Chapter 70 The truth of the world

Since "The Strongest Fairy" ended hastily, the outline she set at the beginning of writing the book was useless in many places.

In her setting, this world is called Splendid World, one of the Nine Realms.

Surrounding the central world with the other eight worlds, there are two Tianshen Mountains at both ends of the world to support the whole world.

Before the ancient times, the Fairy Dao in the Splendid World was prosperous, and there were countless caves and blessed places between the two heaven-supporting mountains, and there were many ancient sects.

And above the holy places of many sects, there is also a giant power, occupying the super cave between the two supporting mountains, and is the master of the entire splendid world.

It is called Splendid Golden Palace.

The sky changed in ancient times, and the Splendid World was divided into two by the Geshi Mountain, and divided into two worlds surrounding the Tianshen Mountain.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the gray mist hangs low, covering the half of the mountain that supports the sky. Everyone calls it Zhoushan, which means the mountain of Zhoutian, and the whole world exists around it.

And on Zhoushan Mountain, the place closest to the gray mist is called the summit of Zhoutian, where the space is stable, the creatures are extinct, and the power of the primordial spirit can hardly cause any impact.

It is an excellent place for many Yuanshen monks to resolve conflicts.

When the thirteen demon sects besieged the Kunshan sect, it was here that the primordial spirits of both sides fought.

And the entire world of cultivating immortals exists around Zhou Mountain, and the sky and surroundings are filled with a sea of ​​gray mist.

The Nine Great Immortal Gates resisted the surrounding gray mist on the outside, and the Ten Great Ancient Clans on the inside prevented the gray fog from hanging down from the top of the sky.

Because the world of cultivating immortals is too vast, many people would think that the Nine Great Immortal Gates are lined up along the sea of ​​gray mist.

In fact, the distribution of the entire world is circular.

The gray mist is the outermost, surrounding the whole world.

The nine immortal gates are on the outer ring, and the ten ancient clans are on the inner ring, distributed along Zhoushan.

And in the north of Kunshan Sect, starting from Kunshan Sect along the central axis of Zhoushan and Kunshan Sect, it has been flying towards the sea of ​​gray mist.

In the deepest part of the sea of ​​gray mist, that is, beyond the ruins of countless caves, continue to fly in, and there is the legendary Geshi Mountain.

Beyond the Geshi Mountain is a world with another pillar supporting the gods.

This is the overview of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

As for the whereabouts of the Splendid Golden Palace after the sky change, to be honest, she didn't know.

Because the details of the outline are not populated.

She also only set the heroine's cave as the inheritance left by the Jinxiu Golden Palace, and did not lead to subsequent development.

Because she's screwed up.

All the stories and plots come to an abrupt end when the heroine dominates the world of cultivating immortals.

As for Zhou Shan's secret, the final outcome of the Splendid Golden Palace, and the world's biggest secret—the gray mist, nothing has been explained.

And she didn't write it in her outline.

Because halfway through the writing, she wanted to finish it unfinished, and the following plots became more and more powerless.

I don't even want to organize the outline.

Therefore, apart from the initial setting, she actually doesn't know much about the world than other people.

As for the medieval ban.

That's because this world is broken, the avenue is incomplete, and the overall strength of the monks has plummeted, and they are coveted by the other nine worlds. In order to prevent outside visitors, the ancient masters automatically sealed this world, separating the world of cultivating immortals from the other nine worlds.

But she knew that in the future, the heroine would break through the bans of those ancient powers, and the realm of cultivating immortals would gradually connect with the Nine Realms.

A magnificent era is about to unfold.

Thinking about something.

Unknowingly, Bai Lu has come to the edge of the gray mist sea.

Here, a great battle has reached the most critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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