Chapter 52
However, in the battlefield, what interested Bai Lu the most were those demon king-level ghosts.

Because she found out that these demons were secretly controlled by someone.

Under the cover of the huge perfect consciousness, Bai Lu quickly locked on to the figure deep in the gray mist.

Dressed in gray, with short ear-length hair, under long eyelashes, and closed eyelids, when the girl's consciousness swept across, the blind young man seemed to be aware of it.

His ears moved, and he suddenly withdrew with the old servant in black beside him.

"Master, what's the matter? Liu Hongling hasn't been caught yet."

The old servant in gray asked nervously.

"No need, my goal has been achieved. I felt that there was a primordial spirit peeping at me just now, and my cultivation level is at least that of a peak maharaja."

"Hiss!" The gray-clothed old servant gasped in fright.

Hastily quickened the pace.

Not long after the two left, the demon king-level ghosts gradually became sober. Although they were still attacking them by instinct, their cooperation became more and more disorderly.

Yuan Ying's old servant took aim at a gap, led the girl to rush out of the siege, and fled in embarrassment.

"Uncle Qiao, how are you?" Liu Hongling asked concerned.

Yuan Ying's old servant spat out blood and breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you for your concern, miss, I'm fine."

"Uncle Joe, why are those devil-level ghosts so powerful? They are obviously different from the ghosts we usually see. Aren't those ghosts staying alone in the gray hill and gray mountain? When do they like to act together? gone."

Liu Hongling fell into deep thought, and a hint of doubt flashed in her beautiful pupils.

"And even if we can't fight normally, we can escape, but just now they blocked the space and cooperated seamlessly, making us unable to escape, even in the mid-stage Nascent Soul like you. I just don't know why, and then the coordination suddenly became messy again. Get up. It's like..."

"Someone is behind the scenes."

Uncle Qiao answered, and gave the girl a consoling look.

"That's right!"

Liu Hongling's eyes lit up, and the bell behind her head jingled.

He hesitated, "But, is there really anyone in this world who can manipulate ghosts?"

Uncle Qiao sighed, "Miss, you've heard of the Apocalypse."

"Uncle Qiao is talking about the lunatic who has crazily hunted down the seedlings of various cultivating forces in the past ten years?"

When Liu Hongling mentioned this person, her eyebrows frowned.

Because she herself is a seedling who has not yet grown up.

Instinctively loathe him.

"That's right, that person claims to be the Apocalypse. He heard that he can manipulate demons and ghosts. This is indeed the case. Many forces that fought against him have searched a lot of research materials in this area from the place where he evacuated."

"You mean he wants to catch me for experiments this time? Feed the ghost?"

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Hongling's small face suddenly became extremely ugly, and then she was puzzled, "Then why did he stop halfway?"

"I don't know." Uncle Qiao was also a little puzzled.

"It's really not like his style. Maybe it's not him, maybe the other party's skills are not good. After all, that's a devil-level ghost."

"Hmph, whether it's him or not, it has nothing to do with him."

When she thought that such a lunatic might target her, she became angry.

"I will ask my ancestors and master to eradicate it completely when I go back."

Liu Hongling secretly said.

Seeing the direction in which the gray-clothed youth retreated, Bai Lu withdrew her consciousness, with a knowing smile on her face.

I didn't expect the other party to improve so much after seeing each other for more than ten years.

From the form of banning demons and ghosts, to controlling demon king-level ghosts as one likes.

It is indeed the biggest villain that the heroine faces.

Sure enough, God indulges his talent.

(End of this chapter)

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