Chapter 45 The Heavenly Demon Drum

"Heavenly Demon Drum!"

See the magic drum rising like the sun.

The morale of the Demon Sect was greatly shaken.

The dull and majestic drums sounded like spring buds sounding from the depths of the earth, directly blocking the distant and boundless bell.

No earth-shattering bang.

Only silent annihilation.

The dull and majestic drums and the distant bells cancel each other out.

An invisible ripple spread in the space, slowly rippling.

Exudes an aura that makes Yuanshen Shenjun palpitate.

Where the ripples pass, everything is shattered, and the space seems to be wiped out of thin air, without leaving any traces.

The power of the pure yang magic weapon is so powerful.

In this terrifying fluctuation, everyone crawled to the ground, motionless.

Only the nine-story pagoda in the sky stands proudly.

A white cloud drifted gently below.

This white cloud is actually a treasure of the same level as the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have persisted for so long under the power of the primordial spirit.

Kunshan Bell and Tianmo Drum confront each other.

The balance has returned to the side of the magic gate.

But Shenjun Yuanyuan frowned, and suddenly took a deep look at the sky.

There, he felt several primordial breaths.

The whole body mana is inexplicable.

"There must be a quick fight."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he made a tactic with his fingers, and actually directly manipulated the Demon God's Pillar to suppress it towards the nine-story pagoda.

Changes later.

They had to leave before the rescue of Zhengdao Yuanshen.

Since the other party is looking for death, then use her as a sacrificial flag to lead the way for the Demon God's Pillar.

The huge column that reaches the sky rises from the ground, and the huge column is like a huge mountain, pressing down towards the nine-story pagoda.

At this moment, the sky trembled and the space froze.

The shadow of terror shrouded it, as if the sky was falling, exuding an aura from Canggu.

The real magic power and pure and terrifying magic energy made the whole Kunshan Paradise burst out with incomparably bright light.

It seems that the ancient and remote magic breath made the guardian array feel the danger, and automatically turned on the protection to the extreme.

In the face of this boundless Canggu magic power, even the Kunshan Bell and Tianmo Drum were overshadowed.

Countless people of the Kunshan sect looked at the boundless magic cloud covering the nine-storey pagoda, and the huge pillar reaching the sky completely suppressed it.

A sense of sharpness piercing the sky appeared in everyone's heart.

Only then did they realize that the Heavenly God Pillar was thick at the top and thin at the bottom, stabbing fiercely at the nine-story pagoda like a nail.

At this moment, despair enveloped the hearts of everyone in the Kunshan Sect.

Above the white clouds, the giant black frog was kicked over by Bai Lu, and suddenly woke up.

The hill-like body turned over, and Gu Lulu climbed up from the cloud.

Staring at the round eyes, listening to the girl's order to "get ready", he suddenly felt aggrieved.

"what to prepare?"

"Operate the magic breath in your body?"

"Ah?" The giant frog was confused.

"If you don't want to die, listen to me."

The girl said in a calm tone, and boundless demonic clouds were reflected in her twinkling eyes.

In the time it takes to speak, the magic fire outside has disappeared, followed by a more terrifying magic cloud.

The Heavenly and Thorough Demon Pillar has been suppressed.

Feel the familiar viscous coercion and the suppressive force that makes the whole space stagnate.

The black toad trembled, and immediately circulated the magic power in its body, and a faint magic breath slowly radiated from the body.

The faint breath faintly interacted with the terrifying magic cloud outside.

Bai Lu felt this strange fluctuation.

Then look at the huge magic pillar pressed down from the top of the head.

The eyes that were as calm as a lake rippled slightly.

Then he stepped on the white cloud and threw himself into the Demon God's Pillar.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was that white cloud that rammed towards the Demon God's Pillar with its nine-storey pagoda on top.

(End of this chapter)

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