Chapter 3
The time was fixed at two o'clock in the morning on April 1938, 4, and the location was outside the suburbs of the capital of country S.

Two special transport vehicles were driving quickly in the wilderness, with no license plate numbers, only special signs.

Half an hour later, the cart entered in front of an inconspicuous yellow building on the outskirts of the city. Several elite soldiers in plain clothes came forward and inspected the two vehicles. One special soldier looked at the car behind. The person on board signaled to come down and check. As soon as the door opened, a handsome young man in camouflage uniform got out of the car.The guard took the sign in his hand and checked it for a while: "New here?"

"Yeah..." The young man looked immature, with a slight bit of resentment: "Brother had diarrhea last night, brother had to come early in the morning?"

The guard smiled and patted the other party's thin shoulder: "You can't blame the government for your life. Little brother, big brother is also standing at one stop for a day. The order has just been issued from above. Even if the leader comes in person, he has to follow the procedures to let him go."

"Heh..." The young man smiled wryly, turned around and was about to get in the car.

"Wait a minute." The special soldier's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

The young man turned his head slightly nervously: "What's the matter?"

The special soldier smiled and put the security check sign into the young man's hand: "You pulled something down."

The young man took the sign, pinched an inconspicuous note under the sign, heaved a sigh of relief, got into the car slowly, glanced at it quickly, swallowed it, and drove forward slowly.

Half an hour later, the young man finally arrived at the place. He got out of the car and walked towards the so-called secret laboratory.

The layout of this legendary most important secret location, in addition to the special protection system, coupled with the hardness of the entire building, even if you take out a cannon, you can't blow a gap, and you want to break into it directly. It is even more impossible to go.

The surveillance system can not only see the situation outside, but also clearly hear the voices outside. Nangong Yu brought a new type of interference system that can disrupt this situation.

She looked at her watch and counted the time silently. It was almost time for the changing of the guard.

Sure enough, with a click, the door was opened, and two special forces came out with guns on their backs.

"What are you doing?" a special soldier raised his assault rifle and shouted sharply.

"Brother," An Mengjie pointed at her clothes while raising her hand, "My own, my own..."

The special soldier withdrew his gun, and his face softened: "You boy..." Before he finished speaking, An Mengjie was as delicate and strong as flying, and threw a dart over, hitting the soldier's throat.

The other man's eyes widened, and he quickly picked up his gun. A dart and a small stone hit him accurately at the same time, and the soldier fell to the ground headlong.

An Mengjie froze for a moment, then dodged away like a cheetah, with a dart in her slender palm.

"Mengjie, it's me," Lu Fei walked over from the darkness, all in black, and stretched out his hand to gesture.

An Mengjie was overjoyed: "Lu Bu."

Lu Fei stared at the young man in men's clothing who was extraordinarily energetic and lively, and was taken aback for a moment: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay," An Mengjie said in a low voice. "Why are you here?"

"I'm afraid you're in danger." Lu Fei said while hiding the soldier's body.

"What danger could I be in?" An Mengjie said disapprovingly, "Isn't it the first time to perform a mission?"

Lu Fei clapped his hands, took out his polished pistol, and said, "Take it.

"I have it myself." An Mengjie patted the small gun on her waist.

"This is something I have improved, and it is definitely more lethal!" Lu Fei said while thrusting the pistol into An Mengjie's hand.

"I...really have." An Mengjie said awkwardly, while pushing the pistol back.

"Oh..." Lu Fei just noticed that his hand was grabbing An Mengjie's slender wrist, and hurriedly let go, but the slippery feeling in his hand lingered.

Hastily said: "No, how can you compete with Bai Yu, who is number one in the world?"

"Bai Yu? Number one on the list of secret agents, just to meet him." An Mengjie showed a look of excitement.

"The ignorant is fearless, if it weren't for his appearance, how could we break it so thoroughly!" Lu Fei suddenly felt jealous.

"What? 125's action?" An Mengjie's complexion changed.

"Operation 125 was wiped out, and all the deaths were related to him." Seeing her careless expression, Lu Fei couldn't help saying angrily.

"What? What did you say? He did Ling'er's death?" An Mengjie said sharply, remembering Ling'er from Operation 125.

"Everyone in 125, as well as the death of expert No. 2, are all related to him." Lu Fei's eyes became very frightening in the cold moonlight.

"He did all the deaths!" An Mengjie bit her lip, quickly passed through the iron gate, and ran towards the villa.

"Mengjie, what do you want to do?" Lu Fei quickly caught up with her and grabbed her arm with a serious expression.

"I'm going to kill him." An Mengjie didn't speak anymore, and ran forward.

"Wait a minute," Lu Fei chased after her, " must calm down!"

"I can't calm down. God really opened his eyes. He actually let me meet the enemy who killed Ling'er." An Mengjie said, with murderous look in her eyes.

Lu Fei rushed over, grabbed her wrist, and said in a low voice: "The enemy is in front of you, you can't be so rash, this is their territory, in your state, not only can't avenge Ling'er, you can't complete the task, and you will be exposed our identities."

"Since I'm afraid of being exposed," An Mengjie said, she raised her wrist, stretched her leg and kicked it, trying to shake off Lu Fei: "I won't implicate you, you follow your Yangguan way, and I will take my single-plank bridge."

"Ren Xing," Lu Fei flashed his way, passing An Mengjie's slender right leg, and with lightning-like movements, he reached out and twisted An Mengjie's hands in reverse.

"You're just lucky?" An Mengjie twisted her body, retracted her right hand, and punched Lu Fei, directly hitting Lu Fei's face.

"If I'm afraid of getting hurt, I won't come here." Lu Fei stretched out his fist with his left hand, grabbed An Mengjie's pink palm, and said anxiously: "Mengjie."

An Mengjie looked at Lu Fei's concerned face, and finally stopped arguing, just looked at him, her face was pale, and a teardrop could not be restrained from sliding down her face.

Lu Fei was shocked, and something stung his heart.

"Stop, raise your head, whoever dares to move, I'll blow her head off!" A man in a senior uniform came from the shadows, pointed a gun at An Mengjie and Lu Fei, coldly He said coldly: "I have been paying attention to you for a long time!"

An Mengjie slowly raised her head.

"Throw the gun over here," the man didn't finish.

The dart in An Mengjie's palm had already been thrown towards the man.

The gun in the man's hand was faster, and shot at An Mengjie's chest unceremoniously.

"Mengjie," Lu Fei rushed over quickly, and the gun in his hand shot at the man accurately.

The man tilted his body and fell down.

"Mr. Lu," An Mengjie hastily stepped forward to support Lu Fei, her eyes filled with tears of regret, "I'm the one who caused you trouble!"

"I'm fine," Lu Fei covered the blood flowing out of his left arm with his hand, and said with a smile, "don't cry."

Meng Jie nodded, tore a small piece of cloth from her clothes, and quickly tied his arms tightly.

"This is a suppressed pistol," Lu Fei said with his May [-]th pistol in his palm: "Take it," and suddenly put the May [-]th pistol in his hand into Nangong Yu's hand.

"I don't want it," Nangong Yu said anxiously.

"Be prepared," Lu Fei squatted down and took off the man's clothes: "Your clothes are not suitable for going in, so quickly change into their clothes and go get Professor Qian Yun's information first."

"Then, what do you do? Your arm?" Gong Yu looked at him worriedly.

"It's not the first time you've been injured. You go first, and I'll come over after I've dealt with it."

(End of this chapter)

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