Chapter 93 Linglong Big World

Linglong big world.

This is a typical world of cultivating immortals.

There are five small worlds in the big world, and the highest level of cultivation can accommodate monks in the early stage of Jindan.

There is a spirit world, the area of ​​which is larger than the sum of the five small worlds, and the highest level of cultivation can accommodate the gods in the early stage of Yuanshen.

There is also a fairyland. The fairyland has two continents, and each continent is several times larger than the spirit world.

The largest force in Linglong World is called Linglong Xuantian Dao, which is divided into Linglong Palace and Xuantian Palace, which are located in two continents of the Immortal World.

Bai Lu followed Yun Sheng's aura across the boundary.

Arrived in Linglong World.

Linglong Big World is an open big world.

Every day, various monks from the Nine Realms come and go, most of them are businessmen from all walks of life. Everyone communicates with each other, and the information exchange is very smooth.

Therefore, the cultivating civilization here is extremely prosperous.

The girl's arrival didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Bai Lu quickly inquired and found out.

Linglong Xuantian Dao has been the overlord of the Linglong World since ancient times, and was not weaker than the ruling power of the Splendid Golden Palace in the ancient times.

Whether it is Xuantian Palace or Linglong Palace, there are Mahayana Heavenly Monarchs in charge.

Even in the ancestral court in the gray mist, there are rumors that there are immortals in the eclosion stage.

That's right, just like the Splendid World, the surroundings and the sky of the Linglong World are also covered in a layer of gray fog.

However, compared to the cautious world of cultivating immortals under the sea of ​​gray fog, Linglong Great World is not so afraid of gray fog, and even set up its own ancestral home in the depths of gray fog.

It is indeed a big world with immortals sitting in town.

Just so confident.

So, don't look at Bai Lu as a fit sage, you have to be honest when you come to this world.

Otherwise, if she accidentally offends an immortal in this world, and the other party slaps a palm from the gray mist, she will suffer.

I thought there would be some troubles in the lower realms in this big, disciplined world.

Unexpectedly, Linglong World also has a special service for the lower realm.

It turns out that whether it is the five small worlds or the spirit world and the fairy world, they are all connected in the Linglong world, but there is a difference in the aura of the Dao.

It's actually not difficult to get to the lower bounds.

After all, each world has its own specialties.

Maybe the production of a small world is useful to Mahayana Tianjun.

Who knows?

Low-level monks can descend to the lower world at will as long as they pay enough spirit stones.

However, for the high-priced monks above Yuanshen and above, the requirements are stricter.

After all, the destructive power of high-level monks is too great, even Linglong Xuantiandao doesn't want to make such a mistake.

Therefore, they require high-priced monks to use clones if they want to descend to the lower realm.

Moreover, the cultivation base of the avatar must be one level lower than the limit value of the lower bound.

For example, if you go to the small world, the highest cultivation level of the avatar can only be established.

Going to the spirit world, the clone with the highest cultivation level can only be the Nascent Soul.

Once any discrepancy is found, the Mahayana Heavenly Monarch will personally kill the original body left in the fairy world.

Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, it is rare to hear of high-priced monks running amok in the lower realm.

Bai Lu lived in a fairy city leading from the fairy world to the spiritual world, and then went to a resident of Xuantian Palace to apply for a pass to the lower world.

When she was informed that she was a body sage, the resident Yuanshen Shenjun came out to greet her in person.

At the same time, the news was sent to Xuantian Palace.

When the Mahayana Heavenly Monarch of Xuantian Palace got the news.

He just paid a little attention and didn't take it to heart.

It's just a mere combination.

If you don't enter the Mahayana, you will be an ant.

Although there are rare examples of the body of a holy monarch in the lower realm, it has not been unheard of for tens of thousands of years.

He just laughed off what his subordinate Xiaoxiu was serious about.

As long as the other party obeys the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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