Li Mu stood in the setting sun with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance with deep eyes, the corner of his robe was lifted by the wind.

"General!" Lin Feng standing behind said, "How long will we have to hide our troops? Many veterans plundered the Huns' invasion. Instead of fighting the enemy, they left their cattle, sheep, and supplies to the enemy, and retreated into the fortress to defend themselves. , have complained."

"Oh," Li Mu said with a calm expression, "Why is this so? I have my own calculations. How about the enemy's situation that the spies you sent out?"

Lin Feng briefly stated the enemy's situation, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said happily: "General, everything is ready and we only owe Dongfeng. Could it be that our arrangement during this time is to wait for this step."

"Well," Li Mu smiled: "It seems that you are not stupid. Although everything is ready, our steps must not be disrupted. If you follow your orders, anyone who disobeys orders and tries to capture the Hun soldiers without authorization will be punished." cut."

"Yes." Lin Feng lowered his head, paused and asked again: "General, it's just a matter of employing people. According to my observation, Mr. Ouyang is brave and resourceful, but he is a talent. Can you use it?"

Li Mu's eyes reflected the little bit of the sunset: "My position is always the same. As long as you are a talent, you can use it according to the person. It's just that the matter of Mr. Lin was related to him last time? You have to pay attention."

"Yes," Lin Feng recalled the general's nervousness after receiving the letter from the prince Feige, and prepared himself to choose a few skilled guards, secretly meet with the prince's person in charge of protecting the princess, and quietly observe the people around the princess, Unexpectedly, when he acted, he realized it was too late. The general's mood at that time was beyond description: "General, the princess returned safely from that place of Guirong? We have not investigated the master who secretly protected her. Who is it? Knowing that the princess is out of the palace and protecting her, who wants to do harm secretly and lay a poisonous hand on Old Xiangye Lin who has been hiding for a long time?"

"Well," Li Mu wanted to protect the Prime Minister and use it for the future crown prince. Who knew that because of the crown prince's letter and the princess's arrival, he would be a little flustered. He has been taken away by the traitor, and there is no news about the part where he was taken away: "Who has such a means? They can make Guirong disappear for nothing."

"Lin Feng, bring Ouyang over tomorrow morning, and start with his situation."


The east has not yet turned white, and there are still drops of dew on the flowers and leaves. Li Mu and Lin Feng have already finished dismantling a set of boxing techniques.After washing up and having breakfast, the birds were still chirping happily in the morning breeze, so Lin Feng took Ouyang to command the troops to practice horseback riding and archery.In his spare time, Li Mu would personally guide Ouyang and learn some formation skills.Especially in combination with team drills, it is even more wonderful. Ouyang seems to have entered a mysterious world. The arrangement of formations, the coordination of arms, the use of weapons, etc. can arouse his interest, and he even forgot to eat and sleep. .If things go on like this, Ouyang will definitely become a general who can fight well if he honed it for a few years.

In Yannan County, the imperial court stipulated that military officials could be appointed according to the needs. It also stipulated that the tax revenue of this place could be sent directly to the account and used as military expenses.Every day, Li Mu would send out many spies to spy on the intelligence, and once the enemy's situation was discovered, they could get the news quickly.In order to treat the soldiers favorably, he ordered people to slaughter cattle and sheep every day.

Li Mu also selected 5 chariots and 10 horses. In particular, he selected [-] warriors who had won hundreds of gold on the battlefield, and [-] soldiers who could draw bows and shoot arrows, and trained them individually. .

During the drill, Lin Feng also organized some soldiers to pretend to be herdsmen to attract the enemy. Every time a small group of Xiongnu invaded, Lin Feng ordered the soldiers to be defeated and threw some cattle and sheep to them, so that they could taste the sweetness.Over time, they became arrogant and felt that Zhao Bing was too weak to resist, so they reported the news to their leader Shan Yu.

At first, seeing An Mengjie and Li Mu, Ouyang always felt a little sour in his heart. In order not to give them time to spend alone, he followed Li Mu closely.However, as time passed, Ouyang gradually shifted his attention. As a man, military matters are what he is most interested in.In terms of military affairs, although Ouyang is not from a professional background, he has a very high level of comprehension. He slowly saw the way and understood the war.He and Li Mu got closer and closer. Not only did he integrate into this war and learned many valuable strategies and tactics, but he was also more and more impressed by Li Mu's literary talents and strategies. He wished he could follow Li Mu every day and sharpen himself.

When Ouyang plunged into the war and devoted himself to studying, news came from the front that the main force of the Huns had turned to the periphery of the Great Wall, and scouts came to report that "the location of the main force of the Huns has been scouted."

"Okay, we'll just wait for the news." Lin Feng couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile, "General, the time and the location of the enemy troops are almost the same as you expected."

A confident smile appeared on Li Mu's face.An Mengjie also imagined that it would be great if she could just charge forward like this, but she knew that Li Mu would not let her go because she was a daughter, because in his heart, she was a princess, so she couldn't stay in a dangerous place. place, only good for staying in the safe rear.

"Brother Mu, I also want to participate in this battle." An Mengjie was also preparing to fight.

"No." Li Mu said without thinking.

"Why don't you let me go? You can't look at people with colored glasses?" An Mengjie's smiling face just now darkened.

"No way, no way." Li Mu said bluntly.

On the contrary, Ouyang looked at Yunhua's annoyed face, and couldn't bear it: "General, let Brother Zhao go to the front with us to kill the enemy?"

"Yes, Brother Mu, just let me see it, and it's not in vain to come to Yanmenguan once." An Mengjie looked in pleading eyes.

"You are thin and inexperienced, just wait for us to return from victory." Li Mu couldn't bear to see her angry, so he had to find a reason, comforting and saying softly.

"Who is thin? If you go there, you will have experience," An Mengjie pouted and said dissatisfied.

Ouyang blinked, and happily patted An Mengjie's chest: "Hey, Brother Zhao is so slim, it's true..." Before he finished speaking, a figure quickly stood in front of Yunhua, and skillfully grabbed Ouyang fist, a cold smile.

This smile made Ouyang feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he shivered directly. Li Mu secretly thought that it was really strange, what a dangerous battle, what painstaking planning, in his eyes, it was just a little game, how could he start a fight with Mr. Zhao? It was a joke, but it caused him to be so vigilant, could it be... Could it be that, "Hey, okay." Ouyang withdrew his hand in embarrassment and smiled at An Mengjie: "Brother, wait for my brother to return in triumph." The relationship between them An Mengjie didn't know: "Then, you must be careful." An Mengjie said to Ouyang with a smile, and then glanced at the hateful Li Mu. His deep eyes were bottomless, as if he would never be able to reach him An Mengjie was a little terrified to see the mountain peak.

She couldn't help rubbing her beautiful eyes. She was born beautiful, and the appearance of such a little girl was even more charming. Li Mu, who has always been serious and serious, couldn't help breaking his guard. A gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't dare to stay any longer. , shaking his robe, he seemed to be a different person in an instant, exuding a compelling temperament, his eyes revealed a breathtaking light, turned around, and strode out, followed by Lin Feng and Ouyang.

Watching their backs go away little by little, An Mengjie's heart also flew along with her. The battle ahead was tense. Although she knew Li Mu's strategy and had enough confidence in this battle, she still felt inexplicably worried. She couldn't help closing her eyes, clasped her hands together like a real princess, and whispered softly, "I hope Li Mu can guard Zhao's border and not be invaded by foreign enemies, protect Zhao Guozuo for a long time, and return safely."

Looking at An Mengjie's pale face, Lian'er knew that the princess was worried about the upcoming battle, so she couldn't help but feel nervous: "Hey! Princess, the battlefield is changing rapidly. You should focus on the general and pay attention to your body," she gently helped An Mengjie put on her coat, looked into the distance, and comforted her: "Princess, don't worry, General Li Mu will definitely win a big victory and return safely."

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