I won't let the king succeed

Chapter 120 Showing My Love

Chapter 120 Showing My Love

The war was over, Ouyang did not stay in the army, and was about to leave.He stood silently opposite An Mengjie, clenched his fingers, he couldn't bear parting, and there was something more complicated and difficult to let go, which he couldn't explain clearly.

Those days with An Mengjie played back before his eyes like a painting, accompanied by his joy and melancholy.

He didn't want to leave in his heart, but the reality still had to let him go. It was as if his body had been emptied at this moment, and he just stared blankly at An Mengjie, with waves of melancholy in his eyes.

"Brother Ouyang?" An Mengjie felt that he was going to say something, but seeing that he was still refusing to speak, she waved her hand in front of his eyes: "Brother Ouyang, do you really want to leave? When will we still meet?" See?"

There was a kind of sadness in Ouyang's eyes, he looked at this eccentric young brother tenderly, in fact, he had already guessed the good young brother who was disguised as a man.Now, looking at this woman who moved his heart, he had to pass her by again.

He couldn't bear to take a closer look, his eyes hurriedly passed over An Mengjie's flawless white face, a desolate smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he answered the wrong question: "My dear brother, if only you had a younger sister, I will definitely marry her."

An Mengjie was stunned and stared at him blankly.

The sadness in Ouyang's eyes disappeared in a flash, and the brows appeared bright again, and he said softly: "I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself!" After speaking, he galloped away without looking back.

Looking at the back of this man who was once chic and unrestrained, An Mengjie also smiled helplessly, somewhat melancholy: reunion and separation, how many partings does a person have to go through in a lifetime?Back in the room, she couldn't help but write on the white silk, "Where there is sorrow, where there is sorrow, where there is autumn".With a soft sigh, he put down his pen, but couldn't write any more.During this period of time, I have been with Ouyang day and night, his thoughtfulness and concern are all imprinted in my heart like his handsome and handsome smile.There is also the grace of salvation, and the love that follows each other, which is so clear when I think about it at this time.

"Young master Ouyang is also a good person, why did the princess let him go?" Lian'er was also a lively master and didn't want him to leave.

An Mengjie lowered her head and sighed: "Looking back 500 times in the previous life is only exchanged for passing by once in this life. We can meet here! We are already very lucky."

Cangtian loves to joke with her, and finally found a friend who could talk to her, but now they separated again.

"There are always times of reunion and parting in life", she comforted herself in this way, wanting to get rid of these troublesome things, and not wanting to keep some sad past lingering in her mind.Suddenly, he thought that his father had ordered Li Mu to return to the court, and he also wanted to go back together.Could it be that he is facing the fate of marrying King Qin again?Thinking of this, my heart is like a double silk net, with thousands of knots in it.

How to relieve sorrow?An Mengjie habitually picked up the bamboo flute that Li Mu had given her before, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.She remembered that when she first started playing the flute, her technique was always messed up and the tune was not accurate. Everyone covered their ears, but at that time, because of King Zhao's love for Concubine An, people dared not speak out.At that time, the prince couldn't take it anymore when he saw this naughty sister, so he secretly hid Xiao.An Mengjie didn't want to, so she cried in the palace upside down.In the end, Li Mu personally made a flute and gave it to her, and also recommended his flute teacher to her.An Mengjie managed to save face, so she immediately stopped crying and started to learn in a decent manner.From then on, every time she plays the flute, as long as Li Mu is in the palace, she will always hear his ensemble.

The night is like silver, it is better to stretch your mood.Thinking of this, An Mengjie's naughty temper returned, and a smile floated on her lips: "Lian'er, bring Yuxiao here."

An Mengjie took the jade flute that Lian'er handed over, and played a tune by the window.There used to be a saying: only the running water in front of the building should remember me and stare at me all day long.Staring at the place, from now on, I will add a new worry.

The tune of the flute is gentle and beautiful, with twists and turns, and it sounds like thinking and complaining in the quiet night.

Suddenly I heard the harmony of Yusheng from a distance, the sound of the sheng gradually became louder, domineering and calm, and coordinated with each other from a distance, just like a sheng blower who is blowing and slowly approaching.There is a poetic flavor flowing in the sheng music: the green hills are hidden and the water is far away, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River is not withered in autumn. 24 On a moonlit night at the bridge, where can the beautiful people teach?

Although the soldiers outside the tent didn't understand the music, they could hear Xiao Sheng's every detail, twists and turns, lingering endlessly.On such nights, listening to such tunes can be regarded as one of the great enjoyments in life, and they all feel indescribably comfortable and peaceful in their hearts.For a moment, the entire camp was silent.

An Mengjie quickly ran out and saw Li Mu outside the tent, with a smile on her lips, she said: "The wind does not ride the tassel, the winged man stands in the courtyard."

"Stop playing the flute, let me express my love." An Mengjie smiled.

Li Mu's eyes raised slightly, the corners of his mouth turned up warmly, and he stood in front of An Mengjie.

The moonlight shone lightly on An Mengjie's cheeks, her tender face was flushed evenly, the corners of her mouth were full of smiles, with three points of innocence, and she was very charming, with a little shyness in her beauty, which added to her charm.She looked up at Li Mu, and Li Mu also looked at her.Li Mu's eyes were fascinated and engrossed, blurred and flickering, I really wanted to make people plunge into it.I don't know how long they stared at each other like this, Li Mu gently stroked An Mengjie's hairline with his hand.

I vaguely remember standing like this when I was five or six years old, and Li Mu imitated the young adult and handed her this jade flute.When she laughed through tears, Li Mu couldn't help showing a happy expression, and slowly smoothed her crying hair with his hands, saying word by word: "Meng'er, when I grow up, I want to be like General Lian Po, Be a great general who fought on the battlefield, and when I return in triumph, you will be my bride, right?" She opened her big eyes swollen from crying, rubbed her little nose, and nodded happily.

Thinking of this, An Mengjie glanced at Li Mu shyly, and said softly, "Brother Mu, do you still remember what we said when we were young?"

Li Mu's eyes were also full of tenderness, and his voice no longer hesitated this time: "Meng'er, will you wait for me? When the time is right and the border is stable, I will propose marriage to the king."

An Mengjie looked at him in surprise and joy, her expression was full of disbelief, but the deepest part of her heart softened instantly, she couldn't speak any more, just looked at Li Mu quietly.

Li Mu said again in a low and intoxicating tone: "Since I was in the Yulin Garden when I was young, the first time I saw you, I swore in my heart that I will protect you well when I grow up." There was sincerity in the words , It makes people helpless.

An Mengjie opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, Li Mu brushed her lips gently with his fingertips, and continued, "This time, I want...to let you understand my heart."

An Mengjie knew that Li Mu was tenacious by nature, even if he encountered major setbacks, he would just laugh it off.Moreover, for her, a deep bottom line was drawn in my heart.

Li Mu looked at her, he was afraid of touching the bottom line in his heart, he would be like the Yellow River breaking down completely when he met her, he was afraid that if he met her, his heart would soften, and he would never want to leave her again.He wanted to completely defeat the Xiongnu so urgently, because he wanted to fight to establish his prestige, and there was no obstacle to the day when he proposed marriage to the king.He felt that defeating the Xiongnu this time was the best time, and he didn't want to wait for a long time, he was afraid that his heart could no longer stand the torment of time.

At this time, in the warm night wind, there seemed to be a touch of sadness.Some people will be suppressed by rules for a lifetime for their status.Li Mu no longer wants to be a person who follows the rules, he wants to be a person who sets the rules. Only in this way can he protect his Meng'er for the rest of his life.

An Mengjie once again focused her gaze on Li Mu. She saw Li Mu's light spring shirt, light and elegant, like a shy flower petal in spring.Li Mu's eyes also turned to her, as if he saw a pool of Taiye spring water condensed on An Mengjie's body, and the spring water seemed to be penetrating into her bone marrow.

An Mengjie's cheeks were already hot.Li Mu stretched out his hand and suddenly hugged her in his arms, An Mengjie couldn't help trembling, and pressed her red face against Li Mu's chest.Smelling the familiar scent on Li Mu since she was a child, she said coquettishly, "Brother Mu, are you really willing to treat me wholeheartedly, and you will only see me in the future?" She bit her lip shyly and stared at the man. A pair of pure and innocent eyes looked at Li Mu.

"Silly girl, except for national affairs. You are the only one in my heart." After saying that, something in my heart softened quietly, and my love could no longer be resisted, like that erupting volcano.This is not a dream, his dream is really hugged in his arms.Li Mu couldn't help rubbing his chin against An Mengjie's soft black hair, smelling the unique fragrance of her hair, his mood was agitated, and he just wanted to go on like this for the rest of his life.

In Li Mu's fiery arms, An Mengjie groaned softly, her whole body was so soft that she couldn't move, her cheeks seemed to have been drunk with strong wine.

The moonlight shines on the two people, laughing at the idiots of the two people, and also moved by the idiots of the two people.

(End of this chapter)

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