Chapter 464 Sister Flower

After the woman finished speaking, Bai Lu felt that the light in front of her eyes was shining brightly.

Hundreds of millions of rays of light illuminate the space transparently, and the flickering light and shadow reveal the scene in the hall.

Due to the woman's prophecy and sudden departure, the hall was slightly chaotic.

The blurry figures gathered together, discussing something with each other.

The features on their faces were all shrouded in layers of law power.

It makes people unable to see their real appearance.

There were also people who surrounded the guards asking and probing in good faith or maliciously.

The girl wanted to speak, but the figure next to her spoke dignifiedly and gracefully.

"These are void beings from the nearby cosmic sea. What's your impression of them?"

Hearing this, Bai Lu looked at those beings who couldn't see their faces or grasp their cultivation level, and thought for a while.

"They're mysterious..."

The whole body was shrouded in a layer of fog.

"So what?"

The woman in the light gently raised her hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

The girl only felt that the fog in front of her eyes had disappeared.

The main hall reveals the figures of elegance, majesty, or gentlemen.

Among them are young and beautiful girls, elegant and dignified women, and majestic and serious gentlemen.

However, regardless of whether they are old or young, male or female, their faces are flawless, their eyes are crystal clear, and their bodies emit a transparent light. Everyone's appearance changes slightly according to their mood.

As if carefully crafted by God.

No, they are gods themselves, creators.

These great beings gathered together, with expressions of gossip, curiosity, or contemplation on their faces.

There are all kinds of beings and all kinds of beings.

"Except for their more perfect bodies and stronger strength, they are no different from the people I met in this world."

The girl looked at it for a while, very honest and authentic.

"Yeah, except for their longevity and strength, they are actually no different from other people."

"Even more concerned about gains and losses."

As she spoke, she pointed at the girl in the ice-blue dress, several women, and the mature woman, and winked at her, "Look, they look a little annoyed because they didn't climb up with you relation."

"As the crowned Lord of Billions of Glory, your name is destined to follow my light to illuminate the world in all directions, reaching a height beyond the reach of many void beings."

"They are doomed to beat their breasts for missing your friendship and pay for their arrogance."

The girl said politely: "All the glory and prestige are due to you, my lord. These false names have nothing to do with me. They seem to be annoyed because of me, but in fact they still regret because they missed the relationship with you."

"You really are a very calm little girl," she lowered her eyes and looked at her with a smile, "Aren't you angry when they ignored you like that just now?"

Bai Lu said, "It's okay, apart from being arrogant, they didn't do anything outrageous to me."

“Even at a big party in our world, if I don’t dress properly, I will be judged, it’s human.”

She was talking about the reception feast at Huo Nanxun on Earth.

Before going, she also accepted a female baptism.

Now see this more high-end ceremony.

She wasn't too surprised.

Where there are people, there is competition, and where there is competition, there are winners and losers, and class and dignity are the easiest way to distinguish victory from defeat.

Whether it is a human, a god, or an empty life, the principle is the same.

A smile appeared on the woman's face: "Well, you are indeed a considerate girl with a mind as broad as the sea. Compared with you, us empty beings are indeed pale in comparison."

The girl said: "Everyone has their own preferences, and I respect their likes and dislikes."

The woman smiled and asked: "Is it okay to be underestimated?"

The girl said helplessly: "Of course I will be a little disappointed, but I usually don't like to please others, let alone mind their pleasing, so I can accept their directness."

"Besides, speaking of it, they're right. We don't belong to the same kind of life, don't we?"

"Just like some girls don't like the sticky slugs of rats and cockroaches, I guess I'm like a mouse cockroach slug to humans."

"After all, we humans can't get close to someone who looks like a cockroach with a mouse tail behind him."

"I think I'm an ordinary person. I awakened the power of the void, but I didn't fully evolve into a void life. In their eyes, it's the same reason."

"It's not a matter of underestimating or not. It's about differences in life, race, and differences. These differences are objective and real, and they won't disappear just because we look the same."

"Each race has its own different aesthetics and moral values. Just as I instinctively dislike certain species, I cannot ask every race to like me."

The woman in the light was slightly surprised when she heard the words, and said apologetically.

"Your heart makes me ashamed. I didn't expect you to be so reasonable. However, I still ask you not to take offense, because void beings are the most sensitive to the breath of the universe sea, and they have their own likes and dislikes..."

"Perhaps, you will think that I am making some excuses for them: in fact, most of them are very simple. They are the most gentle void races in this universe. They have not been baptized by iron and blood. They are born in the world. Masters, own countless worlds and enjoy boundless leisure, so many of them are not good at hiding their emotions."

"But, believe me, most of them are kind."

"They reject you so much, except that your life level is too low, and your body is full of low-level cultivation side energy, and you are not their real kind. In fact, it is largely because of some aura on your body that scared them. .”

"Maybe they didn't realize it themselves. When they saw you, they instinctively felt a little fear."

Hearing this, the girl asked puzzledly, "Fear? You mean...?"

"They are all void beings who have awakened the tenth sense. They are existences beyond gods and spirits. They have a deeper understanding and comprehension of time and space and destiny in the dark."

The woman looked at the ice-blue girl and the others, and talked freely.

"The world spirit of the deep blue universe was attracted by the rules of the void on your body, and left because of the breath of the nightmare abyss emanating from the depths of your soul."

"When the world was created, mother Yalicha was very optimistic about your talent in awakening the power of the void, but because she noticed the terrible karma in you, she fled far away."

"Those guards are vigilant because of the strong gray aura on your body, and the noble ladies are also disturbed when they see you. They are the void beings of this cosmic sea, the masters of the world aloft, and even more so in the eyes of mortals. 'Heaven', they call the wind and rain, enjoy endless offerings, and are naturally afraid of an unstable future."

"Actually, none of them realize that it's not that they hate your breath, but that they have an inexplicable fear of some kind of future you bring."

"It's their instinct."

"Fear?" The girl was puzzled.

"Yes, because there is no way to know, so I feel fear. You have come from endless years, and you have crossed the long river of time. You must have seen those terrible gray fogs, and you can guess our ending. "

She took a deep breath, and looked at the outside world with some sadness, only to see that those whispering figures all disappeared, turned into pure white bubbles, and disappeared in the pure white mist.


The girl's pupils shrank, and she turned around abruptly, facing the eyes that were as blue as the sky, as if she could see the bottom of her heart.

"You are right. Most of the lives in the hall have been erased from the entire history. This place is just an island of time and space formed by the long river of time. There is no past and no future, and it will stay on the body forever. In it, it’s like a photo that’s forever fixed in the moment, and you bring an air of reality that makes them instinctively uneasy.”

"Then are they alive or dead? Is this segment of time and space something that happened in history?"

The girl's eyes flashed and she said thoughtfully.

The feeling just now was so real, she didn't think it was a fantasy.

However, what happened in front of him was too unimaginable.

"This is a good question. In fact, for lives like them, it is difficult to distinguish between life and death. In other words, life and death are just looking at the world from the perspective of sentient beings. For most sentient beings, hell is out of reach, so there is life and death. , Time cannot be reversed, so there is time."

"But for most void beings, both the River of Life and Death and the River of Time are places where they can set foot, so to some extent, their understanding of life and death and history is different from that of all living beings."

"Rather than whether they are alive or dead, whether they happened in history, I prefer to use the time and space of whether they exist or not, and whether they are still on the main timeline."

"They are all void beings in the parallel world who are truly one with themselves, and even converge and unify on the main timeline. As you can see, most of them can still exist in this time and space in some form, and also exist in the main timeline. On the timeline, but it is not long, it is fleeting."

When Bai Lu heard the words, she vaguely realized something.

Everything that happened just now is true, but their current state seems to be very problematic for some reason.

And from the other party's words, she keenly captured one point.


"That's right... there are still some people who have escaped," the woman in the light said in a complicated tone.

Hearing this, Bai Lu couldn't help but wonder.

"What happened in the long river of time? You were so heavily infected by those gray light fogs. Did you become this state in the depths of this space-time maze to avoid those gray monsters?"

"Also, I know the nightmare abyss you are talking about, but what do you mean by the gray aura on my body? There is also a terrible cause and effect, what kind of cause and effect makes the void life that is comparable to the creation god so shy away."

"And what are those gray mist? Why are you void beings standing at the pinnacle of the universe helpless against them?"

The girl had a lot of questions in her heart, and she asked them all at once.

"Most importantly, what did you bring me here for?"

"Your Excellency is very powerful. You must also know that my current situation is not very good. I am surrounded by two terrible existences of our era. If I go back late, I am afraid that I will be in big trouble."

Bai Lu's tone suddenly became anxious.

In her consciousness, the pictures in the card space kept flashing.

That is the interface of the Chang Geng sequence.

The Chang Gung Sequence traveled with Ji Lingchen, and the Chang Gung Sequence also has the function of crossing time and space.

However, Xiao Geng was afraid of disturbing himself, so he didn't connect, but shared the perspective interface at the same time.

In the interface, the condition of the little toad is not very good, and the breath is weak, and Xiao Geng is also flying around in the sea of ​​consciousness, sweating profusely.

At the same time, the card space she was in was turning into a transparent world.

It feels like someone standing in the sea without wearing underwear, slowly waiting for the tide to ebb.

She really had a lot of questions in her mind to ask the woman in front of her.

For example, as the ancestor god of the Tarot civilization and the goddess of despair worshiped by the Tarot world, what is her relationship with the "eternal years"?
And what exactly does she mean by the guardian of the deep space.

However, right now, it seems too late to ask these questions.

There was a trace of a smile in the woman's eyes that saw through the world.

"If you're worried about being discovered, you don't need to. The two of them won't find you. Don't forget who owns that card."

"Huh?" Bai Lu raised her eyes to look at her, a little uncertain, "I didn't mean to offend you, may I ask that eternal time is you..."

"She is my sister." The woman said frankly.

Before the girl could ask, a divine pillar connecting the sky and the earth appeared in front of her eyes.

It is a divine pillar full of infinite power, and it is the center of the entire void. The universe is like a dust in front of it, and everything in the void is centered on it.

The light on the pillar flickered, and something was falling.

Like stars raining down the void.

The falling thing instantly became larger in the void, and burst out with incomparable brilliance, and a moving sound resounded through the void, as if the most beautiful sound of nature in the world was blown down from the nine heavens.

Around the divine pillar, there are countless terrifying lights and shadows that cannot see the real appearance, fighting for something far away from the divine pillar.

And on the periphery of those terrifying lights and shadows, in the surging energy tide, two immature and delicate flowers cling to each other, gently swaying in the void.

One of the precious lights rushed in their direction like a meteor.

A series of indescribable brilliance fell down, and the graceful and pleasant long voiceless sound floated in the void.

They are blooming, green leaves are trembling slightly, and they emit a strange sound of nature, which complements those colorful lights and plays a graceful chorus.

The woman spoke slowly, "We are two twin flowers in the void. When the treasure of the Four Divine Pillars fell from the divine pillar, the first ray of light fell on me, and the first sound fell on her. Because of this, we attained the Dao, gradually gained fame in this cosmic sea, and were revered as the Lord of Billions of Glory, and the Song of Eternal Years."

(End of this chapter)

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