Chapter 95 Powerful Plot

Normally, Qingfu would be ecstatic and fussing.

But now, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and a wry smile appeared on her tired face.

"It's great that Junior Sister Qinglu is back. Master should feel better after seeing your achievements."

Immediately his expression darkened.

"Senior Sister Qingsong Qingmei and the others died in the catastrophe, and Senior Sister Qingrong failed to promote to the Golden Core. Now we only have Brother Qingzhu and a Golden Core in our lineage, and he is still seriously injured."

This battle of righteousness and evil can be said to be the biggest catastrophe that the Kunshan sect has encountered since the Middle Ages.

Even the head of the sect, Zhang Xuzi, went into battle shirtless, let alone other disciples.

This battle between righteousness and evil has spread widely, and the destructive effects produced are all-round.

Qiushuiyuan is just one of the main battlefields of Kunshan Zong Yuanying's overhaul.

In addition, all peaks and veins, Jindan Foundation Establishment have all participated in the battle, and there are countless battlefields for both righteous and evil.

After one kalpa, I don't know how many disciples passed away.

Cuiping Peak is not bad, some peak disciples are almost wiped out.

In this battle, more than a dozen peak masters above Yuanhou died, and hundreds of Yuanying monks fell.

The loss of a few Golden Core cultivators on Cuiping Peak did not attract any attention at all.

But for the brothers and sisters of the same school who get along day and night, it is undoubtedly a terrible news.

Everyone on Cuiping Peak is sad.

Qing Rong was affected during the battle, and failed to break through the golden core forcefully.

Not everyone is Qin Wushang, if he can break through in the battle and save his life, that's not bad.

Afterwards, Bai Lu paid homage to Fairy Baihua.

Fairy Baihua encouraged her when she saw her breaking through the golden elixir, and sent her away after bestowing some cultivation resources such as spiritual weapons and elixir.

From her pale face and gloomy brows, it can be seen that not only is her injury still unhealed, but also a lot of troubles on Cuiping Peak, which have been exhausted.

Bai Lu didn't bother her, and obediently left the hall.

Interestingly, after this catastrophe, many disciples died, and the staff of Cuiping Peak was adjusted.

The disciples who originally belonged to the senior brothers and sisters were reassigned to the remaining direct disciples of them.

Among them was Lin Taxue under the seat of Senior Sister Qingmei.

Bai Lu looked at the woman in front of her who was cautiously bowing her head like a little daughter-in-law, and couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

The power of this drama is really powerful.

The second female supporting role in "The Strongest Fairy" went around and returned to her side.

I haven't seen her for many years, and her cultivation has reached the third level of foundation building, which is indeed the top dual spiritual root.

This cultivation speed is no worse than ordinary single spirit roots.

However, compared to when she followed Bai Lu in "The Strongest Fairy", there are still shortcomings.

In the book, at the current point of time, her cultivation should be at least in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

It seems that even if she is ice-snow smart, quick-witted, and has a good life with Senior Sister Qingmei, it would be more beneficial to grow up with a direct disciple.

And without the affection from childhood to adulthood, the other party is equivalent to coming to a strange environment at this time.

He had just lost his backer, and it was reasonable for the other party to be cautious.

However, Bai Lu was a little surprised when she saw the worry on her brows, but when she thought of the missing male lead, she sighed secretly again.

She didn't think that the other party was thinking about Senior Sister Qingmei, but probably because of Qin Wushang whose whereabouts were unknown.

One of the male protagonists is missing, and I don't know how many girls' hearts are concerned.

"Go out, I'll summon you again if there is something to do." Bai Lu said.

"Yes." Lin Taxue left obediently.

Seeing the back of the other party leaving obediently, Bai Lu fell into deep thought.

In the book, she asked the other party to go out to do errands, only to discover the trace of the male lead.

Now that she is not familiar with Lin Taxue, she will naturally not let her do things for her.

She wants to see if she and the heroine will have an intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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