Chapter 67

Liu Wuya's eyes were clear and his tone was flat.


That primordial spirit was at a loss for words, and all the primordial spirits were shocked.

"You have read all the research materials Zongmen collected from him. Do you think this kind of ingenious and unimaginable research results can be completed by one person?"

His sharp gaze swept across the audience.

The primordial spirits suddenly came to their senses.

That's right, they have been arrested again and again over the years. Although they let each other escape again and again, they have also obtained a lot of research results on ghosts.

They could see that the other party's research on demons and ghosts was at the forefront of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

In particular, the method of banning demons and preventing them from changing is even more proficient, surpassing the foundation of thousands of years in the world of cultivating immortals.

If it was made by one person, it would be too monstrous.

If it is a hidden force that specializes in the study of ghosts, it is much more reasonable.

"No matter what, the Yun family's downfall this time cannot be separated from him."

Soon, Taibai Jianzong spread the news.

The collapse of the Yun Family may be related to the Apocalypse, and five Nascent Soul monks were sent to capture the Apocalypse.

As a result, the jaws of the entire world of cultivating immortals were shocked. Under the siege of the five great Nascent Souls, the Apocalypse drove the gray mist to escape.

Afterwards, Taibaizong dispatched Yuanshen, and after dispatching the Nine Great Yuans, they blocked it in Hualinhai.

But he was commanded by the Apocalypse to make thousands of ghosts break through the siege.

The overwhelming tide of gray ghosts appeared in front of people for the first time, directly shaking the entire world of cultivating immortals.

This was the first time the Apocalypse showed its fangs.

Although most of the thousands of ghosts are only normal-level, dangerous-level ghosts, there are only a few demon-level ones.

But the momentum of the densely packed ghosts swallowing thousands of miles is believed to be enough to swallow any force in the world of cultivating immortals.

The entire upper level of the world of cultivating immortals broke out in a cold sweat.

Immediately believed in him to destroy the Yun family.

Nine immortal sects and ten ancient clans all sent out rewards to capture the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse suddenly became the public enemy of the entire immortal cultivation world.

In the southern region, facing the mighty move to capture the Apocalypse in the world of cultivating immortals, Bai Lu watched coldly.

She knew that those people in the world of cultivating immortals had become afraid of that blind young man.

While chasing and killing him relentlessly, they frantically snatched the research results he left behind.

In the future, the way of controlling ghosts will become a mainstream in the world of cultivating immortals.

Just like sword cultivators and talisman cultivators, they form new professions.

The name of the Apocalypse will forever hang over the hearts of all monks like a nightmare.

In "The Strongest Fairy", when the Apocalypse appeared on the stage, he was already the big devil that everyone shouted and beat in the world of cultivating immortals, and the chief culprit who destroyed the Yun family.

For this reason, the heroine also used the Apocalypse as an enemy endlessly.

It was only at the end of the book that the Apocalypse told the heroine that he was not the murderer who destroyed the Yun family at all, and the culprit was someone else.

In fact, in the end, the heroine herself had doubts.

Because what eroded her body was not the gray mist at all, but another mysterious force that was extremely yin and evil.

Standing in the broken space of Yunjiafudi, Bai Lu lightly hooked her finger.

From the chaotic atmosphere, a ray of Yin Qi was drawn out, which was entangled with the pale gray mist, making it difficult to distinguish.

Kunshan sect, Taiwen peak, Dongfu.

Qin Wushang was sweating profusely, and the aura on his body was constantly rising.

A terrible breath slowly spread out.

Since breaking through Nascent Soul, as the number of memory fragments in his mind has continued to increase, his cultivation has also continued to soar.

But every time he wanted to look carefully at the contents of the light and shadow, each light and shadow would shatter like bubbles, like dream bubbles.

The man opened his eyes, and endless storms rolled up in his deep eyes.

A drop of sweat ran across the temples and dripped down the angular and handsome face.

The magnetic hoarse voice murmured.

"What exactly is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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