Chapter 491: Great Void Grinding Plate Yin-Yang Good Fortune Art (6000 words)
One thousand two hundred feet, Yuanshen Dzogchen.

Twelve thousand feet is the Great Perfection of Returning to the Void.

This is Bailu deduced from the size of the two discs.

The millstone of evergreen spiritual power in the fusion stage is [-] feet in size, and the millstone of the myriad phases of the primordial spirit state is only [-] feet in size. The meaning can be seen at a glance.

With the blessing of the best spiritual marrow, the "Sutra of Ten Thousand Demons Without Phases" in her body works on its own.

The magic energy grinding disc in the dantian rose from one thousand two feet to ten thousand two feet in an instant, and reached the limit of returning to the void in a blink of an eye.

If you are promoted from the primordial spirit to return to the void, if you are in the world of cultivating immortals, you must break through the sky, trigger the wind of the void outside the sky to pour back, and the vision of crossing the catastrophe will alarm the entire world of cultivating immortals.

However, in this mysterious empty space, the qi mechanism is blocked from the outside world, and the power of the void covers the infinite avenue. No matter whether it is aura or the law of the avenue, there is no need to borrow from heaven and earth.

So quietly, the girl once again broke through Void Return, and directly pushed her cultivation level to Void Return Dzogchen.

There wasn't even any phase world of Voidfire, and Bai Lu poured the best essence directly into the huge millstone like grinding beans.

In the absence of the Dao, a trace of Dao rhyme was extracted from the complete infinite universe of the Book of Void to join it.

If there is a lack of spirit stones, add spirit stones.

Just like kneading noodles, if there is too much water, add noodles, and if there is too much noodles, add water. Before you know it, the huge purple-black grinding disc has surpassed the limit of [-] feet, and continues to expand towards [-] feet, which represents the initial stage of fusion.

In front of Bai Lu, one green and one black, one immortal and one demon, two huge and majestic millstones whirled faintly, grinding and melting each other, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura.

The power of immortals and demons is originally a force of unity of opposites.

Like the yin and yang of heaven and earth.

One yin and one yang are called the Tao, a solitary yin does not grow, and a solitary yang does not grow.

Yin and Yang are the cardinal of heaven and earth, and the foundation of the development of all things.

Both restrain and produce each other, just like the sun and the moon.

Yin and Yang are balanced, all things are born, and the five elements appear to be complete.

Yin and Yang collide, give birth to thunder, and the thunder dies, destroying the world.

By measuring the changes of Yin and Yang, everything can be clarified.

The combination of rigidity and softness, and the simultaneous rise of yin and yang can move the four phenomena, cover and escape the void, form and hide the shape that is too easy, and initiate the power of the gods.

Therefore, the mutual integration of yin and yang does not lead to destruction, but also from opposition to balance, to cultivate the changes of the six qi and transform all things, to exhaust the mysterious changes of life and death, and the cycle of yin and yang is endless.

Life and death, sun and moon, day and night, heat and cold.

Gradually, Bai Lu let go of her heart and mind, slowly comprehended the changes, and the primordial spirit emitted a dim light, trying to resonate with it with the way she understood.

Starting from a small collision, it gradually becomes larger, observed bit by bit, and then expanded to the entire millstone, merging with each other.

In this resonance, the purple-black devilish millstone gradually expanded to a size of [-] feet with the injection of strange power.

But gradually, Bai Lu discovered that this huge millstone still had huge flaws.

It seems...without the center, the two forces go their own way, and they are a little unstable.

Looking at the huge millstones piled up on top of each other and about to collapse at any moment, Bai Lu slapped her forehead, "Since it's a big mill, why didn't you grind your heart?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hands, and a group of invisible void power flickered in her palms, gathering quietly, and soon condensed into a round axis of light in front of her.

The optical axis is invisible and has no luster at all, only a kind of all-encompassing and inclusive power blows towards the face.

The power of the void represents the purest and fundamental power of the void universe.

It exists in the primordial chaos, and it also exists beside all living beings and spirits. It contains everything, supports everything, and can destroy everything and create everything!
It has no attributes, but also encompasses everything. It is beyond the heavens and hidden in all the great ways of heaven and earth.

Whether it is the Great Way of Flames that burns everything, the Great Way of floods that submerges everything, or the sun that shines in all directions and nurtures all things, the Taiyin that nourishes the gods and governs the stars, the heaven, the earth and the universe, and the countless great ways in the world, all of them are ultimately contained in this purest, most primitive, and innocent Impurities, the most basic void.

This is a world of emptiness, which is indescribable. There is only emptiness within, and nothing outside. Whether it is the primordial universe or the nine realms and ten directions, all are in it, and all the great ways of heaven and earth are deeply contained in the void.

This optical axis condensed by the girl with the power of the void can be called the axis of the yin and yang cardinals that penetrates the world, and represents the beginning and the end of all the power sources of the universe.

"Come!" Bai Lu drank softly, and the condensed power of the magic way gushed out, turning into a tens of thousands of feet long black dragon, attached to the optical axis, and slowly rotated.

The giant dragon representing the cultivation of the magic way is slowly rotating, and countless huge black runes are looming on the black disc, connecting with the hollow light axis in the middle, creating a huge attraction, wisps of magic energy and the avenue The breath rushed towards the dark disc like a tired bird returning to the forest, like a thousand ravines returning to the forest.

Instantly swallowed up the demonic aura in the dantian.

Seeing the black grinding disc turning, the powerful suction force generated will break through the empty space and communicate with the outside world.

Suddenly, the Book of the Void emerged and unfolded slowly, revealing a crown pattern of four superimposed treasures of the Divine Pillar.

The mysterious aura floats on the transparent crown, and the four infinite avenues of earth, water, wind and fire from the ultimate universe seem to be drawn by the aura of the avenue, and there are continuous traces of black light rushing from the pattern of the crown, slowly pouring into the black disc.

That is the part of the magic way contained in the four ultimate ways, such as the way of water demons, the way of fire demons, the way of earth demons, the way of wind demons...

At this time, these dao rhymes are slowly injected into it by the attraction of the disc, making the originally somewhat vain disc become more and more solid and vast, and the surging runes in it are also more profound and vast.

Seeing that the effect was so immediate, Bai Lu didn't hesitate anymore, and said softly, "Come again!"

The majestic evergreen spiritual power gushed out into a mighty long dragon of spiritual light, and turned into a [-]-foot-sized disc that rotated lightly on the optical axis.

A brand new Void Mill was born out of nowhere.

The cyan disc and the black disc rotate in opposite directions, and the two are set on the optical axis and rotate slowly, with traces of fire constantly bursting out from the contact.

But after a while, the cyan disc shrank from its original size of [-] feet to [-] feet.

"How is this going?"

Bai Lu was extremely surprised and found out after careful observation.

It turned out that the magic disc had absorbed too much strange energy, and absorbed the infinite universe magic way rhyme to form an incomparably solid foundation.

The Qingbi Mopan, which is completely formed by the Spiritual Qi Dao of the Splendid World, cannot be compared with it at all, so it will produce a situation where demons are strong and celestial beings are weak.

Seeing this, Bai Lu knew that it was an imbalance of yin and yang. If things went on like this, the entire disc of spiritual energy would be ground and absorbed by the disc of magic energy.

I had no choice but to use the power of the void to manipulate those strange energies into the aura mill, and then guide more of the Evergreen Dao Yun in the ultimate universe to inject into it.

The "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" in the body was running crazily, and the cultivation of spiritual power increased rapidly. The disk that absorbed these energy dao rhymes expanded and solidified instantly, and surpassed the magic energy disk in a blink of an eye.

Bai Lu looked at the discs whose sizes and diameters didn't match very well, and helplessly began to inject strange energy into the black discs.

In this way, the girl's mind was completely immersed in the balance of the spirit of the fairy, and according to her own understanding, Fu Zhixin waved her hands gently.

Constantly filling the two disks, her mind is empty for a moment, she doesn't think about anything, forgets all troubles and hatreds, and enters a kind of mysterious and mysterious state.

The world in front of me recedes, replaced by a huge yin-yang fish, the demonic energy in the yin fish surges, and the vitality in the yang fish surges, when yin and yang meet, a vast and boundless world is born.

Among them, the sun and the moon rise and fall, and the rotation is orderly. The sky is blue and the earth is vast. The thunder strikes the earth and ignites the real fire, and the river goes east and the water flows east.

At this moment, the girl seems to have turned into a breeze, wandering in the world, hiding between existence and non-existence, returning to the world, transforming into nature.

Between half-dream and half-awake, riding the wind to control the spirit, wandering in the sky, the majestic mountains and rivers pass by in a blink of an eye, and the clouds and smoke rise and fall to change the world, like a dream, like a dream, like a butterfly in Zhuang Zhou's dream, wandering between illusion and reality.

When she woke up, the millstone in front of her, which was composed of the two opposite methods of the Kunyu Evergreen Sutra and the Wanmo Wuxiang Sutra, had reached a perfect balance, and the size of the millstone had reached [-] feet!
The dark and gloomy demonic millstone and the immortal millstone, which is shining with aura and auspicious, rotate in opposite directions, exuding a majestic and majestic aura.

Bai Lu stared curiously at the millstone she had condensed with the help of her epiphany of yin and yang.

No longer rote as before, now the two magic discs, one black and one green, revolve around the hub in the middle.

There is no need to push the force of the void, and there is no need to wear each other out.

At this time, the two completely different forces are automatically operating under the balance of some kind of unified force.

Just like satellites orbiting planets and planets orbiting the earth, one positive and one demon, one yin and one yang complement each other, attract and repel each other, and reach a certain kind of perfect dynamic balance.

She blinked her eyes, looked at the slowly rotating huge millstone, and wanted to take out a spirit stone and throw it into it to test the fineness of the millstone.

However, when I took it out with my empty hand, it was empty.

"Ah, there are not enough spirit stones!"

Bai Lu was a little belatedly aware, and only then remembered that she had just added spirit stones like a face, coupled with her ignorant operation at the time of epiphany, not only dumped the essence of those top-quality spirit stones, but also the other spirit stones in the storage space. The stone is also consumed.

Those top-quality essences were obtained by her from the Emperor Yuejian to promote the fit, as well as the rest of the various spiritual stones and elves that she had accumulated on her body, all the treasures containing spiritual energy were added together and thrown away. into the millstone.

Finally, her immortal and demon cultivation bases were both raised to the ninth level of integration.

So far, there is no spirit stone on her body.

Looking at the [-]-foot-long void millstone that rotates silently like a giant suspended island in the dantian.

Bai Lu frowned, raised her finger, and took out a blood-stained weapon from the storage space that she seized from an enemy at some point.

"I didn't say that you must use spirit stones. There are also spirit energy and avenues in the magic weapon."

As she said that, she threw the blood-stained killing soldier into the heart of the mill, and only heard a "chic", and a fierce killing soldier was completely wiped out by the mill as soon as it entered.

The way of yin and yang, if it goes along, it will create a thousand things, and if it goes against it, it will dissolve all things.

Under the crushing of the yin and yang millstone, the obliterated magic weapon turned into traces of strange energy.

The energy is divided into four parts, one part is injected into the magic disk, one part is injected into the immortal disk, and one part is injected into the void grinding heart.

The last portion was turned into a little bit of spiritual light and injected into her body, which strengthened her body, increased her soul, and increased her understanding of the way of yin and yang. At the same time, the millstone in her dantian also increased a little.

"Huh?" Although she had some guesses in her mind, Bai Lu was still a little surprised by the effect of the Void Grinding Disc, even turning the disc in the opposite direction stopped for a moment.

This is a golden elixir magic weapon. It has been cultivated and polished in the dantian of a golden elixir monk for many years, and has been infected by the killing spirit. Unless it is a monk above the Yuan Empress, it cannot be easily broken even by an ordinary Nascent Soul monk.

Now it's like a bean being grinded and annihilated by a millstone!
Without even a pause, Bai Lu was slightly shocked.

Then she smiled slightly: "The Kunyu Evergreen Sutra, the Yin-Yang Mopan combined with the Wanmo Wuxiang Jing, is the ability to dissolve Yin and Yang so powerful?"

"Then see where its limit is?"

After all, with a wave of her hand, thousands of items she had seized in the past flew out of the void, but they were of no use to her, they were just magic tools used to enrich the storage bag.

These magic tools come in a variety of shapes, including knives, swords, guns, pens, bottles, bowls, streamers, and pots, covering all realms from refining Qi to building a foundation, to Jindan Yuanying.

Many of them even she herself didn't know how they came from, and she didn't have a suitable predestined person, so she usually put them aside as tatters. Although they were not precious treasures, each piece was a fine product. is extraordinary.

Now she dug out these things and threw them all into the millstone.

The sound of "Chi Chi" was heard endlessly, and thousands of magic weapons and spiritual weapons entered it and couldn't last a breath, and were crushed to pieces by the two counter-rotating millstones.

After all, it is a treasure that is warmed by different spiritual powers and contains infinite power. After so many magic weapons and magic weapons are crushed, traces of strange power emerge out of thin air, like a big river roaring into the millstone and Bailu's body. in the body.

In the sound of "buzzing", the ancient runes filled with profound power kept flickering and churning in the millstone, and the optical axis in the center of the millstone became stronger and thicker, and the huge millstone slowly rotated, "rumbling" huge The ringing continued, and the air produced a strange twist.

The Book of the Void was flipped, and a pair of hazy eyes appeared on the page. The eyes flickered slightly, and traces of black light and blue aura continuously floated out from above and were absorbed by the Void Mill.

This void grinding disc condensed by the power of fairy spirits and the power of magic dao actually began to actively devour the dao rhyme of the rubbings of the book of the void.

The dao rhyme breath from the song of eternity and time is crushed and refined by it bit by bit.

Compared with the pure four ultimate avenues on the infinite crown, there are many more traces of yin and yang, righteousness and evil in the dao rhyme left by the eternal years.

Ripples like water waves swayed in the void of the dantian, and rhymes were continuously absorbed and crushed by the millstone, and circles of void ripples spread in all directions.

There is a dao rhyme breath left by at least a Dao ancestor-level figure, coupled with thousands of magic tools and treasures being refined by the millstone, the millstone with a diameter of [-] feet is still growing slowly and firmly, and it reaches ten in the blink of an eye. Ten thousand feet or so.

Strange powers poured into her body continuously, and there was a dull roar in her body. The "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" and "Ten Thousand Demons Without Phase Sutra" were running at the same time, and the physical strength and soul strength were horrifying. The speed increases rapidly.

And with the simultaneous operation of the two exercises, unconsciously, she began to use the method of invoking the power of the void.

This is the method of mobilizing the power of the void taught to her by the Lord of Billions of Glory and refined by the Book of the Void.

Under the control of this practice, she gradually discovered that the two exercises had seamlessly merged since she did not know when.

Just like the millstones in the dantian, the cyan disc and the black disc began to operate independently and cooperatively under the mobilization of the void milling heart.

The same is true for these two exercises.

At this time, the two discs absorbed so many instruments with different spiritual powers, as well as the Dao Yun in the Book of the Void, and even the runes inside became unrecognizable. With the infusion of that strange power, Those runes became more profound and complex.

As those useless magic tools and treasures were quickly digested, the strange power gushing out of the millstone became extremely thin. Looking at the ground void Daoyun, Bai Lu narrowed her eyes, "Since even eternity and time The rhyme left by the song can be dissolved, then..."

She stretched out her hand and made a move, and there was a gust of wind and clouds in the void, and the spiritual power rolled, and silver-gray fragments appeared in the dantian. These fragments exuded infinite brilliance, exuded endless mysterious aura, and reflected a dreamlike and illusory color.

Dozens of original fragments gather together, exuding a mighty avenue, and the phantoms of the intertwined light and shadow world flash, exuding a majestic breath of good fortune, almost forming a complete world.

This is the source fragment she obtained from Jinxiu Jinhuang Palace.

Once because of them, she fought a battle with Zengli Tianjun of Taiyi Green Wood Sect outside the Evergreen Great World.

Now she was unceremoniously thrown into the millstone.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "Kaka", those original fragments that can make the Void-Returning Yuanjun of the entire Nine Realms fight for their heads are just being ground, ground, and turned into traces of strange power, which continuously become strengthening millstones and Nutrients for a girl's body.

At the beginning, Bai Lu planned to keep these fragments, waiting to be handed over to the Kunshan Sect and the Void-returning monks of the Bai family who broke through on their own.

However, now that she has mastered the power of the void, even Qi Refining monks can empower them, and these tasteless original fragments are no longer useful.

Hiding them on the body not only takes up space, but is also easy to be remembered by others. How can it compare to crushing and digesting them thoroughly, and directly converting them into the power of your own body?

The huge grinding disc is like a giant beast that doesn't want to eat, no matter what the nature of the origin is, it will not refuse all comers.

Seeing the original fragments collapse like extinguished stars, and traces of strange power poured in, the corners of Bai Lu's mouth curled up slightly.

Then he took out a huge gray cobblestone covered with colorful mist.

There are 360 ​​five orifices on it, arranged according to the number of the sky. Each orifice, like a nose, sprays out colorful rays of light, like the breath of a fetus, surrounded by circles of halos, filled with a great fortune. Like ethereal breath.

World birth.

It is necessary for most of the Nine Realms to break through the Mahayana.

Then she threw it into the millstone, the black disc and the cyan disc turned lightly, and the dreamy seven-colored stone turned into nourishment.

If anyone saw this scene, the immortals would probably beat their chests and stamp their feet.

A world birth, almost represents a doomed Mahayana.

There are not many such masters, even under the sect of Immortal Yuhua.

However, Bai Lu is well aware of its flaws.

If it was before, she would still hesitate whether to leave it to the Kunshan sect and the Bai family.

Now, with a better choice, she naturally wouldn't consider it.

What's more, even if you throw it out, the spirit stone you get in exchange will be thrown into the millstone for a turn?
What's the difference?
Maybe it will cause a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it, she still "recklessly" threw it into the millstone.

With the addition of dozens of original fragments and the birth of the world, the spiritual energy and essence contained in them surged out with strange power, and the void mill began to expand crazily, 10 feet... [-] feet... One hundred and eight thousand feet...

Her cultivation is constantly improving, in the early stage, middle stage, and late stage of the tenth floor of the fusion stage,...

There is no time in the empty space. After Bai Lu completely digested dozens of original fragments, the void millstone in her dantian had expanded to 12 feet.

And when the world's primordial body was completely digested, there was a final groan, and the void mill reached 12 feet.

This is enough for dozens of void-returning breakthroughs to combine, and the power of one combination to break through the Mahayana, coupled with the influx of Dao Yun in the hazy eyes on the Book of Void, finally made her cultivation both reach the Mahayana stage.

At the moment when her cultivation reached the Mahayana stage, Bai Lu felt the strange power generated in the void millstone change.

It was a feeling that couldn't be described in exact words. It was a tangible, intangible, perceivable and invisible force, with a certain aura that transcended the mundane.

"This is..." Bai Lu's pupils narrowed slightly, and then she hooked her fingers, and a condensed cluster of incomparably substantial air emerged from her fingertips, about as thick as a hair.

It seems to exist, but it does not exist.

She threw out the air thread, one end of the thread was connected to her index finger, the thread flew with the wind, and where the thread fell, Wanfang's spiritual energy was suddenly separated towards the two sides!

The invisible world is narrow and narrow, and all dharmas do not touch it.

"...This is the power of law?!"

Bai Lu felt the same aura in her hand as when she saw Mo Huaigu make a move in Tarot World.

She couldn't help being a little surprised, she didn't expect that after being promoted to Mahayana, her Void Mill would change so much.

A trace of strange law power was continuously poured into her body, and her flesh undulated slightly. Bai Lu could feel her own strength and the earth-shaking changes that were taking place in her body.

She is being nourished by the power of law, that is to say, she is condensing the body of law.

And she has just been promoted to Mahayana.

Looking at the 10,000+ zhang huge disc that was slowly rotating like stacked heavens, Bai Lu sighed slightly and asked her doubts in her heart.

"Is this still the "Kunyu Evergreen Sutra" and "Myriad Demons Without Phase Sutra"?"

These two exercises have been transformed by magic, and even the power of law has appeared, so the mother can't recognize it.

Moreover, the core still uses the law of the void to drive the grinding disc, crush ten thousand ways, and nourish oneself. Those two exercises can at most provide a disc.

"In this case, it is no longer appropriate to call it Kunyu Evergreen, Ten Thousand Demons Without Form."

"This is a brand-new exercise. It is based on the principle of the confrontation between righteousness and evil, and it is born with a sense of yin and yang. It is called yin and yang creation."

Bai Lu thought to herself.

Sensing the qi thread in her hand, although it is invisible and has quality, it is empty, but she can still feel the artistic conception of yin and yang in rotation, endless birth and death.

This seems to be the law of yin and yang?

However, as the power of the world's primordial embryo was completely dissolved, the power of law gushing out of the millstone became less and less.

Seeing the three forces that have been completely integrated into one, Bai Lu took a deep breath and said slowly, "The time has come..."

Then open the void space.

(End of this chapter)

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