A fairy godmother just wants to be beautiful alone

Chapter 473 Not the Worst Situation

Chapter 473 Not the Worst Situation

"Song Wanwan"'s words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

Not only shocked everyone present, but also made the little devil at a loss, and the little toad's mind went blank.

Did Ji Lingchen borrow the gray life of Huang Quan?
"What nonsense are you talking about, how could my master be the reincarnation of Cang Hui's life?!"

Chang Geng Sequence scolded sharply, furious.

However, a trace of panic flashed involuntarily in its eyes, and it couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Because even its heart was a little shaken at this time.

Although Chang Geng Sequence really wanted to trust his master, it was because of this that he was a little uncertain.

As a Void Sequence created by its master, it knows too well the experience of its master's rise.

In a word, it is a miracle.

A miracle that no one can imagine, not even the entire universe, this cosmic sea can replicate.

Earth, an ordinary living planet among the billions of stars in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way, a remote to insignificant ordinary galaxy in the local supercluster.

In this super galaxy cluster, there are at least 1000 million such galaxy clusters in the observable universe.

The observable universe does not exceed [-]% of the total mass of the single universe. Such a single universe is just a drop of water in the vast ocean in the vast universe, a grain of sand in the boundless desert, and every moment is boundless. There is no telling how many such universe destructions were born in China.

And my master was originally an ordinary member of the billions of beings on the earth.

From such a starting point alone, a person like his own master was born.

He has transcended the earth, the Milky Way, the limitations of his own era, civilization, and the universe, and even the limitations of his own life. He successfully counterattacked, traveled in the universe, traced back the long river of time, ventured into the void, and achieved billions of trillions It is a great achievement that even the inborn beings cannot achieve.

His rise is incredible.

In a short period of time, from an unknown, barren and ordinary planet like the earth, he has successfully transcended the universe, transcended time and space, and become a generation of strong people who have stepped out of the universe.

How can this be described only as a miracle?

His growth rate even exceeded the imagination of all living beings.

His experience is too special.

It is so special that even in the entire primordial and chaotic universe, it is a different kind.

It was so special that even the Void Sequence created by him couldn't help beating drums in his heart when he recalled it at this time.

Even if it is synthesized from the experience of hundreds of millions of hosts, it can't find any examples similar to him in this vast life.

This remarkable achievement can no longer be explained by the talent background.

Especially after coming into contact with the girl, it knows that even if it is as special as the host, the parents are both deep space powerhouses, and it will be practiced step by step until it is fully awakened.

Comparing in this way, it can highlight the sky-defying nature of the owner.

Not only is it even more against the sky, but it is also unreasonable against the sky.

This is also a question that it has deliberately avoided deep in its heart and does not want to think deeply.

Now what "Song Wanwan" said just happened to pierce the window paper.

It made it have to face up to this matter, and at the same time gave it an appropriate answer to the long-standing doubts in its heart.

Yes, unless he himself is a super strong with an unimaginable background.

Who can have such a legendary experience?
"No, since my master is the gray life borrowed by Huang Quan, why, why, my master has not recovered his memory yet?!"

Chang Geng Sequence asked persistently.

It's like a person who fell into the water, trying to grab the last straw.

Stare at it.

Its expression caused the woman to giggle, and its graceful voice sounded like a silver bell in the void.

"It's so cute and silly, how do you know that your master hasn't recovered his memory?"

"You know, he is a strong man who transcends time and unifies the parallel world, and is also the supreme gray life outside the territory. What makes you feel that you know everything about him?"

The woman in the singing was overjoyed.

Another bolt from the blue.

Chang Geng Sequence froze on the spot for a moment.

"How is it possible? You are lying, my master is not such a person at all?!"

The little devil flapped his wings and stared at her fiercely, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"Don't confuse people with your gossip, I won't believe what you say, my master is definitely not the kind of person you said." Chang Geng Sequence suddenly calmed down, "You must be lying!"

"Really? Are you that sure? Do you really know him? Do you know his past? Are you so sure that after he regains his memory, will he still think as usual? Do you think he is still the master in your impression? "

"Song Wanwan" is full of words and aggressive, each sentence is inserted in the weakest place in the heart of Chang Geng Sequence, making it speechless and unable to resist.

In addition, it lacked confidence, so it looked even more flustered, and even the little toad looked at it with some hesitation.

"Brother Geng, your master is not really the reincarnation of a gray monster, is he?"

The little toad asked with some trepidation.

It swallowed.

Thinking of the details of how I got along with that man, I couldn't help but shudder.

No wonder the other party gave it such a scary feeling, it turns out that he really has a problem.

"Even you don't believe me?" Chang Geng Sequence looked over through the black flames, with a little disappointment in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't believe it, but that you don't believe it yourself."

The little toad looked at it up and down, "Look at you now, why do you blame me for not believing you? Could it be that you already have the answer in your heart, but you just can't accept it for a while?"

"I'm just too angry, don't worry, as long as the master comes over, the truth will come to light."

Chang Geng Sequence's voice fell, but no response was heard.

Turning his head to look, he saw the little toad silently keeping a distance from it, and staring at it vigilantly.

The little devil frowned suddenly.

"what are you doing?"

"It's better for us to keep our distance. You are now the suspect of the gray monster." Little Toad said rightly.

Hearing this, the little devil was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Ugly, you're crazy. Don't you know that this woman deliberately provokes internal strife at this time? We've been together for so long, don't you believe me?"

"I trust you, but I don't trust your master."

The little toad took it for granted that it seemed surprisingly sober at this moment.

"You master and servant are of one heart, no matter who your master is, you will never betray him. Of course you are not worried, but our boss is different. Who knows what your master thinks about our boss?"

When the little devil heard this, he was really anxious.

How can such words be nonsense?

"Don't spout blood. Our master's feelings for the host can be learned from heaven and earth. No matter what he becomes, his feelings for you will not change."

"It can be said that there are only zero or countless times of deception. Your master doesn't even tell you, his confidant. Who knows what he is at ease with. You are his loyal dog. Of course you defend him, but I have to do it for our family." The boss is responsible for the safety!"

"If you are really so confident. Can you guarantee that your master has recovered his memory now, and will not have any thoughts about my boss?"

"I..." The little devil opened his mouth, only to hear the little toad continue, "Look, look, you hesitate, even you are not sure, what will happen to him? I promise?"

"I knew that there is no love for no reason in this world. The first time I saw your master, I thought he was unreliable. Maybe he deliberately approached my boss because he had other plans!"

"You...don't insult my master."

Hearing Little Toad's evaluation of his master, Chang Geng Sequence suddenly became angry.

Flapping its wings, it came in front of it aggressively.

"What's wrong? Angry? You still want to hit me?"

The little toad said with its neck stuck up, its big mouth was harder than a stone, but it retreated silently under its feet.

Still unconvinced, he muttered, "Don't let people tell you that you lie."

"I'll tell you again, my master is not a liar."

The little devil was furious, gnashing his teeth and waving the steel fork, looking desperate.

"Liar, liar, liar, I just want to say..."

"You are not allowed to say that about my master..."

Accompanied by the fierce quarrel between the two, the little devil finally couldn't bear it when he saw the little toad uttering rude words.

Flapping its wings, it rushed to the little toad, and the two little ones wrestled together.


"Don't you say that!"

Seeing a little devil with wings hugging and wrestling with a toad covered in pitch black, the woman standing by folded her arms and watched this farce with leisurely time. When they were about to roll to a certain position during the fight, a moving chirp sounded.

The movements of the two froze in an instant, as if they were stagnant in an unmoving flame crystal.

The eyes of the little devil and the little toad shrank at the same time, staring sideways at her.

I saw the woman slowly coming in front of them, her eyes lightly fell in front of them, that is, the void where they were about to roll down together, and she smiled lightly.

"Your host, boss, should be right here," she said with a half-smile and glanced at the two little fellows stuck in the void who were motionless, with a narrow smile in her eyes. That’s right, but you have forgotten that I have lived from ancient times to the present, and I have seen all kinds of living beings.”

"You two little guys, when I opened my eyes, I don't know how many time and space I have seen this little trick, and you still want to play tricks in front of me?"

"Tsk tsk, you sentient beings, don't you have any innovations, come and go, is that so little skill?"

The bodies of the little devil and the little toad were nailed to the void, they couldn't move at all, only two pairs of eyeballs were spinning around in their sockets.

He stared at her viciously, his eyes filled with embarrassment and anger of being exposed, as well as disappointment that his plan hadn't succeeded.

The woman ignored them, but stared straight at the void in front of her eyes, a slight curvature appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Is it necessary to hide now?"

There was no change in the space, "Song Wanwan" did not have any accidents, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched, and he wanted to say something.

Suddenly, a soft sigh came from behind.

"I didn't hide, I've been here..."

"Song Wanwan" frowned suddenly, and turned around suddenly, only to see a young girl appeared behind her at some point.

Off-white blouse, khaki jeans, white flat shoes, a handsome face, loosely bound like waterfall blue silk, and dark obsidian-like pupils shining with a deep light.

She seemed to appear suddenly, and she seemed to have been there for a long time, and was not discovered by everyone until now.

At this time, Chang Geng Sequence suddenly broke free from the invisible restraint on his body, and shouted at the girl.

"Master host, what are you doing out here, hurry up, they are going to arrest you, as long as you persist until the master arrives, we will be safe."

The little toad also stared round, his cheeks were bulging, and his eyes revealed anxiety.

The girl smiled lightly at them, "Don't worry, we're definitely fine,"

Hearing this, the man in the mist looked over curiously and looked her up and down, his eyes in the mist flickered slightly.

"You still dare to come out?" The woman in the singing looked down at her, her voice was like a jade chime hitting a stone.

"Didn't senior say so much to force me to come out?" the girl said calmly.

"Song Wanwan" glanced at her unexpectedly, "You can hold your breath, no wonder you didn't come out when you heard about that man."

"Master host, don't listen to her nonsense..." The little devil on the side hastily explained.

But Bai Lu smiled, and said with a clear smile, "Xiao Geng, you don't need to explain, I understand, I actually expected this matter a long time ago."

"Huh?" This time it was the little devil's turn to be dumbfounded.

What?Did you expect it?Could it be that the master really recovered his memory?And confessed to the host?

For a while, Chang Geng Sequence thought a lot.

For some reason, it suddenly felt sore in its heart.

He didn't tell it even when he recovered his memory, it was his only Void Sequence, that master with the opposite sex but no humanity!

I don't know the taste of the little guy's heart.

At this moment, Bai Lu thought back to the last words her mother said to herself.

"Lulu, Ji Lingchen fell into my Stone of Love and Magic, which is the most unreasonable rule spell in the void. I thought it was safe. But just now, I found that the spell was loose,... Be careful...Ji Lingchen...he has...some kind of unknowable aura of fate, maybe someone has done something to him before me. I can feel that an extremely evil torrent of fate is engulfing you."

"It will eat you."

The girl calmly recalled what her mother had said.

These words have been chewed many times in her heart.

Recalling it again at this time, combined with the current situation, really has a special feeling in my heart.

Thinking about it now, the spell of the Stone of Love and Magic loosened, is it because he began to gradually recover his memory?

Does the unknown breath of fate behind him, and the torrent of fate that engulfs him, mean that he is about to come completely?
Now it seems that it's not that someone attacked him before his mother, but that he has his own problems.

In fact, when she heard those words for the first time, she had already prepared for the worst in her heart.

Bai Lu even thought that Ji Lingchen was the pawn of those monsters who chased and killed his parents.

But now it seems that he is "just" the reincarnation of the gray life.

Fortunately, it wasn't the worst situation she had imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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