I won't let the king succeed

Chapter 124 Shangqing Guo Kai is the most unrighteous

Guo Kai, King Zhao's "biggest loyal minister", left the court and returned to Guo Mansion.Suddenly he felt his eyelids jump: Who is secretly scolding me? These despicable ministers have a thief heart but no courage. Since they dare to scold, they don't have the courage to stand up. Thinking of this, he changed the way he treated the king in the court just now. The slave's face became domineering.Now I am inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

I remember that when King Zhao was still the prince, I was his companion.That time, the king suffered from hemorrhoids and the pain was unbearable. It was Guo Kai who traveled to many places and went through a lot of hardships. For three days and three nights, he knelt at the door of an old Chinese medicine doctor who specialized in treating difficult and complicated diseases and invited him to come. King Zhao's illness was cured by the government, but he drove the carriage too fast and almost died on the way to seek medical treatment. Fortunately, he met his wife who had just come out of the world to do chivalry and righteousness, and he survived.At that time, King Zhao was very moved and vowed that he would be blessed when he prospered.Now that he has become the king, he has naturally become his confidant, and many important matters in the court are discussed with him.Now that I am proud of the spring breeze, I will surely retaliate.

I had been scolded by the old thief Lin Xiangru back then, and I had always held a grudge and wanted to take revenge.Therefore, these few times, he took advantage of King Zhao's favor for him and secretly planned with Qin State to finally find an opportunity to deal with Lin Xiangru.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but laugh up at the sky, and my heart felt so happy.

However, there are also shortcomings, that is, the state of Qin took advantage of Lin Xiangru's incident to grasp his handle and control himself tightly. It was impossible to break free from this cage.How could a person not bow his head under the eaves? He had no choice but to actively cooperate with Qin.Just like the last time a person was sent to serve him, he knew that this person was actually monitoring him and was afraid that he would betray him.

Then again, after reaching this point, there is no turning back for the sake of my own selfish desires.Madam has long disliked herself, and despite repeated persuasion, she could not get rid of her obsession with power and money.

Thinking of this, he said to the maid beside him: "Where are the madam and the young master?"

"Madam is still in the Buddhist hall, the young master has gone out." A maid said tremblingly.

Guo Kai glared and slammed the table: "I work so hard every day, trying every way to make money, but she only knows how to eat fast and chant Buddha's name! She doesn't come out to greet her, and it's not considerate to give birth to a son! She only plays games all day long, and when she gets home she just There is nothing that makes me happy. Come here! Give me a pat on the back." Guo Kai said, pointing to an unfamiliar maid.

The maid was afraid of bad luck, her legs were shaking, and she looked at the ground with a horrified expression.Guo Kai walked over, raised the maid's chin, and said coldly: "Why, you don't want to serve the master? You look like your father is getting married, come on!" He shouted angrily!

Butler Guo Ce walked in: "Master."

"Who did you attract? He looks like he's in bad luck. Pull this bitch out of here and throw him into the Zhang River!"

Qiu Hua begged and kowtowed vigorously: "Master, this slave deserves to die. I must change. Please spare me this time. Master, master"

"Here comes someone, please get him out quickly!"

Two family members came over, grabbed the troubled Qiu Hua and dragged her out the door.

"It's because I didn't do things well. Please forgive me, sir." Guo Ce said flatteringly. "Who else doesn't want to see me, Master?" Guo Kai said with a gloomy face.

"Yes!" The maids were afraid that it would be their turn next, so they rushed over one by one.One maid rubbed Guo Kai's shoulders, two maids beat his legs for him, one held the fruit plate, and the other peeled the grapes for him.Guo Kai sneered: "You guys know each other."

Qiuhua, who was dragged out, shouted heartbreakingly from a distance: "Master, please spare my life! I don't dare to do it anymore!" "Ah!" Then a miserable cry came from outside, and the maid inside the house was heartbroken. He tightened his grip, fearing that misfortune would befall him if he failed to serve him well, he served Guo Kai one by one with more caution.

In the inner room, a lady who was still charming was sitting on a chair. When she heard the noise and miserable screams just now, she couldn't help frowning, and while repeating "What a sin!" she dialed the dial at a faster speed. Moving the beads.

Madam remembers that when she first met Guo Kaigang, he was still chivalrous and patriotic, and the two of them played the piano and played the piano in harmony, how loving they were.Unexpectedly, after Guo Kaiguan became a minister, his temperament changed drastically and he did many evil things. I persuaded him many times and he repeatedly promised to repent in front of me, but he still refused to change behind his back.So she gave up and thought about her faults behind closed doors every day, begging the Buddha for forgiveness.

Just as I was thinking of this, the maid Ling'er came to report: "Madam, the young master is back."

An elegant young man walked in from the door, saluted and said, "Mother, I'm back."

"My son, why did you go out for so long this time? Did you send a letter to the old prime minister?"

"Everything is according to mother's instructions."

"That's good. I hope everything goes well for the old prime minister." Madam stood up from the ground and let out a sigh of relief, "Don't let your father know about this."

"Keep this in mind, son." The person who spoke to him was none other than Mr. Ouyang, who had defected to Li Mu with Yunhua.Neither Mr. Ouyang nor his mother liked Guo Kai's style, but they could not blatantly go against his father.That day, Madame heard in the hall that Guo Kai's men reported that they had discovered Lin Xiangru's residence. Guo Kai ordered his men to attack Lin Xiangru.Therefore, he first asked his son to find the hiding place of the old prime minister and remind him to escape.

Although Ouyang and Yunhua went to Yanmen County, they didn't want Guo Kai to know about it. So when they won, they ignored everyone's attempts to stay and said goodbye. They changed their route back to their hometown and visited great rivers and mountains. As a result, they were later than Li Mu and Yunhua. Come back some.

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