Chapter 64
With two ancient orthodoxy in her body, Bai Lu knows many ways to cultivate the incarnation outside her body.

None of these methods require precious materials.

Especially the kind of incarnation outside the body that is connected with one's own breath and can grow on its own, which is even more rare to meet.

Bai Lu practiced the incarnation outside her body to replace her own body and sit in the sect, so of course she had to be the same as herself.

Not only must one have the cultivation talent of the Heavenly Spiritual Root, but one must also not be discovered by other great powers.

This requirement is high.

In this way, there are only a few methods left.

One is to find a container for the root of the heavenly spirit, destroy its soul, and share a strand of it for yourself.

One is to look for the rare ganoderma lucidum or the mother stone of the original fetus in the world of cultivating immortals, and refine them into a growth clone.

The other is the advanced void return, which uses great supernatural powers to condense the corresponding body, which is no different from the incarnation outside the body. It can not only share luck, but also block cause and effect.

After much deliberation, the third method is easier.

Using Tianlinggen as a container, first of all, she couldn't pass the test in her heart.

As for the human Ganoderma lucidum or the Yuantai mother stone, the world of cultivating immortals has rarely heard of them, even in ancient books, they are also legendary things.

On the contrary, it is more possible for her to be promoted and return to the void.

With a suspected golden finger like Xianlinggen, the threshold of returning to the void for the primordial spirit of the world is like a heavenly barrier, but for her it is just a matter of Lingshi.

As long as the spirit veins are sufficient, she will break through and show them one after another.

"It seems that after the big competition, I have to look for the ancient cave sky spirit veins. Is the ancient Qinglianmen cave cave better? Or the ancient blood sea gate cave?"

Bai Lu fell into the distress of happiness.

There are many secret realms of chance recorded in her mind, but these two are the only caves that have not entered the threshold and have not been discovered in the book.

With the lessons learned from Qin Wushang, she will not easily do anything to change the plot.

Therefore, you should be cautious when choosing a secret realm. You choose a secret realm that exists in your own settings and will not be discovered by others in the future.

The Qinglian Cave and the Blood Sea Cave are two such secret realms.

It's just that before the competition of Kunshan Sect was over, a major event happened outside that shocked the entire world of cultivating immortals.

The Yun family, one of the top ten ancient clans, was destroyed!
The Yun family has been inherited from the time of reclamation in the ancient times. It has survived the changes in the ancient times and the ban in the middle ages. It is one of the longest-inherited forces in the world of cultivating immortals.

Even the Nine Great Immortal Gates are backward in front of it.

Unexpectedly, the whole family was wiped out suddenly.

It is said that only three members of the entire family escaped.

No one knows who did it.

Everyone only knew that the entire Yun Family Fortune Land was shrouded in a cloud of gray mist, and some ghosts captured the Yun Family.

When the gray mist cleared, Yunjiafudi had already turned into a mass of ruins.

This is a major event that changes the world of cultivating immortals.

For many years, this is the first time that ghosts have taken the initiative to attack the top forces of the human race.

This is enough to become a turning point for the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Could it be that the ghosts have started to step out of the sea of ​​gray and attack the cultivators consciously?

In an instant, the eyes of the entire world of cultivating immortals were fixed on the sea of ​​gray mist, and the wind was jittery, as if they were approaching a formidable enemy.

Even the momentum of righteousness and demons, which are in a fierce confrontation, has weakened a lot.

Jun Ziyin received news from the family the next day, and brought the Jun family back to the family.

Before leaving, Jun Linyuan found Bai Lu and stared at her with a complicated expression.

"I heard from Hong Tao that you were the one who saved me back then, don't worry, I'm not an ungrateful person."

As she spoke, she stuffed a piece of purple jade pendant into her hand, turned around and descended Cuiping Peak.

It made her confused.

Isn't this the amethyst jade from the Jun family?

Why give it to her?
But Bai Lu looked at the back of Jun's family leaving, and her expression became extremely deep.

She knew that the Jun family's visit must be for the Yun family.

And the Yun family is the heroine's inheritance family.

(End of this chapter)

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