Chapter 467
card space.

Suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the empty space.

The man in the mist looked in a certain direction and asked, "How is it? Did you find the body of the fish?"

There was a silence in the nothingness, and it took a long time before an uncertain voice came.

"How could this be?"

Then the voice became extremely angry.

"Damn it, is there something wrong with the card refining method she passed on to me?"

Before the endless ages.

The island of time and space, the bright space.

Feeling the mantra in consciousness and the refreshing feeling coming from the soul.

The girl opened her eyes, her eyes were crystal clear, and she stared at the woman in the light.

"My honorable lady, thank you for your gift." She said softly.

"It's okay, if you help us, you are helping us. This is my trivial compensation."

The woman's whole body was enveloped in the billions of radiance Lord said softly.

"Compensation?" Bai Lu was at a loss.

The woman in the light paused, and sighed slightly.

"You sent the Four Divine Pillars to my hands, and helped me repel the offensive ability of those Lords of Ashes. I am grateful to you both emotionally and rationally."

The girl smiled, "Your Excellency helped me eliminate hidden dangers, and even taught me the method of using the power of the void. Compared with it, I will benefit more."

The woman smiled and shook her head, "That's not how it looks, listen to me..."

She spoke sincerely and eloquently.

"Since the Lords of Ashes invaded, we have used various methods, but we are unable to resist their sharpness. Only by gathering the combined forces of many void lives like just now will it be possible to completely eliminate those Lords of Ashes."

"However, in the face of the innumerable gray army, this kind of encirclement is unrealistic, and the Lord of Ashes is only a pathfinder among those gray monsters."

"As you saw just now, there are even more terrifying gray monsters in the depths of the light mist. Even if you gather the power of most void life, you can only repel them."

"During the endless years of confrontation with those monsters, we found that this kind of life is extremely difficult, and only the power from the Void Pillar can restrain them."

The girl heard the words, looked at the crown in the woman's hand, and said thoughtfully.

"That is to say, are you deliberately leaving the Four Divine Pillars behind in later generations, in search of fate?"

The woman shook her head and looked at her with a complicated expression.

"It is true that I left the Four Divine Pillars in later generations, but it was not for the purpose of searching for someone to refine, but the process of refining it by using the technique of time and space?... Are you just an accidental intruder?"

"Huh?" Bai Lu looked at her unexpectedly.

The woman in the light was also puzzled.

"This matter is very strange. In my arrangement, you did not appear,..."

"However, one day, I suddenly discovered that the fate lines of the Four Divine Pillars in the parallel worlds of the entire time and space have all converged together..."

"All trends are pointing to you. Although I have studied the Sishenzhu for a long time, I am not sure that I have fully grasped it. I thought, if someone can use its power, it would be great. So, I just push the boat along with the flow and wait and see the situation develop."

When Bai Lu heard this, she was slightly surprised.

In my own parallel world, all fate lines have been closed.

Did the parents do it?

Thoughts raced through her mind.

"Wait, tell me, your arrangement?"

She suddenly reacted.

The woman in the light smiled, looked into her eyes meaningfully, and said, "You have to know that the Tarot civilization that Eternal Years wanted to use was created by myself."

In her eyes, that stunning face suddenly became somewhat unfathomable.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed across the girl's head.

Suddenly, Bai Lu suddenly realized.

Since the Four God Pillar is this person's treasure of enlightenment, even the Song of Eternity and Time can refine it, why can't she?

Judging from her attack just now, her refinement of the four divine pillars has gone further than the song of eternity and time.

"So, you have been using the Song of Eternity and Time to refine the Four Divine Pillars?"

The girl hesitated to speak.

If this is the case, the method in front of him is too terrible.

As the ancestor god of the Tarot civilization, she was able to sit back and watch the entire civilization being manipulated by her sister.

The song of eternity and time, which seems deviant, has never escaped from the palm of her sister.

No wonder Song of Eternal Years used the Tarot civilization to refine the Four Divine Pillars for countless years but found nothing. Maybe she has been making wedding clothes for others from the beginning to the end...

The woman seemed to know what she was thinking when she heard the words, and smiled slightly.

"Why should I use her? As long as she keeps hiding in the afterlife, she won't be able to hide."

As she spoke, her eyes dimmed.

"As for the Tarot civilization, the rise and fall of a civilization has its own destiny. They themselves evolved from a tear of my despair, and tears will always do it."

"Every moment, in the long river of time, how many civilizations like this are born and destroyed."

"The more you see it, the less you feel it."

The girl was slightly silent when she heard the words.

Although such an answer is cold-blooded, it is reality.

People say that life is short and lives and dies like a mayfly.

But in front of such an existence, the reproduction of an entire civilization is as short as a mayfly.

Just listen to her continue.

"It's just that my younger sister was too impatient. She thought she had cheated the golden scales and trapped me for countless years, so there was nothing she could do about it."

"As everyone knows, for a strong person like us, the older the time we occupy, the more we can occupy the cause of the effects, and then we can stop it with static."

Seeing that the girl was puzzled, a light flashed in her hand.

"Like this card!"

Speaking of an extra card in her hand, Bai Lu was slightly surprised when she saw the empty space in the card, "This is the card where the Four Divine Pillars are."

"Yes, this is indeed a card that Eternal Time has tampered with."

Thinking of what she said, Bai Lu couldn't help but wonder.

Is the strong man who constricts the timeline so powerful?

In the entire long river of time, it is everywhere and everywhere.

All the stone statues and portraits related to her in the entire timeline can be concluded at the same moment.

However, she had new doubts in her heart, "If this card is here, what about the card she is on now?"

"That card has already been replaced by me," the woman smiled, and before the girl could ask, she continued, "If you want to ask me, when was it replaced? Then I can say, any time. Because, Everything she did never happened to me, it was something in the future, and I have all the means to remedy it. When my idol gets that card, everything is doomed."

"Therefore, if you ask me if I deliberately calculated her, I can say no, because there is no need for it. As long as I occupy the ancient time period, the upper and lower can easily reverse the cause and effect. Why do you need to calculate for such a simple thing?"

She talked eloquently and patiently explained.

"The long river of time is not only the manifestation of the law of time in this cosmic sea, but also the long river of fate for all living beings in this cosmic sea. One point, I thought that everything would be fine if I escaped to the later generations, but I don’t know that I have lost the advantage of occupying the entire timeline, no matter how many things she does, I will restrain her, which is why she feels that she is always on the wrong side.”

The woman did not hide her secrets and explained the mystery in detail.

"Isn't this changing history?" Bai Lu frowned, "Aren't you afraid that the law of time, fate, and causality will backfire?"

"What have I changed?" She smiled and said, "It's like a fish starting from the starting point, swimming along the upper reaches of the river of time to the future, as long as we can do it, everything it experiences along the way is exactly the same , and the arrived future is absolutely correct, that is to say, the causal fate in the long river of time has not changed, so the history is not considered to have changed, right?"

Bai Lu thought for a while, but said uncertainly, "It should be."

"However, if we stuff something that didn't exist in this fish's stomach, or add everything that didn't exist along its path, the whole history remains the same, but what will happen?"

Hearing this, the girl was slightly taken aback.

The woman smiled, "Look, the process is the same, but the result is completely different."

"I have not changed history, and the laws of fate and karma have nothing to do with me."

"So, history is a girl who can be dressed up by anyone. As long as the process remains the same, the result will always be in the present."

When Bai Lu heard this, her eyes were wide open.

Unexpectedly, the strong who transcended the long river of time would play like this.

At this moment, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of sympathy for Song of Eternal Years whom she had never met.

Thanks to her determination to win, she wanted to win against her own sister.

Now it seems that as long as she hides in the later life, it is impossible.

When the two sides play chess, it is difficult to make a move, and they can regret the game infinitely.

This fundamentally eliminates the possibility of winning.

The behavior of the other party is no different from the hand of fate in the dark.

If any problems arise, solve them directly from the source.

"God's will can't do it, that's it."

The girl secretly sighed, and at the same time understood the difficulty of those gray monsters.

They occupy the source of time and space, and under the same control above, the suppression of this space and time is also all-round.

Fortunately, there are many strong and capable people in Hongmeng Cosmic Sea, who can actually divide the long river of time and block the erosion and manipulation of gray monsters.

"So, your Excellency means..."

Bai Lu looked at the figure in the billions of rays of light, and said that she already had a faint idea of ​​her purpose.

"We need your help."

The woman in the light looked at her deeply, and said straight to the point.

Then she pondered for a while, and sighed again.

"Actually, this matter has nothing to do with you. Even though we have no choice but to get you involved in this right and wrong for no reason, it is our fault after all. However, we have no other choice..."

"Need me?" Although she was prepared in her heart, Bai Lu still felt a little unbelievable.

"That's right," the woman in the billions of brilliance said firmly, she turned her head and looked towards the future, her beautiful face was full of sadness, "We are looking forward to the long river of time, waiting for the future of the entire cosmic sea to be a piece of land. Cang Hui, in this hopeless future, if there are a few sporadic hope, you are one of them."


"You remember what I said, you have the guardian of the divine pillar world, don't doubt it, I have guarded the golden scales for countless years, and refined the four divine pillars for many years, and I have witnessed the first ray of light in the divine pillar world. No one in the entire primordial chaos is more familiar with the power of the Divine Pillar than I am."

"I know this matter is very difficult for you. I won't ask about your background. I just want to catch any hope."

The woman looked at her sincerely.

"But, I haven't even reached the divine realm yet..."

Bai Lu hesitated, "Besides, you should know that it's still unknown whether I can pass the test in front of me."

She speaks the song of eternity and ages.

She is not this one, she can play with each other in the palm of her hand.

That is the real Daoist Taizun-level powerhouse. With her blocked in this world, her future can only be gloomy.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."

The other party suddenly said with certainty.

"So, you want to help me?" The girl's heart moved.

"Yes, since your Excellency can easily hide so many things from her, you must also help me get out of the current predicament easily."

If this is the case, the ending of Song of Eternity and Time is doomed, and she can breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyone who is targeted by such a strong person wants to feel frightened.

Unexpectedly, the woman shook her head, "It depends on human effort. No one's fate is predetermined by nature. This is the karma between you and her. I don't want to interfere."

"What's more, she is the song of destiny herself, and she has some unimaginable talents in the field of destiny. It's just that her body is destroyed right now, and her fruit body is trapped by a strong man hidden in her blood, and she is temporarily blinded. She will react sooner or later. If I really make a move, maybe it will be self-defeating."

"So, your crisis has not been lifted. Be careful when you go back to the future."

When Bai Lu heard the words, she almost thought she had heard wrong.

This is telling the cows to run away without giving them grass.

Now that I can't even save my life, do you still want me to help you?
Your sister wanted to kill me, but you made sarcastic remarks.

Helping me is just a matter of moving a finger for you.

You sisters are deliberately playing with me, right?
Seeing that the girl's inner thoughts were almost written on her face, the woman couldn't help laughing.

"It's not because she is my sister that I don't want to do anything, but I really can't do anything about this matter. The reason why history can be dressed up is what has happened, but the future cannot be intervened. The future has infinite possibilities. It is both hope and destiny, and the high-level void life in the cosmic sea knows that anyone who wants to manipulate fate will eventually be manipulated by fate."

"Especially for the current Hongmeng Universe Sea, it is even more impossible for us to make mistakes."

"What's more, your own ties are more than that. Therefore, this predicament can only be solved by yourself."

The woman in the radiance apologized.

Hearing these words, Bai Lu fell silent.

She knew that the other party overlooked the overall situation, so what she said should be true.

This is really...

"Then what do you need me to do for you?" She said weakly.

"Find the Golden Libra!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Lu turned her head and left.

"You'd better hire Gao Ming!"

(End of this chapter)

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