A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 462 Multiverse of Crisis, Nine Realms of Crisis

Chapter 462 Multiverse of Crisis, Nine Realms of Crisis

Time is long.

After smashing something, Bai Lu only felt that the long river of time in front of her suddenly opened up.

The river suddenly widened a lot, the number of those giant beasts increased, and even the auras of those space-time powerhouses who jumped out of the river became more and more terrifying.

The scenes in the fragments of time and space are even more bizarre and dazzling.

More pictures that have never been seen before are presented.

At one point, she even saw a creature the size of a thumb in a certain time and space, holding up a short stick the size of a toothpick, and tapping it lightly towards a certain time and space powerhouse above the river.

The accused strongman disappeared immediately!

A red cherry-shaped fruit appeared on the spot.

Then, the super strong man whose aura was no less than that of the Great Heavenly Venerable was directly turned into a bright cherry, and was hugged by the thumb-sized creature in his arms and ate it.

Such a picture flashed by.

"Why haven't I heard of these time and space scenes in the real world? Could it be a world that has died?"

Thinking of the great battle just encountered, Bai Lu silently guessed.

Maybe their downstream timelines have disappeared due to various reasons, and the entire time and space can only stay in a certain period of history. For the downstream self, that world is an extremely long history and has died out in this world.

Countless time and space, hundreds of millions of civilizations, who can tell how many such time and space fragments are there?
Different from the rivers in the general world, the river of time becomes wider and faster as it goes upstream, and the races that can jump out of the river become more abundant.

Coupled with countless time-space forks, an endless maze of time is formed. The further you go upstream, the stronger the sense of time-space thickness.

Bai Lu felt like a small bug, being forced by a force to climb from the end of the tree to the branches, and slowly approach the main trunk.

Although her speed is unbelievably fast, compared to the endless river of time.

Her movements can only be regarded as a bird soaring between the sky and the sea, not knowing the end, not knowing the end, and continuing to fly towards the unknown front.

During the long flight, she kept paying attention to the situation around her.

Gradually, she discovered that those misty behemoths lurking in the depths of time are not invincible.

In the white mist of time and space, there are traces of light gray mist from time to time.

Those gray light mist slowly eroded the white mist and the "pure" river section like a source of pollution in the river in the mist of time and space.

Bai Lu stared at the gray fog, and that indescribable sense of tension hit her heart again.

I saw that the time and space infested by gray mist were quickly corroded like ink dripping into clear water, and then rotten and smelly like rotten tomatoes, and the surface was gradually entwined with layers of gray things like spider silk. Gradually exuded some kind of deep death intent.


A deep groan sounded from the depths of those time and space.

Those misty silk threads gradually converged into a strange face, with two horns on its head, and its eyes were sewn together by gray threads. When it opened its eyes, boiling gray lava rolled and flowed in its eye sockets.

Through the thick fog, it can be vaguely seen that the newborn monster is a humanoid monster with gray and white dry skin.

The body is completely shrouded in gray air, the four arms hang down to the ankles, walking with both hands and feet, like a crocodile emerging from its shell on the river beach, slowly crawling out from the depths of time and space.

Layers of silky mist sprayed out from its body, spreading rapidly in all directions, concealing its figure.

The moment the gray monster appeared, whether it was the silhouettes of strong men shrouded in time and space, or the behemoths in the fog in the long river of time, they ran away in panic like frightened birds and beasts.

One of the behemoths ran slowly and was entangled in the gray mist sprayed by the gray monster.

The white mist was polluted into gray in an instant, and then was wrapped in gray light mist in a howl, turning into a part of the gray mist. spread everywhere.

Feeling the coldness and evil emanating from the light gray mist, the girl's heart skipped a beat.

"These monsters... are hunting those time and space powerhouses and guardians of order?"

Just when she was in doubt, in the gray light mist, those eyes that were flowing with gray lava suddenly looked over, and streaks of gray mist whizzed towards the white mist like invisible winds.

Seeing that it was about to wrap around her body, an extremely strong pulling force suddenly appeared and pulled her body hard.

Her speed has become faster.

Countless fragments of time and space turned into lines, and flew away from her eyes at high speed.

She is like an afterimage, piercing through the fog of time and space, and flying towards the distant end of time.

The gray monster was about to set off to give chase, but the girl's figure was already gone.

So fast!

Such a fast speed has already surpassed the speed of the gray mist infection. Even if it goes all out, it will not be able to catch up even if it turns into a gray mist.

The other party must have used something very special.

The gray monster looked at the direction in which the figure was going away, roared violently, and then looked downstream again.

In the mist of time and space, Bai Lu felt as if a pair of wings had been planted behind her. Every time she flapped her wings, she felt that she had traveled through an incalculable time and space.

It's an indescribable feeling.

Panting for the rest of her life, she looked back at the long river of time.

Countless time and space worlds are like faint sparks flying outside the raging flames, fleeting before our eyes.

Bai Lu was still in shock, staring blankly at the gray mist that had disappeared before her eyes.

The feeling of life and death is still second.

The most important thing is that the passing breath made her both familiar and strange.

It was familiar because that aura vaguely reminded her of the gray mist in the Nine Realms.

Even the monsters born in the gray mist are somewhat similar to the ghosts in the gray mist of the Nine Realms.

It is strange because the light gray mist can easily infect time and space, and its power is not comparable to the gray mist of the Nine Realms or the gray light in Geshi Mountain.

However, it can still be seen that the two are of the same origin.

"What does this mist have to do with the gray mist in the Splendid World?"

"Could it be that those light gray mist are an advanced version of the gray mist in the Nine Realms?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be said that the gray mist and the light gray light mist that infect the River of Time have the same source?"

While thinking, Bai Lu felt that she broke something again.

Then enter a new space, surrounded by a dark world.

After a long time, the river of time reappeared, but the fragments of time and space inside began to become disordered, chaotic, and unpredictable.

Then he crashed into something, entered a dark world, and then entered a chaotic long river of time.

After several times in a row, when the girl entered into a dark void again, an incredible idea suddenly popped up in her heart.

"These darkness and nothingness are not due to the long river of time, right?"

When this idea came up, she was taken aback. How could the long river of time stop flowing?
If the upstream is cut off, how can the downstream time and space exist?
Just when she quickly denied the conjecture in her mind, she crossed something again and came to a new river section.

"Is it because of the space-time barrier that the upstream of the Long River of Time does not affect the downstream? Just like dams, the entire river is divided into sections."

"But why? Why do you do this?"

Just when the girl was thinking wildly, she was suddenly attracted by a chilling aura.

I saw that the chaotic, disorderly, and unpredictable river water below had been infiltrated by gray light mist for the most part, and there were gray monsters that could not be counted in the light mist.

They are besieging an incomparably vast universe.

That universe looked a little familiar, and Bai Lu took a closer look, and it was the multiverse she was in now.

No, to be precise, it is the multiverse of infinite years ago.

Outside the space-time segment of the multiverse, there are extremely powerful time-space powerhouses. They stand neatly in square formations, holding weapons, and exuding the meaning of iron and blood.

It looks like a huge army.

A legion composed of at least Tianzun and Datianzun level powerhouses.

Among them, there are many Daozu Taizun and strong ones.

They are blocking the invasion of those gray light mist before the endless years.

Huge monsters, like white clouds floating in the long river of time, resisted the enemy together.

In the long river of time, the gray mist of light spread, eroding countless time and space. From time to time, light and shadow flew out of some fragments of time and space like meteors, preventing the advance of those gray mist of light.

Whenever a silhouette bursts like a bubble, it represents the complete death of the time and space powerhouse within it.

In the past and the future, there is no trace of them anymore.

On the long river of time, those silhouettes fell like rain, representing the fall of powerful beings at least at the level of Tianzun.

However, even so, they are still like moths to the flame, bravely blocking the invasion of those monsters.

The energy of the battle between the two sides set off a huge vortex in the long river of time, making everything chaotic, disordered, and unpredictable.

Holy shit.

Unexpectedly, in the long history of the multiverse, such a tragic and peerless battle is going on.

These monsters and strong men, as well as their battlefields, have jumped out of the long river of time.

Their war does not exist in the past, but exists in the past, present and future at the same time.

Once these powerhouses are defeated, those monsters will flow down the long river of time.

Wouldn't all the time and space and all the worlds downstream be infested and destroyed by gray monsters?
They attack from the past, reach the present, occupy the future, and then control the entire timeline.

By then, I'm afraid the entire multiverse is over.

At this time, Bai Lu suddenly thought of the gray mist in the Nine Realms and the ghosts inside.

What happened to the Nine Realms?

Could it be that the timeline of that world is also occupied by these gray monsters?
The girl quickly flew over the chaotic river of time.

The more she flew upstream, the more gray monsters there were, and the more time and space were invaded by the gray mist. In the end, she broke through a barrier and saw that the entire river turned into a lifeless gray world.

Gradually, Bai Lu realized something.

It turned out that those obstacles were really used to stop those monsters from eroding.

They come from the source of time and space, and are approaching the current world step by step.

Along the way, Bai Lu saw multiverses one by one, which were fragments of different periods of the multiverse, and in each fragment of time and space, countless strong men swarmed out to block those monsters.

And the further upstream you go, the stronger the strength of those monsters and the greater their number.

Even in the depths of those monsters, she saw a monster standing out from the crowd, with vertical eyes and gray wings, shrouded in countless gray mist.

However, in the depths of time and space, there is also a powerful existence that she can't see clearly, sitting on a huge fog monster, facing it from a distance.

The girl suddenly broke into the confrontation between the two like an unexpected guest.

Looking coldly at those vertical pupils, Bai Lu's body exploded immediately, death came, and she immediately realized that she was dead.

But before she could die, in the depths of time and space, that unknown strong man looked at her with the same gaze.

She immediately felt the warmth of spring blooming, and her whole body came back to life from the brink of death.

Then there was a huge thrust and she accelerated again.

And behind him, a great battle that destroyed countless time and space suddenly broke out.

The girl continued to fly forward.

During the long flight, she found that the resistance ahead was getting bigger and bigger, and it was getting more and more difficult to break through the barrier.

Until she entered a stretch of river and was blocked by nothingness.

The nothingness ahead was so solid that the force could never break through it like it did before.

Bai Lu immediately knew that she had arrived.


Just when Bai Lu stepped into the long river of time and went back infinitely upstream.

Tarot World, Manor Hall.

"The eye of the moment?! It's the breath of the river of time, is it the one who made the move?"

The pupils of the man in the mist shrank slightly.

Seeing that huge pupil disappear in a flash of bright white light in a blink of an eye.

The air on his body was rippling, the hazy mist was surging, and the mighty river of time rushed from nothingness, and countless silhouettes of time and space flashed in it.

Just when he stepped out and was about to leave this time and space, he suddenly turned his head to look at a certain void in the card world.

"Aren't you going with me?" He said through the card.

"What are you going to do?" the voice said weakly.

"Of course go after that fish." Looking over from behind the mist, he said in a gentle tone, "If it's really that person who made the move, things will be in big trouble. We must stop that fish before that person sees the fish." she!"

"Stop her?" The voice sneered, "It's too late. Do you think you can catch up now? She walked with the help of the Four Divine Pillars. The long river of time and space is endless, and there are many forks in time and space. How do you catch up?"

Hearing this, the phantom of the long river behind him gradually dissipated, and he murmured softly, "No wonder you are so nervous. It turns out that one of the Four Divine Pillars is behind you."

The voice snorted coldly, "So what if you have more backhands? It's not like she won't be able to come back."

"Then what do you think we should do now?"

"What should I do? Of course it's still on that fish. No matter how many methods she has, she must rely on that fish to complete it. But that fish is a mortal cultivator after all, and her body and soul can't stand the scouring of time. Therefore, Her body must be here."

"So what? That fish is guarded by the law of the void, and there is that handwriting. For her, ten thousand years is an instant, and we have no time to find her."

Hearing that, the voice smiled coldly, "Don't worry, since that fish has been chosen by me, she will never escape."

Hearing this, the man's eyes flashed behind the fog.

"Is there any way for you to circumvent her void rules?"

"Evade her void rules? Her void rules are nested in the cosmic avenue. How can I avoid it without transcending the universe?"

The man frowned, "If you want to check the avenue, I'm afraid there will be too little time."

"Hehe..." The voice smiled lightly, "Who said you have to check them one by one? Haven't you discovered the specialness of this card space?"

"The special thing..." The man looked thoughtfully at the emptiness of the card space, his eyes flickered slightly, "This world exists independently, but it is connected to the Dao, and there are only a few of the most basic Dao laws in time and space. ...So that's how it is...you have planned for a long time..."

"That's right. Although the rules of the Dao of the World are simple, they are connected to the entire universe. I specially created it for that fish in order to invite you into the urn."

"Even if her void rules are embedded in the laws of the great universe and cannot be discovered by others, I know all the laws of this world. As long as her body is here, she is like a transparent fish in a fish tank. I will one by one Check it out, I don’t believe you can’t catch it.”

 Huh, it's finally connected.

  Don't think that what I wrote is the background of two worlds.

  In fact, it is a world background.

  It's just that the map of this world is a bit big.

(End of this chapter)

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