A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 443 Parents' Second Treasure

Chapter 443 Parents' Second Treasure
When the beautiful light containing the infinite destiny of time, space and infinite latitude illuminates the nothingness in the ten directions, each character shows the beauty of truth with infinite mysteries, secrets and principles.

Bai Lu was also shocked by the beauty of the infinite and ultimate avenue in front of her.

Suddenly, the Chang Gung sequence interface in her eyes suddenly flickered, and jumping ribbons began to appear, like an old-fashioned TV set with a bad signal flickering violently.

"Xiao Geng, what's wrong with you?"

The girl was surprised.

"Master host, hurry up, remember these characters, these are the words of the eternal ultimate infinite universe, and they are the ultimate inheritance from the divine pillar. This may be the greatest opportunity for this universe."

Chang Geng lost his voice in sequence.

"My God, it's no wonder that the Four Divine Pillars of the Tarot World have attracted so many Void powerhouses and masters of the universe. It's actually the treasure of the Divine Pillars, the supreme inheritance from the Void Divine Pillars."

It made a rapid, panting sound.

"Master Host, we have sent it."

Bai Lu trembled when she heard Xiao Geng's excited voice.

Its black eyeball in the center of the girl's eyebrows suddenly widened, wishing it could squeeze out from the center of her eyebrows completely.

The gaze follows the characters greedily, with eager eyes.

The whole sequence has been completely immersed in the ultimate truth that those characters display.

It should be intoxicated indeed.

Because any intelligent life that pursues the avenue and is curious about the world will be infected by the beauty of this infinite truth, intoxicated and moved by the ultimate beauty at the end of the avenue.

This is not some mind-shocking, addictive phantom poison.

On the contrary, it is a very pure, very sober, very simple beauty presentation.

It presents the truth of the world, the diversity of the universe, the infinite dimensions, and the most beautiful truth in the world.

There is also the shock of hearing that Daoxi can die in the evening.

Its beauty is endless, its Tao is endless, and it is a kind of beauty with infinite dimensions.

Just like peeling an onion, the more knowledgeable you are, the deeper your understanding of Dao, the more you can understand its value.

The more you will be obsessed with it.

"I have visited countless planes in the heavens and worlds, and the hosts of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, but I have never seen such a mysterious and profound cultivation method. It is worthy of being the inheritance of the world of Shenzhu, and it is indeed the cultivation system of the eternal ultimate infinite universe. "

Xiao Geng's tone was incomparably amazed.

"I must record it and let the owner see it. This will also be of great help to him."

With that said, Chang Geng Sequence couldn't wait to start recording those characters.

Listening to the voice in her mind, Bai Lu was slightly surprised, this was the first time she saw Xiao Geng lose his composure like this.

Let a void sequence spanning the multiverse of the heavens and worlds be so exciting.

It's hard to imagine how attractive these characters are.

Bai Lu set her eyes on those characters. In her eyes, the mysteries of these characters were indeed endless, but they did not make her madly obsessed.

"Maybe it's because my realm is too low."

She couldn't help laughing at herself.

It's like a stone on the side of the road.

Geologists see information about geomorphic geological changes from the texture wind erosion above;

Physicists have seen the gravitational acceleration and even the evolution history of the earth and universe from the mass density atoms;
Chemists see its chemical essence from the molecular compound structure;

Biologists can even see the entire ecological environment nearby from the fungus above;
Writers can use countless gorgeous words to render descriptions, and philosophers can also conduct philosophical speculation on this stone.

And for most people, that's the common stone on the side of the road.

It contains everything and nothing.

It is an infinite treasure to those who know it, but it is worthless to those who do not.

For Xiao Geng and Yaoshenhua, these characters now are that stone, no, it is a brand new new world, a new world with infinite value.

But for Bai Lu, it was like a gorgeous fireworks, nothing left after a brief astonishment.

"how so?!"

At this time, Xiao Geng's exclamation came from beside his ear.

"what happened?"

Bai Lu looked with her spiritual sense and found it on the interface panel of the Chang Geng sequence.

Those rays of light and characters are like powder soaked in water, disappearing quickly.

No matter how hard it tried to get characters to record those characters, it couldn't succeed.

Even in its interface, even that star coin cannot be burned.

fades away from the screen.

Looking at the pictures that slowly disappeared, Bai Lu was also a little surprised.

She knows how powerful Xiao Geng's interface perspective is.

It can let itself see through the real illusion of the karma world worm at a glance, and ignore the enchantment barrier of the inheritance place of the Tarot world, directly reflecting the scene of the manor, and even the void life has no secrets in front of it.

This was the first time Bai Lu had seen it completely fail.

Even the most basic burning function can't be done.

Xiao Geng burned it again in disbelief.

The characters slowly dissipated like sand in the wind, and the huge star coins also became transparent, gradually becoming shallower, until they disappeared completely.

"Oh, it still doesn't work."

Sequence Chang Geng said angrily.

"No wonder in the heavens and the world, there are only rumors about the supreme artifact in the Tarot world, but no images circulated. It turns out that it cannot be rubbed at all."

Looking at the radiant characters exuding infinite mystery, Chang Geng Sequence's exposed black eyeballs turned around, feeling a kind of regret that he could not enter the treasure mountain.

Moreover, it is also a treasure mountain that is hard to see in the only void in the universe.

It is really unwilling to give up like this.

At this time, Bai Lu suddenly thought of what the wheel of fortune said.

——The Four Divine Pillars are the treasures of void rules, they do not exist in the past and future, they only exist in this moment

"Are these images also part of the space-time rules?"

"Not necessarily, this only accounts for a small part of the reason," Xiao Geng thought deeply, "I have traveled with the master for a long time, and the functions of the void sequence interface are not bound by the laws of time and space at all."

It said solemnly, "The key is this star coin. It is the supreme treasure from the Void God Pillar. Even the light it emits contains infinite laws and infinite principles. My interface cannot bear it at all."

"This is like a record book in the host's hometown. The content written is limited. Even if it is replaced by a computer, the information it can hold is limited. And on this star coin, every ray of light, every piece of projection , each character, is infinite."

"Accommodating the infinite avenue with a finite container is of course unsuccessful."

"Even if it manages to succeed, it's just a phantom with scales and claws, and I can't even catch a trace of charm in it."

"It turns out that the content is too large, and your interface can't fit it."

At this time, the little toad crawled out from nowhere, and squeezed out a small eyeball the size of a mung bean under that black eyeball.

For a moment, two eyeballs fell on Bai Lu's eyebrows, like two plum blossoms.

"Why can my eyes see? Does this mean that my eyes are more useful than your interface?"

I saw that small eyeball randomly glanced at the huge gold coin, and after seeing the incomparably gorgeous and mysterious light, it was slightly taken aback.

Then he looked away as if nothing had happened, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't think there was anything unusual.

"What character, why didn't I see it?"

The small mung bean-sized eyes were full of confusion.

The big eyeball on the top couldn't help but rolled its eyes and said.

"Do you think the things you see are the same as the host and me? Or, do you think those mortals are the same as the world you see?"

"You must know that visible light only occupies a negligible small part of the spectrum. The world seen by the eyes of mortals and domestic animals is different, not to mention the superhuman who has developed the soul force, the awakened seventh sense. gone."

"Although everyone is in the same environment, the world in their eyes is completely different."

"The vision is different, the world is different, and the principles of comprehension are naturally different."

"This is the inheritance of the eternal and ultimate infinite universe. It is infinite latitude, infinite time and space, infinite destiny, and infinite truth. People in every realm will see different scenery."

"Why don't I feel how powerful it is?"

The small eyes between the girl's brows blinked, and she said with some doubts.

The black eyeballs looked down at the small ones under his eyelids, and smiled.

"Although you have been summoned by the master to come over, your state of mind is still in the primordial spirit state, the primordial spirit state? You are not a master in ordinary cultivation, what can you see? If you restore your eyesight to At a mortal level, let alone characters, you can’t even see the light, it’s just a huge and ordinary star coin in front of your eyes.”

The little eyeball saw the fierce formation of those beetles with terrifying breaths and strong men not far away.

Its mind trembled as it was shocked by that terrifying momentum.

At this time, it didn't bother to care about the ridicule of the Chang Geng sequence, but instead said weakly.

"In this case, if we keep staring at the star coin, will it be dangerous, such as the eyeball being burst?"

As expected of a cautious little toad by nature, three sentences cannot be separated from danger.

Hearing the words, Chang Geng Sequence laughed out loud.

"The universe has infinite mysteries. When you look at the starry sky, will your eyeballs be overwhelmed by the endless information?"

"In the same way, the treasure of the Four God Pillars comes from the Void God Pillar. It has infinite truth and infinite thinking. How much you can see, how much you can see, it will not hurt you, and it will not be diverted by your will. It is pure It exists there, infinitely changing, eternal, as long as you find the right way, you can comprehend it, this is the mystery of nature."

"Oh, what a pity, even if the universe is boundless, its energy has a limit after all. This kind of infinite-level inheritance requires infinite-level Void Supreme Treasure to carry it."

"Any treasure in the universe will not work."

Mentioning this, the black eyeballs sighed and sighed endlessly.

Seeing it beating its chest and feet like a little old man, Bai Lu couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be discouraged, you can't record it, and neither can others. Compared with many powerful people in this universe, you can see this infinite truth and have no regrets."

"Besides, it is because it cannot be recorded that it can exist in the Tarot World. If the Four Divine Pillars can really be recorded as a picture, I am afraid that its existence will have spread throughout the void universe. By then, the multiverse will be the most The top group of powerhouses are here, we can't even see it."

"The top group of powerful people in the multiverse? They probably left the universe long ago and stepped into the depths of the void. What's left... Alas, I can only think of it this way. It's still the host who can see it."

Xiao Geng sighed.

"How can I see it openly, I just can't understand it, so I have no obsession."

Bai Lu smiled wryly, and then asked, "These characters are really the cultivation system of the eternal, ultimate and infinite universe?"

"Not bad!" The black eyeballs stared at those characters, and answered with absolute affirmation.

"Is it really as difficult to cultivate as the rumors say?" She was a little curious.

Thinking about how many years the Tarot civilization has obtained it, with the power of the entire civilization, the four supreme Tarot gods could only refine less than one-thousandth of it.

Bai Lu felt a little unbelievable.

What is the concept of less than one thousandth?
If this is a set of ten-level cultivation methods, it is less than one-thousandth, that is, less than one-tenth of the first level of cultivation.

This is probably not getting started.

"Difficult," Xiao Geng said seriously, and it thought for a while, "If the master comes, he won't even think about getting started without millions of years of comprehension."

While the two were talking, Yaoshenhua also started blood refining.

In the empty space, a finger was stretched out from the huge arm of the perfect ancient body of the ancient god, and a drop of purple-gold blood the size of a giant elephant oozed out from the gap between the huge fingers.

The crystal clear blood beads exude a faint colorful halo like purple jade.

A trace of sacred, boundless and chaotic breath slowly floats in the space, as if the heaven and earth had just opened.

Even though this ancient god from the beginning has fallen for an unknown number of epochs, its blood still maintains a vigorous breath of life.

Feeling the sacred and boundless breath of life, the pores of Katrin's whole body instantly opened, and she felt an irresistible impulse from the bottom of her heart.

The reverence for the ancestor of the bloodline and the desire for it.

"It's actually such a pure primordial bloodline?"

Even Chang Geng Sequence's eyes straightened.

Watching the thick finger slowly touch the huge star coin.

When the huge ball of blood approached the artifact, the entire pentacle began to tremble slightly, and above the skyrocketing light, the projection of infinite space-time destiny burst out, and the whole drop of blood began to resonate.

"Let's see if this primordial bloodline can break through?"

The green eyes of the Ancient God of Primordial Beasts lit up, and then he dripped the ball of blood into the huge star coin, and his thick and slender fingers nimbly pinched his hands, which was actually similar to Katlin's previous seal.

When it played the last spell, the whole star coin was suddenly covered with a layer of purple gold.

In the green eyes of the ancient god, traces of indescribable dao patterns slowly emerged.

She hastily closed her eyes, silently comprehending that the illusory phantom of the star coins fluctuated slightly, producing a slight sense of solidity.

"It actually works?"

Katrin looked at a slight phantom.

Very shocked.

She is the last descendant of the Tarot civilization, and has inherited the legacy of the entire civilization on the Four Divine Pillars. She can clearly feel that another power has emerged from the power of the Tarot civilization.

Although that force is still weak, it is extremely vast, pointing directly at the source, and taking over everything she inherited in an unreasonable way.

The woman's expression under the veil is extremely complicated.

"Master Host, we also need to practice."

Seeing the progress of Yaoshenhua, Xiao Geng couldn't help being anxious.

Share the interface perspective with her and Little Toad, "As much as you can practice, even if you can't get the Four Divine Pillars, at least you can see the cultivation system of the ultimate universe, and you will definitely benefit endlessly."

Bai Lu looked at the characters exuding infinite mystery through the interface of the Chang Gung sequence.

Suddenly, she found that everything was different, she seemed to be pulled into a special space.

There was silence all around.

Everything is so abrupt!

But Bai Lu didn't have any fear or panic, she calmly let herself have a little bit of surprise.

It seems that this is a part of my body, seeing everything in front of me is like seeing my own hands and feet, without a trace of fear in my heart.

On the contrary, she is more like a person detached from the world, silently examining all this.

Is this the deepest part of my soul?

In an instant, she had such a clear understanding.

Gradually, a ray of light appeared in the nothingness, and something emerged, with a familiar and warm atmosphere.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of the content of the letter from her parents:

"...Son, your mother and I traveled all over the void, trying to reach the extreme, and finally found three legendary treasures on the eve of your soul fusion, as your treasures to protect the way.

One thing we hid in your body on the earth before you crossed over is an ancient bronze mirror.

One piece we hid in the soul of your Nine Realms when you crossed, and it will manifest automatically when you wait for the right time.


The soul of her nine worlds has merged with the soul of the earth.

This is... the second treasure left by her parents? !

The light spot gradually enlarged and slowly floated in front of her.

At this time, she realized that it was a wordless book.

As if a gust of wind had blown by, the blank title page opened automatically, revealing a brand new page of white paper.

Gradually, the white characters slowly appeared one by one, and each character seemed to contain the ultimate truth of the void universe, showing the truth of infinite mysteries, secrets, and truths all the time.

"This is the eternal ultimate infinite universe inheritance character on the Four Divine Pillars?!"

(End of this chapter)

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