shape at all.

The reason why they think it is an insect is because they seem to be wriggling on their own, their bodies exude a faint life-like breath, and even contain explosive power in their bodies.

It's like being nearsighted and having to wear glasses.

And she can only see the appearance of those red "insects" clearly in the interface of the Chang Geng sequence.

At that level of subtlety, though, there is no concept of color.

It was a tiny, almost transparent insect-like humanoid.

Some are like robots that have shrunk countless times, densely packed, and gathered together to form a wine-red blood sea that is as smooth as silk and milk.

Those robots are so exquisite that the girl can't help but stare at them, her clear eyes are full of color.

Although she has never heard of many substances and scientific principles, this does not prevent her from appreciating the beauty of science.

"Xiao Geng, he is actually a strong player on the technology side."

Bai Lu said in disbelief.

Seeing those "sea of ​​blood", at first she thought that the other party was practicing a technique similar to the "Sea of ​​Blood Dafa" of immortality.

But now she looked carefully.

According to the analysis of Chang Geng's interface, that man does not have any extraordinary power.


It should be said that all the strength of his body is in line with scientific laws.

For example, the heavy element organs in his body that can withstand high pressure and high radiation, the high-energy cell chains that can keep the stomach wall at a high temperature of [-] degrees Celsius for a long time through radiation, and the semi-modified space microbial flora that can adapt to various harsh environments.

The person in front of him is not so much life as a walking nuclear bomb, or the sun wrapped in human skin.

No wonder the light on his body is so layered and beautiful, it turned out to be really nuclear radiation.

"This is the powerhouse of the technology-side civilization that is biased toward the media-side civilization."

Bai Lu looked at the smooth to distorted flawless skin on the surface of his body. It was hard to imagine what kind of material it was, which could wrap the energy like a human-shaped sun.

Hearing the introduction of Chang Geng's sequence, her eyes flickered and she said in doubt.

"I've been listening to you talking about the medium side. What is the medium side?"

"The medium side is a general classification of technological civilization. The heavens and worlds, the void universe, and the technological civilization can be roughly divided into two types: the organic side and the medium side."

"To put it simply, the organic side focuses on foreign objects, and the medium side focuses on transforming itself. Generally speaking, the organic side is more common in primitive civilizations, such as the earth where the host is."

——All scientific creations mostly rely on external objects, but do not improve themselves.

"Compared with the ever-changing technological explosion, people on earth are much slower to solve diseases, let alone prolong life."

"So, strictly speaking, the earth belongs to the civilization on the organic side."

"However, after all, the earth does not have the ability to step into the star sea and live away from the parent star. Even in the eyes of advanced civilizations in the universe where the earth is located, it is still a barbaric and barren state, let alone this multiverse."

"The primitive civilizations we often refer to refer to those civilizations that have mechas that fly into the sky, spaceships that can travel across the stars, artificial intelligence that can integrate civilization resources, and have the ability to colonize the initial planets. It is called the primary mechanical civilization."

"Because these civilizations are limited by scientific principles and their own technology, they can only rely on rudimentary technological products to explore the universe. Therefore, they are called primitive civilizations."

"Therefore, most primitive civilizations belong to the civilization of the organic side. However, there are also super civilizations that belong to the organic side. Once their ultimate weapon breaks out, it can even collapse multidimensionality and destroy the entire universe."

"On the medium side, there are also silicon-based life forms and titanium-based life forms, which are naturally suitable for the development of special life forms on the medium side, such as the woman from the white silicon family we have seen."

"There are also some low-level civilizations with crooked technology trees that have entered the medium side in advance. For example, the genetic warrior we brought in is from a low-level civilization that unlocked the genetic lock in advance."

"In short, this is a general classification. The technology of intelligent life has always been blooming, but most civilizations have gone to the same path."

"In the void universe, there are both organic civilizations and special technological civilizations that do not belong to the medium side, nor do they belong to the organic side."

"Anyway, there are many types of civilizations on the technology tree, and they themselves can't figure it out. We outsiders just generally divide them into the organic side and the medium side."

Chang Geng Sequence explained patiently.

The girl couldn't help sighing when she heard the words.

"Sure enough, the void is endless and all-encompassing."

A single technology-side civilization has so much knowledge.

In the void universe of the heavens and worlds, there are also a vast number of cards, mysteries, and practice, all kinds of prosperous and brilliant extraordinary civilizations, and there are countless intelligent civilizations like the earth that have not even set foot on their mother planet. , even outside the endless universe, there are higher-level void civilizations.

Every time she heard Xiao Geng explaining these most basic knowledge, Bai Lu felt that she was as small as a drop in the universe.

At this time, Bai Lu noticed that the wine-red liquid swept down like a sea of ​​blood, and the human-faced beetles dissolved one by one!

Wherever it passed, it was like locusts crossing the border, leaving no armor, and even the empty space was corroded and distorted.

"This is……"

"This is a nuclear-level weapon invented by the atomic civilization. It can be manipulated and flew as you like, and it can dissolve and assimilate everything like a flying rice bug. Unless it is a material above the nuclear level, nothing is indestructible."

"Fly rice?"

"That's right, a femtometer. A femtometer is about 1 nanometers, which is equivalent to the radius of an atomic nucleus."

"Just as it is impossible for atoms to stay still without thermal motion forever, and everything can never reach absolute zero, apart from singularities, it is impossible for the universe to have a point with infinite mass."

"So, just like absolute zero, microscopic particles also have limits, especially at the atomic level. Every time an order of magnitude is advanced to the decimal point, civilization will have a geometric leap."

"Therefore, the technology-side civilization refers to the civilization that can freely use atomic power as atomic civilization, and femto technology is the top crown of the industrial system in atomic civilization."

"They have used atoms to the extreme. They are not primitive civilizations. They are comparable to barbaric civilizations. Take this man's sea of ​​blood as an example. One of the nuclear robots can explode at any time with the energy released by a miniature nuclear bomb explosion on the earth. And it’s sustainable and extremely flexible.”

Watching the dense beetles devour and dissolve in the overwhelming wine-red blood sea, even the empty space is constantly twisted and healed, as if to dissolve in a smooth liquid, who can imagine that they are flying rice robots?
The size of a water molecule is only on the order of 10 to the minus 10 power, while the size of a femto robot is 10 to the minus 15 power meter.

The size of a water molecule is 10 times that of a femto robot, and its volume is 10 to the 15th power.

That is to say, the energy that a flying rice robot in the space occupied by a water molecule can explode is equivalent to 10 to the 15th power of [-] miniature nuclear bombs exploding simultaneously.

A drop of water has about 10 to the 21st power of water molecules, and a drop of blood water is equivalent to 10 to the 36th power of miniature nuclear bombs exploding at the same time.

The energy released by the star in the solar system where the earth is located is only equivalent to 10 to the 14th power of [-] miniature nuclear bombs exploding at the same time.

Therefore, the energy limit of a drop of "water of the sea of ​​blood" is about 10 to the 22nd power of the energy released by the sun per second.

When she calculated this result, Bai Lu herself was startled.

What is Destruction of Heaven and Earth?

This is not called destroying the world, what is called destroying the world?

Compared with the destructive damage brought by femto technology, the destructive power brought about by Zengli Tianjun with the power of the world at that time, which was like a star explosion, can only be regarded as an adjective before the technology of the real atomic civilization.

Of course, she knew that due to the strong force between particles, it was impossible for those femtobots to squeeze together as ideally.

The released energy cannot be infinitely superimposed without loss, and it is even more impossible to release so much energy at the same time.

——After all, no matter which science of the universe must pay attention to the conservation of energy.

Therefore, what she counted is only the limit value of Feimi Technology's ideal state, a kind of highest potential.

It's like an immortal cultivator calculates how strong he is when he cultivates to the top of the immortal way according to the laws of immortal cultivation.

But what about the calculation?

How many Taoist ancestors are there among the immortal cultivators in the universe?

Moreover, such an algorithm is easy to generalize from one leaf to the other, and falls into the misunderstanding of peasants imagining that the emperor uses a golden hoe.

However, such an algorithm also made her understand.

"The peak power of the atomic civilization and the achievements it can achieve are no less than that of the Taoist ancestor Tianzun."

She looked at the man's flawless skin and felt the radiant energy in his body like a melting pot of the sun. Science and life were so perfectly combined.

Bai Lu finally understands why Xiao Geng keeps saying that the earth civilization is still in a barren and barbaric state.

Feimi Technology.

Even with her spiritual consciousness far surpassing that of ordinary Mahayana Heavenly Monarchs, she couldn't get started.

This is the domain of those who are above the divine realm.

When the earth civilization was still praying to gods and worshiping Buddha, the real scientific and technological civilization had stepped into the realm of gods by relying on technology, and became gods and Buddhas themselves.

Compared with the top scientific and technological civilizations in the void universe, the scientific achievements that the earth has achieved now are indeed incomparable.

"When the road of science and technology goes to the extreme, it is indeed no different from the road of extraordinary."

Looking at the man's transformed body, Bai Lu admired from the bottom of her heart.

"Of course," came the natural voice of Chang Geng Sequence between the eyebrows, "What is technology? Technology is to explore the truth of the universe, summarize the laws of nature, and finally use it for oneself. To search for the true meaning of the universe is just a different way.”

"Therefore, some powerful scientific and technological civilizations are not weaker than any extraordinary civilization. The scientists of those civilizations are themselves super strong. Even because of the more perfect learning system of scientific and technological civilizations, the industrial production of accessories and weapons, and the transformation of themselves, the top technological civilizations are stronger than other civilizations. It is easy to cultivate strong people."

"Just like this man, although his strength is extremely terrifying, whether it is his heavy element body, high-energy cell chains, or the space biological flora in his body, they can all be quickly transformed by technological means. Even his flying rice Blood Sea weapons can all be purchased in bulk from top technology companies."

"As long as you have money, you can cultivate a strong man who surpasses the gods in minutes."

"However, their coins are also made of special materials and substances, which are even rarer than the heavenly materials and earthly treasures used to refine immortal weapons. Even my system mall doesn't include many of them. Host, do you need them? Or let the boss buy you a set?"

"No need."

The girl quickly refused.

Hearing Chang Geng's narration, Bai Lu finally understood why her parents told her to be patient and focus on cultivating immortals.

After all, compared with the super civilization of the infinite interface of the void universe.

The civilization of cultivating immortals is indeed not very brilliant.

And this is just this multiverse, what if it is the legendary omnipotent universe?How many terrorist civilizations will there be?
After witnessing the frightening efficiency of these civilizations, who would practice meditation step by step?

Without the advice of her parents, she couldn't guarantee that she would "change careers halfway".

"How far do you think the earth is from Feimi Technology?"

As a native of Earth, Bai Lu couldn't help asking curiously.

"If people on Earth don't die and develop at the fastest speed, it will take at least a few million years from now."

"After so long, the earth has now developed nanotechnology?"

How many millions of years?How long have humans been born on earth?The explosion of technology is only nearly a hundred years old.

Hearing the words, Chang Geng Sequence was a little speechless.

"Master host, nanotechnology on your earth is also called technology? At most, primitive people saw the birds and had the idea of ​​flying. Are they still far away from actually manufacturing airplanes? Wait for them to walk out of the home planet, colonize the interstellar space, and step into the world. Let’s talk about primitive interstellar civilization.”

While the two were talking, the blood-colored ocean had almost dissolved the black beetle.

At this time, a sudden change occurred, and those black beetles that disappeared unexpectedly reappeared out of thin air.

Each black beetle, with a pitiful face, is exactly the same as the sea of ​​blood.

The man's always confident face finally changed.

"Not good. The composition of these beetles should have broken through the nuclear level, and my femto robot cannot fundamentally eliminate them."

"It doesn't matter, you see, the refining of the Holy Grail has stopped, and you continue to consume their energy."

The Yaoshenhua looked excitedly at the phantom that slowly stopped solidifying.

(End of this chapter)

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